Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Moon Online II: SAO Shippuden ❯ Arc III: Chapter 18: Nightmares Coming Rebirth ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As we start this chapter, it looks like another ‘headache’ from the past of Sailor Moon and the Moon Kingdom Sailor Scout has come back to ‘haunt’ them, yet again. And now, Suguha has faced her ‘dark side’ and she has won, but do you really think that she has completely overcome her ‘dark past’ in this storyline? Sorry, but that would be ‘spoiler alert’ and I’m trying not to ruin it for everyone. That means that you need to read and figure it out for yourself, folks. Now, I know that this is getting old and such, but I would like to give thanks and credit to Belletiger and Kanius and Kanius’ YuYuGiDigiMoon series, especially this author’s The Invasion of the Rajita story, for giving me permission to use the idea of Valkyrie Sailor Soldiers and everything that’s a part of them. I would also like to give thanks and credit to Matty G91 and this author’s story of Kamen Rider Lunar for giving me permission to use Kamen Rider Lunar, his looks, and everything about him as well as the UNI-SHOCKER organization.


I DO NOT OWN Sailor Moon, Sword Art Online, Accel World, Digimon series, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds/Zexal/Arc-V, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto,Queen’s Blade/Queen’s Gate, Gundam series, including Gundam Build Fighters, Sekirei, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed, Senran Kagura, Dead or Alive, Ninja Gaiden, Tenchi Muyo series, Ronin Warriors, Dot-hack series, Log Horizon, Star Trek series, Stargate series, World of Warcraft series,Power Rangers series, Tron, Code Lyoko, Rave Master, Mouse, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction!Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and its various studios and publishers, Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, Dead or Alive is owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Ninja Gaiden is owned/licensed by owned/licensed by Team Ninja, Temco, and Tomonobu Itagaki, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Sword Art Online is owned/licensed by ASCII Media Works, A-1 Pictures Inc., and its various directors/publishers including Reki Kawahara and Tomohiko Itō!


Warning: This story contains intense mature violence, blood, gore, death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including firearms usage, mind-control, and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and mature adult themes/situations!


Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!


Sailor Moon Online II: SAO Shippuden


(Sword Art Online II music ‘Courage’ starts)


As the intro starts, we see images of swords go by and reflected on the blades of the swords are images of Suguha and Leafa with the final reflection from the blades of the sword are Rika, Lisbeth, SAO and ALO forms, Keiko, Silica, SAO and ALO forms, Shion, Sinon, GGO and ALO forms, Kotone, Philia, SAO/SAW and ALO forms, Hiyori, Kuro, and Lux.


The next shows Princess Selene then turning into a toddler Suguha Kirigaya, who then ‘ages’ into a 13-year-old Suguha Kirigaya, warping into Suguha Kirigaya of 15-16 years of age, then into Eternal Sailor Celestial, and finally, into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial. As Valkyrie Sailor Celestial turns to the skies to see some unseen sight, Rika, Keiko, Shion/Sailor Orion, Kotone, and Hiyori appear behind her.


Just then it turns into images of Ancient Egypt of Atem’s time, Atlantis, the original Domino City, Neo Domino City, and ALO before we see Suguha Kirigaya looking at a ‘shooting star’ before she transforms into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial before facing an unknown figure that uses the Seal of Orichalcos that surrounds her and her enemy.


Next, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze are seen in two separate images which change where Suguha, then Leafa, and finally, Valkyrie Sailor Celestial are using their kendo/sword techniques. Just then Rika/Lisbeth, Keiko/Silica, Shion/Sinon/Sailor Orion, Kotone/Philia, and Hiyori/Lux are seen before we see Valkyrie Sailor Celestial, using her sword techniques, is joined by Naruto, using his famous Shadow Clones and Rasengan, in this ‘fight demonstration’.


Then we find Valkyrie Sailor Moon walking slowly forward until she is face to face with Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and the two of them stare at each other before Valkyrie Sailor Celestial brings out Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon (2500/2000) and Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (2500/2000) with Valkyrie Sailor Moon brings out Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (2500/2000) and Clearwing Fast Dragon (2500/2000) in which they go into an epic clash with Valkyrie Sailor Moon and Valkyrie Sailor Celestial clashing blades themselves.


The scene changes to Davis and Kazuto, looking a lot like his SAO avatar of Kirito, facing off against Naruto with Naruto bring out Red Nova Dragon (3500/3000) and Stardust Chronicle Spark Dragon (3000/2500) while Kazuto brings out Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity (4000/3500) and Davis brings out Shooting Star Dragon (3300/2500) along with the other Signer and Duel Dragons in which they launch into an epic titanic fight.


Just then we see Sailor Celestial, Sailor Orion, Lisbeth, Silica, Philia, and Lux engaged by a legion of opponents including monsters from ALO and Duel Monsters which they fight and defeat, but then a mysterious figure brings out the Divine Serpent used by Dartz, but Sailor Celestial, Lisbeth, and Silica bring out the three Legendary Dragons, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, and they transform into their true forms: The Legendary Knights of Atlantis where they defeat the Divine Serpent.


Naruto and Sailor Celestial are back to back surrounded by Sakura, Hinata, Rika, Keiko, Sailor Orion, Kotone, and Hiyori as a powerful circle brings for the three Aesir, Thor, Loki, and Odin as well as the three Egyptian God Monsters: Obelisk, Slifer, and Ra in which all of them unleash an incredible attack creating a massive bright light. From that light, Black-Winged Dragon (2800/1600) emerges along with the Crimson Dragon.


The scene then switches to images of Yugi Moto, Pharaoh Atem, Seto Kaiba, Joey Wheeler, Dartz, and more before switching to our heroes and heroines with images of Neo Domino City, Aincrad/SAO, ALO, the Elemental Countries including the Leaf Village, and more as images of Suguha and Naruto from childhood into their current years are seen before Suguha turns into Valkyrie Sailor Celestial and the two of them look into the distance.


Finally, we have different scenes where we see Naruto training and mastering the Rasengan, Leafa flying through the virtual skies of ALO, Serena becoming Sailor Moon for the first time, and leading to a scene with all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Naruto, Sakura, and Hinata, racing towards some kind of unknown destination in which it finally stop at all of them assembled together flanked by Earth, Atlantis, and the Leaf Village in the background along with the Legendary Dragons/Knights, the Signer and Duel Dragons, the Aesir, and Egyptian God Monsters.


(Sword Art Online II music ‘Courage’ ends)


Arc III: Chapter 18: Nightmares Coming Rebirth


May 26, 2026, Kyoto City, Kyoto prefecture


Within Kyoto City, the former capital of Japan before it went to Tokyo, we find ourselves inside of another Shinto shrine where Suguha Kirigaya is sleeping on a cot being watched over by her two Digimon partners along with Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, and whole of the Crimson Squad.


Lunamon says, “Suguha…”


Hinata tells Lunamon, with a kind smile, “I’m sure that she will be okay.”


Mirai says, “She may have overcome her ‘dark side’, but we can’t be certain that she is ready for the leader of Neo Paradius. Just because she won that duel doesn’t mean that she has COMPLETELY overcome her past.”


Suzume says, with a nod, “Indeed.”


Sakura says, looking towards the door, “Hey, we have…”


But before Sakura could finish, a female voice yells out, “Foxy!” Just then Naruto yelps as he is tackled by someone that causes both to crash into a far wall in the room causing everyone to look towards where Naruto was tackled, they see that he is tackled against the wall by none other than Katsuragi. Katsuragi tells Naruto, excitedly, “Hi, Foxy!”


Naruto says, nervously, “Hi, Katsuragi-chan.”


Katsuragi says, with a mock pout, “You don’t look so happy to see me.”


Naruto says, nervously, “N-No, it is just…!!”


Katsuragi says, with a sly grin and tone, “Just kidding!” Katsuragi then gives Naruto a big kiss on the lips causing him to wildly flush with Hinata doing the same thing with Sakura giving an annoyed look.


Sakura yells out, annoyed, “Hey!”


Katsuragi breaks off the kiss with Naruto and Katsuragi says, slyly, “Sore that you aren’t getting any loving? Well, I can take care of that.” Sakura then becomes nervous as Katsuragi’s sly smirk and takes a step back, but she then yelps and howls as Katsuragi manages to slip in behind Sakura with Katsuragi ‘touching’ Sakura’s *ahem* ‘assets’ causing Hinata’s cheeks to become cherry red.


Homura tells Hinata, “Geez, Hinata, why are you so red? It isn’t like…!!”


Hinata says, with a blush of embarrassment, “Homura-chan!” On the meanwhile, Sakura gets away from Katsuragi and attempts to punch her with chakra-enhanced strength, but Katsuragi manages to dodge her.


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “Miss me!”


Haruka says, with a sly smile, “Nice to see you.”


Hinata asks Katsuragi, “What happened with your friends?”


Katsuragi says, with a smile, “Nothing really much.”


Flashback; A few days ago, Hanzo Academy


Back within the secret shinobi classroom at Hanzo Academy, we find Asuka, Ikaruga, Hibari, and Yagyu are assembled together in which they are discussing what they just learned.


Asuka says, stunned, “I can’t believe it.”


Hibari says, solemnly, “Katsuragi…”


Just then a familiar female voice says, excitedly, “Ah, I didn’t know that you cared!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Katsuragi coming towards them.


Asuka says, shocked, “Katsu!”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “You look surprised to see me? Think that I would bail on my girls? No way! Especially not with Foxy encouraging me!”


Ikaruga asks, with a surprised expression, “Naruto-san asked you to stay?”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “He said: ‘Those that break the rules are trash, but those that abandon their comrades are less than trash. That’s what my sensei taught me. And while he comes from a village full of less than trash, the words ring true.’ Foxy has got a point!”


Yagyu says, “So, you are staying because of us, not any loyalty to our side.”


Asuka says, concerned, “Yagyu.”


Yagyu responds, plainly, “Not that I really blame her. Our people lied to Katsuragi about her family. They were the betrayers and not Katsuragi’s parents, who are the betrayed. Your grandfather and Kiriya-sensei just admitted that.”


Hibari asks, curiously, “Why did Naruto-san tell Katsuragi that information?”


Yagyu says, “As I said before: To prove a point. To prove the hypocrisy of our side, the evil ninja side, and our ninja system. And like it or not, Naruto-san has a point.” Yagyu asks Katsuragi, “He has secured your loyalty, hasn’t he?”


Katsuragi says, with a smile, “Yep! Foxy-kun is amazing! I never thought that I would be into a guy!”


Asuka says, nervously, “Yeah, I thought that you were into…girls like us.” Katsuragi gives a mischievous grin and Asuka yelps as Katsuragi slips in behind her to ‘play’ with Asuka’s *ahem* ‘assets’.


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “Don’t worry! I never get tired of yours and the others wonderful bountiful bosoms!”


Asuka yells out, with flush cheeks, “Come on, Katsu! Cut it out!”

Asuka leaps away and covers her chest with her hands in which Katsuragi says, with a grin, “But there is plenty of awesome boobs with Foxy-kun and the girls that he has already assembled. Plus, he upgraded his Transformation jutsu in which it isn’t just an illusion, he really becomes a girl!”


