Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ The Torture ❯ All In a Name ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: I couldn't get rid of this no matter how much I tried so why fight it? Don't worry this won't be long, I'm going to make it a nice little two-shot. I got the idea for this story while watching Shakira's new music video La Tortura. But tell me am I the only one who finds it funny at how serious she looks when she's dancing? And the pattern she has by being dirty in her videos is just odd. I looked up the translation to the song and realized that I interpreted way off. The video is so misleading. But anyways I got a story that I will finish so yay for me.
Disclaimer: The world is cold right now and you just make it colder…
The Torture
Chapter Uno: All in a Name
Riddle me this: What is one thing you own but people use it more than you?
…your name
Kenshin and Tomoe had been living in this new apartment complex for almost six months. And through all that time living there his neighbor from across the street whose apartment building overlooks his, has yet to show their face to him. Normally this wouldn't bother him, this shouldn't bother him, but it did. And that's what irritating the hell out of him right now, this nameless stranger that's occupying his every thoughts. He would've found amusement in this if only it wasn't happening to him.
Kenshin knew someone lived over there because he could hear noises from the building sometimes. And also from his apartment he can see shadows move about the place and items suddenly disappear and appear as well. Add to the fact that he asked the landlord who confirmed his suspicions. The old man wouldn't say anything else and all that he was able to squeeze out of him was that the tenant is a woman who is hardly ever home. That should've satisfied him and put his interests to rest.
But it didn't.
He shouldn't care about some mysterious woman when he has Tomoe all to himself. But he didn't lover her; he never did. And the woman he loved; the woman he still loves is gone now. He looked everywhere for her but it still wasn't enough. But he will find her someday and until then he did he will always have Tomoe.
A sleepy murmur sounded from beside him and after glancing over there Kenshin realized that it was only Tomoe still slumbering in a deep sleep. It was late in the evening but she needed the rest after last night.
Last night marked the two year anniversary when the only woman he had ever loved and still loves to this day left him. For two long years he had lived, although barely, without the smell of her
…the sound of her
…the touch of her
…the taste of her
For two agonizing years Kenshin has lived without her.
This special anniversary was painful to him, more painful than all of the days he went on living without her by his side. But Tomoe, she understood this more than most people. She understood this and still she remained at his side, watching as he pines for a woman that is not her.
Watching as he loves a woman that can never be her.
On every anniversary Kenshin vents his loss and frustration on Tomoe. And last night was no exception as he listened to her, tasted and smelled her, and as he touched her all the while believing that it was…her, the woman who now only exists in his dreams. The woman whose name he calls out each time he is with Tomoe- each time he is with any woman.
He loves her and he knows that she loves him, now all he has to do is find her and prove it.
“Kaoru…” Kenshin brokenly whispered in the stillness of the room, wishing that is was her instead of Tomoe nestled up against him.
Unable to stand the direction of his thoughts, Kenshin decided to get up and scrounge up a late dinner for the both of them. He only came in here to check on Tomoe so how did he end up in this situation- lying on the bed with her cuddled up to him, while he thought about a woman that he had yet to find? Kenshin slowly eased Tomoe off him, careful not to awaken her. With this delicate feat completed he quickly left the room and quietly shut the door as he exited.
Entering the small kitchen Kenshin looked to see what was available to make. They weren't able to go grocery shopping this week so his options were limited. Maybe he'll go tomorrow, that is if he has the time.
Laying out his ingredients Kenshin decided that he'll just make something simple tonight. As he pulled out the pots, pans and other instruments to cook the meal his mind forgot about all else but the task at hand. So while he added the seasonings and spices to the food and warmed up the cold stove, Kenshin pushed back all thoughts about Tomoe and Kaoru as well as the stranger from across the street.
Across the street from where Kenshin now lived, a lone figure entered the apartment that this auburn haired man constantly watched. This female stranger if seen by that man would've looked very familiar to him for she had glistening sapphire eyes and tumbling raven locks very much like the woman that inhabits his every dream and every thought. Another similarity- another likeness that this mysterious individual shares with Kenshin's love is a name that they both carry
A/N: That's it and the next one should be up soon! I would really love a review as any sane person would. Probability will be updated soon and I highly recommend that everyone should check it out. Oh and check out my Xanga because I'll post my fanfic progress on there (url is on my profile).