Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Findings of Earth ❯ As Strange as it Seems ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry for the delay. Please please please don't kill me.

The Findings of Earth

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"Who is Shakku?" Asked Kaoru.

"The man that made this sword and that gave me my first sword right after the battle of Toba Fushimi at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration"

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Chapter XI As Strange as it Seems

"What?" asked Kaoru after hearing Kenshin's answer.

Kenshin just kept silent for a few moments looking at the sword with his violet eyes. In a moment his whole world had change. He didn't fully understand what was happening but he did know that his live was more than he ever though of. He gave a little smile to himself, his lives where now different. He evened his breathing and ignored Kaoru for a few more moments. He now was presented with a very difficult choice. Either he was crazy and he was in his way to the mad house or he had lived before and he was now remembering his past life. As strange as it sounds Kenshin preferred the first one. If he was crazy then that was it, he'll soon be in a nice padded white room thinking whatever he wanted to think and with many doctors studying his hallucinations, he hope he'll make an interesting case. But if what he was seeing and felling was true and if he indeed had live another life then everything was even more complicated than before. It was one thing if he was the only one of this previous life involved in the new chaotic one, but he wasn't. He looked up and met her beautiful ocean blue eyes. She was involved too. There was no coincidence in their meeting, he now knew it was meant to be. The had meet in a previous life and…

"Kenshin?" Asked Kaoru worried. "Are you listening to me? You spaced out"

"I'm sorry Kaoru" He said leaving his thoughts in the air and returning to the present.

"I'm a little confused" She finally said after a while "If I don't recall badly, the battle of Toba Fushimi was…"

"One hundred and fifty years ago"

"But then…"

Kenshin took a deep breath, the decision had to be made. He knew that whether he liked it or not Kaoru was already involved. She too had some flashbacks and he knew that sooner or later she would figure out the truth for herself.

"Kaoru what I'm about to tell you is going to sound really really crazy." He took a moment to look at her and notice the reaction in her face, she was smiling as softly and reassuringly as always. "Recently I've been having weird dreams and vision that I can't understand, sometimes I see some flashes and a thousand different images appear in my mind and as soon as I open my eyes I forget them. Some other times I have really strange feelings like when I saw this sword or like when… when I saw you for the first time." Kenshin paused to take a breath and looked at Kaoru, her eyes were shining and her attention was completely on him. She open her mouth to speak but Kenshin did it first, he wanted to finish before she told him he was crazy. " Non of it made sense until tonight. After I practiced with the sword I could feel something… more like remember something, like I've always knew and I just needed a little push to remember it all. Now I know it was Hitten Mitserugi Ryu, a sword technique I used before… in my previous life."

* * *

The firs boss got on the car with four of his associates. It was the middle of the night and it was cold, there were a million places he preferred to be than in a car trying to find his elusive slave. Normally he wouldn't be out in a recapture mission, he left that things to his men, but given the recent information and the fact that so far everyone had done a terrible job, he was forced to go out and do it himself.

To say that he was frustrated was the understatement of the century. He had worked so hard and he was so close… but now the deal was falling apart thanks to those annoying children. He took a cigar out and started smoking, he needed to calm his nerves. The smell of the fire as it lit up the cigarette always brought him old memories. You would have think that after all the cigarettes that he had smoked in his life the effect of the aroma would have worn out but it haven't.

His boss used to smoke too, every memory he had of him was filled with a gray cloud. That was a long time ago, back when he had a name and he was nobody's boss. He shocked his head trying to get rid of the old memories. Now was not the time for memory recall.

"First boss we are getting close"

He just nodded and looked out the window. Soon he would have them back in his custody, the deal would be closed and everything would be fine. Soon he would recover his name.

* * *

For a moment that seemed like an eternity in Kenshin's mind, the just stood there and stared at each other.

Kaoru was having an identity crisis of her own. Every piece of new information he heard from Kenshin wasn't as new as it was supposed to be. She had a lot of the same experiences and could relate to them. She also had that weird sensation when she saw him for the same time and her heart screamed with joy because he had feel the same. She still have so many questions like how did she know the name of that move Kenshin executed. It was very confusing, she knew that there was something very weird going on but she didn't had an answer. But now Kenshin had giving her one. A pass life. What was that supposed to mean? She wasn't sure if she believed in reincarnation or not, she never give it a lot of thought but now she had to face her doubts and made of her mind. Did she believe him?

