Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 16

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: sorry guys! (bows) I’m really sorry I slacked off yesterday! (doges rotten tomato’s) I’ll make it up to you. if it makes you guys feel any better, my friend and I were quite a spectacle last night with my sailor moon dolls playing Kenshin/Ranma it was fun!!!!


Disclaimer:I don’t own kenshin that I do not.


Chapter 16:

            His eyes narrowed further, as he thought of what could happen to her… ‘No he’ll die first!’  His hand immediately went to the hull of his sakabatou as he arranged himself in a Batou-jisu stance. “Come!” he commanded.

          & nbsp; Beshimi looked on and smirked; did he really forget what weapon he used? He didn’t have to get close to fire a rasen-bu he’d just take him out at a distance…


Kaoru came racing in to the dojo ‘I have to find Kenshin!’ However, she skidded to a halt at the scene unfolding before her, there was Sano unconscious with a very concerned Megumi and Yahiko tending to him. She let out a small hiss of sympathy when she saw his burns…

But there was one person still missing… looking around, she could see half of the dojo still in flames and not too far from where the where the kitchen once stood a very familiar figure stood ready to attack. “Kenshin!”


       & nbsp;    Kenshin took a second to spare her a look before he returned his enraged gaze to Beshimi, so now he had lied to him… this definitely would not be Beshimi’s day…

Kenshin drew his sword and jumped toward the Oniwaban-shu member he was going to pay dearly for this…


        ;     Megumi was quickly taking in Sano’s symptoms when Kaoru’s shout caused her head to snap up, at lest she now had two pairs of helping hands… “Kaoru-san!” she called.

          &nbs p; Kaoru immediately returned her attention to the small group.  She ran the rest of the way to them before kneeling next to Yahiko looking down at the unconscious man in Megumi’s arms.

            ‘Unconscious, Fever… very light, pain, and pupils are dilated.’ Megumi mentally checked off the symptoms before looking around for something to write the prescription on, time was of the essence and if she wasn’t careful the tori atama would run out of time.

Finally her gaze settled on a leaf, ‘It may not be very big but it will have to do, now what to write with…’ her eyes settled on Kaoru the gash on her cheek was still bleeding, quickly taking a figure full she scribbled the prescription. Ignoring Kaoru’s surprised look she handed the leaf to Yahiko, “Take this to the nearest doctor and have him fill the prescription.” When he hesitated and give her a worried look, she narrowed her eyes “If you don’t get going now, he’ll die, is that what you want?”

Yahiko’s eyes widened before a determined look crossed his features, and a second later he was racing out of the dojo to Dr. Genza’s.


AN: If you don’t see a replay to your review that means I’m very sorry I have not yet received it, if you did send me one that have yet to get we’ll see if it comes up in the next couple of days ( is acting wired on the reviews this week) if they don’t show, I think you for your time and thoughtfulness to review and you can either review again, recap in your next review, or just know I appreciate your effort even if I never got it ^_^