Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ To Hate or To Forgive ❯ chapter 7 where are you? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Antica: hi all here's the update you wanted
Kaoru: Antica where did Kenshin go? Did he leave me alone? Did he…
Kenshin: calm down Kaoru-dono I'm sure antica-dono isn't that mean
Antica: thank you kenshin, and no he isn't gone forever
Battousai: good because I'll slit you throat if you make me leave Kaoru
Antica (goes to her laptop): Battousai I think you forgot what I am capable of,
Battousai: NO I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll be good
Antica: good boy
Chapter 7 where are you?
Kaoru leaned at the bathtub, she decided to take a bath after Kenshin had gone inside with her father, she was thinking of what he said earlier
“I would never leave, I will always be by your side and I will always protect you
Kaoru smiled as she remember how close they were when he said that, she felt all tingly and fuzzy inside, she had never experienced anything like this before. Kaoru realized that she had stayed in the bath for a whole hour.
Father must have finished talking to Kenshin by now, I'll go see where he is” Kaoru thought as she dried off and put her kimono back on.
She tied her wet hair in a high pony tail using the indigo ribbon and slid the bathhouses door open she began to walk towards the room where her father was talking to Kenshin, when she got there she knocked on the door
“Enter” she heard her fathers voice form behind the door
She opened the door only to see her father sitting in his usual chair still drinking his sake, there was no sign of Kenshin anywhere
“Sir” she said trying to get his attention
“What do want wrench?” he said harshly
Kaoru felt her heart ached, her eyes were starting to water, she always felt her heart breaking whenever her father calls her name like wrench and whore. Kaoru decided to be strong and hold back her tears
“Sir isn't Kenshin with you?” she asked.
“No he left a while ago” he answered.
“Oh” was all she said as she turned to leave.
“Kaoru” he called, Kaoru stopped and turned around to face her father again.
“Yes sir did you want anything I can get you?” she asked sweetly
“No…..I want to know what your relationship with Kenshin is?” he asked.
Kaoru was stunned by his question…..what was there relationship…..if he had asked her that a few days ago she would have said that he was a friend instantly but now……why was it so difficult to say that.
“Kenshin…..Kenshin is a very good friend to me sir” she answered.
“Just a friend” he asked raising an eyebrow
“Yes” she answered
Her father waved his hand mentioning that she may leave; Kaoru turned around and shut the door behind her.
She made her way towards the garden expecting Kenshin to be practicing but there was no one there, she went towards his room and opened his door still nothing.
What wrong with Kenshin today? It's not even midday and he disappears twice” thought Kaoru
Kaoru began to search the whole mansion.
It was already late in the afternoon when Kaoru was done searching the whole mansion
(Antica: you can just imagine the mansion being huge)
The only place she hasn't looked in was the stables.
She rushed towards the stables as fast as her feet can carry her, her kimono made it difficult for her to run very fast. When she reached there she didn't find Kenshin anywhere.
Kaoru sank to the ground, tears were falling from her cheeks for the second time that day, she sobbed Kenshin has left her alone. He left without even saying goodbye.
She sat there for a while before she heard a whining sound; he lifted her head to see her mare looking at her.
(Antica: a Whinny is a sound that is made by a horse when it is looking for other horses or people.)
Kaoru stood up and walked over to the stall where her mare stood, she brushed her fingers in her long brown main giving her a sad smile.
“You'll never leave me, will you?” Kaoru asked.
Her mare just Squealed
(Antica: When a horse squeals it means no.)
“Thank you my friend” Kaoru said hugging her animal friend.
The mare Whinnied again.
“What's wrong girl?” Kaoru asked pulling away from the huge.
The mare turned her head, Kaoru looked at the direction of where her mare was looking at, and she saw Kenshin's horse was not in its stall.
“Kenshin must have taken him with him when he left” Kaoru said as she turned to her mare.
“You miss you friend don't you?” she asked
The mare shook her head up and down.
“I wonder where he could be, I checked every where, in fact the only place I haven't check is the…..” Kaoru gasped as she remembered another place she and Kenshin knew.
The lake….I haven't checked the lake yet” she thought
“Come on girl, let's go find them” she said as she placed a saddle on her mare's back, got on and started to ride towards the lake.
If he is not there, then I will know that he is gone for good…….oh Kenshin please be there” Kaoru prayed as she galloped on.
Kaoru reached the lake, she got off and started to wake towards the direction where Kenshin had lead her before, as she got closer she heard load battle yells coming form the direction where she was walking, she began to hesitate and was thinking of going back.
No I have to make sure if Kenshin is really gone” she thought as she continued to walk forward.
The cries were getting loader and Kaoru was starting to hear the sound of something being struck with a sword, she got closer and hid behind a tree, she peeked from behind it. She gasped at what she saw, it was Kenshin, he was swinging his sword furiously, striking a tree in front of him, the tree had a lot of slashes on its bark and Kenshin continued to swing at the tree.
