Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Anata no tame ni ❯ Why are they WET ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.
So PLS dun sue me… I am just a poor 16 yrs old student.. Thanx

AUTHORS NOTES: <Kon'nichiwa…. As you have know... this is my new Fanfic ^__^ Titled: Anata no tame ni... For the sake of you. Well... something like that... Well... I still cannot confirm whether this is a KxK ficcy... Soujirou would be in this ficcy too.. so it would be.. KenxKaoxSou The choice is up to me reviewers ^__^ the more vote for which couple... the couple will win at the last... ^__^>

Anata No Tame Ni

Chapter 4: WHY ARE THEY WET!!

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Previous: --

"Soujirou... aren't you tired smiling everytime? You don't have to do that... if you don't feel like it... not in front of me... please..." Soujirou looked at the girl whose head fell on his shoulders.

That was the first time someone told him that. This was the first time... a person showing him concern... and asked him to be his ownself. But can he? Will people accept him then? Who was he's real self? He didn't know himself. Soujirou's eyes darkened. A scent flowed into his sense.

'Jasmine?' Soujirou sniffed in deeply. Strangely... this scent... brought him tranquility. He closed his eyes and laid his head on the crown of Kaoru.

"Oyasumi nasai... Kaoru..." Soujirou dropped the term he normally uses as he smiled and went to sleep.

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Kaoru stirred in her sleep as she lazily opened an eye to find a sleeping Soujirou beside her. Soujirou had an arm slid under her waist to keep her from falling, as she was not leaning onto the tree but on his shoulder. She had also found out that he had taken off his blue gi to cover her, while he slept with nothing but his white gi that looked foreign to her.

'I remember Aoshi san used to wear such gi's with collar... but it looks good on Soujirou...' Kaoru thought to herself. She got out of Soujirou's hold as she went to a near by river. She stretched her body wide, after that she washed her face with the water.

"It's refreshing..." Kaoru commented as she felt the cold water under her fingertips. Just as she was about to turn away from her desires, a push came from behind making her unbalanced. The next thing she knew was cold surrounded her. She quickly plop her head out of the water to see a grinning Soujirou standing right above her.

"I saw how you wanted to get in... So I decided to help..." Soujirou said with his smile. Water dripped along her hair, sliding with the path of her sharp chin. Kaoru was dumbfounded until she registered what Soujirou did. She listened to him laugh... it was a quite a sharp note for a guy to reach... but somehow Kaoru found that it suits Soujirou to no end. She pouted her mouth, feigning to be annoyed by the rurouni who was still squatting at the side of the river.

"Mou! Now you got all my dougi all wet... And all you can do is laugh, can you at least help me get out?" Kaoru complained as she held out one of her hand. Soujirou smiled brightly and held on to hers tightly... still oblivious to what Kaoru was planning.

"Hai. Hai... When I count to three you push yourself up too ne." Soujirou instructed as he counted. When the count of three sounded. Kaoru pushed herself up but this time she grabbed his other hand with remarkably unknown strength, Soujirou was being pulled down with her.

"Ara?" was the only word Soujirou could utter when he found Kaoru being able to climb out of the river all by herself. Now she got the last laugh. Kaoru had her fist planted at her hips, head tilted to the side. She was standing at a clear distance from the river. Her gi being white and wet was being more than transparent. It clung onto her like a second skin. Soujirou swallowed and washed his face with the water to make his blush invisible.

'Seta Soujirou! You are supposed to smile... smile... not blush! Kaoru san belongs to Himura san... she loves him... he... he loves her... You are out of the picture!!' He slit his mask back as he got out of the water and shook his head to get the water out of his short hair.

"Argh! Sou chan! You are getting more water on me! It's not helping!" Kaoru complained again as she squeeze the water out of her hair.

"Ara? Sou chan?" Soujirou repeated.

"Ah... gomen... can I call you that?" Kaoru asked looking up with those deep ocean blue eyes which Soujirou could see forever.

"Sure... that's if... I can call you Kao chan."

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"Sanosuke... you think Kaoru is going to be alright?" Yahiko asked again for the umpteen time... His questioning every ten mintues was irritating Sano. He knew Yahiko was worried for Kaoru but... he couldn't blame him now can he. This was actually the first time Yahiko got to tag along without Kaoru being with him... taking care of him. But still... the brat was getting on his nerves.

"Yahiko... she's going to be alright... you've gotta put more faith in Jou chan... Like you say... she is after all the shihodai of the dojo. Don't worry... what I worry more is that idiot behind us doesn't know how much it gets me when someone FOLLOWS ME AROUND!" Sanosuke said as he turned around and punched the person who wore a cloak. Since Sanosuke had taken a turn so they end up into a narrow alley... he got all the advantage he needed.

"Who the hell are you?!? Speak Up!" Sanosuke grasped at the collar of the man's gi as he threw him to the wall. The cloak fell to the ground revealing a blond hair man, he had green eyes.

"Who are you?" Sanosuke asked again in a low voice this time. Instead of being afraid like the others who were being threatened by him last time... the guy laughed.