There are looks of shock from the others and Asuka asks, stunned, “Seriously?!”


Katsuragi says, excitedly, “You know it! And his ‘girl form’ has just major jugs that rivals our and even that Tsunade woman’s knockers!” Katsuragi gives a perverted look and she says, “And he lets me have my fill and he give me wonderful boob massages!” Hibari gives a wide blush on her cheeks while Yagyu covers Hibari’s ears. Katsuragi says, with a dreamy perverted smile on her lips, “He is just awesome just like in all of the anime, manga, and fanfiction of him! It is just like those ‘naughty fanfictions’ of him make him out to be! Once you get into bed with him, you don’t want any other guy! I bet that he turns even lesbians into guy-lovers too with him as the only guy!”


Ikaruga, sporting a slight blush, says, “Okay, we get it. While you are staying with us, you are also going to be one of Naruto-san’s girlfriends.”


Katsuragi says, excitedly, “You know it! And before you say anything, Foxy didn’t tell me to do this, but I’m going to convince you girls to be his girlfriends too!”


Asuka asks, stunned, “What?!”


Yagyu says, with a plain tone, “I had a feeling.”


Hibari asks, with a blush, “You want all of us to be Naruto-san’s girlfriends?”


Katsuragi says, with a grin, “Yep! And Foxy told me to give you something to show his honesty.”


Ikaruga asks, curiously, “What is that?”


Katsuragi, out of seemly nowhere, takes out a tablet and she say, with a smile, “He gave me the real goal of Neo Paradius’ leader!”


Katsuragi’s friends gasp in shock and Asuka asks, stunned, “Say what?!” Immediately, Ikaruga takes the computer tablet from Katsuragi and Ikaruga, along with Asuka, Yagyu, and Hibari, look at what’s on the tablet.


End Flashback; Back to the Present


Back in the present, Haruka says, with a sly smile, “I’m sure that they were quite amazed.”


Hikage says, plainly, “That’s understandable.”


Mirai says, “No fucking kidding.”


Katsuragi asks Naruto, “By the way, Foxy, if you know what that girl is after, why didn’t you tell Suguha and her friends and family yet?”


Sakura responds, “They may believe in us, but I’m not sure that they would believe in what we are saying. At least, one half of it.”


Hinata says, “Since they already experienced one of the two forces that she wants, they might believe us, but the other one might be beyond their belief.”


Homura says, “Heck, we didn’t even believe it when we managed to find out about it and trust me, it wasn’t easy to find out.”


Katsuragi asks, curiously, “How did you find out about it?”


Mirai says, “How do you fucking believe? UNI-SHOCKER, of course.”


Katsuragi says, with a nod, “Oh, right. Them.”


Naruto says, “For once, they proved useful. However, not even they completely knew about this thing.”


Mirai asks, sarcastically, “Does Neo Paradius or their fucking insane leader know about this thing?”


Katsuragi asks, looking at Suguha, “So, are you going to tell her about it?”


Sakura says, with a nod, “No kidding.”


Hinata says, “We’re not sure how, but we know that thing is connected to her.”


Katsuragi says, “Well, by the way, you are about to have visitors and they don’t look too friendly.”


Haruka tells Katsuragi, with a sly smile, “We already know, Katsuragi. They are Neo Paradius members after Suguha most likely.”


Naruto says, looking towards the entrance of the temple, “And from what I can tell, they have got more than that Orichalcos crap.”


Hinata asks Naruto, while looking at Suguha, “What do we do now, Naruto-kun?”


Naruto says, with a smirk, “Well, we give them a proper welcome.”


(Just outside; on the meanwhile)


Outside of the Shinto shrine that Suguha, her two Digimon partners, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Katsuragi, and the Crimson Squad are in, we find a pair of people looking towards the shrine.


The male looks teen male of 17-18 years of age with spiky obsidian black hair, dark grey eyes, and wearing a classic American motorcycle gang members attire.


The female looks to be a young woman of around 23-24 years of age with blood red hair, brown eyes with a pair of half-oval eyeglasses in front of those brown eyes and wearing a sexy teacher’s outfit.


The male and female, each, have a Chaos Duel Disk that Neo Paradius is using attached to their left wrists with the male saying, “This is the place that she is hiding, huh?”


The female responds, with a nod, “That’s correct. You know our orders, correct?”

The male retorts, annoyed, “Of course!”


The female says, with a nod, “Good. You must get ready. She might be unconscious, but those with her aren’t.”


The male says, “I can’t believe that the real Naruto Uzumaki is here! You think that this is a fanfiction or something.”


The female says, “This is real-life, and he has shown to be an excellent duelist since he has been for quite a while.”


The male says, with a nod, “Right.” The two of them then start to walk towards the Shinto shrine to prepare for their confrontation with Naruto’s group.


May 26, 2026, Kyoto prefecture


Speaking of confrontations, elsewhere in the Kyoto prefecture, we find the rest of our heroes and heroines, minus the currently captured Sailor Saturn, inside of a mysterious Atlantean ruins that have appeared here where they are confronting Yuuko, the leader of Neo Paradius, as she states that she is ready for the ‘final battle’. With them are Yugi, Joey, Duke, and the former Signers, who are watching this duel intently with mixed expressions on their faces.


Sailor Uranus yells out, in a demanding tone, “Where is Saturn?”


Yuuko responds, “She is safe. She is still within the stasis field that I entrapped her in, halting the mutation that she is undergoing, but she is badly ‘infected’.”


Sailor Jupiter says, “You will allow us to worry about that when we get her back.”


Yuuko says, “If you get her back and I found something quite surprising. Allow me to show you.” Yuuko snaps her fingers and the ‘frozen’ form of Sailor Saturn appears besides her.


Sailor Neptune says, worriedly, “Saturn!”


Yuuko says, plainly, “She is just fine, but you won’t be soon enough. It seems like her ‘inflection’ has ‘flushed out’ hidden something inside of her. Something or should I say, SOMEONE, I thought that I had extracted and you had defeated and sealed for me before, but it seems like she made sure to have a ‘backup’ just in case.” Yuuko then puts her left hand on Saturn’s ‘frozen’ form and dark violet energy comes from her hand in which it surrounds the entrapped Saturn.


Sailor Uranus yells out, angrily, “Don’t you dare touch her!” Quickly as a flash, Sailor Uranus brings out her Space Sword and prepares to attack Yuuko.


Sailor Moon shouts out, concerned, “Uranus, don’t!” However, Sailor Uranus doesn’t listen as she unleashes a powerful attack on Yuuko, but Yuuko creates an energy field that easily negates the attack.


Sailor Jupiter shouts out, stunned, “No way!”


Sailor Venus says, nervously, “Um, yes, way!”


Sailor Mars yells at Sailor Uranus, annoyed, “You Baka! We’re dealing with the head honcho here!” Just then a black ‘fluid’ comes from entrapped Saturn where it leaks and pools into a black ‘puddle’ in front of her and then the puddle of the black ‘fluid’ forms in front of the entrapped Sailor Saturn.


Rika asks, disgusted, “Gross! What is that?”


Davis says, nervously, “Something tells me that it is bad.”


Sailor Uranus says, “No kidding. I’m feeling a sinister wind coming from that ‘puddle’. That stuff isn’t any water…it is a dark force.”


Yuuko says, “Not just any ‘dark force’. It is one that you have faced before and one that you fought that you had already beaten once again. It was inside of Sailor Saturn before it was mainly destroyed. MAINLY destroyed, however, it hid a piece of itself within her before it was completely destroyed…seemly. However, it looks like I was wrong, it looks like this ‘dark force’ within her managed to still keep a piece of herself within her despite seemly being extracted the first time that I revived her.”


Sailor Moon asks, “A dark force in Sailor Saturn that we thought that we defeated before?” Sailor Moon says, her eyes widening at the implications, “Oh no! It…It can’t be…!!”


Kazuto asks Sailor Moon, “What is it?”


Tuxedo Mask says, plainly, “I know what Sailor Moon is thinking and she is right! It can’t be possible!” Plenty of the other Moon Kingdom Sailor Scouts are getting the same thoughts as the puddle of ‘black fluid’ then starts to take a humanoid shape…a FEMALE humanoid shape before the female humanoid shape ‘morphs’ into none other Mistress Nine, leader of the Heart Snatchers under Pharaoh Ninety, who had been revived by Yuuko before in which she and Germatoid were then defeated and their souls sealed in the Seal of Orichalcos.


Sailor Neptune says, shocked, “Mistress Nine!”


Sailor Jupiter says, stunned, “You have got to be kidding me!”


Sailor Venus says, nervously, “If this is a joke, I don’t want to experience the punchline!”


Sailor Uranus says, “That shouldn’t be possible! She and Germatoid were defeated after they were revived when they used the Seal of Orichalcos in their duel against Kitten and Sailor Sun!”


Sailor Pluto says, “That may be true, but when Firefly was first reborn into this life, Mistress Nine ‘infected’ when she was a little girl and Mistress Nine, like a parasite, had been inside of her for years. And like the parasite that she is, she could have left a small piece of herself attached not Firefly’s body, but her spirit. Not even close enough to even come close to corrupting her in the least, especially when she awoken her powers as Sailor Saturn for a second time, but enough to keep herself in existence until she could be separated from Firefly. However, it looks like she kept another ‘piece’ of herself within Firefly just in case, but then again, it isn’t surprising for a parasite like her.”


Mistress Nine glares at Sailor Pluto and she says, with a sneer, “A parasite, am I? You are going to pay for that comment.” Mistress Nine looks at Yuuko and she says, “You aren’t an ordinary human. You hold incredible dark power.”


Yuuko says, “I’m not surprised that an entity of your dark power and ability would notice, but you have said that before.”


Mistress Nine asks, curiously, “Did I?”


Yuuko says, “I have revived you before.”


Mistress Nine responds, with a nod, “I see. It must have been due to the fact that this ‘piece’ came from before you revived me the first time, so, it is the reason that I don’t have this memory.” Mistress Nine then asks, plainly, “What do you desire?”


Yuuko says, plainly, “Down to business. Understandable. We, both, want revenge on Sailor Moon and I can give you power to do so.” Yuuko then displays a Duel Monster card and Mistress Nine’s eyes widen.


Tai says, “Uh oh. I don’t have a good feeling about that.”


Matt says, with a nod, “Neither do I.”


Sailor Venus says, nodding her head in agreement, “Ditto.”


Mistress Nine says, “I see.”


Yuuko says, “Sailor Moon will be destroyed and if you succeed, you will have your own kingdom.”


Mistress Nine asks, “And how will you propose that? You know that we have wanted Earth, correct?”


Yuuko says, “You can have Earth. An Earth where Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts, especially Sailor Saturn, never stopped you and Pharaoh Ninety.”


Mistress Nine asks, “And how can you do that?” Yuuko then produces another Duel Monster card with a powerful aura and Mistress Nine getting a stunned look when she looks at it.


Sailor Jupiter asks, “Why is she so shocked?”


Sailor Uranus says, “That card. That’s no ordinary card. The powerful wind…the powerful wind from it is unbelievable…”


Sailor Mars says, shocked, “I feel it too. It…It is too incredible to describe. It is a power like nothing I felt before. No…I may have felt something similar.”


