Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ The Sword Maker ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry this took this long. The good news is that I'll finish the semester in two weeks so I'll have more time to write. The bad news is that I messed up my keyboard so I need to use my moms computer to write but that wont stop me.

Thaks for your support and thanks to Haru for nominating "Heavenly Lost" for the Best Sci- Fi/Fantasy fanfic at the Nikky Diary RK Awards (That means a lot to me)

And thaks to however nominated "The Findings of Earth" for best Angst/Dark fic at the RKRC Awards… that made me so happy to!!!!!!!

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"I know that move" Said Kaoru in a soft whisper that was barely hearable to Kenshin. "It's Ryu Tsui Sen"

Chapter X

The Sword Maker

Kaoru stood there with her eyes wide open looking at Kenshin. Kenshin slowly sheathed his sakabatou and then walked towards her.

"How did you know" He asked in a soft voice.

Kaoru blinked a couple of times before she was able to speak again. She didn't know. That strange name just popped into her head when she saw him doing that. And for a moment, just a single moment she didn't saw the Kenshin that stood in front of her, she saw a different one. He wasn't wearing his black outfit, he was actually wearing white hakama and magenta yukata. He looked like he was dressed to go to a costume party, but yet he had his sword in his hand as usual.

"I'm not sure" Kaoru answered slowly.

"I think you were right" Said Kenshin.


"Yes, I think you were right. I don't know how I know this but I think you were right. That was Ryu Tsui Sen"

Kaoru walked to the sofa and seated. She didn't understand what was going on. everything was so weird.

"What exactly is Ryu Tsui Sen?" She finally asked.

"I don't know. I guess I a sword technique but I don't know where I learned it"

"It looks pretty powerful"

"It felt powerful" Said Kenshin.

"Maybe is a famous technique and that was how we recognize it" Said Kaoru after a while

"Yes… maybe"

But in there heart they both knew that couldn't be.

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Kenshin was walking through the woods in a beautiful sunset. He was carrying a katana in his hand and his eyes were fixed on it. There was something so familiar in that sword. He finally decided to look at it closer, he unsheathed it and watched the blade shine with the red sun that covered the earth. The blade was in the wrong side, this sword was a sakabatou too. It wasn't the one he had purchased that day, it was different, but it felt equal somehow. It was then that he noticed that he wasn't wearing anything usual. His black outfit was gone, instead he was wearing an old looking one. He had a white hakama on and a blue gi. His hair was tied in a high pony tale and he was walking slowly without a place to go. Kenshin was in deep thought, there were some words flying to his mind. He was trying so hard to remember them.


"…come see me in Kyoto"

"…and you still have the same dream, come see me in Kyoto"

What dream? Kenshin thought starting to get frustrated. What was he talking about? The sun was starting to hide and the night was starting to fall. He kept walking and with each step he took he thought more and more about everything.

"Life death and a sword.. .that is your only path. Take this, it's not my best work but it will do. Do what you believe using this sword, you'll learn what an unrealistic dream you have. When this sword breaks and you still have the same dream, come see me in Kyoto"

Kenshin stopped walking. Those words, they seemed so real, like something he really heard a long time ago, something that stayed with him for ever. Some one gave him a sword, why? Kenshin grabbed the sword that rested by his side once more. He looked at it closely. This wasn't the same sword but it seemed so alike. Then a vision hit him and he awoke with a name on his mind.


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Yes it was the middle of the night but he didn't care. He had to find out, he had to know if his suspicions were correct, and if they were… he didn't even wanted to think about it. It was just too much for him.

He quietly left the room and walked to the kitchen. A thousand questions in his mind and just one way to find some of the answer. Everything was so weird, the sword, the way he felt when he used it, the power he possessed. That thing that he did, he had never seen a move like that, and he simply preformed it like he had done it a million times before. Ryu Tsui Sen… what did tat meant? And why did Kaoru knew about it. The blue eyed girl was the biggest of the questions. At first he thought that he was just imagining things, but he weren't. There was some kind of estrange connection between him and Kaoru and it was driving him mad that he couldn't tell what was it.

Kenshin reached the kitchen with the sword in his hand. He didn't turned on the light, he didn't want to draw attention to the house. He put the sword on the table and grabbed a knife. He stared at the sword for a moment before he began to work.

He slowly started to take of the hilt of his sword. He refused to look at the blade until the hilt was completely of. When he was almost done he heard some footsteps approaching.

"What are you doing up at this hour?" He asked without even tuning around.

"I don't know" Answered Kaoru after a few moments. "How did you know it was me?"

Kenshin turned around and looked at those beautiful blue eyes. "I just knew" He answered as she approached him.

"Kenshin what are you doing?" She asked when she saw the sword on the table.

"I'm just… I just need to see something"

Kaoru just nodded in understanding. She knew what he was talking about. She didn't know exactly what he was looking for, but she had sensed the same things he had, and she also felt in her heart that there were some answers to her multiple questions if she just knew where to look, or if she could just remember.

Kenshin took his eyes away from Kaoru's when he saw the understanding in them and finished his task.

Kenshin held the blade in his hands, he closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

His suspicions were confirmed the moment he laid eyes on the blade. There they were, the words that he was fearing to find and that he knew could only mean one thing: He wasn't crazy and something really strange was happening.

Kaoru looked in the violet eyes of Kenshin and then saw the confused expression they held. He was contemplating the blade that laid in his hands. She gently took it from him and read out loud the words that were written where the handle should have been, that where hidden and only meant to be found by someone that knew where to look.

"I made a sword to atone for all the pain I caused. My son may hate what I create, so this is for my grandson's era" - Shakku Arai

"Who is Shakku?" Asked Kaoru.

"The man that made this sword and that gave me my first sword right after the battle of Toba Fushimi at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration"

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A/n: Yes I know this is short but sorry. I just didn't have more time to write since I'm in the middle of finals and all. I don't know a single thing about swords so I just made out the part where it was possible to take the hilt of, if I'm wrong just please pretend I'm not.

If anybody wants to be notified when a new chapter is uploaded please tell me and I'll add you to my mailing list.

Thanks for reading: Gypsy-chan, Sabrina-star, Jason M. Lee, omochi, Haru, Lysse-chan, Fuuko-san, Jaina, Naomi, Yume Kuroi, ryuu, The*Spangled*Pandemonium, Skipper, White Plum, Val, Chiki, Aloani, Kaoru Himura, Kaoru: Kawaii Sakura, Mistress of Time and Tasya.

Special thanks to: ThirdGrid, Aloani, Mistress of Time and deathbycooky15 for putting me on your favorite author list.