Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ From Future to Past ❯ From Future to Past ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
From Future to Past

Disclaimer: Don't own a damn thing...

~Japan, May 3, 2003: School~

"Hey Himuri! Wait for us!!" yelled some school girls.

Himuri Kenshi stopped and waited for her friends to catch up to her.

"Himuri what's the rush?"

Himuri looked up with tired eyes.

"Sorry I have chores to do, that you know." Himuri said with a slight yawn.

"Hey Himuri are you ok, you look tired..."

"Hmm? Oh yes, it's these dreams that's keeping me awake, that you know."

The girls looked at her curiously.

"Oh what about? If it keeps you awake all the time, then it has to be bad dreams..."

Himuri nodded.

"Yes, that it is... about a man with long red glowing hair, with amberish color of eyes,
he carried a sword, that he did..."

"Oh wow a samurai! With long red glowing hair and amber eyes!
He must be really handsom huh Himuri?"

Himuri turned crimson...

"I don't know what your talking about, that I don't..."

"Oh come on Himuri, beautiful red hair, beautiful eyes, beautiful..."


"Assassin? Are you telling us that you had a dream of a killer!?"

"That I did... but it was so sad... that it was..."

"What, happened?"

They all sat down on a bench, and listen to her story.

"I was in a dojo, there was a mysterious man with a hiddious scar to his forehead all the way down to his right cheek. He was holding a women with dark blue hair wearing a kimoto, tears were going down her face as she looked at the man with red hair, he had violet eyes then.

I couldn't hear what they were saying, but the red headed man was yelling something at the other man, it looked like he was trying to get the girl out of harms way.

I saw the other man laugh as he held a sword against the girls neck, she was crying for the red headed man, he yelled what seems like her name as he watched in horror as the other man slit her throat.
Tears were running down his eyes rage, then all of a sudden he just snapped. His eyes turned yellow then amber, he flipped his sword over as the tip pointed at the other man that killed the girl and started running towards him.

They took up a pretty good fight, then at one swift attack the man fell down dead at the red headed mans feet. Then he looked at the girl on the ground dead, he dropped his sword as he picked up her body as he cried on it, and this time I heard him as he yelled the girls' name..."


"I woke up in a sweat, then started crying in my hands at the tradgic dream that I had, that I did..."

Himuri looked at her friends and saw tears running down there faces.

"Oh Himuri, that was so sad..."

"Yes, I believe it was his lover... that bad man deserved to die more than ever!!"

"Oh no!!"

"What's the matter Himuri?"

"I have to get home and do chores, that I do! Or else I'll get grounded, that I will!
See you guys later!!"

With that Himuri ran home without even stopping, she arrived with a very angry grandfather.

"You're late Himuri! Since it's the weekend, you will clean the dojo from head to toe without taking a break!
Do you understand!?"

"Yes grandfather..."

Himuri went inside the mediam sized house to change into her cleaning clothes,
when she came out, her grandfather handed her a pail with water with soap in it with a scrub brush,
and point to the large sized dojo. Himuri sighed and started walking towards the dojo.

It was the middle of the night when she finished, she looked at her pruny fingers and saw some dead callouses on them. She started to put everything away until something caught her eye.

Something in the right hand corner started to glow. She started to walk toward it, it started to glow brighter at every step she took. When she kneeled down, she took the board off and looked inside.

She saw a Sakabato sword glowing a yellowish color, it looked like the red headed mans sword in her dream... She started to reach out towards it.
When she grabbed hold of it, everything around her started to change.

"What's going on!?" Himuri yelled as herself started to change.

"Grandfather!! Help me!!"

Her grandfather rushed inside just to see her disappear.
His gaze turned to the floor to where the hidden sword was.

"So the journey begins... back to the Meji Era..."


Himuri woke up in a forest, it was in the middle of the day, when she looked up to the bright sun.

"Where am I? And how did I get in a forest?" she asked herself.

She looked at the sword and pulled it out of its sheath as she examined it. It was athe same sword from her dream... She put the sword back in its sheath and strapped it to her left side.

Her head snapped to the right as she heard yelling coming toward her. A little boy around twelve or thirteen was running away from four men with samurai swords.

The boy had a broken bokken in his right hand, then he suddenly tripped over a rock landing on the ground with an 'oof'. Before he could get up the four men caught up to him.

"Have a nice fall 'little Yahiko'?" The men laughed.

The boy gritted his teeth in anger.