Kenshin stood in front of her, with red bangs falling in her face and those impossibly beautiful violet eyes staring straight to her. She only needed to look at hem to know what she needed to know.

"I believe you"

Kenshin blinked a couple of time but never took his eyes off hers.

"Thank you" He said while giving her a sweet smile.

"I still have so many questions" She said.

"Yes I know, I haven't figure it all out."

"So do you know how where you at your past life?" She asked. She still was very clueless about everything but Kenshin seemed to have a better inside so he maybe knew more.

"I don't exactly know. I know that I was a swordsman and that I used this sword but I don't know much more"

"And… what about me?" Kaoru asked with a curious look on her face.

"I remember you but I don't know how you were…" He closed his eyes so he could think more clearly " It's very strange," He thought " I don't remember your voice or your face but I look at your eyes and I know you. Is like everything you are is revealed to me by just staring at those eyes and I just know everything… I have this feeling whenever I look at you and is like I remember how I used to fell I remember I-"

"I love you" Said Kaoru.

At the sound of her voice he opened his eyes and saw her looking at him. He didn't realized he was thinking out loud, that mean that she had heard every word, she knew how he felt, but she had also responded. She loved him. Before Kenshin had enough time to react he felt her soft lips on top of his giving him the sweetest kiss, and as his mouth parted and he felt her and tasted her he remembered.

Finally the kiss was broken and there eyes met again. Everything had change. A soft kiss had bring back memories of their love. Now even if they were lost in so many ways they had found each other.

"I remember" She said as she put her arms around him.

"I remember too Kaoru and I love you too"

* * *

The first boss smiled. Kenshin was indeed a smart kid. He knew the business and the way the gang operated but he forgot that the first boss could also read his thinking. When he got the call telling him that his runaways had been spotted near a pastry shop he decided to investigate the neighborhood plans so he may had an idea of where they were. He soon recognized one of the houses there. The gang had done a job there and the house was currently empty. Kenshin knew about this, it was the perfect hide out. Now he was sitting in the car parked in front of the house and looking at it. Even at the late hour he could tell there was movement in the house. No lights were on of course. Kenshin was too smart for that, but now and then he could see a soft glow. A candle probably. He could tell that they had just moved to the second floor, they were probably ready to sleep. He hated to interrupt but then again he actually didn't.

"Let's go!" He said to his men a moments latter four heavily armed shadows were approaching the house.

* * *

Kenshin and Kaoru were getting ready to sleep when Kenshin hard a sound. He carefully blow of the candle and approached the window. He mentally cursed as he saw the dark vehicle in front. He took Kaoru's hand and whispered.

"They found us"

Kaoru gasped but remained silent. She quickly got her things and took Kenshin's hand again. She had to trust him and she already did.

Kenshin took his sword and slowly opened the door. He could tell they were already in the house and on their way up. They were trapped.

Kenshin took a deep breath and unsheathed his sword, he would just have to fight them.

He remained in the shadows and pushed Kaoru behind him. He looked at her one last time.

"Stay here" He said and then he moved so fast that Kaoru almost lost sight of him. She could see his shadow and she saw how he jumped down the stairs to meet their attackers. Everything got chaotic from there. Kaoru lost sight of everything when she heard the first shot. At that moment her whole world stopped. She could only think of one thing. Kenshin. She forgot about everything else, her own safety or Kenshin's words, she just had to see if he was alright.

Kenshin had already knocked one man out but as he heard the first shot he saw the gun the man was carrying. It wasn't a handgun, it was an M-16 one of the must powerful assault rifles there were.

Kenshin took a deep breath, everything just got a lot more complicated. He knew there were another three men and they probably had the same weapons.

He was about to pick up the mans' weapon when he heard a cry. He knew that voice and before he could even react he was running towards the sound, the gun forgotten in the floor.

He stopped when he saw the sight on top of the stairs. Kaoru laid still and the first boss had one hand around her through. The heavy rifle rested by his side but instead he had a handgun pressed to her temple. Kaoru looked at Kenshin with wide eyes. First she was relieved that he was aright but then she couldn't help feeling ashamed and sorry. She had been caught.

Kaoru never lost eye contact with the beautiful violet of Kenshin's eyes. Then she tried to use her elbow to hit the attacker in the ribs and get free, but her efforts were futile since the first boss saw the blow coming and stopped it before it could connect. He then tightened the hold against Kaoru's throat and closed hos mouth to her ear so he could whisper.