"Kill me if you want... but I'm ain't telling you anything." The man laughed. Sano punched the wall right beside his head. The man didn't even flinch. Amusement flicked in his pupils.

"Yahiko... go get Saitou and Kenshin..." Yahiko nodded as he ran back to the inn. He had everything in mind until he saw a familiar shadow walking in front of him. Her giggle rang a bell in him. Although it was only days... he couldn't get his hands on his busu sensei. When he looked up he saw Kaoru with another man. She was even laughing with him... hand in hand. Another thing puzzled him to no end...

'Why the hell are they dripping wet?' Just as he was about to chase after them the both of them disappeared into the crowds.

'Shit! I missed them.' He jumped as high as he could to detect them but was to no prevail. But another responsibility knocked his head.

'SANOSUKE!' He hastily ran to the police department in front of him. He paused a bit before he went in full power shouting Kenshin's name.

"KENSHIN!! Kenshin!!" Yahiko called as he opened the door leading to Saitou's office. Kenshin hurridly went to his side and place both hands on his shoulder.

"What is it Yahiko? What happen? Where's Sanosuke?" Kenshin asked.

"Quick! Sano! Rebellions! Two Blocks Down! Fast!" Yahiko managed to spit out the keywords and fell on his knees on the ground. Damn was that energy consuming.

Kenshin ran as fast as he could in between the crowds. Kenshin turned to a shortcut towards the alley. The sight that welcomed him... he couldn't deduce whether it was good or bad.

There she was! The person who he wished to protect, to love her and to stay by her side at all times. Kamiya Kaoru... she was tending a wound at Sanosuke's side. While beside them was a young boy that Sano was glaring at. He had a blue gi and short black hair... he was dead familiar. As if on cue the young boy turned behind. The usual smile plastered on the boys face.

"Ara? Himura san! O-hisashiburi." Kaoru suddenly stiffened from behind and looked behind her shoulders to find Kenshin standing there.

"Kaoru dono... Soujirou... what are the both of you doing here?" Kenshin asked frozen in his steps.

"Kaoru wanted to find you..." Soujirou answered for Kaoru who averted his gaze. Soujirou perfectly knew why. Kenshin for some how felt threatened. Jealousy tugged at the strings of his heart.

'Kaoru? Soujirou called Kaoru dono... Kaoru?'

"Sou chan... please..." Kaoru quickly cut in before Soujirou said something else he shouldn't

'Now Sou chan? Kaoru's calling him as if they knew each other forever!' Kenshin thought again as he felt another tugged at his heart... but it was more painful.

"Hai. Hai. Himura san... I believe this person would belong to you and Saitou san." Soujirou smiled as he handed Kenshin the rebel. Kenshin gave him a nod as he held the rebel with force.

"Am I transparent here?" Finally the rooster head who was caught in the middle of the tension questioned in fury as no one paid attention to the injured. Who was practically him.


'Wh y was Soujirou with Kaoru? Why are the both of them here in Hokkaido? And why are they WET?" Questions bombarded Kenshin's clear mind.

"Battousai... are you listening?" Saitou asked in irritation. Kenshin jerked out from his thoughts and glared at Saitou.

"What do you want?" Kenshin asked in a low voice. Saitou arched an eyebrow.

"Looks like Tenken and Tanuki are getting on your nerves na..." Saitou smirked earning a death glare from Kenshin.

"It is not of your concerns anyway Saitou." Glints of amber lit in Kenshin's depth.

"You are not concentrating... get out of my office and find some more clues. After you feel like listening to my plans then come back."

"Saitou... I'm not your subordinates... watch how you talk around me..." With that Kenshin was off. He was more than happy to be out of the wolf's den.

'Now to look for Kaoru... she has some explanation to make...'


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… should continue or should i not... please... do enlighten me on this...

GOMEN!!! I have to take so long to update... schools up... have no more time to write decent long stories for all of ya out there... so if the update is taking so long yet my story is so short... my apologies... Anyway... this chappie have little little waff... still deciding on which coupling desu yo... in the next chappie... some KxK waff probably... ^^ let Kenshin and Soujirou have turns ne... i have to be neutral remember!! Haahaa~

SoujirouxKaoru is still leading by half of the votes... KenshinxKaoru fans GANBATTE!!

No individual thanks... but i really want to give these people who reviewed my fic with credits

Laie Himura de Fanel (erm... the fics name is 'The chemistry between us, it's up already!! review ne^^) , Phoe-chan, Aya Chan, Shunu No Miko, Crystal, SwtRkGurlz, Fujiwarano Sai, hisaki shiraha kei, SailorLoneStar, mastanuki, Kriska, Moonwind, red, princezz kaoru, more!!!, Suijou, Nikka, kawaii sakura-chan, Shizuke, Saby-chan, Isis 13, SakuraCherryBlossom, grace, soul, phelin, zanza_grl, Selph, Sabrina-star, Meii-chan, Hitokiri X (THANKS FOR YOUR REVIEW!!), Kyaa Kyaff, Jounin and bluish_haze

But overall i can see many of you want the red head to suffer ne (evil grins) of course not too much....