Kazuto asks, curiously, “What is it?”


Sailor Mars says, plainly with a nervous expression, “Sailor Celestial’s power.”


There are gasps of shock and Davis yells out, stunned, “No way!”


Tuxedo Mask asks, concerned, “Are you serious?”


Sailor Uranus says, with a plain tone, “Sailor Mars is right. Whatever is in that card…it is more than just a ‘power’. It is something akin that’s a rival to Sailor Celestial.”


Sailor Pluto thinks in her mind, “That can’t be possible! Sailor Celestial, as the Sailor Scout of Reality, has a potential that reaches into infinity! There are few powers that could rival her own…unless…” Sailor Pluto’s eyes start to widen in which Tuxedo Mask and Kazuto notice this expression on Sailor Pluto’s face.


Mistress Nine says, with a sly smile, “Interesting, human. However, you may be using powers beyond your understanding since it is something even beyond my understanding.” Yuuko doesn’t say a word and Mistress Nine says, with a sly smile, “As you wish. However, while I doubtful that you will succeed in your second promise, not because of betrayal, you are right that we share a common foe. Revenge against Sailor Moon.”


Yuuko says, getting out two Duel Monster cards, “Then these two cards will help you in your revenge.” Yuuko then throws the two cards, glowing in sinister dark auras, that are absorbed in Mistress Nine and she roars out in power with an intense black aura that creates a powerful wind as Yuuko teleports away. The powerful dark wind slams into our heroes and heroines and everyone, minus Sailor Moon, scream out as they are sent flying backwards.


Sailor Moon shouts out, shocked, “Everyone!”


A Real Solid version of a Chaos Duel Disk appears around Mistress Nine’s left wrist and she says, with an evil smile, “You should worry about yourself, Sailor Moon!” A dueling deck appears inside of the Chaos Duel Disk, Mistress Nine activates it, causing an ‘energy blade’ that contains the Monster and Pendulum Zones of the disk appears, and Mistress Nine draws five cards in which she draws another card causing her to say, with an evil smile, “And it starts with this! The Seal of Orichalcos!” Mistress Nine puts the card into the Field Spell slot and a sickly green column of energy surrounds where it expands to surround both Sailor Moon and Mistress Nine causing the Seal of Orichalcos to appear at their feet and entrap them in its field.


Sailor Moon asks, “Do you know what you have done?” The insignia of the Orichalcos appears on Mistress Nine’s forehead and her eyes gain a red tint glow in them.


Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “Yes. I have tapped into the greatest force of darkness in the universe. I have heard of it, but it is beyond my expectations.” Mistress Nine tells Sailor Moon, “There is only one way to have a chance that you can escape, and it isn’t just your life on the line.” Mistress Nine points upwards and Sailor Moon looks upwards in which she gasps to find the still ‘frozen’ Sailor Saturn also entrapped in a violet ‘bubble’ floating above Mistress Nine and Sailor Moon.


Sailor Moon says, worriedly, “Saturn!”


Mistress Nine says, “Both you and Saturn have caused me great pain and I will take pleasure in revenge in BOTH of you. When you lose, her life is forfeit.”


Sailor Moon growls at Mistress Nine and she says, strongly, “Fine!” Sailor Moon’s Real Solid Vision duel disk appears around her armored left wrist and she says, inserting her dueling deck inside, “You’ll find that I’m not the same Sailor Moon that I was before!”


Mistress Nine retorts, with a sinister smile, “You think that I don’t know about your changes? That I only know about your obvious outside changes in your powers? That I DON’T know about Sword Art Online?” Sailor Moon gives a flinch and Mistress Nine says, with a wicked grin, “I had a piece of myself bonded with Hotaru’s spirit ever since she was reborn again and I know everything that she knows. And I know that new fear has been placed in your heart. Fear that will come true! You won’t be able to save your precious Hotaru and you won’t be able to save yourself!”


Sailor Moon responds, with a determined voice, “We’ll see! If you remained bonded to Sailor Saturn, then you should have remembered your defeat by Sailor Sun and I before! It seems that I need to jog your memory!” Sailor Moon activates her duel disk, her deck is shuffled, both duel disks, Nine’s and Sailor Moon’s, have their touch screens display 4000 life-points for each duelist, and Sailor Moon draws five cards from her deck.


The others, on the meanwhile, start to get to their feet with Davis helping Kari up, TK with Mina, and Kazuto with Asuna in which TK asks Mina, “You okay?”


Mina says, with a nervous smile, “Yeah, I’ve been through worse.”


Yolei says, seeing the duel unfold, “Uh oh. And it looks like Serena is about to go through the ringer.”


Everyone else sees the duel, Tuxedo Mask says, concerned, “Sailor Moon!”


As Tuxedo Mask prepares to move, Sailor Pluto tells Tuxedo Mask, “You know that you can’t help her right now, Tuxedo Mask.” Tuxedo Mask gives a snarl, knowing that Sailor Pluto has a point.


Tuxedo Mask thinks in his mind, concerned, “Don’t give up, Meatball Head.”


Starting Scores:

Sailor Moon: 4000

Mistress Nine: 4000


Mistress Nine says, “Since I used the seal, I started this battle off.” Mistress Nine says, putting one card into the main slot, “Now, I activate my Fortune Vision spell! With it, I can add Fortune Lady from my deck to my hand!” A card comes out of Mistress Nine’s deck and she puts it into her hand in which Mistress Nine says, putting one card onto her disk, “And now, I summon Fortune Lady Light in attack mode!” Soon after, Fortune Lady Light (?/?) appears on the field in attack mode and Mistress Nine says, “Light’s attack and defense points are its level times two hundred points!” Fortune Lady Light then goes from 0/0 to 200/200 and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “And now, she gains five hundred more attack points thanks to the Orichalcos!” Fortune Lady Light howls as she becomes infused with the Orichalcos causing her stats to go from 200/200 to 700/200 in which Mistress Nine says, putting one card into the main slot, “Then I end my turn with one card face-down!”


Sailor Moon says, drawing a card, “My move! I draw!” Sailor Moon says, putting two Pendulum Monster cards, Performapal U Go Golem (1600/1000) and Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn (100/600), “I take scale one, Performapal U Go Golem, and scale eight, Performapal Odd-Eyes Unicorn, and set the Pendulum Scale!” Sailor Moon puts the two cards on her disk’s Pendulum Zones causing the Monster Card Zones to light up with the word ‘Pendulum’ in rainbow colors, causing the two monsters to appear on the field in two columns of light, one monster per column, and the number 1 below U Go Golem with the number 8 under Odd-Eyes Unicorn. As a swinging crystal pendulum appears on the field, Sailor Moon says, “And now, I can summon monsters that are levels two through seven this turn! Swing, Pendulum! Draw the arc of light to victory! Pendulum Summon!” Sailor Moon puts three cards on her disk, and she shouts out, “It is time to roar with a triple Odd-Eyes threat! Odd-Eyes Persona, Odd-Eyes Mirage, and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragons!” A circle of light appears on the field, three ‘lights’ come from the circle, and those three ‘lights’ are proven to be Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon (1200/2400), Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (1200/600), and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (2500/2000) in attack mode. Sailor Moon says, “Odd-Eyes Persona, attack Fortune Lady Light!”


As Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon prepares to attack, Sailor Mars yells out, “Hold on, Meatball Head!”


Mistress Nine says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Too late! I activate my trap: Slip of Fortune!” Mistress Nine’s face-down card is revealed to be the Slip of Fortune trap card and Mistress Nine says, “By removing Fortune Lady Light from play, your attack is negated!” Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon unleashes its attack, but Fortune Lady Light vanishes in which a shield negates the attack.


Sailor Moon says, seriously, “But now, you are wide open!”


Mistress Nine says, with a sinister smirk, “Wrong! When Fortune Lady Light is removed from play, I can call out a Fortune Lady straight from my deck!” A card comes out of her deck, Mistress Nine puts it on her disk, and she says, “Meet Fortune Lady Earth!” Soon after, Fortune Lady Earth (?/?) appears on the field in attack mode and Mistress Nine says, “Lady Earth gains four hundred attack and defense for every one of its level and it currently has six levels!” Fortune Lady Earth then goes from 0/0 to 2400/2400 and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “And Orichalcos boosts her power even more!” Fortune Lady Earth then then goes from 2400/2400 to 2900/2400 as it gets infused with the power of the Orichalcos.


Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “I end my turn with one card face-down.”


Mistress Nine says, drawing a card, “My move! I draw!” Mistress Nine then says, “During my Standby Phase, my Slip of Fortune’s other effect activates, and Lady Light returns to the field!” Just then Fortune Lady Light (200/200-700/200) returns to the field in defense mode and Mistress Nine says, “And also, my Lady Earth gains one level which causes her to gain a power boost!” Lady Earth then goes from 2900/2400 to 3300/2800 and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “Plus, when she gains a level, her ability activates, and you suffer four hundred points of damage!” Lady Earth slams her staff into the ground and Sailor Moon yelps as she is struck by earthen spear/stalactites causing her to lose 400 life-points.


The others gasp in shock and Sailor Mercury says, worriedly, “Sailor Moon!”


Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile while putting one card into the main slot, “Your precious Sailor Moon is in for worse…MUCH worse! I activate my Dark Core! By discarding one card from my hand, I can banish a monster on the field!” Mistress Nine discards a card from her hand and she says, “And I choose Fortune Lady Light!”


Fortune Lady Light vanishes from the field and Keiko asks, surprised, “But that’s her own monster!”


Kazuto says, with a plain tone, “With a nasty ability when banished, Keiko.”


A card comes out of Mistress Nine’s deck and she says, “Correct. Now, I can summon a Fortune Lady from my deck, and I choose my Fortune Lady Water!” Mistress Nine puts the card on her disk and Fortune Lady Water (?/?) appears on the field in attack mode in which Mistress Nine says, “She gains three hundred attack and defense for every level that she has, and she has four currently!” Fortune Lady Water then goes from 0/0 to 1200/1200 and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “By now, you should realize this, but she also gains more power, thanks to the Orichalcos!” Fortune Lady Water then goes from 1200/1200 to 1700/1200 when she gets infused with the Orichalcos’ power with Mistress Nine says, “I also activate her ability! When she is Special Summoned and I have another Fortune Lady on my field, I get two new cards!” Mistress Nine draws two cards from her deck, puts another card into the main slot of her disk, and she says, “And next, I activate my Fortune’s Future! By sending a banished Fortune Lady to my graveyard, I can draw two more cards!” Fortune Lady Light’s card then appears in front of Mistress Nine and turns into a ball of light where it goes into the graveyard slot of Mistress Nine’s disk while she draws two more cards from her deck. Mistress Nine then says, “And now, Lady Earth, skewer Sailor Moon’s pathetic dragon!” Lady Earth then unleashes a massive of earthen spikes right for Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon!


Sailor Moon says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Not so fast! I activate my trap: Mirror Force!” Sailor Moon’s face-down card is revealed to be the Mirror Force trap card and Sailor Moon says, “Your attack is redirected right at your monsters and destroying them!” But then the spikes crash through the Mirror Force ‘reflector’ causing Sailor Moon to gasp in shock and horror.


Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “Sorry, Sailor Moon, but thanks to my Fortune Vision spell, when a card I control is banished, my monsters can’t be destroyed by card effects making your Mirror Force useless!” Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon roars out as he is impaled by spikes.


Sailor Moon says, “Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon’s ability activates! Since there are Odd-Eyes Pendulum Monsters in my Pendulum Zone, I can make one Odd-Eyes unable to be destroyed once this turn!”


Mistress Nine says, “But you still take the damage!” Just then spikes around Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon shatter and Sailor Moon grunt out as she is hit by multiple rocks sent flying from the explosion as she loses 800 life-points. Mistress Nine says, “And now, Lady Water washes away that annoying lizard!” Fortune Lady Water unleashes a wave of water that drowns Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon and Sailor Moon yelps as she is sent skidding backwards by the wave as she loses 500 more life-points. Mistress Nine says, putting two cards into the main slot of her disk, “And now, I end my turn with two cards face-down to end my turn!”


Current Scores:

Sailor Moon: 2300

Mistress Nine: 4000


Tai says, “Oh, man! The duel has just started, and she is down to nearly half of her life-points!”


Sailor Jupiter says, worriedly, “And Mistress Nine hasn’t lost a single point and she has the edge!”


Kazuto and Tuxedo Mask think in their minds at the same time, “Serena…”

Mistress Nine tells Sailor Moon, with an evil smile, “I will make you suffer, Sailor Moon. Before you are sealed away, you will know that you have failed your precious Hotaru and you will know your fear of those that you love dying where there is nothing that you can to save them!” Mistress Nine gives her evil laugh while Sailor Moon gives a pained look as her left hand turns into a fist at Mistress Nine’s taunting.


May 26, 2026, Kyoto City, Kyoto prefecture


Right now, we return to the Shinto shrine within Kyoto City where Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Suguha, Suguha’s two Digimon partners, Katsuragi, and the Crimson Squad are where the teenage male dressed like American motorcycle gang member and the female dressed like a female teacher with their Chaos Duel Disks that have dueling decks inside are approaching when they stop in their tracks when they find Naruto, having his Real Solid Vision duel disk attached to his left wrist, standing in front of them.


Naruto says, “You know, no one likes an uninvited guest, believe it.”


The teenage male says, “The real Naruto Uzumaki in the flesh.”


Naruto says, with a sly grin, “Got that right, pal.”


The female of the pair says, “Facing us alone? I doubt that. Most likely, you have us surrounded.”


Naruto retorts, with a grin, “Now, what makes you say that?” Soon after, Katsuragi, Sakura, Hinata, and the Crimson Squad then come out of the shadows and surround the pair of Neo Paradius members.


The female of the two Neo Paradius members says, “My, such a lovely group of ladies. Decided to live up to the harem fanfictions of your MANY fan, Naruto-san? You are a naughty boy.”


Naruto tells her, “Hey, don’t compare me to Pervy Sage, Kakashi-sensei, and Ebisu-hentai!”


Haruka says, slyly, “Through being a bit ‘naughty’ with us is okay with us, Naruto-kun.”


Sakura palms herself on the forehead and she yells out, annoyed, “Seriously?!”

Mirai says, annoyed, “No kidding!”


Yomi says, with a sly smile, “You are here for Suguha. Sorry, but not happening.”


Mirai brings out her classic machine gun and she says, “And you, dweebs, are going to leave here as swiss cheese!”


Hinata tells Mirai, shocked, “Mirai!”


Mirai says, “Hey, don’t give me that crap, Hinata! It is time for that Yuuko ass to get the message that we aren’t to be messed with!”


The male Neo Paradius member retorts, “We should say the same thing.”


Mirai yells out, annoyed, “Oh, yeah, Baka! Why should you be fucking saying that?” Just then both Neo Paradius give evil smiles as they unleash a powerful dark shockwave that sends all of them flying backwards, but with their ninja skills, they manage to right themselves and land on the ground safely, however, pitch black chains burst out of the ground in which they bind everyone expect for Naruto, who uses golden chains to deflect the black chains.


Sakura says, with a grunt, “C-Can’t move…!!”


Hinata says, nervously, “I-I’m trapped!”


Katsuragi yells out, annoyed, “Hey, let us go!”


Homura shouts out at Mirai, annoyed, “You had to say that!”


Naruto says, worriedly, “Everyone!”


The male of the Neo Paradius duelists tells Naruto, “You should be worried about yourself, buddy. We’ve been told that you are a pretty good duelist, but you are nothing compared to us.”


Naruto says, with a grin, “You want to bet on that? And trust me, when people bet against me, they usually lose, believe it!”


The female of the Neo Paradius responds, “However, it will be two-on-one, Naruto-san. Not even you can handle that.”


Just then a male voice yells out, “Then let’s make it, two-on-two, you squib!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to find Kite walking over.


Naruto says, surprised, “It’s you!”


The female of the Neo Paradius twosome says, with a sly smile, “Ah, you must be Kite Tenjo.”


Kite says, “Heartland must have been talking about me.”


The male of the Neo Paradius says, “No duh, pal! He told us all about you and your deck! When he gave us these ‘special cards’, there was a possibility that you might show up.”


Kite responds, “Not possible…Exactly what just happened! So, are you going to give up those cards and leave or do we have this done the HARD way?”


The Neo Paradius duo activate their Chaos Duel Disks and the male retorts, “Does this answer your question? The name is Lang Tamati.”


The female of the Neo Paradius says, “And I’m Lin Tanaka.”


Kite says, plainly, “And I don’t care.”


As Kite activates his duel disk, the female of the Neo Paradius duo, Lin, responds, “Oh, you will. But then again, you may have a point when both of you lose.”


Naruto says, activating his duel disk, “We’ll see about that!” Soon enough, the decks within the four duel disks are shuffled, their duel disks’ touch screens display 8000 life-points for each duelist, while, at the same time, the ‘energy blades’ containing the Monster and Pendulum Zones of the disks are ‘deployed’, and when this is all said and done, all four duelists draw five cards from their respective decks while at the same time, Kite’s clothing changes colors with the black parts of his clothing becoming pearly white.


“Duel!” Naruto, Kite, Lin, and the male Neo Paradius duelist, Lang, shout out in unison as their two-on-two duel begins.


Starting Scores:

Naruto and Kite: 8000

Lin and Lang: 8000


Lin says, drawing a card, “Ladies first.” Lin says, displaying her Seal of Orichalcos Field Spell card, “And I think that the first move isn’t too hard to understand. I play my Seal of Orichalcos Field Spell!”


As Lin puts it into her disk’s Field Spell slot, Naruto says, annoyed, “Oh, great!” Just then both Lin’s and Lang’s disks give off a sinister green glow as they are engulfed in a sickly green column of light that surrounds all four duelists as the Seal of Orichalcos forms and surrounds all four of them.


Homura says, with a plain tone, “Here we go.”


Hinata thinks in her mind, concerned, “Be careful, Naruto-kun.” On the meanwhile, Lin and Lang gain the insignia of the Orichalcos on their foreheads and gain red tints in their eyes.


Lin says, putting one card on her disk, “Now, it is time for your lesson, boys. I start off with Hydrogeddon in attack mode!” Just then Hydrogeddon (1600/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and Lin says, with a wicked smile, “Now, the Seal of Orichalcos puts an addition of five hundred attack points to my Hydrogeddon. Addition is really good math.” Soon after, Hydrogeddon gains the insignia of the Orichalcos on its forehead as well as a red tint in its eyes while its stats go from 1600/1000 to 2100/1000 in which Lin says, putting two cards into the main slot of her disk, “Now, I place two cards face-down and call it a turn.”


Naruto says, drawing a card, “Okay, ‘teach’, it’s my move!” Naruto says, displaying two Pendulum Monster cards, Majespecter Cat-Nekomata (100/1800) and Majespecter Toad-Ogama (1300/500), “I take scale two, Majespecter Cat-Nekomata, and scale five, Majespecter Toad-Ogama, and set the Pendulum Scale!” Naruto puts the two cards onto his disk’s Pendulum Zones, causing his disk’s Monster Card Zones to light up with the word ‘Pendulum’ in rainbow colors, and the two said monsters appear in two columns of light, one monster per column, with the number two below Nekomata as well as number five below Ogama. Naruto says, “Now, I can summon monsters that are levels three through four this turn! Swing, Pendulum! Draw the arc of light to victory! Pendulum Summon!” Naruto puts two cards on his disk, and he says, “Come on out, Upstart Golden Ninja and Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke!” A circle of light appears on the field, two ‘lights’ come from the circle, and those ‘lights’ are revealed to be Upstart Golden Ninja (500/1800) and Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke (1800/1000), both of whom are in attack mode. Naruto says, discarding a card, “Next, I activate Upstart’s ability! By discarding a trap card from my hand, I can bring out a Ninja monster in face-up or face-down defense position from my deck!” A card comes out of Naruto’s deck and he says, putting it on his disk, “And I choose Twilight Ninja Kagen in face-up defense mode!” Soon after, Twilight Ninja Kagen (0/2000) appears on the field in defense mode. Naruto says, “And then I Overlay Upstart Golden Ninja with Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke in order to build the Overlay Network!” The two said monsters turn into dark violet lights that goes into a vortex in the ground as Naruto gets an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck while putting the two monsters’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone. Naruto says, putting the XYZ Monster card on the same Monster Card Zone, “I XYZ Summon Blade Armor Ninja!” Out of the vortex, Blade Armor Ninja (2200/1000), with two Wind Overlay Units appears on the field in attack mode.


Kite thinks in his mind, “Not bad.”


Naruto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I play my Shinobi Restock Summon spell card! For every Ninja monster Special Summoned up to this point, during this turn, I can draw one card, but then I must banish the same number of cards, however, they will come back to me during the Standby Phase of a future turn! Namely, for every card banished, it will take one turn for it to be returned to my hand! Since I Special Summoned four Ninjas this turn, I get four new cards!” Naruto draws four cards and then the next top four cards of Naruto’s deck vanishes in puffs of smoke.


Lin thinks in her mind, “That means that it will take four turns for those four cards to return to Naruto.”


Naruto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I play my Ninjutsu Art Notebook spell! While this card remains on the field, I can discard one Ninja monster and then set one Ninjutsu art spell or trap from my deck!” Naruto discards his Aqua Armor Ninja (800/1600) monster card, a card comes out of his deck, and Naruto puts it into the main slot of his disk in which Naruto says, putting another card on his disk, “Then I play Twilight Ninja Shingetsu in attack mode!” Twilight Ninja Shingetsu (1500/100) appears on the field in attack mode and Naruto says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “And now, I place one card face-down and call it a turn!”


