Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ I Am Battousai ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sitting down on the heavy black wooden chairs she laid her head down on the matching black wooden dinning room table.
“Why do these things happen to me?” Kaoru groaned. Yes why indeed. Ever since the class with Mr. Shigamori she had been thinking nonstop about the Battosai. Everything she did she would either think about how the Battosai would do it or what he would say while she did it. Then the thought of what it would be like to have him `pleasure' her in anyway she saw fit entered her mind in the middle of her psychiatrics class. That resulted in her sitting in front of the classed, laced in a red tint, being analyzed by her teacher. It was amazing how on he was about her previous thoughts.
Now that she was at home she was ready to do her homework, curl up on her couch, watch whatever she found on TV, then go to bed. Luckily for her she didn't have that much homework so the TV would have to be her main source of entertainment for the next four or so hours.
Taking out her books she quickly did the packet her psych teacher gave her. Labeling off the sections of the brain and what they did was pretty easy. Her Chemistry was rather hard since math didn't disagree with her but she got threw it fairly unscathed.
Last was her Myth homework. She liked the assignment but was having trouble with it. Her muse seemed to have left her at that time. Still she had to do it.
Sighing she reached into her bag for her notebook when she felt something that made her pause. Looking down she gasped. There, in her bad, was the Battosai's diary. But how did it get there?
Taking out the book she eyed it. Somebody must have stolen it and placed it in her bag. Now glaring at the book anger filled her.
Why the hell would somebody want to frame her?
Placing the book down she started to bang her head against the table.
Why do these things happen to her indeed?
Turning back towards her notebook she tried to focus on her assignment at hand. Writing down her name and date she starred at the blank paper trying not to glance at the book.
Her curiosity won.
Turning toward the book she placed her elbow on the table and held the weight of her head with her hand. She wanted to look inside. She wanted to know what kind of handwriting the manslayer had and what he felt while he cut down his opponent. Reaching for the book she held it in her hands. The leather of the book was worn thin, but the book still held strong. On the cover of the book were faded doodles of things she couldn't quite make out.
She could open it. After all if Aoshi wanted her to write a good paper she needed the proper research.
Yes, that was her reasoning for opening the book.
Opening the book to a page somewhere in the middle she started to read.
I was injured today. For the first time I was injured by a man with no true sword skills. I had given the man a chance to leave with his life but he charged me, his weapon raised. I had to choice. It was either he or I.
He didn't fall right away though. My sword fed upon his flesh man times, but he would not fall. His last attack was done with such fierce it almost took me off guard. He screamed “I cannot die” with such passion I almost sidestepped him and disappeared into the night, leaving him to the rest of his life.
The wounds that I had inflicted would not have aloud him to live through the night. I have punctured many organs. There was no chance.
We charged each other. His sword raise, mine set low. His sword grazed my cheek, leaving a cut from just to the side of my chin on my left to the side of my left eye. Some would say that I show no mercy, but tonight I did. He would have bleed to death before anybody would have found him. I ended it quickly.
I give my prayers to his family and whatever reason he had to live.
I questioned my methods of bringing about a new era of peace. How could I do that while I destroy hundreds of families? I kill their husbands, brothers, sons, and fathers. I leave orphans and widows. What good am I really doing? The words of a dear friend rang threw my head at that moment. “Although my son may hate me, this is for my grandsons generation”. Yes, this generation will feel the pains of war but their children and their children after that will live in peace. There will be no more slaves or classes that separate people. I will bare the guilt on my shoulders. No one should have to do what I do.
My birthday was sometime at the beginning of this season. I am now fifteen.
Kaoru left tears run down her cheeks. This man was nothing like she thought he would be. He was fourteen after all. He was just a child at the time. A mere child shouldn't have to deal with murder but he did it. He chose to live this way. She was against killing people but she understood. There are people out there that cannot be stopped. The only way to deal with people like that was to kill them before they could kill or hurt many others. During a war people will die. She understood when soldiers were killed. They were in an army, trained to fight. It's was what happened in war.
It didn't make it any better though.
She understood why the Battosai did what he did. There was something wrong with the government at the time and the only way to fix it was to take it over and try something else. Human beings were so stubborn and selfish that there were sometimes that they just don't agree. What else were you to do? When talking it out failed, what else was there? Fighting?
Flipping threw the pages a small piece of paper fell from the diary. Placing the book down on the table she reached down and picked up the paper. Flipping it over she noticed the lettering. It was in an older script popular in the Edo Era. Leaping from her chair she made her way into the living room where a bookshelf sat. Getting down on all fours she looked at the titles of the larger, heavier books. Smiling she tapped the binding of the book once out of satisfaction and pulled it from its spot.
