Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 23

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Sorry guys! Let’s just say things have been really hectic, and I’m sorry for a) the length, b) the long delay, but I wanted to get something out to you guys asap as here it is, lets just say that my motivation tonight was sleep… no chapy done no sleepy by, and let me tell you I was ready to crash the moment I got home… (two of my friends jumped me and did my eye brows, it took nearly 2 hours to do! Not only did the pluck them but they waxed them too… <it was my first time @_@> it painful!) so once again I apologize, I’ll see if I can’t get you another chappy out tomorrow sorry again please be kind ^_^….


Disclaimer: I don’t own him…. Please stop the torture now….


Chapter 23:

            Kaoru looked on with wide, watery eyes as she continued to let the other girl drag her through the rain. ‘Who is this girl…’ she thought as the rain littered down on to her face, mixing with the bloody cut and trickling down her chin, leaving a watery red train in it’s wake. The fact was she found she really didn’t care right now, about who this girl was, or where she was taking her at the moment. She had lost everything that tired her with her parents, the dojo… her ancestral home that had stood for generations… all gone now… burnt to the ground. And to top it all off, it was her fault. ‘If had I been a better cook… If I only paid more attention…If I had been able to put the fire out…If only…’   

           ;  Misao continued to drag her away, she really needed to find shelter and soon, if they didn’t… she quickly shoved the thought away, she didn’t even want to think about it. As they continued onward, Misao became increasingly aware of how silent her unexpected companion was being. “Hey, are you ok?” she questioned stopping her trek to face Kaoru fully. When she received no answer from the other girl Misao placed her hands on both of Kaoru’s arms and shook her slightly, “Hey are you ok?!” she tried again.

            ; At first it seemed to have no effect, but she suddenly started to blink her eyes before shaking her head to clear it of her pervious thoughts. “What did you say?” Kaoru asked softly as she regained her bearings. The fog of remorse gradually releasing it’s hold on her.

            “I just wanted to know if you were alright.” She stated slightly crossly, before placing the back of her hand to Kaoru’s forehead. “Hummm, you don’t seem warm…” she said looking up thoughtfully. “Just checking on you.”  With that she dropped her hand back down to Kaoru’s and started to drag her toward the forest she had been running through earlier when Kenshin found her… “Here we go! Shelter!” Misao beamed before releasing Kaoru’s hand and sitting down under one of the trees.

            ; Kaoru followed suit and sat down next to her, at least they were mostly out of the rain now, but now they were mostly freezing with the cold, and both girls being soaked to the bone didn’t help much either.


        ;     Steal eyes flashed with the lightning as Kenshin moved quickly through the shadows. His hair and gi were plastered to him as the rain poured down on him…There was no way he’d give his enemy time to regroup, not after all the trouble they caused, no, no now was the time to strike while the enemy is weak… and vulnerable… they’d never see him coming…

            He’d have to hurry though, if he was going to pick up their trail in the forest, he’d have to beat the rain… wasting no time he rushed toward the forest hoping he’d find a clue to their whereabouts soon…