Lang says, drawing a card, “Whatever, dude! It’s my move!” Lang says, putting one card on his disk, “This card will give me a hand: Fire Hand!” Fire Hand (1600/1000-2100/1000) appears on the field in attack mode and gets infused with the power of the Orichalcos in which Lang says, with a wicked smirk while putting another card on his disk, “Then I will get another hand: Prominence Hand!” Prominence Hand (600/2000-1100/2000) then comes to the field and gets infused with the Orichalcos’ power in which Lang says, with a dark grin, “And now, I Overlay my Fire Hand with my Prominence Hand and build the Overlay Network!” The two said monsters turn into dark violet lights that goes into a vortex in the ground as Lang gets an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck while putting the two monsters’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone. Lang says, putting the XYZ Monster card on that Monster Card Zone, “I XYZ Summon Number One-Hundred and Six: Giant Hand!” Out of the vortex, Number 106: Giant Hand (2000/2000-2500/2000) with two Earth Overlay Units orbiting it appears on the field in attack mode and gets infused with the power of Orichalcos. Lang says, putting one card into the main slot, “Next, I activate this: Rank-Up-Magic: Barian’s Force! With this card, I can rank up my XYZ Monster into a Chaos XYZ Monster that’s one rank higher! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Giant Hand! Go, Chaos XYZ Evolution!” A vortex appears in the sky in which Giant Hand turns into a red light that goes up into the vortex.


Naruto says, a bit nervously, “Oh, great.”


Kite says, “You should be nervous since this is going to get A LOT worse.” Lang puts an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck over Giant Hand’s card as the insignia pictured on the Barian’s Force spell card appears around his chest.


Lang yells out, “Come forth, Chaos Number One-Hundred and Six: Giant Red Hand!” Out of the vortex, Number C106: Giant Red Hand (2600/2000-3100/2000) with three Chaos Overlay Units appears on the field in attack mode and the power of Orichalcos infuses into the new monster. Lang says, as a powerful dark violet aura surrounds him, “And thanks to Barian’s Force, my new Chaos XYZ Monster gets one of your XYZ Monster’s Overlay Units!” Just then one of Blade Armor Ninja’s Overlay Units detaches from Blade Armor Ninja, turns into a Chaos Overlay Unit, and goes over to Giant Red Hand.


Naruto yells out, annoyed, “Hey! That’s stealing!”


Lang retorts, with a nasty tone, “Is that’s what ninja do too?” Naruto glares at Lang and Lang says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I place one card face-down and call it a turn!”


Kite says, drawing a card, “Then it is my move! I draw!” Kite says, putting one card into the main slot, “First, I start off with my Luminous Dragon Ritual! By sending monsters that equal or exceed level four, I can Ritual Summon the Ritual Monster in my hand!” Kite discards Daybreaker (1700/0) and says, putting one Ritual Monster card on his disk, “I discard Daybreaker to bring out Paladin of Photon Dragon!” Daybreaker appears and vanishes in a blue flame in which Paladin of Photon Dragon (1900/800) forms form the flames in attack mode. Kite says, “And now, I use his ability! By releasing him, I can bring out my ultimate creature!”


Lang says, with a dark serious tone, “I don’t think so! I activate Giant Red Hand’s ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, all face-up cards currently out on the field have their effects negated until the end of this turn!” Giant Red Hand absorbs ones of its Overlay Units and creates a powerful shine that creates a dark crimson red aura around all face-up monsters and spell/trap cards on the field in which Lang says, with a wicked smile, “However, this effect has no effect on the Orichalcos, so, our monsters still power up! We know all about your dragon from Heartland! We won’t be allowing you to ger him!”


Kite says, with a smirk, “Oh, really? I wouldn’t count on that!” Lang gives a confused look and Kite says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Your effect only works on those cards CURRENTLY face-up when you activated Giant Red Hand’s ability, so, any new effects that come out on the field AREN’T effected in the least, right? So, I start off with Photon Spirit Reflector! Since I have a Photon monster on the field, I can return a Light monster from my grave to my hand and then if I have any copies of the monster that I returned to my hand, I put them in my hand, too!” Kite returns his Daybreaker (1700/0) monster card from his disk’s graveyard slot to his hand and Kite then puts one more card into the main slot of his disk causing him to say, “Then I activate my Photon Lead! This card allows me to special summon one level four or lower Light monster from my hand in attack mode! And you already know that I have one! Daybreaker!” Kite puts one card on his disk and Daybreaker (1700/0) appears on the field in attack mode in which Kite says, putting another card on his disk, “And Daybreaker’s ability allows me to bring out another Daybreaker especially due to the fact that your Number’s effect doesn’t affect him!” A second Daybreaker (1700/0) then appears on the field in attack mode and Kite says, putting a third card on his disk, “And my second Daybreaker’s ability allows me to bring out a third!” A third Daybreaker (1700/0) then appears on the field in attack mode and Kite says, “Then I Overlay all three Daybreakers and build the Overlay Network!” All three Daybreakers turn into lights that goes into a vortex while Kite puts all three Daybreakers’ cards in the same Monster Card Zone on his disk while putting an XYZ Monster card from his Extra on top of it causing him to say, “Time for you to meet Number Ten: Illumiknight!” Out of the vortex, Number 10: Illumiknight (2400/2400) with three Light Overlay Units orbiting it appears on the field in attack mode. Kite says, “Next, I activate his ability! By removing an Overlay Unit and discarding a card, I get one new card from my deck!” Illumiknight absorbs an Overlay Units, Kite discards a card, draws a card, and Kite says, drawing two cards, “By the way, the card that I discarded was Card of Compensation! When it is sent from my hand to the graveyard, I get two more cards! Good for me and bad for you!”


Lin says, with a glare, “You had this planned? You tricked Lang into using his Chaos Number’s ability!”


Lang gives a look of shock and Kite says, with a sly smirk, “Well, a teacher that actually learn? That’s new! That’s right, teach! Remember, I was part of the group that fought the original owner of that card and I know how it works! It was easy to bait you with the threat of my dragon!”


Lang snarls at Kite and he says, with a dark angered tone, “You…!!”


Kite says, putting one card into the main slot, “And if you are mad about that, then you are really going to hate this! I activate Photon Sanctuary! With it, I can bring out two Photon Tokens, but then I can’t summon monsters other than Light monsters for the rest of this turn! But that’s not a problem for me!” Just then two Photon Tokens (2000/0 X 2), spheres of shimming light blue light, appear on the field in defense mode in which Kite says, putting one card on his disk, “Next, I release my Tokens to play Photon Caesar!” Both Photon Tokens vanish and Photon Caesar (2000/2800), a deep dark blue and golden armored knight monster, appears on the field in attack mode. Kite says, as a card comes out of his deck, “And when Photon Caesar comes out of the field, I can bring out another from my hand or deck!” Kite puts the card on his disk and another Photon Caesar (2000/2800) appears on the field in attack mode. Kite says, “Now, I Overlay both of my Photon Caesar and, once again, build the Overlay Network!” Both Photon Caesars turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground in which Kite puts the two monsters’ cards on top of the same Monster Card Zone while putting an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of them causing Kite to say, “Galaxy shining in the darkness, embody the demon of revenge and become my servant! Now, I XYZ Summon Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon (3000/2500), a dragon like Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but with red knees, red ‘fangs’, and massive rainbow-colored energy wings with two Light Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Lin asks, confused, “Hold on! He didn’t mention that card? What’s going on?”


Kite says, “As I said before to Heartland, I’ve updated my deck. This is one of my newest Galaxy-Eyes: Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon! And now, I activate his ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon allows me to take control of one of your monsters! Go, Cipher Projection!” Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon absorbs one of its Overlay Units and unleashes a powerful light that causes Giant Red Hand to vanish from Lang’s field and reappear on Kite’s field.


Lang says, shocked, “No!”


Kite says, “It’s effects are negated, but it is given three thousand attack points and treated as Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Giant Red Hand then ‘transforms’ into a duplicate of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon and its stats goes from 3100/2000 to 3000/2000 under the effect of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon in which Kite says, putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I play my XYZ Gift spell card! Since I control about XYZ Monsters, I can remove two Overlay Units from one and draw two new cards!” Just then two of Giant Red Hand’s Overlay Units vanish and Kite draws two new cards from his deck in which Kite then says, “Since your monster now counts as Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, it is basically a Galaxy-Eyes XYZ Monster now, so, I rebuild the Overlay Network with Giant Red Hand that’s now a second Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Giant Red Hand, in its current ‘state’ as a second Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, turns into a beam of light that goes into a vortex in the sky while Kite puts an XYZ Monster card over Giant Red Hand’s card, which it and its remaining ‘Overlay Unit’, is on one of the Monster Card Zones of Kite’s disk causing Kite to say, “Meet Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon (4000/3500) with two Light Overlay Units appears on the field in attack mode.


Lang says, stunned, “My monster!”


Kite says, seriously, “Is now completely mine! I activate Full Armor Photon Dragon’s ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, I destroy one card on the field!”


Lin says, “You can’t destroy the Seal of Orichalcos!”


Kite says, with a smirk, “True, but your monster is another story!” Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon absorbs an Overlay Unit and then fires a beam of energy that destroy Hydrogeddon in which Kite says, putting two cards into the main slot of his disk, “I think that’s enough pain for now! I’ll end my turn!”


Naruto thinks in his mind, amazed, “This guy is really good!”


Lin says, drawing a card, “You are going to pay for that! My turn! I draw!” Lin says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “I activate my Card of Sanctity! Forcing all of us to draw until we have six cards in our hands!” All four duelists draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands and Lin says, putting one card into the main slot, “Next, I activate my Premature Burial! By dropping eight hundred life-points, I can revive one monster in the grave and I choose my Hydrogeddon!” Lin’s and Lang’s life-points go down by 800 life-points and Hydrogeddon (1600/1000-2100/1000) reappears on the field in attack mode and gets infused by the power of the Orichalcos. Lin says, putting one card on her disk, “Then I play another Hydrogeddon in attack mode!” Just then another Hydrogeddon (1600/1000-2100/1000) appears on in the field in attack mode and the Orichalcos’ powers infused into it. Lin then says, “Now, I Overlay both of my Hydrogeddon and build the Overlay Network!” Both Hydrogeddon turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while Lin puts the two monsters’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone on her disk before putting XYZ Monster card on top of them in which Lin says, with a wicked smile, “I XYZ Summon Number One-Hundred and One: Silent Honor ARK!” Out of the vortex, Number 101: Silent Honor ARK (2100/1000-2600/1000), a huge white and dark blue carrier with the number ‘101’ on it with two Water Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode while being infused with the Orichalcos’ power.


Naruto says, “Something tells me that’s trouble.”


Kite retorts, sarcastically, “What was your first clue?”


Naruto glares at Kite and Lin says, “Next, I activate Silent Honor ARK’s ability! By removing two Overlay Units, I can take one attack position monster on your field and turn it into an Overlay Unit for Silent Honor ARK!” ARK absorbs its two Overlay Units and Lin says, with an evil smile, “And I think that one turn deserves another when I choose Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Chains come from Silent Honor ARK that wrap around Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon in which it is yanked over to Silent Honor ARK, ‘absorbed’, and a new Overlay Unit orbits Silent Honor ARK.


Naruto says, with a smirk, “Too bad that you can’t do that again since it cost you more Overlay Units than you got back!”