"Shut up ya basterd!"

One of the men kicked Yahiko in the stomach. The boy held his stomach in pain.

"Ok, enough playing around let's get this over with... This will teach you not to interfear in our buisness!"

The man brought his sword up in the air but was stopped by a womans voice.

"Leave the boy alone, that I say..."

"And who the hell are you!?"

"My name is Himuri Kenshi, that I am, and I suggest you leave the boy alone that I say,
before some one gets hurt..."

"Hey you just mind your buisness lady! Or it's you that's going to get hurt!"

"Very well, fill free to attack me if you wish to taste the ground..."

'She sounds like Kenshin...'

"Are you nuts!? Go I don't need your help!"

"Sorry I have a soft spot for little kids."

"HEY!! I'm not a little kid, UGLY!!"

"Well now I'll just leave you here, since you're being so rude! Have fun boys!"

Himuri started to walk away until the she heard the boys voice.

"Ok! Ok! I take it back, I take it back!"

The men with the swords started to get angry.

"That's it I've had it! We don't like being ignored! Attack her!"

All the men started charging at her, Himuri brought out the sword to deflect the attacks, she kicked two
of them to the ground and attacked the two behind her, with have a reverse bladed sword she slashed them in god like speed and stopping three feet behind them as their pants fell down to the ankle.

The boy in the backround laughed his head off and also was wondering how she did that, Himuri was wondering the samething. The two men that were knocked down came charging at her once more, in the same speed like last time she charged them and stopped three feet away from them this time their swords snapped in half.

"The last time I'm going to say this, leave the boy alone and leave, or do I have to get more aggresive, that I ask?"

The four men shook their heads no, then started running as fast as they can while trying to keep their pants on whlie doing so.

Himuri sheathed as the boy came up to her.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, how did you do that?" he asked.

"Wish I knew, I seemed to be lost can you tell me where I am?"

"Well, you're on the road to Kyoto and behind you where the men ran off to is to Yokehama..."

"Kyoto!? Yokehama!? Just what exactly is the year now!?"

"Uh... 1868, May 3, why?"

Himuri didn't answer, she stood there shocked then whispered the year before she fainted to the ground. Yahiko looked at her strangly before going to the near by stream and dumping water on her face, which made her sit straight up.

"1868!? You mean this sword took me back 135 years into the past!? Oh my... How am I going to get back home!? No wonder men were attacking with swords..."

"Uh escuse me... but just what the hell are you talking about?" The boy asked confusingly.

"Ok, I found this sword in my dojo after cleaning it, and suddenly it took me back into the past..."

The boy looked at the sword, then his eyes went wide.

"Whoa, that sword looks like Kenshins!" He shouted.

"Ken-shin? That sounds like my name except without the N at the end... What's his full name?"

"Himura Kenshin, he's the famous samurai, with the cross-shaped scar on his left cheek..."

Himuri's eyes went wide, as the dream flashed in her eyes as a scra on the mans left cheek appeard while holding the girl cryingly.

"This Kenshin... does he have red hair?"

"Yeah he does... why all the questions?"

"For weeks before coming here, I've been having dreams about him ever since..."

Himuri paused for a minute, then spoke again.

"Do you know where he is, I need to speak with him, that I do..."

"Yeah I know where he is, you're not an assassin are you?"

"If I was an assassin, I would have killed those four men and then you before getting all the information that I need to kill him... No I'm not an assassin."

"I guess I could believe you, the dojo is this way..." He said as he started walking.

"A dojo? You guys live in a dojo? What's the name of it?"

"It's called the Kamiya dojo, but the former trainer died a year ago... She was like a sister to me..." A few tears escaped his eyes as he wiped them away quickly.

'It must've been that girl named Kaoru that was killed by that man...'

"I'm so sorry... who's running it now?"

"No body now, since the last Kamiya died, I have no trainer or the trainer to run it... It's been so quiet, no more cheerfulness or happiness to go around... Sano's been getting drunk, and Kenshin is just doing chores without that runouni smile of his. He hardly speaks anymore..."

"He loved her didn't he?" she asked sadly.

"Yes he did, but thought he would get rejected by her. Ever since she died he never smiled again... as far as I know..."

"If he was a runouni, why didn't he leave, that I ask?"

"He had no where to go, so he decided to stay and take care of us... and keep the dojo in shape."

'Poor guy... I feel so sorry for him that I do...'