Making her way back towards the dinning room table, she sat down and opened the book.
The book was listed by the symbol, which made it easier to find the symbols she was looking for. It went from plain symbols all the way towards the complex ones. Turning the pages back and forth, writing the meaning of each word she looked over it again. Some symbols had more than one meaning and didn't make sense with the rest of the line.
It took some time to decode but once she did she held the binder paper with the translation.
“O' Battosai, assassin of shadows, slave of feminine passion, unsheathe your sword and pillage my village,”
She stared at it in confusion. “Well that was rather blunt. I wonder what perverted old man wrote that.” Placing the paper down on the table she looked around the kitchen. It was suddenly dark outside, and her stomach had some major complaints over missed meal.
Sighing she stood and made her way toward the fridge. Maybe she would make an omelet.
Suddenly a rather concerning noise came from in her living room. It was almost as if she heard a man yelp then a rather large thud. Grabbing the closest thing to her, which happened to be a history book, she slowly made her way towards the living room. Peeking around the corner she nearly jumped out of her skin. There, on the floor was a boy facing down, in old samurai clothes, moaning out of pain. Apparently he had fallen rather hard.
She took a moment to notice there was nothing on the floor to trip over, so what the hell happened? Did he fall from the ceiling?
Running at the temporarily distracted man she started to beat him with her book. In between each hit she heard him try to reason with her madness with a `wait', a `I can explain', and a few `that hurts'.
Seeing that the man was in no condition to move kaoru stopped and ran for the phone, she was delayed however when she tripped on her backpack and had fallen across the kitchen floor. “Good one Kaoru”, she mumbles, cursing at herself. This did not going unnoticed by the young man.
“Are you alright?” The man starred down at her in worry from the doorway behind her. Rubbing the back of his head he felt the bruised flesh. “You're are very strong for a woman.” He commented, checking his hand for blood.
“You were in my home, UNIVITED, I had ever right to attack you. You could be here to kill me for all I know” Kaoru screamed back trying to push herself off of the floor.
He looked at her threw emotionless eyes. “I think you misunderstand my intentions. I am not here to kill you.” Looking away from her he glanced at the diary on the table. “You are the one who summoned me” he said as more of a comment then a question.
“What?!” Kaoru turned around in anger only to pause. It couldn't be, could it? No it wasn't possible and yet he was standing in her doorway. His blood red hair pulled back into a high ponytail while his blue and white kimono move with the wind, which she wasn't feeling at the moment. A dark blue set of eyes sat on her.
But she was told he had gold eyes.
“Who the hell are you” she stood up completely staring the man down.
Kenshin's curiosity flared. She was the first one to summon him and not know it. She wouldn't be acting this way if she knew.
“I am a servant to all woman, cursed by the gods. I am Battosai” He tried to make his serious voice sound all-mysterious.
Kaoru eyed him. “You've been practicing that?”
Kenshin shrugged.
“It doesn't matter anyway, Battosai had gold eyes, and you don't and even if you did I wouldn't care. Now get out.” Kaoru pointed towards the front door.
Kenshin stood there staring at her in amusement. “I must say, you are a rare bread of girl” He started walking towards her suggestively.
“And what do you mean by that?” Kaoru growled.
“I mean” Kenshin was now standing in front of her. “You are the first girl to summon me and not want me, but it doesn't matter though. I am not aloud to leave you until you are satisfied.” Still nothing besides the serious face.
“I'll be satisfied once you leave” Kaoru backed waiting in slightly.
Kenshin smiled sadly. “I am afraid that it does not work like that”
Kaoru growled. “Get out, Battosai” she followed him.
“No” simple. He said it as if it was nothing. As if he said it everyday. “And its Kenshin, I haven't been Battosai in over one hundred and fifty years.”
Kaoru didn't know what to do. This maniac, Battosai the manslayer or whatever he was wouldn't leave her house. Maybe she should call the police. Yes, call the police!
Turning around she grabbed the phone.
Kenshin sat on the couch in the living room.
“Hello, I'm calling to report an unlawful entering…yes, a man entered my home and refuses to leave.”
Kenshin leaned over to watch her in amusement. Did she really expect them to believe her?
“Well, he is sitting on my couch after I told him to leave…who is he?” there was a pause “He's Kenshin…yes…yes the manslayer, now…no…this isn't a joke…LOOK I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE-yes I'll hold”
Kenshin felt the urge to laugh.
