Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Hurting you ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to me reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 1: Hurting You

"Ohayou Kenshin!" Kaoru greeted him. As she helped him settle the plates and bowls at their respective places.

"Ohayou Kaoru dono." Kenshin replied curtly as he did his own role of job.

"How was your sleep?"

"As usual de gozaru." Another curt reply. Kaoru understood his hidden message from the curt replies. It was not very hard to notice... but life has taken it's change of course. Kenshin was suddenly cold towards Kaoru for no reason.

'Kenshin's acting so cold... from the past few weeks... I don't think I can keep it up... what... what if... he wants to leave the dojo? What did I do wrong to make him so... so cold towards me... I did... I did nothing... wait... maybe that's why... he feels trap within the dojo... he is a man after all... doing laundry, cooking wasn't a man's job...' Kaoru's thinking was crash by Yahiko's insulting.

"BUSU! What are you thinking in that ugly skull of yours?"

"NAN DESU TE!" Kaoru took the nearest thing and threw it straight at Yahiko's face.

"Good aiming jou chan... Now we can have breakfast PEACEFULLY..." Sanosuke sneer at Yahiko. Instead of smiling like she usually does... Kaoru frowned. She took a glimpse at the rurouni beside him. He was smiling... and talking to everyone else... except her.

'Kenshin... why don't you talk to me anymore...' Just then... a smell of tobacco entered the room. Everybody knew who was it without looking at the entrance. The wolf.

"Battousai... we need to talk." Saitou said as he blew another cloud of smoke.

"What is it Saitou?" Kenshin asked as he placed his chopsticks down.

"Something that doesn't concern your woman." Kenshin winced a bit.

"I understand. But Let me get this straight... Kaoru dono isn't my woman de gozaru. We will talk in my room." Kaoru immediately froze when Kenshin said those words.

'Kaoru dono isn't my woman de gozaru.... isn't my woman de gozaru...' Those words mercilessly punctured it in her mind. Yahiko and Sanosuke shrugged their shoulders at the attitude Kenshin gave Kaoru. They all thought the same. Kenshin only wants to protect Kaoru. That's why he had such attitude. The both of them got up and followed Kenshin and Saitou to his room. Just when Kaoru wants to follow. Kenshin stopped at her.

"Kaoru dono. We don't need you here. As you have heard Saitou. This has nothing to concern you de gozaru. So could you please let us have some private time together de gozaru ka?" Kenshin asked or rather snapped at her as he closed the shoji door roughly. Leaving Kaoru heart broken outside alone.

'We don't need you here.' The words rang aloud, no matter how Kaoru covered her ears. Tears blurred her vision. She left for the kitchen like what Kenshin wanted. She smiled. Maybe a little tea for all of them would be good.


"Quarreled with the tanuki? How interesting." Saitou smirked. Kenshin glared at him.

"None that concerns you."

"Hey, Kenshin... don't you think it is a little too rough on jou chan... I mean..." Sanosuke's sentence was cut short by Kenshin.

"She's a big girl now. She can handle it." Kenshin said as he looked at Saitou. Expecting him to start his talk. Saitou cleared his voice and took out a few documents from his over coat.

"There's a riot going on in Hokkaido. We are not handling those normal rebels... these rebels were heard to be very powerful from the sources I have... and the spies we have over there were killed... each and everyone of them." Saitou finished as he lit another cigarette.

"So you want us to go to Hokkaido together with you and help you with this riddance of rebellions?" Kenshin asked straight.

"Yes. Ironically, the government found you and that tori atama quite useful." Saitou said as he puff out the smoke.

"Who are you calling TORI ATAMA!" Sanosuke exploded. But was shocked at what Yahiko said.

"What about busu? We can't leave her here... I mean... she will follow us... this is for sure." Yahiko asked.

"She has and will stay here. Megumi and Misao can come here if they like to accompany her. She can't come. She would be in our way." Kenshin said as he went a hand through his hair.

"We have to leave as soon as possible... the best is tonight. I would come by once more and confirm whether you are ready. We would have to walk to Hokkaido. Rebels might have known that we have something up our sleeves, that's why we are taking the forest road. We would reach there at around... four days if we walk constantly." Saitou said as he inhaled another puff.