Flashbacks were rushing in Kenshin's mind as he swung his sword and slashed the tree bark.
Kenshin ran ahead and called out for his sister to catch up as Tomoe kimono wasn't helping her much when she tried to run.
Kenshin gave the tree another slash
The ambassador grabbed Tomoe, who was close by and used her as a shield as the rebel hired his gun and shot Tomoe right in her chest.
And another.
He saw his sister fall on the ground and the ambassador cowardly ran for his own life and jumped into on off the carriages that were near by.
And another
“No please……no…..Tomoe” Kenshin began to panic as he placed two fingers on her throat to check her pulse. Nothing there was no pulsed nor was Tomoe breathing. She was dead.
And another he was in his full rage at what the ambassador did to his sister, his thoughts suddenly went to Kaoru and how her father treated her.
“I want you to keep a close eye on Kaoru, don't let her out of your sight, other wise I'm sure that she will go something she will regret”
He gave the tree another slash
“I don't trust her at all and that is why I hired you to tell me what she does, where she goes, who she meets and where”
And another
“Kaoru has a lot of her mother's qualities and I refuse to let my name go to shame because of my stupid daughter”
That last comment made Kenshin angrier than ever he swung his sword with all his might. The tree slit in half due of the strong sword struck on it.
Kaoru gasped from behind the tree when she saw the huge tree slit in half, she saw Kenshin had stopped swinging his sword and lowered his head.
He must be in so much pain…..I wonder what is causing his pain …..I wish I could help him ease his pain………….kenshin” she thought
The next thing she knew, she was pushed on the tree bark she hid behind hard, she winced in pain and felt cold steel pressed on her throat.
Kaoru opened her eyes only to meet with Kenshin's cold golden ones; she could see his anger, pain and hatred in them.
“Kenshin” she whispered.
Kenshin was too blind by his hatred to see that he had Kaoru pinned against the tree with his sword pressed to her throat; all he could see in front of his was the ambassador.
He heard a familiar voice call his name, the voice and soft and feminine. Kenshin closed his eyes and shoot his head, when he opened them he gasped when he saw his sword pressed on Kaoru's throat and that it had cut a little of her smooth skin and blood was slowly flowing down her throat.
“Kenshin it's me Kaoru” said Kaoru trying to ignore the pain of the cut Kenshin's sword made.
“Miss Kaoru” said Kenshin as he stumbled backwards, his eyes widened in surprise as fell on his knees.
“I cant believe it………I hurt Kaoru….I hurt her……and it's all because my hatred for her father blinded me to see the only person who is important to me get hurt, I will never forgive myself for what I did to her” Kenshin thought as guilt washed over him.
Kenshin was still on his knees and his hands were clutching the grass on the ground, his head hung low as he was still feeling guilty of what he did. Suddenly he gasped as he felt a soft palm in his cheek raising his head so his eyes met blue ones. He could see Kaoru's sadness in her eyes as she gave him a small smile. His eyes scanned her face then were lowered to the small cut his blade left.
“Kenshin are you al-” she started to say.
“I'm sorry” he interrupted
“Kenshin it's alright” she said
“no, it's not alright Miss Kaoru, I could have killed you, I……I didn't see you…..I can't explain how I didn't, I just didn't see you……believe me Miss Kaoru if I knew that it was you I would have never hurt you like that……I know that you won't forgive me and won't trust me again…..but please……please forgive me” Kenshin was practically begging.
“Oh Kenshin…'s okay really, it doesn't even hurt” Kaoru said as took hold of his wrist and pressed his fingers hard on her wound “see”
Kenshin said nothing instead he leaned forward and placed Kaoru in his warm embrace, hearing a small gasp from her, he tightened his hold on her, with one hand around her shoulder while the other was stroking her hair.
“Thank you Miss Kaoru” he whispered into her ear.
Kaoru blushed silently at the feeling of his body against hers. Meanwhile Kenshin has been busy with own thoughts.
“she forgives me even after I scared the shit out of her, after I hurt her…….why is it I am anywhere near her I feel so happy?”
Antica: awww wasn't that sweet
Kenshin: you made me hurt Miss Kaoru, how is that sweet antica-dono
Kaoru: kenshin it's okay
Kenshin: no Miss Kaoru I think its better if I left (getting up and attempted to go out of the door)
Antica and Kaoru jump of kenshin and sit on his back: NOOO
Kenshin: OROOOOO
Kaoru: you are not going anywhere
Battousai: okay okay I'm not going….now can you get off me
Antica: what's in it for me?
Battousai: you're so evil
Antica: I know I am…….. you know what I'm not getting off you until the reader review
Battousai: please review readers; she's heaver than she looks
Antica: HEY
Antica: check out my one shot song fic “MY HEART WILL GO ON” about kenshin and Kaoru, it is my first attempt to do a one shot song fic, and I was thinking about it a lot until I couldn't take it anymore and write it and publish it
Thanks EmeraldFoxTears for revewing
Antica: please review and I'm gonna try to update soon