She shivered at the close contact but remained still.

"Try that again and your annoying friend over there will get his leg shot"

Kaoru stayed still, movement was out of the question, she didn't want Kenshin to get hurt.

"So I finally found my little and annoying servant, people tell me that you've become very skilled with the sword. We should test your abilities latter, they might come in handy, but for the mean time just stay still and drop your sword or I'll be force to harm this little lady at mi side."

Kaoru saw how Kenshin's beautiful violet eyes began to change shades. It happened in just a few seconds, but soon she was staring at a pair of amber eyes that looked coldly at the man beside her. The first boss also noticed the transformation. In all of the years he had known Kenshin he had never seen him do something like that. He never changed his expression and kept staring at Kenshin with the same cold eyes.

"Let her go" It was a simple command, he didn't even raise his voice when he said it but the tone of that voice was something the first boss had never heard and sent shivers down his spine.

"You know I can't do that, and you better just do as I tell you or I'll kill her. If you move I'll kill her."

The remaining two men walked behind Kenshin and stood at a safe distance with their weapons pointed at him.

Kaoru could see the struggle in Kenshin's eyes. She noticed how the amber and amethyst fused, Kenshin didn't know what to do.

Finally Kenshin sheathed his sword and dropped it. The noise of the object hitting the ground was the only thing heard in a few moments.

"I'm so glad you finally want to cooperate Kenshin" Said the first boss braking the silence. "Now if you'll be so nice to cross your hands behind your back and let my men cuff you we'll be on our way."

Kenshin didn't bother to replay, he simply crossed his hands in his back and waited patiently until one of the men secured his wrists. He felt the cold metal close around his still injured wrist and bit into his skin. If he wanted he could have knocked that man out, but he wasn't going to do anything that may endanger Kaoru. He knew they were getting captured again but there was nothing he could do, he wasn't about to risk Kaoru's safety. He would think of something later, when that man didn't had a gun at her head.

"Don't go thinking that you'll be able to break this cuffs to. I got the strongest ones… and besides, I still have my insurance with me."

With that said Kenshin felt was told to walk. He could feel the men's guns still pointed at him. Kaoru and The first boss were the last to exit the house and head to the car.

One of the mean reached the car and open one of the back doors and then opened the truck.

"Inside!" He screamed at Kenshin.

He gave Kaoru one last look before doing as he was told. He looked at the first boss.

"If you harm her in any way I'll kill you"

Then he lowered himself and felt the hood being closed on top of him.

Kaoru looked at him with sympathetic eyes and the was shoved inside the car.

"What about Alex?" Asked one of the men.

"Leave him" Answer the first boss "When he wakes up he'll come to the house"

With that said the car started. Kenshin felt the movement and tried to get himself as comfortable as he could in the small space. It wasn't the first time he was forced to travel this way and he thanked that his body was small so it wasn't even more painful. He sighted, his taste of freedom didn't last long, but now he knew he'll do everything he could to get free again or at least let his Kaoru get as far away from this people as he could. He had finally found something he didn't thought existed, he had found love and he wasn't going to loose it.

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A/N: This chapter was a little longer than usual so I hope you can use that to forgive me about my long updates.

Hope you liked it, please let me know what you think. ^_^x

AiteanE the first bosses parts were for you. I hope you liked them. You are right, I should work more in the boss personality I know he seems kind of distant and I'll try to change that. Some of it is intentional I don't want to reveal their true propose just yet.

Thanks for reviewing:

Jason M Lee (Thanks for the sword tips), Yukimi, Val, Fuuko-san (even if it takes me forever, I'm finishing this fic), Kaoru: Kawaii Sakura, Yume Kuroi, Kaoru Himura, Aloani, Gypsy-chan, omochi, Lysee-chan (un fanart para mi fic????? Enserio???? No sabes lo feliz que me hace nadie nunca me ha hecho un fanart y yo no lo puedo hacer porque no se dibujar… Muchas Gracias!!!!) AiteanE (Thanks for your comments (they helped a lot) and I'm also curios as how is your view of hell since I tried to do the opposite of the normal view in my fic.), Sabrina-star, Haru (I hope you are not too depress, sorry), Chiki (I won I won!!!! Thanks for voting for me!), Angelin, SVZ, The*Spangled*Pandemonium (wow you make me blush) and Thacila (thanks for your mails)

Special thanx to: HyprLyndrFlwr and kamma for putting me in your favorite author list!!!!