"What's your name, that I ask?"

"The names Yahiko..."

"Yahiko? But, that was my great, great, grandfathers name... You don't mean that you're my..."

"Holy shit..." Says Yahiko as he stopped walking.

"No wonder we look alike... I didn't notice it until now... This is so wierd..."

"You said it... when I grow up, who do I marry?"

"Now, if I said that, then it will mess up time..."

"I guess you have a point there, well we're here..."

Himuri's eyes went wide in awe.

"Wow... it looks like the same as mine..." she whispered to herself.


"Oh, it's nothing, so where's..."

Before she went on, a man with red hair came up to them with wet hands. Her eyes went wide once again as she looked at him.

'Wow the girl were right about him he does look handsom...'

Himuri shook her head getting the thoughts out of her head.

"Yahiko, did you get the tofu?"

"Oh no! I forgot when I ran into trouble... be right back!!"

Before Kenshin could say anything he ran off to the market, leaving Himuri alone with him. Kenshin looked at her with a slight frown.

"What trouble did he get into, if I may ask?"

"Well I'm not sure, when I woke up in the forest, four men with swords were chasing him down the road, so I helped him out..."

"Were you hurt?"

"Oh no I wasn't, but the men I think that there pride and dignity was hurt..." Himuri chuckled.

"What did you do?"

"Oh all I did was slice the two mens pants off, then sliced the other two mens swords in half... then ran off some where..."

Kenshin looked down at her sword.

"A sacabato sword? How did you get that, if I may ask?"

"Can we sit down?"

"Sure, right this way..."

They went inside the small home and sat down cross-legged.

"Green tea?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you..."

Kenshin poured the tea in a small cup and handed it to her. Himuri took a sip and began to speak.

"Well, to make this clear and short, I'm not from here..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'll tell you in a minute. It all started about a few weeks ago with these dreams about... you."


"Yes, it's really sad I may say, you don't want to hear it..."

"Please I insist that you tell me miss...?"

"Oh forgive me, my name is Himuri Kenshi, Yahiko's great, great, granddaughter..."

Kenshin choked on his tea, then looked up at her surprisingly.


"It's true, when I found this sword, it suddenly took me back 135 years into the past..."

"So what you're saying is that, you're from the future?"

"Yeah I guess you could put it like that, but are you sure you want to hear the dreams that I had?"

"Would you please?"

"Ok, it all started when you were still an assassin back then, then it went on with you and that woman with beautiful black hair..."


"I'm sorry about your loss of her..."

"It's quite all right," Kenshin slightly smiled at her.

Himuri smiled back and continued once more.

"After that you became a runouni protecting people with your new sword, then you met Kaoru, I must say she beat you up pretty good in the face..."

"Yes, it was good times..."


"Then you met Yahiko the pick pocketer, then the man with the red headband... Yahiko said his name... oh yeah, Sano!" Himuri said as she quietly laughed to herself.

"This question has been bothering me..."

"What is it, Kenshin?"

"How did you know, miss Kaoru's name...?" He asked kind of sadly.

Himuri's smile faultered and looked down sadly as a small tear went down her face.


"It was when you screamed out her name when she died..."

Kenshin's eyes went wide, he looked away from her as a few tears came down his face.

"You loved her, didn't you?"

Kenshin wiped the tears off his face as he looked at her.

"Hai, that I did, very much..."

"I'm sorry, I put you in too much grief and pain, I should leave you..." says Himuri as she got up to the paper door.

Before she walked out, she felt Kenshin's hand on her right shoulder.

"No, you don't have to leave... please stay, that I say, Yahiko seems to like you..."

"Also I have no where to go..."

"You're welcome to stay, if you like?"

"Are you sure I won't get in the way?"

"Of course not, Himuri-dono..."

Just then Yahiko ran up to them with a smile on his face.

"Are you staying Himuri!?" asked Yahiko hopefully.

Himuri smiled at him.

"Do you really want me to stay?"

"Yeah! It would be awesome having another expert swordsman around! Even if it is your future granddaughter! What kind of fighting style are you taking in the future!?"

Both Kenshin and Himuri slightly laughed.

"You're excited aren't you? If it would make you happy, I'll stay."

"Yeah! All right!! So does this mean that you'll be my trainer!?"

"Uh... are you sure about that? Don't you think I'll be replacing your previous trainer?"

