Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 11

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Hi guys! Ok I fixed the problem in chapter 6 hehe sorry this is later than usual, but I had a friend over, so I was a little preoccupied. ^_^


Disclaimer: I own Kenshin! He sits on my shelf all day long! ^_^ it doesn’t matter that he’s only 6” tall ^_^.


Chapter 11:

            The room seemed to take on a darker air as the group sat around the table. Megumi sat next to Yahiko and Sanosuke much to her annoyance and acrossed from them sat Kenshin. Yahiko looked pleadingly at Kenshin, “Dose busu really have to make the tea?!” He took a deep breath as he continued, “after all you know how she cooks…”

        &nbs p;   Sano nodded his own head in agreement  “Really Kenshin we could do this without tea…”

             Megumi just looked on in interest, ‘what are they all so worried about?’ she wondered.

          &n bsp; Kenshin just shook his head, “Actually she’s also cooking a special dinner.” He said simply as if it were an everyday occurrence that no one should be alarmed at.

            Both Yahiko and Sano looked at each behind Megumi’s back in sorrow.

          &nbs p; And before either one could say anything else Kenshin cut to the chase, “Now may I ask your name miss…”

          ;   “Megumi.”

        &n bsp;   “Megumi. Why were those men after you?” He locked eyes with the young woman and held her gaze.

            Several seconds later she turned her head away finding the tatami mat more interesting, “My past is none of your concern, I just need you to protect me from them.”

           ;  Kenshin narrowed his eyes a taste, “I do not protect those that will not tell me information I need to know. So if you are not willing to tell me any relevant information then you may not be the innocent we believe you to be.”

            Sano and Yahiko sat in a stunted silence, as they anxiously awaited the girl’s answer. Both leaded toward her in anticipation.

            Megumi was about to answer stopped and glared at the two ‘morons’ who were practically leaning on her by now, “I could answer much better if I could breath!” she said flippantly as she shoved the two men to the side.  “Now,” she sighed ‘I guess I have no choice…’ “I’ll tell you the truth.”


             Kaoru smiled she had been so surprised when Kenshin had whispered his request in her ear as they walked to the dinning room. He had specifically asked her to cook an extra special dinner for tonight… ‘I wonder what the occasion is?’ she smiled as several reasons popped into her mind and her face flushed at several of those thoughts…

         &n bsp;  Unfortunately as she let her mind run a muck the fish she had been preparing was starting to burn unnoticed, she just continued to chop up a few vegetables, smiling as her thoughts took a new turn. Chop, chop, chop… ‘Well whatever the reason I’m sure I’ll enjoy it…’ her thoughts halted however when a hand pressed lightly on her shoulder, “Ahhh!” she squeaked unfortunately she still held the knife and managed to graze her cheek as her hands flew up. “Owch!”

            At that same moment the smell of burnt fish assaulted her noise. With out even turning around to look at her surprise guest she raced over to the flaming main coerce and shook her head she’d just have to get another one before anyone realized what had happened to the original.