Lin says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “That won’t be the case when I activate my Rank-Up-Magic: Barian’s Force! Now, I rank up my XYZ Number into a Chaos XYZ Number! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Silent Honor ARK! Go, Chaos XYZ Evolution!” Silent Honor ARK turns into a red light that goes into a vortex in the sky while Lin takes an XYZ Monster card from her Extra Deck causing Lin to put the XYZ Monster card over Silent Honor ARK’s card in which Lin says, as the Barian’s emblem appears on her chest, “Meet the wrath of the seas in the form of Chaos Number One-Hundred and One: Silent Honor DARK!” Soon enough, Number C101: Silent Honor DARK (2800/1500-3300/1500), a massive black and glowing crimson red humanoid aquatic creature with two Chaos Overlay Units, appears on the field in attack mode and gets more power from the Orichalcos.


Naruto says, with a groan, “Oh, great.”


Lin says, with a dark wicked smirk, “And it gets worse thanks to Barian’s Force allowing DARK to steal one Overlay Unit from another XYZ Monster!” Just then Blade Armor Ninja’s remaining Overlay Unit goes over to Silent Honor DARK, turns into a Chaos Overlay Unit, and that new Chaos Overlay Unit goes over to Silent Honor DARK in which Lin says, “Next, once per turn, I can target a Special Summoned monster and turn it into a Chaos Overlay Unit for Silent Honor DARK!” Silent Honor DARK then ‘zaps’ Galaxy-Eyes Full Armor Photon Dragon, ‘transforming’ it into a Chaos Overlay Unit, and that Chaos Overlay Unit goes over to Silent Honor DARK. Kite just glares at Lin and Lin says, “And now, Silent Honor DARK attacks your Paladin of Photon Dragon!” Silent Honor DARK then charges right for Paladin of Photon Dragon.


Kite says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “Not so fast! I activate my trap: Photon Change!” Kite’s face-down card is revealed to be Photon Change continuous trap card and Kite says, “It is destroyed on my second Standby Phase after I activate it! With it, I can release one Photon or Galaxy monster to activate one of its effects! And I choose my Paladin of Photon Dragon!” Paladin of Photon Dragon vanishes, and Kite says, as a card comes out of his deck, “Now, I can play one Photon monster directly from my deck and guess who is coming to play? If you can’t guess, this will help you! This is a monster that’s more savage than a super nova and with a cosmic force that obliterates all in its path! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!” Kite slams the card on his disk and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500) appears on the field in attack mode.


Lin says, with a dark stern tone, “You think that scares me! I continue my attack!”


As Silent Honor DARK charges right at Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Kite says, “It looks like your new tattoo is messing with that brain of yours! If you know my deck, you should have known that Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon will banish itself and your monster until the end of the Battle Phase!”


As Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s chest starts to glow, Lin says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “Not with my Effect Shut spell! When you activate a monster effect, the effect is negated, and the monster destroyed!” Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is entrapped in a cage and roars out as it is destroyed in a strong explosion with Kite grunting at this.


Lin says, with an evil smile, “And since your dragon is gone, Silent Honor DARK attacks you directly!” Silent Honor DARK moves in to attack Kite directly.


Naruto says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I don’t think so! I activate my trap: Ninjutsu Art of Wind: Cyclone Shield!” Naruto’s face-down card is a trap card with a picture of a Ninja monster being protected by a wind twister and Naruto says, “Since there is a Wind Ninja monster on my field, I can negate one attack and you can guess who’s attack I’m stopping!” A tornado appears in front of Kite and sending Silent Honor DARK flying backwards.


Lin says, with a dark plain tone and dark annoyed expression, “I end my turn.”


Current Scores:

Naruto and Kite: 8000

Lin and Lang: 7200


Kite tells Naruto, “Don’t expect me to thank you.”


Naruto replies, sarcastically, “No kidding, believe it!” Naruto says, drawing a card, “My move! I draw!” Naruto then says, “With my set Pendulum Scale, I can summon monsters that are levels three to four during this turn! Swing, Pendulum! Draw the arc of light to victory! Pendulum Summon!” Naruto puts two cards on his disk, and he says, “Let’s do this, Dark Resonator! With good buddy, Majespecter Fox-Kyubi!” A circle of light appears on the field, two ‘lights’ come from the circle, and those ‘lights’ are revealed to be Dark Resonator (1300/300) and Majespecter Fox-Kyubi (1500/1000), a small yellow fox with violet and nine yellow tails surrounded by a twister, appears on the field in attack mode. Naruto says, as a card comes out of his deck, “Due to my fox’s ability, I get one Majespecter spell or trap card from my deck to put into my hand! Then I tune my Dark Resonator with Kyubi and Kagan!” Dark Resonator turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Kyubi and Kagan, turning them transparent, and when Naruto goes to get a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, a column of light appears on the field. Naruto then says, “The cry of the champion shakes heaven and earth! Let the conqueror’s unique power be craved into your body! Synchro Summon!” Naruto says, putting the Synchro Monster card on his disk, “Blaze on, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!” Out of the light, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2500), a version of Red Dragon Archfiend with a broken right horn, orange flame markings on his body, and flaming chains wrapped around his right arm, appears on the field in attack mode.


Lang asks, confused, “Wait! SCARLIGHT Red Dragon Archfiend?!”


Naruto says, with a sly grin while putting one card into the main slot of his disk, “That’s right! My newest Red Dragon Archfiend, but you are going to meet him soon enough! Next, I play my Megamorph equip spell! Since my life-points are higher than yours, the equipped monster gets their original attack points cut in half and I’m giving this baby to Silent Honor DARK!” Silent Honor DARK gives a loud grunt as it goes from 3300/1500 to 1900/1500 because of the equip spell put on him. Naruto looks at his monsters and his two ninja monsters give him a silent nod in which Naruto says, “Next, I activate Scarlight Red Dragon’s ability! Once per turn, he destroys all Special Summon monsters with attack points that are equal or less than this card! Go, Absolute Power Flame!” Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes a powerful inferno that destroys Blade Armor Ninja and Silent Honor DARK, but since he was Normal Summoned, Twilight Ninja Shingetsu remains unharmed in which Naruto says, “You also get blasted with five hundred points of damage per monster!” Lin and Lang yelp out as they are hit by the backlash of the flames causing them to lose 1000 life-points with Naruto says, “That shows that my Blade Armor Ninja didn’t lose his life in vain! This is what the real ‘Will of Fire’ is about, not that crap by my former home!”


Lin says, “Well, your flame seems a bit weak to me since Silent Honor DARK was destroyed with Overlay Units attached to it, it is immediately revived!” Silent Honor Dark (2800/1500-3300/1500) then returns to the field in attack mode and regains the Orichalcos’ power in which Lin says, with a sinister smile, “And we also gain life-points equal to its original attack points.” Naruto gives a grunt of annoyance as Lin and Lang glow as they gain 2800 life-points.


Lang gives a nasty sneer and he says, with an evil grin, “Too bad! Your effort was wasted!”


Naruto says, “Says the guy with no monsters to help him! Red Dragon, say hello!” Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend then turns to attack Lang directly and unleashes a powerful flame at him.


Lin says, pushing two buttons on her disk’s touch screen, “Not so fast! I activate my traps: Forgotten Temple of the Deep and Tornado Wall!” The two face-down cards are revealed to be Forgotten Temple of the Deep and Tornado Wall continuous trap cards in which Lin says, “While Tornado Wall remains out, we take no battle damage from attacking monsters! And while Forgotten Temple of the Deep remains on the field, it counts as Umi, which is necessary to keep Tornado Wall active!” Soon after, the field is flooded as ancient flooded ruins appears on Lin’s and Lang’s side of the field and then water twisters appear in front of Lang that negate Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend’s attack on him.


Naruto says, putting two cards into the main slot of his disk, “I end my turn with these.”


Current Scores:

Naruto and Kite: 8000

Lin and Lang: 9000


Lang says, drawing a card, “My turn! I draw!” Lang says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I activate my trap: XYZ Reborn!” Lang’s face-down card is revealed to be the XYZ Reborn trap card and Lang says, “With it, I can revive one XYZ Monster from my grave and give this card to it as an Overlay Unit! And I choose my Giant Red Hand!” Soon afterwards, Number C106: Giant Red Hand (2600/2000-3100/2000) reappears on the field in attack mode, gains a Chaos Overlay Unit, and the power of the Orichalcos becomes infused in said monster. Lang says, putting one card into the main slot, “Next, I activate my Triangle Force spell card! When I play this card, I can take two more from my deck and activate them!” Two cards come out of Lang’s deck and he puts them into the main slot of his disk in which he then says, putting one card on his disk, “Next, I release all three of my spells to play this: Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder!”


Naruto yells out, stunned, “What?!” Just then a massive storm appears on the field, thunder and lightning rumble from the massive storm, and Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder (4000/4000-4500/4000) appears on the field in attack mode while getting infused with the power of the Orichalcos, but this causes Hamon to howl in which both Lin and Lang to grunt out in pain and shake their heads.


Kite thinks in his mind, curiously, “What was that all about?”


Naruto thinks in his mind, “It seems like mixing that cheating spell card with a Sacred Beast isn’t a good idea.”


Lang says, putting one more card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I activate my Banner of Courage spell card! While this remains on the field, during my Battle Phase, all my monsters gain two hundred attack points!” Giant Red Hand goes from 3100/2000 to 3300/2000 while Hamon goes from 4500/4000 to 4700/4000 in which Lang shouts out, “You tried to take us out by attacking me without a monster! Now, it is time to return the favor! Hamon, attack Kite directly! Cerulean Sky Fire!” Hamon unleashes blue lightning from the storm clouds above him and they are aimed straight for Kite himself.


Naruto says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “I play my trap: Impenetrable Attack!” Naruto’s face-down card is revealed to be Impenetrable Attack trap card and Naruto says, “Thanks to this card, we don’t suffer damage from attacks during this turn!” A shield protects Kite’s from Hamon’s attack and Lang gives an annoyed glare at Naruto.


Lang says, “Yeah, but it doesn’t protect your monster! Giant Red Hand, give his Red Dragon one right in the kisser!” Giant Red Hand then bashes Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend causing it to roar as it is destroyed, but due to Naruto’s trap card, he and Kite don’t suffer any damage to their life-points. Lang says, with a dark smirk, “That’s too bad. I’ll end my turn here.” On the meanwhile, Hamon goes back from 4700/4000 to 4500/4000 and Giant Red Hand goes from 3300/2000 to 3100/2000 due to the end of the effect of Banner of Courage continuous spell.


Kite says, with a sneer while drawing a card, “Your mistake! I draw!” Kite says, putting one card on his disk, “Since I have around five different Light monsters in my graveyard, I can summon Lightray Gearfried!” Lightray Gearfried (2800/2200), a white, blue, and gold armored knight, appears on the field in attack mode. Kite says, putting another card into the main slot of his disk, “Then I play my Galaxy Zero equip spell! I can revive one Photon or Galaxy monster from my graveyard and equip it with this card, but that monster can’t attack or use its ability! And I choose Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!” Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (3000/2500) then returns to the field in attack mode and Kite says, “However, it won’t need to attack since I’m Overlay him with Lightray Gearfried and build the Overlay Network!” The two monsters turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while the two monsters’ cards are put on the same Monster Card Zone of Kite’s disk where Kite puts an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of both cards causing a strange dark blue sword to appear in front of him. Kite grabs the sword and Kite yells out, slamming into the ground, “All the forces in the universe align in this place and time! Come forth, Number Sixty-Two: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon (4000/3000) with two Light Overlay Units orbiting it appears on the field in attack mode.