"We will be ready by tonight." Kenshin announced as Sanosuke and Yahiko shouted in protest.

"I wish you luck in breaking the news to your woman." Kenshin glared at Saitou who didn't even flinch at the deadly glare.

"Saitou, Let me repeat... She is NOT my woman. She is only a little sister to me. Anyway... I am not so desperate in finding a wife who doesn't know how to cook or might even kill me." Shattering of glasses could be heard as everyone looked at the shoji seeing a womanly figure there. Sanosuke opened the door to revealed Kaoru... she was crying.

'No... Kenshin.... you are lying... no...' Kaoru's mind was in a chaos... she quickly bowed and apologize and picked up the shattered glasses. But the tears won't stop as they blurred her vision and mind. The dojo was silent. Only the constant, sniffing of Kaoru and the scratching of the glass could be heard

"Kao... ru... dono..." Kenshin eyes widen as he knew and absorbed what he had said.

'No! It's all fake! No... don't believe me...' Part of Kenshin pleaded to Kaoru inwardly. But another part told him to let her be. It is the best for her to hate him then to be with him.

That night... the Kamiya dojo was as quiet as the night sky.


"Have we got everything ready?" Kenshin asked the two partners beside him. Sanosuke and Yahiko.

"Aa... we are ready right brat?"

"Who are you calling brat? Tori ATAMA!" Yahiko started gnawing on Sano's head till they heard a soft voice which they knew instantly belonging to who.

"I'm going with the three of you." Kaoru said, as she looked straight at Kenshin. Kenshin sighed as he closed his eyes.

"You are staying Kaoru dono." Kenshin replied.

'Please... Just listen... I don't want to hurt you anymore.'

"No I am NOT! I'm a 17 now! I can decide what I want and what I don't! Since you are taking Yahiko with you, I see no reason why you can't take me along. I'm his sensei after all." Sanosuke and Yahiko agreed in their heart. Kaoru was putting up a great fight. And... she isn't a normal 'damsel'. She was capable of protecting herself.

"Which part do you not understand? I said that YOU are STAYING in here! In the dojo!" Kenshin was angry now.

"NO I AM NOT!" Kaoru argued back with defiance flashing in her eyes.

"You will only get in the way as always."

"I will not!"

"You are just a damn girl! And you are not good at it! What use can you be?" Kenshin was angry. His violet eyes had flecks of gold within them. He never wanted to go so far... but she forced him too.

"Wa... watashi..." Kaoru's eyes widen as Kenshin said those words.

"You are always being caught or even worse creating more trouble for us. Stop being such a bother. A woman's place is at home, not in battle. You should know that very well. With you there, the enemies would find you as our weak point, because you are just so damn weak." Kaoru's mind freeze

"Ikuzu." Kenshin signaled the both of them to followed. Sanosuke and yahiko did as they were told reluctantly. Kaoru's blue eyes became a into a light blue as tears streamed down her cheeks as she registered the retreating figure.

"Ken... shin.... you really find me such a bother?" Kaoru questioned no one as tears stramed down her rosy cheek.

How much she wanted to know. If he really meant what he said to Saitou. She needed to know. It hurts not knowing. It might even kill her if she knows... but... she could move on... and maybe one day... someone would replace him... healing the pain.

'Will there be someone who wants a woman who doesn't know how to cook and might even kill her him..." Who was she joking... no man would ever be that desperate... she wiped the unwanted tears away from her eyes.

She was following them whether they like it or not. She has decided, and no one. Not even Battousai can stop her.

'You haven't seen the last of me... Himura Kenshin.' Kaoru thought as she walked towards the direction Kenshin had took.

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Author's Notes:

Hiz… this is my fifth ficcy… so how was it?? Do r&r pls thank you.

I'm not sure about continuing this ficcy if I am not confident that people will like it…

Please tell me how you think about this ficcy and do you think I should continue or leave this alone…

If you think that I should continue… suggestions are welcomed

Thank You Very Much