"Yes, but I believe it would make her really happy if some body nice as you trained me, Kenshin wont train me because it's too dangerous, Sanosuke is out drinking all the time, and I'm running arrends for Kenshin all the time with no training! So could you please train me? What style is it?"

"Have you heard of Hiten Mitsurugi style?"

Both Kenshin and Yahiko's eyes went wide of shock.

"B-But that's Kenshins' s-style.... h-how did you l-learn..."

"My grandfather is training me, he was trained by his father and his father was trained by his father and his father was trained by..."

"Let me guess, his father?"

"No, his best friend that was a master of it, but not fully, because her training wasn't even finished."

"I wasn't finished with it, that I say... you don't suppose that I..."

"But it said 'her' not a 'him', do you think that..." Yahiko looked over to Himuri, then all of sudden she went pale.

"Himuri-dono, are you all right? You look pale..."

Himuri didn't answer, she just stood there white.

"I think I'm going to... faint..."

Kenshin caught her before she fell in the laundry water behind her. He picked her up and started carrying her to the small home.

"So where are we going to put her?" Yahiko asked when they came inside.

"The only room that is available is Kaoru-dono's room..."

"NO! She can stay in my room, anything but Kaoru's room!"

"But a woman needs her privacy..."

"Then she could have Sano's room!"

"It's too dangerous for her, especially when he comes home drunk..."

"Then she could have your room!"

"Yahiko, I know you're still hurnt from Kaoru-dono's death, but we have to try to move on..."

"And mostly so do you!!"

Kenshin was shocked at his words.

"You never stop blaming yourself! Why can't you get it through your thick headed skull and say it wasn't your fault!? Where is the real Kenshin, at least he didn't fake the smiles!" Yahiko yelled as a few tears came down his face.

Then there gaze turned down to Himuri, her eyebrows were furrowed and tears were coming down her face.

"Mommy... Daddy... please don't leave me... I don't want to be... alone..."

Both of them looked at her sadly.

"Poor Himuri... she must've lost her parents too..." Says Yahiko sadly.

"It seems so, very well I shall put her in my room for now, that I say..."

Kenshin started walking towards his room.

"The tofu is in the kitchen, I'm going to go see Subame!"

"All right, make sure that you come back before dinner is ready, and try to stay out of trouble."

Yahiko nodded and took off once again out the door. Kenshin place Himuri on the futon, and covered her with blankets, her eyebrows went to normal as she sighed and smiled in her sleep as she cuddled up in the blankets inhailing the scent as she sighed once again.

For the first time in a year, Kenshin really smiled at something beautiful... wait did he just think beautiful? With a smile still on his face, he carefully removed her sword from her waist and put it next to her on the floor then got up and left the room.

Two hours went by as Himuri slowly awoke.

As she looked around she could tell that this room looked really familiar; it looked like her room... is she home? Wait, what's that smell? She put her nose against the pillow and took a sniff.

"Sandlewood? I don't wear that... wait I remembered being carried and it smelled like sandlewood... Kenshin? THIS IS KENSHIN'S ROOM!?"

'Guess I'm not home after all...'

Himuri got up and strapped the sword back on her waist and walked out of the room. As she walked out she bumped into some one that almost made her fall on her butt.

She looked up at the tall man, he wore a red head band and a black and white long sleeved shirt and bandages covering his torso and arms and hands. His eyes were deep brown and his face was slight pinkish. She saw that he was drunk...

"You must be Sano, I presume?"

"And who the hell are you!?" He asked in a slurred voice.

"You wont remember my name when you pass out..."

"Are you an assassin? You are aren't you!? You're here to kidnap Jou-chan arent you!? You'll have to get by me first!" He slightly yelled.

He pulled his arm back and punched her in the face. She slight stumbled back, as she got up she was kneed in the gut. She fell back three feet away from him, a black eye, a bloodied lip and also a bloody nose that was from him.

'I have to get the memories and feelings out of him or else it will still be bubbled up inside him...' she thought as she slowly got up.

She was roughly pushed against the wall by Sano as he started punching her in different directions as tears came out of his eyes as he did it. His punches were becoming sluggish as he cried out Kaoru's name. Then he collapsed on her gi crying uncontrolably, she slowly put her arms around him as he cried. She didn't realize that she was in his room. Ten minutes later he cried himself asleep.

Luckily she was next to his bed, she painfully and slowly lifted him up to his futon and covered him up with blankets, she smiled weakly as she walked out of the room.