Kaoru looked around the corner and glared at the man. She stood there for god knows how long until her legs couldn't hold herself anymore. Sitting down on one of the dining room chairs she placed her head on the table.
“I do not think they have any intentions of talking to you again Miss Kaoru” Kenshin spoke from the other room.
Growling out loud she slammed the phone down. Those bastards left her hanging and she sat there waiting for them. Was it really so hard to believe that a man from a hundred and fifty years ago was sitting in her living room, with the goal of seducing her until she was satisfied enough to where the gods would let him leave?
She laughed. Ok so it sounded ridiculous when she thought about it.
Kenshin leaned over and eyed her again. “Are you feeling alright Miss Kaoru?” There was something wrong with her now. Why was she laughing like that? “It would make it harder for me to seduce you if you were not mental stable”
Kaoru banged her head against the table. How dare he assume she would sleep with him and what was that about being mentally unstable.
Turning on him she towered over the couch. “Do not assume that I will be sleeping with you. There is no way I would let somebody like you touch me”
There was a pause as Kenshin studied her. “You're a virgin aren't you?” He had never been summoned by a virgin before. So that was her problem, she was shy.
Her face was now as red as a tomato. “What the hell does that have to do with anything” she wanted to hit him more than anything right now.
If she indeed that not done anything, than this seducing and going home thing wasn't going to go at fast as he would have liked. “Tell me, how far have you gone with a man” It was an innocent question. He really didn't understand why she reacted the way she did. After all he asked her in a completely innocent, inquisitive, sincere way. Although this fiery side was kind of a turn on.
Reaching her hand back to punch him she was stopped by a hand holding her arm steady. He was now in front of her, looking down into her eyes.
Her heart sped up.
This couldn't be happening.
Leaning over he kissed her. His lips pressed against hers ever so softly.
Her eyes closed automatically.
It didn't take long for kiss to turn into something a little different and defiantly something more heated.
Pulling back slightly Kaoru whimpered. He smiled at her. She was enjoying herself. “It seems miss Kaoru that I have given you your first kiss. I am honored” His eyes were drooping with desire.
That brought her back to reality.
Before he knew it he had been beaten over the head and dragged out into the shed where she locked him in, along with a futon for the night.
That night was something of a new experience for both people.
Kaoru had never kissed a man before and didn't know what to expect, but that wasn't it. His lips were so soft. The way he moved his tongue, god, it was like he knew her mouth inside and out. He had his hand on her lower back pulling her to him. The contact was enough to make her burn.
And if she had the chance, she would do it all over again.
Kenshin, on the other hand, was having similar thoughts. He didn't want to have sex with her. Ok he did but that wasn't the point. If he satisfied her then he would have to leave. Leave her.
He may have just met her but he was automatically at ease around her…as long as she didn't have any large books within arms reach…and that kiss. He had never actually been turned on like that with any of the other girls he had been with. They all were broken souls that needed to be treated like women. He did that for them. He helped pick up the pieces of their life and sent them on their way.
Every girl was honored to have him appear out of nowhere and want to ravish them, granted he really didn't want to, but it was part of the job description. He didn't understand why this girl had called him. She was independent and strong willed. Her aura was that of a samurai. If anything he needed to be saved from her…not her being saved from her life. There had to be something he was missing.
Now that he thought about it there was a kind of sadness behind the rage in her eyes. He knew that look; she was lonely. Most of the girls he was with were so consumed in self-pity they didn't feel lonely anymore.
That irritated him about woman. They were always depressed about things that didn't matter. Why would anybody care if your hair were frizzing that particularly WET day? Why would he care if she were on her period? Well, he would like warning before hand so he could escape for a few days. Oh yes, and his favorite. A couple of girl's back he was summoned by a woman with a chemical imbalance, and refused to take her medicine. If he weren't afraid that she would stab him in his sleep he would have clapped at her stupidity. He swore these girls loved to feel horrible. It was as if they wanted somebody to save them.
But this Kaoru was different. There was sadness there but she wasn't willing to let if overcome her. She didn't want to rely on somebody. There were only two reasons for that. Either she didn't want to burden anybody with hef sadness or she didn't want to get close, because people who are close ultimately end up leaving in one for or another.
He sighed.
She most likely lost somebody important to her and was no longer willing to let anybody else back in. What was impressive about this was that she didn't want to dwell on it or make people worry so she hid it.
He saw books on the table, she was in school, and going by her estimated age she was in collage.
She was a fighter, and he adored that.
Somewhere beyond the reach of Kenshin hearing an echoing female laugh was heard.
Kenshin sneezed.
Glaring at the skies he knew better. Those damn gods. They loved this didn't they?