Lang says, with a scoff, “Won’t be enough!”


Kite says, putting one card onto his disk, “If you think that I’ve forgotten about your combo, think again! However, we’ll get back to that later! I play Galaxy Dragon next!” Just then Galaxy Dragon (2000/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Kite tells Naruto, “If we want to win this, I’m going to need that ninja of yours.”


Naruto gives a look of surprise and he asks, “You need my help?”


Kite says, “Don’t get into it. We have the same enemy, right now, and you want to come out of this intact, don’t you? Then it is for the best that we…give each other a hand.”


Naruto says, with a sigh, “Fine. Whatever.”


Kite says, with a nod, “And now, I Overlay Galaxy Dragon with my ‘partner’s’ Twilight Ninja Shingetsu and the build the Overlay Network!” Two said monsters become lights that goes into a vortex that appears on the field while both monsters’ cards go onto the same Monster Card Zone of Kite’s disk while he puts an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of them causing him to say, “I XYZ Summon Photon Papilloperative!” Out of the vortex, Photon Papilloperative (2100/1800), a humanoid monster with huge butterfly wings with two Light Overlay Units orbiting her, appears on the field in attack mode and Kite thinks in his mind, as an image of a young woman comes to his mind, “Thank you, Dextra. Your card is going to help me win this duel and get one step closer to home.” Kite says, pushing a button on his disk’s touch screen, “Then I activate my trap: Eternal Galaxy!” Kite’s remaining face-down card is revealed to be the Eternal Galaxy trap card and Kite says, “When I have a Photon or Galaxy monster on my field, which I have Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon in this case, I can target one XYZ monster that I control and rank it up into a Photon or Galaxy XYZ Monster that’s four ranks higher! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Photon Papilloperative!” Photon Papilloperative then turns into a beam of light that goes into a vortex in the ground while Kite puts an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of Photon Papilloperative’s card on his disk causing him to shout out, “Galaxy shining in the darkness, embody the demon of revenge and become my servant! Go, Rank-Up XYZ Evolution! It is time for the return of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Out of the vortex, a new Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon (3000/2500), this one with three Light Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Lin asks, shocked, “Another one?”


Kite says, “Oh, yes, but when I’ll do next will make you wish that I used him! This next monster can be XYZ Summoned by ranking up Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon that I have on the field! So, once again, I rebuild the Overlay Network with Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon!” Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon turns into a beam of light that goes into a vortex in the sky while Kite puts another XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon’s card on his disk causing Kite then declare, “Galaxy within the shadows, become the blade of light to cut through that very darkness to victory! Go, Rank-Up XYZ Evolution! Meet Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Galaxy Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon (3200/2800), a version of Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon with larger wings and rainbow energy blades coming out of gantlets around his lower arms and wrists while also having four Light Overlay Units orbiting it, appear on the field in attack mode.


Everyone is shocked by this monster and Mirai asks, curiously and irritated, “How many of these dragons does this guy have?!”


Kite says, “And now, I use his ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, Cipher Blade Dragon can cut down one card on the field and I choose Tornado Wall!” Lin and Lang gasp while Cipher Blade Dragon absorbs one of its Overlay Units and unleashes energy blades at the face-up Tornado Wall continuous trap card which is destroyed.


Lang says, with a dark annoyed tone, “Yeah? Your monsters don’t have the power to beat ours!”


Kite says, putting one card into the main slot, “You think so! I would think again! First, I pay Junk Dealer! This allows me to bring back two machine or warrior type monsters in attack mode, but their power is cut in half! They also can’t attack and can’t be released for an Advanced Summon! So, I bring back two my Daybreakers!” Just then two of Kite’s Daybreakers (1700/0-850/0 X 2) appears on the field in attack mode in which Kite says, “However, they aren’t here to attack because I Overlay them to build the Overlay Network one more time!”  Both Daybreaker turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground as Kite puts both Daybreakers’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone of his disk, putting an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on top of them, and he says, “I XYZ Summon Starliege Paladynamo!” Out of the vortex, Starliege Paladynamo (2000/1000), a white armored and blue knight monster with two Light Overlay Units orbiting it, appears on the field in attack mode.


Lang says, with a dark smirk, “One more weakling won’t help!”

Kite responds, with a sly grin, “You’ll be changing your tune when I activate Starliege’s ability! By removing two Overlay Units, one monster on your field loses every single one of its attack points as well as its abilities! And I choose that overgrown titan Hamon!”


Lin and Kang gasp in shock and Lin says, stunned, “No!” Starliege absorbs its Overlay Units and unleashes a beam of energy at Hamon causing it to roar out as it goes down from 4500/4000 to 0/4000 due to Starliege’s effect.


Kite says, “And now, Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon, it is time to end this! Attack Hamon now!”


As Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon prepares to attack, Lang yells out, with a dark annoyed tone, “This ends nothing! You may take out Hamon and a chunk of our life, but next turn, you are dead!”


Kite says, seriously, “There is no next turn! I activate Prime Photon Dragon’s ability! By removing an Overlay Units, my Prime Photon Dragon gains attack points equal to two hundred times the total number of the ranks that ALL XYZ Monsters on the field have!” Lin’s and Lang’s grow wide and Kite says, with a wicked smirk, “You are starting to get it, aren’t you? Both of you have two rank five XYZ monsters and I have one rank eight, one rank nine, and a rank four which is a total of THIRTY-ONE ranks which means that Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon gains sixty-two hundred attack points!” Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon absorbs one of its Overlay Units and it goes from 4000/3000 to 10,200/3000!


Lang yells out, flabbergasted, “Over TEN THOUSAND attack points?! No way!”


Kite yells out, strongly, “Yes, way! And that means that you are finished! End this, Galaxy-Eyes!” Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon unleashes a powerful blast that decimates Hamon, who roars out in extreme pain and agony as he is destroyed in a massive explosion, and Lin and Lang scream out as they are flung to the ground, hard, while they lose 10,200 life-points as well as the duel.


Final Scores:

Naruto and Kite: 8000

Lin and Lang: 0


With the end of the duel, the final Real Solid Vision ‘images’ fade away as the Seal of Orichalcos shrinks down to surround Lin and Lang, who have been knocked unconscious by the sheer force created by the destruction of Hamon, in which after a short glow, the seal fades away to show their souls have been sealed with Kite extending his right hand causing four XYZ Monster cards, none other than Number 101: Silent Honor ARK (2100/1000), Number C101: Silent Honor DARK (2800/1500), Number 106: Giant Hand (2000/2000), and Number C106: Giant Red Hand (2600/2000), to shoot out from Lin’s and Lang’s motionless forms and come to his head where he puts them in the container made for these cards.


Kite thinks in his mind, “Four down and three more to go.” On the meanwhile, the rest of Naruto’s group are freed from their bonds due to the defeat of Lin and Lang.


They go over to Naruto and he asks, concerned, “Are all of you okay?”


Homura tells Naruto, with a smirk, “Do you really think that’s enough to take care of us? Please!”


Hinata tells Naruto, “I’m just glad that you are okay, Naruto-kun.”


Naruto says, with a grin, “I’m too tough to go down, Hinata-chan, believe it!”


Sakura tells Naruto, “True, but you’ve had a bit of help this time.”


Naruto tells Kite, “Thanks a lot.”


Kite responds, as he walks away, “Whatever. Just don’t get in my way of my mission. I only helped since your enemies and my enemies were one and the same this time. Don’t expect that to be the case next turn.”


Kite then leaves and Katsuragi says, annoyed, “What’s his problem? What a jerk!”


Naruto says, with a sigh, “Great. Another emo.” Suzume goes over to the motionless forms of Lin and Lang and takes out the Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder (4000/4000) Sacred Beast monster card.


Suzume says, “That’s two Sacred Beasts that have been taken from Neo Paradius. That leaves Uria left.”


Sakura says, with a nod, “Yeah, but I don’t think that Yuuko gives a damn about even the Sacred Beasts. If what we found is right, we just helped her a bit more.”


Just then a familiar female voice calls out, “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Everyone then looks towards the source of the voice to see a haggard Suguha Kirigaya being ‘escorted’ by her two Digimon partners walking up to them.


Haruka says, with a sly smile, “Not bad. You managed to sneak up on us.”


Hinata asks Suguha, “Are you okay?”


Suguha says, “Actually…I feel better than I have been for a while.”


Homura says, with a smirk, “Beating your ‘bad past self’ can do that for you.”


Suguha says, with a plain tone, “However, I want to ask what you meant by that.” Suguha asks, with a serious tone, “You know something about Yuuko’s plans, don’t you?”


Naruto and his group look at each other and Naruto tells Suguha, “Suguha-chan, we didn’t tell you about this…”


Sakura tells Suguha, finishing for Naruto, “Because we couldn’t even, we first found out about it and we don’t completely understand it ourselves!” Suguha becomes wide-eyed and can’t help to feel that she is going to find out something that’s beyond belief.


May 26, 2026, Kyoto prefecture


Returning to the others, Sailor Moon is still in her deadly duel with the revived Mistress Nine while the others are watching with a lot of them giving concerned looks on their faces.


Kotone asks, concerned, “Will she be okay?”


Sailor Venus says, with a smile, “Yeah! Serena has been through many scraps before and come out on top!”


Tuxedo Mask says, concerned, “Yes…”


Kazuto tells Tuxedo Mask, “You have a right to be concerned for her, Darien. Staring with SAO, her battles have become more intense and pushed her to her limits. Not just physical, but also mental and emotional. She has only just begun to recover from SAO, and we are getting situations that keep reopening her ‘wounds’.”


Tuxedo Mask nods his head in agreement, and he thinks in his mind, worriedly, “Serena…”

&n bsp;

Sailor Moon says, drawing a card, “My turn! I draw!” Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “I activate Card of Sanctity! Both of us must draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Both Sailor Moon and Mistress Nine draw from their decks until they have six cards in their respective hands and Sailor Moon says, putting one more card into the main slot of her disk, “Then I activate my Pendulum of Souls! While this card remains on the field, once per turn, I can reduce or increase the scale of each Pendulum Monster in my Pendulum Zones by one! So, I reduce U Go Golem’s scale by one and increase Unicorn’s scale by one!” The number below U Go Golem goes from 1 to 0 while the number below Unicorn goes up from 8 to 9 in which Sailor Moon says, as a crystal pendulum swinging appears, “Now, I can summon monsters that are levels 1 through eight this turn! Swing, Pendulum! Draw the arc of light to victory! Pendulum Summon!” Sailor Moon takes two cards from her hand with one card from her Extra Deck and she says, putting them on her disk, “Appear now, Dragoncaller Magician and Performapal Trump Girl! And return from the Extra Deck: Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon!” A circle of light appears on the field, three ‘lights’ comes from the circle, and those lights are revealed to be Dragoncaller Magician (2400/1000), Performapal Trump Girl (200/200), and Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon (1200/600) appear on the field with Odd-Eyes Persona and Phantom Dragon in attack mode. Sailor Moon says, “When Pendulum Monsters are Pendulum Summoned to the field, Pendulum of Souls gains a counter on it and for every counter, all Pendulum monsters gain three hundred attack points for every counter!” Dragoncaller Magician goes from 2400/1000 to 2700/1000, Performapal Trump Girl goes from 200/200 to 500/200, Odd-Eyes Mirage Dragon goes from 1200/600 to 1500/600, Odd-Eyes Persona Dragon goes from 1200/2400 to 1500/2400, and Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon goes from 2500/2000 to 2800/2000.


