Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Ressurection of the Fireflies ❯ The Past Returns ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was night, the sky was a darkened blue. The stars hung in that void, softening the darkness with the help of the full moon. They gazed upon the small building, the Kamiya dojo. Inside this dojo slept a happy family. This family has no connection through blood, but a bond of undying friendship. It wasn't until recently that a blood member entered this housing. This person, Ketsa Mibu slept. Tossing and turning, his covers and futon became crumpled. Eye brows furrowed as the nightmare he was having continued, and his lips curved in a small frown. The past was catching up.

--Dream / memory--

Ketsa sat there, letting the raindrops that fell hit him and trickle down his body, soaking his clothes. He didn't care; nothing mattered at all. His blue eyes stared at a rock, not seeming to see it. Those spheres of life were now filled with sorrow and despair, devoid of any emotion save hopelessness. He couldn't see the rain, nor the surroundings. All he could see were flashes of images, the smiling face of his sister, the loving voice of his mother. And the state that the two most important people in his life had been in. He felt so weak, and hungry but his spirit had dwindled to nothing, ready to just give up. He awaited his doom, welcomed the darkness that was closing in fast.

However, fate decided to spare him for the moment. He was so lost in his own mind and memories, that he didn't hear the approaching men. They had been running to the bridge for shelter, having just completed a mission their boss sent them on. This is where they found Ketsa. Now these men weren't particularly kind. They were a street gang that took pleasure in other's pain. They loved to trick people into their grasp, making them slaves. When they came upon Ketsa, they found the perfect specimen. They took Ketsa back to their hideaway, fed him food, and waited for him to recover. Soon, they became angry at his behavior. They had to practically spoon-feed him. A slave was worthless if he didn't work. So, they began to beat him into submission. It wasn't until a particular memory that his spirit was rekindled, and he started to fight back. It was the memory of that night he was caught stealing. It hurt so much, but he didn't give up. He had to be strong, for Kaoru. Now was the time to be strong, he would find his sister, even if it took his entire life, he would continue searching for her when his spirit left his body.

The gang he had become imprisoned in was the Kushinada. The boss was a highly trained swordsman, and the other members were decent. They gave Ketsa a shinai, refusing to give him a real sword, just in case he rebelled. They had him do their dirty work, stealing, mugging, and house cleaning. If there was nothing to do, they beat him for fun. A shinai was no match against a real sword, at least not unless the holder was highly skilled. Ketsa had no choice but to live this life. However, after getting over his depression, he refused to give up. Training every night, he improved himself, until one day, he beat boss. In the fight, he had been so livid with fury and hate that he took his opponent's blade, after disarming him, and decapitated him.

Ketsa awoke with his face pale and cold. Sweat trickling down; he didn't want to remember the painful times he spent in the Kushinada. Climbing out of bed, he stumbled to his door, needing air. However, before he opened the door, faint voices reached his ears. It was his sister, and that man. What was his name again? Kenshin, yes that was it. Deciding it was impolite to listen into their conversation, he was going to open the door anyways, until her heard his name. Now his curiosity was peaked. Why were they talking about him? Leaning an ear against the door, and lowering his ki, he strained to hear.

Outside, Kaoru and Kenshin were discussing Kaoru's brother. Kaoru had just finished explaining about her past, as Mibu Kaoru. She lay cradled in Kenshin's arm's her head against his chest. Silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

Kenshin squeezed her tightly, running his hands through her hair. They hadn't told anyone yet, but they were engaged. They were going to announce the news at dinner; however, Ketsa's arrival drove it out of their minds. Kenshin was filled with guilt. His clan had been the one to take Kaoru's happiness away. If it weren't for the Ishin Shishi, Kaoru would still be in her hometown, living happily with her family. However, the fact the she accepted him, even though during the revolution her family had been supporting the shinsengumi, made him love her even more. There was one problem though. How would Ketsa react to the fact that his future brother in law had helped destroy his town?

Kaoru had been thinking similar thoughts. Lying down, her head cradled in his lap, she stared up at him, eyes still shimmering a bit from the tears she had shed. " are we going to tell Ketsa? I-I don't think he'll like the fact that you were the Battossai."

Kenshin nodded, lightly caressing her cheek. "Anata, don't worry. he doesn't have to know, not yet. I would never fight someone who means so much to you. I'll never steal your family from you again, I promise."

Kaoru's words rung in Ketsa's ear. Battossai, was that tiny man really the most valued member of the Ishin Shishi? His eyes narrowed in anger. Fire coursed through his veins, it was this man, him, and his clan that put him through a life of hell. A silent pledge embedded into his heart, Kenshin would pay for stealing his family from him. Grabbing his sword, he unsheathed it, flinging the door open.

Kaoru and Kenshin turned at the sound of the door slamming open. Behind them stood a furious wolf. His hand was extended, pointing the tip of his blade at Himura, storming over; her grabbed his sister by the arm, and dragged her away from Ken, much to her protest. Glowering at the red head before him, he spoke, his voice icy and freezing as winter. "Battossai, prepare to die. I won't allow you to take Kaoru as well."

Kenshin stood from his perch, a good foot shorter than the man did, but he wasn't to be intimidated. Hoping to resolve this through peace, he extended his hand in a calming gesture. "Ano? Mibu-san, is there something wrong? Sessah would be glad to help you if you need it." Ketsa spat at him, red with hatred. "Leave here Battossai, and stay away from my sister." He flicked a glance back at his sibling, who was staring at him in disbelief, tears in her eyes. He knew she would be angry with this. Nevertheless, it was for the best, she would thank him later. His sister deserved much more than a cold-blooded killer.

Kenshin's eyes narrowed, and flickered amber for the briefest of seconds. His hand reached down and danced over the hilt of his sakabouto. In a more serious and deadly tone, he replied, "I'm sorry, but I made a promise to never leave Kaoru-dono" He had made a promise, and he planned to keep it this time. He was never going to leave her unprotected again. They had been through so much together, and this man wasn't gonna stop him now.

Kaoru watched horrified. Finally coming to her senses, she stepped out from behind Ketsa, and flung herself in front of Kenshin, allowing Ketsa's blade to be pointed at her throat. "NO! Stop it! This is stupid, he's done nothing to you... Please Ketsa, I don't want to lose anyone else!"

Ketsa glared down at his sister, eyes softening as she flinched from his look. Grounding out, he stated, "Move." He knew he was being harsh, but he would apologize later... When the threat was over. Once Battossai was gone, then they could be a family again. "Do you know what your doing Kaoru? This man, he was the one who destroyed our village. He was there to slaughter our friends! HE KILLED our mother! Have you forgotten that our family was his mortal enemy? Have you forgotten about our father?"

Kaoru trembled, as her thoughts became a jumble. Yes, she loved her family, and for the longest time had loathed imperialists. However, she had fallen in love with Kenshin, yet hated him at the same time. Who was she to choose? Her long lost brother or her soon to be husband? True, at the time that her family was slaughtered, she was still very young, and didn't really remember it all. All she remembered were bits and flashes. But she could never forget her brother. He was the clearest memory of all. She was so confused, finally what Ketsa said donned on her. 'He killed our mother'. She had thought that her mother had died in the fires.

TBC X.x sorry this was so short, I promise the next chapter will be longer!