She limped from the hallway from her foot falling asleep, she held her stomach slightly in pain, and her eye started to swell. She spotted Kenshin sweeping out in the front porch, she then chuckled to herself getting his attention which was shocked and really worried.

"Heh-heh, it's only been a couple of hours and I'm all ready getting beat up..." Himuri smiled weakly.

"Himuri-dono! Oh my god, Himuri-dono what happened!?" He asked worringly as he helped her back inside.

"Oh, you didn't know that Sano was home?"

"I am so sorry, that I am! Why didn't you defend yourself?"

"Because I let him do it..."

"What!? Why!? You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"I did it to release his anger..."

"On you!?"

"Yes on me, he still had the memories from Kaoru and needed to come out, after he stopped punching me slowly, he collapsed on me and cried himself to sleep, poor guy..."

"I say poor you, hang on I'm going toget the medical kit..."

Kenshin left her in the dinning room leaning against the wall. He came back with a small box with medical supplies and a small bowl of warm water and cloth. He sat down in front of her and took the cloth and started to wipe the dried blood off her face, he saw it turn slightly pink, as he smiled.

"You didn't have to do that, you know?"

"W-Well I wanted to, it happened to my dad when my mother died... he'll go out and come home drunk and say things that it was my fault for her death and sometimes hit me.

I let him do it because I knew it wasn't true, he did the samething Sano did, he fell asleep on me and started crying and saying the name over and over again then fell asleep a couple minutes later..."

"Oh Himuri-dono... I'm so sorry, that I am..."

"It's ok..."

Silence was all there was, about five minutes later after Kenshin finished wiping the dried blood on her face, then spoke once again.

"Are your ribs hurting?"

Himuri looked up at him and then slightly nodded.

"Uh, do you mind if I take a look at it?"

Himuri blushed once again and nodded. She lifted up her shirt stopping below the breasts. Kenshin too slightly blushed, when he looked at her, his eyes went wide of horror.

"My gods... that really bad... we should go see Magumi... that I say."

"Magumi? I have a friend named Magumi, she's studying to be a doctor."

"So is the Magumi here, she's improved alot! Can you walk?"

Himuri put her shirt down and looked at him, she started to stand then went back down in pain.

"Heh-heh, I guess not..." she said as she smiled at him.

"I guess I have to carry you..."

"Wha...?" 'Oh my...' she thought as he picked her up carefully.

Still slightly crimson, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he started to walk. Ten minutes went by as none of them said a thing. Until Kenshin broke the silence once again.

"Do you have any siblings, Himuri-dono?"

"No, I'm an only child, what about you?"

"Did, but died a very long time ago..."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's all right, well we are here..."

Before they went inside they heard Yahiko yelling for them. When he got close to them his eyes went wide of shock.

"Oh my god! What happened to Himuri!?" asked Yahiko frantically.

'Sigh' "I'll give you one good guess..." Muttered Himuri.

Yahiko thought for a moment, then suddenly shout out in horror.

"What!? Sano did this to you!? That basterd!! I'm going to kill him!"

"Calm down Yahiko, that wouldn't be necessary, you see I let him do it... that's all you need to know and not tell him when he wakes up"

"What!? Why!?"

"Sorry, my buisness, not yours..."

Yahiko crossed his arms with a scowl and watched Kenshin walk inside the medical house with Himuri in his arms. As they walked inside they were greeted by Dr. Genzi and the two little girls.

"Ah, hello there Kenshin, long time no see, oh my and what happened to this young lady?"

"It's a long story doc, and I don't feel like talking about it..."

"It's quite all right my dear, wait here I'll go get magumi..." Says Dr.Genzi as he disappeared behind the door.

"Uncle Ken-san!!!" Yells the two little girls as they hugged his legs.


"Oh they call me that all the time... I'm not really there uncle."


Kenshin smiled at the two little girls.

"Hello you two, it's been a while huh?"

"It sure has, it's been boring without you..."

"Yeah without you..." The smallest girl repeated.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I promise to make it up to you two some day..."

"Hey I have an idea!"

Everybody that was there looked at Himuri.

"How about we invite them for dinner tonight? I'll help cook..."

Kenshin smiled at her idea, and nodded.

"Sure, why not? It would be great to see everyone again, it's been so long..."

Couple of minutes later Magumi came out with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Ken-san, it's been a while..."

"Hello Magumi-dono, yes it has."

"So who is our patient today?" Magumi asked.

