Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 15

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: hehehe -_-;; I almost forgot the An. Oops… Anyway I’m so glad you like it so much! (Hugs reviewers) I love you people, (looks at terrified reviewers) hehehe sorry ^_^;;; didn’t mean to scare you heheehe


Disclaimer:looks around padded walls, “If you’re not going to let me out until I say I don’t own kenshin, then can they at least be pink, white is just too boring…”


Chapter 15:

            Megumi narrowed her eyes at the foolish tori atama. He didn’t a pear to be in good shape…

            Kenshin’s eyes looked on in sympathy at Sano’s burns, but his attention was held by the bloody knife Sano held in his hand…

             Yahiko just looked at him wide eyed, “Where’s busu?” he questioned as his own dread filled gaze locked on the knife.

            ; Sano for his part couldn’t take being crowded in right now, he needed some air so with out a word he pushed his way between, Yahiko and Megumi, passing right in front of the fox on his way out of the circle, however a whistling sound filled the air right before a sharp pain filled his arm. His eyes widened as he let out a surprised gasp as his hand reflexively released the knife sending it tumbling to the ground.

          &nbs p; Everyone’s yes widened, before a voice filled the air, “You might as well surrender Megumi now, before more of you get it!” Beshimi called out holding more rasen-bus in his hand.

            Kenshin glared daggers up at the tree Beshimi was hiding in. There was no way he was going to let anyone else get hurt…except those who threatened him now.

            “I wouldn’t attack me if I were you Batousai.” Beshimi quickly called out after seeing the death glare he was receiving, “not if you want your girl to survive…”

        &n bsp;   Kenshin’s blood instantly ran cold in his veins, they had Kaoru…


       &n bsp;    Megumi was examining Sano’s shoulder much to his protests, “Shut up tori atama, it’s not going to kill you to let me see it, however if you don’t…” she smirked “it might.”

         &nbs p;  Sano just glared at her, however as the seconds ticked by he was finding it harder and harder to protest… He was about to make a comment back to her when he found her face getting blurry… and the world slowly started to spin…

             “Sano!” Yahiko yelled in surprise as the ex street fighter passed out, it took all of both his and Megumi’s efforts just to lower him to the ground, he may not have looked it but he was really heavy!


        &n bsp;   Kaoru ran clutching her makeshift bokken to her as fast as she could; there was no way she was sitting this one out! She was almost to the gate of the dojo, when she passed under a near by tree, something dangling from the tree made her screech to a halt, what if it was a s-spider?  Banishing her bokken she closed her eyes tightly and quickly took a swing hitting the innocent leaf off the tree and into the wind along with something hard that she could only imagine to be the tree trunk itself, however because she couldn’t see g she had decided to take a few more swings just in case… When she hit the hard tree three more times she ran to the gate opening her eyes now and raced into the dojo.

            Back at the tree a very annoyed Hannya lay drumming his fingers on the ground… ‘I defiantly could see why she was the Batousai’s woman… she certainly is violent enough…’ he thought as he took his other hand and rubbed the side of his head that had, had the displeasure of receiving four of her hits…
