Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ After the fireflies ❯ A Promise to Kaoru ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
After the fireflies

Kenshin was walking through the forest, starting his journey to Kyoto,
a place he had hoped to never set foot in again. His violet eyes were misted with tears.
He had just told Kaoru goodbye. They had each seemed to sense where the other was, and had met under the
trees, amongst the fireflies. He had wanted so badly just to stay there and hold Kaoru forever, and pretend that he didn't
have to go to Kyoto. A tear fell from Kenshin's eye onto his gi, intermingling with the tears
that Kaoru had left there as they were hugging each other goodbye. Kenshin had had to force himself to leave.
He hated the thought of leaving Kaoru alone there among the fireflies, the tears falling ceaselessly from her blue eyes.
Kenshin loved Kaoru more than he had ever loved anyone, and he didn't want to see her cry. But in order to protect Kaoru
and all of his other friends back in Tokyo, he had to go to Kyoto. If he didn't protect Japan from Shishio, then many innocent
people would be killed. And the last thing that Kenshin wanted was for innocent people, especially the ones he loved, to get hurt.
So, though it had broken his heart to leave her that way, in order to protect her, he had had to leave Kaoru behind.
Kenshin then dried his eyes, looked up at the heavens and said:

"I promise to protect Japan with all of my strengh and all of my heart. And I promise
to come home to you my Kaoru, and I will make sure that you never cry again, that I will."