"Uh... me..." Says Himuri as she slightly waved.

"Oh my, what happened to you? You look like you got in street fight and lost..."


Himuri winced in pain.

"Actually Magumi-dono, she won because the man fell asleep, he was drunk, I may say..."

"Oh, well let's get this over with then..."

'It must've been Sano... poor girl...' thought Magumi as Kenshin sat Himuri on the futon and left as he waited in the waiting room.

"Hmm... let's see what this big man did to you, take your shirt off please..."

Himuri did as she was told and winced a little.

'I say more of a tall man...'

Magumi's eyes went wide of horror.

(LOL a lot of eyes going in a horror looks)

'Sano you basterd!!'

"Dear gods... I can't believe he did this to you... hang on, I need to check just in case you have any broken bones or any blood change that had been injected into you."

Himuri's eyes went wide of shock.

"Are you saying that he raped me!?"

"He did didn't he?"

"No of course not! All he did was beat the crap out of me! He couldn't tell if I was a man or a woman, he was too mixed up in his memories to even do that!" Blushed Himuri.

Magumi gave a small sigh of relief, as she walked up to her and started to touch the large yellow black bruise on her gut. She winced as she touched it; about a couple of minutes of touching it, she finally pulled away and sighed as she got the bandages out.

"Well, the good news is you're going to be fine, but th ebad news is that you have three sprained ribs and need to take it easy for a while..."

"You know who did this to me don't you?"


"You know who did this to me..."

"Yes, yes I do, I just feel so sorry for him, he's been drinking all year since..."

Magumi's eyes looked sadden, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"It's ok, I know all about it you don't have to go on..."

She nodded and started wrapping her wound.

"But you have to promise me something..."


"You can't tell Sano about it..."

"What!? Are you nuts!?"

"No, because I want to tell him, when he is not too stressed about... you know, and try to stop him from drinking so much..."

"I see what you mean, ok I promise, but I'm not going to like it... there done."

Himuri put her shirt back on.

"I know, but please don't give him any suspition..."

"Oh all right..."

"Thanks Magumi... you know I think that this is going to be a great friendship." Smiled Himuri.

"Me too... come back to me in two weeks to see how your injury is doing, ok?"

"Will do, thanks Magumi-dono! Kenshin! You can come in now!"

Kenshin came in with a small smile. Yahiko came in with his arms still crossed also with the scowl.

"So, what's wrong, that I ask?"

"Well the good news is that she is going to be fine..."

"What's the bad news Magumi?" asked Yahiko.

"The bad news is that she has three bruised ribs..."

"Aww man! We were suppose to starte training tomorrow! Damn it!!"



"Ow!! What did you do that for!?"

"Watch your language, there are children preasent, that I say!! Besides little boys like you shouldn't be talking like that in the first place!"

"LITTLE!? Don't call me little!!"

"Oh I'm sorry, let me rephrase that, how about 'mini' Yahiko?"

Yahiko was getting angrier and angrier, his hands went to fists. Everyone that was watching, silently laughed.

"It's not funny!!" He yelled.

Himuri waved her hand off for him to calm down and spoke.

"All right, all right, calm down I'll stop. So Magumi care to join us for dinner tonight?"

Magumi smiled.

"Of course, I would love to, it's been so long... I'll come by and help you make dinner."

"That's very nice of you, that it is..." says Himuri as she smiled at the doctor.

"By the mean time Himuri-dono, you should get some rest that you should..."

"Oh Kenshin-kun, I'll be fine, that I will, no need to worry."

Himuri looked over at Yahiko, who's head is down still embarrassed and angry.


Yahiko looked up with a 'yeah' as he looked at her.

"I want you to be up at six tomarrow morning for training, don't be late."

Yahiko smiled happily for the first time in a year as he gave an 'all right!' cheer. Kenshin and Magumi gave looks of worry to each other then looks at Himuri.

"Absolutly not Himuri, if you train under that condition of yours, you're going to hurt your self more if those ribs of yours don't heal properly..."

"Don't worry I've been hurt worse than this before, that I have, but I promise to take it easy." Says Himuri as she smiled and gave them a peace sign with her fingers.

"Even so, you still need rest..."

"Hai Magumi-dono, I will, let's go everyone."

Kenshin and Yahiko nodded as Kenshin picked her up once more carefully, and walked out of the clinic back to the dojo to a waiting ex fighter for hire on the porch, waiting for them to get back.