Mistress Nine says, with a wicked smirk, “Even all those monsters don’t stand a chance against my Fortune Ladies.”


Sailor Moon says, “You won’t be saying so when I Overlay Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon with Dragoncaller Magician and build the Overlay Network!” Both monsters turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while Sailor Moon puts said monsters’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone before putting a Pendulum-XYZ Monster card from her Extra Deck on them in which she says, “Fangs of rebellion gain new power and slash the pall of darkness! I XYZ Summon Dark Anthelion Dragon!” Out of the vortex, Dark Anthelion Dragon (3000/2500-3300/2500) with two Dark Overlay Units appears on the field in attack mode.


The others are shocked, and Sailor Mars asks, “What is Meatball Head doing using THAT monster?”


Sailor Moon gives a slight winch and she yells out, “Dark Anthelion activates his ability! By removing an Overlay Unit, until the end of the turn, one monster on the field loses half of its attack points and Dark Anthelion gains that power!” Dark Anthelion absorbs an Overlay Unit and its wings glow in which Fortune Lady Earth glows causing her to moan out as she goes from 3300/2800 to 1650/2800 while Dark Anthelion goes from 3300/2500 to 4850/2500.


Rika says, excitedly, “Awesome! She’s got her!”


Sailor Moon says, “Next, I activate Trump Girl’s ability! I can Fusion Summon using her and other monsters on the field! So, I fuse her with Odd-Eyes Mirage and Persona Dragons!” All three said monsters on the field go into a fusion vortex while Sailor Moon puts a Pendulum-Fusion Monster card from her Extra Deck on her disk in which she says, “I Fusion Summon Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon (2800/2000-3100/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.

Keiko says, nervously, “Oh, dear…”


Rika says, “That’s one way of putting it, Keiko.”


Sailor Moon mentally winches from another ‘pang’ of pain when her new monster comes to the field and Sailor Moon says, “U Go Golem’s Pendulum effect now activates! When I Fusion Summon a monster, I can return one Performapal, Magician, or Odd-Eyes Pendulum Monster from my grave or Extra Deck to my hand!” A card comes out of the graveyard slot of Sailor Moon’s disk and she puts it in her hand in which she says, “And now, Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability activates! Once per turn, I can negate the effects of all face-up monsters on your field!”


Mistress Nine gives a look of shock and Sailor Orion says, “Good move. That means that Mistress Nine’s monsters will lose all of their attack and defense points since their power is determined by their ability.”


Sailor Jupiter says, excitedly, “This duel is done!” Lethal Dose Dragon then unleashes a powerful acid right at the two Fortune Lady monsters on Mistress Nine’s side of the field.


Mistress Nine says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “I think not! I activate my trap: Fortune Misfortune!” Mistress Nine’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with a picture of a Fortune Lady winning a card game against other ‘people’ in which Mistress Nine says, with a wicked smile, “When you activate a monster effect while my Fortune Ladies are on the field, I can negate that effect!” A shield then protects both Fortune Ladies from the ‘acid’ that Lethal Dose Dragon unleashed on them.


Kazuto asks, curiously, “Hold on? If she had that card, why didn’t she use it when Serena used Dark Anthelion Dragon’s effect?”


Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “I can also use another effect based on the number of Fortune Lady monsters that would have been effected by negated monster ability! Since your monster’s ability would have worked on two of my Fortune Ladies, I can take one trap card from my deck and set it face-down on the field as well as activate it this turn!” A card comes out of Mistress Nine’s deck and she puts it into the main slot of her disk.


Sailor Moon says, “Well, you don’t have enough life-points to withstand my attack! Dark Anthelion, attack Fortune Lady Earth!”


As Dark Anthelion prepares to attack the weakened Fortune Lady Earth, Mistress Nine says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong, Sailor Moon! I activate my Time Passage!” Mistress Nine’s next face-down card is revealed to be the Time Passage Quick-Play spell card and Mistress Nine says, with a sinister smirk, “Now, I can increase one Fortune Lady’s level by three and I choose Fortune Lady Earth in which she gains twelve hundred more points!” Fortune Lady Earth then goes from 1650/2800 to 2850/4000 in which Mistress Nine says, with an evil grin, “And now, you lose four hundred more life-points!” Fortune Lady Earth slams her staff into the ground causing Sailor Moon to yelp as she gets struck by more earth spikes as she loses 400 life-points.


Sailor Moon says, with a winch, “That won’t save your monster!” Dark Anthelion Dragon then unleashes a powerful blast that vaporizes Fortune Lady Earth and Earth’s destruction causing a strong explosion that sends Mistress Nine skidding backwards as she loses 2000 life-points.


Mistress Nine says, with a grunt, “I activate my trap: Inherited Fortune!” Mistress Nine’s final face-down card is revealed to be the Inherited Fortune trap card and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “When one of my Fortune Ladies are destroyed, this card allows me to summon two from my hand during my Standby Phase!”


Sailor Moon says, “And you are going to need them when my Lethal Dose Dragon takes out your other sprite!” Lethal Dose Dragon unleashes a wave of dark violet poison acid at Fortune Lady Water causing her to scream as she gets bathed in it and vaporized in which Mistress Nine winches from ‘splash damage’ as she loses 1400 life-points.


Mistress Nine says, with a wicked grin, “It looks like you couldn’t end me this turn.”


Sailor Moon says, putting three cards into the main slot of her disk, “We’ll see about that! I end my turn!” Dark Anthelion Dragon then goes from 4850/2500 back to 3300/2500 because of its ability effect has ended.


Current Scores:

Sailor Moon: 1900

Mistress Nine: 600


Mistress Nine says, drawing a card, “My turn! I draw!” Mistress Nine says, putting two cards on her disk, “Thanks to my Inherited Fortune! I can play another Fortune Lady Earth and Fortune Lady Water!” Just then another Fortune Lady Earth (0/0-2900/2400) and Fortune Lady Water (0/0-1700/1200) appears on the field in attack mode, get infuse with the power of the Orichalcos, and Mistress Nine says, drawing two cards, “And due to Lady Water’s ability, since she was Special Summoned and I have another Fortune Lady on the field, I get two new cards!”


Sailor Moon says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Good for you and for me since I play my Talisman of Reversal trap card!” Sailor Moon’s face-down card is revealed to be the Talisman of Reversal trap card in which Sailor Moon says, drawing seven new cards from her deck, “Since you drew cards outside of the Draw Phase, I get cards equal to your current hand!” Sailor Moon then says, “And now, Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability activates! When a card goes to my grave, Lethal Dose Dragon gains a Venemy counter and for every Venemy counter out, all monsters that aren’t Dark Dragon monsters lose two hundred attack points per counter!” Fortune Lady Earth and Fortune Lady Water howl as they glow violet as Lady Earth goes from 2900/2400 to 2700/2400 and Lady Water goes from 1700/1200 to 1500/1200 due to Lethal Dose Dragon’s effect.


Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile while putting one card onto her disk, “And you are going to need them since I play Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate in attack mode!” Soon after, Catoblepas and the Witch of Fate (1800/0-2100/0), a witch riding a strange massive goat, appears on the field in attack mode and the power of Orichalcos infuses into the new monster on Mistress Nine’s field while Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability then weakens it. Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “And now, I Overlay both Fortune Lady Water and Catoblepas and build the Overlay Network!” Two said monsters turn into lights that goes into a vortex in the ground while Mistress Nine puts the two monsters’ cards on the same Monster Card Zone on her disk while putting an XYZ Monster card from his Extra Deck on her disk in which she says, “I XYZ Summon Number One-Hundred and Four: Masquerade!” Out of the vortex, Number 104: Masquerade (2700/1200-3000/1200) with two Light Overlay units appears on the field in attack mode and gets infused with the power of Orichalcos while also getting weakened by Lethal Dose Dragon. Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “And now, I activate his ability! Once per turn, you have to send the top of card of your deck to the grave!” Masquerade creates a scythe where he swipes at Sailor Moon’s deck causing the top card of her deck to ‘vanish’ from her deck. Mistress Nine says, putting one card into the main slot, “Next, I play Rank-Up-Magic: Barian’s Force! With it, I can rank-up my Masquerade into a Chaos XYZ Monster! I rebuild the Overlay Network with Masquerade!” Masquerade turns into a beam of light that goes into a vortex in the sky where she puts an XYZ Monster card from her Extra Deck on top of Masquerade’s card. Mistress Nine shouts out, “Now, meet the embodiment of chaos and madness! Chaos Number One-Hundred and Four: Umber Horror Masquerade!” Out of the vortex, Number C104: Umber Horror Masquerade (3000/1500-3300/1500) with three Chaos Overlay Units appears on the field in attack mode and becomes infused with the power of the Orichalcos.


Yolei says, nervously, “That looks like trouble.”


Ken says, with a nod, “Big trouble. And all of it heading for Serena.”


Mistress Nine says, with an evil grin, “And thanks to Barian’s Force, Umber Horror Masquerade steals one of your XYZ Monster’s Overlay Units for my own!” Dark Anthelion Dragon’s last Overlay Unit flies away from Dark Anthelion and ‘transforms’ into a Chaos Overlay Unit that goes over to Umber Horror Masquerade. Mistress Nine then says, with an evil smile, “Next, Masquerade’s ability activates, and it destroys one spell or trap card on your field!” Umber Horror Masquerade then uses its scythe to cut down then one of Sailor Moon’s remaining face-down cards.


Sailor Moon says, “Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability now activates! When a card is sent to my graveyard, Lethal Dose Dragon gains another Venemy counter!”


Mistress Nine says, with a wicked smirk, “Oh no! I activate my Umber Horror Masquerade’s ability! By removing a Chaos Overlay Unit, your lizard’s ability is negated, and you lose a card from your hand!” Umber Horror Masquerade then absorbs one of its Chaos Overlay Units and swings its scythe creating a red ‘shockwave’ that negates Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability, destroys a random card in Sailor Moon’s hand, and Sailor Moon then yelps as she is sent skidding back as her life-points are cut in half in which Mistress Nine says, with a wicked smile, “Also, your life-points are cut in half as well, but I believe you realize this.” Mistress Nine says, “And things will get worse for you since I’m taking out that worthless lizard right now!” Umber Horror Masquerade then charges at Lethal Dose Dragon to cut him down with his scythe.


Sailor Moon says, pushing a button on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong! I activate my Waboku trap card!” Sailor Moon’s final face-down card is revealed to be the Waboku trap card and Sailor Moon says, “This protects my dragon and prevents me from suffering battle damage for this turn!” A trio of maidens protects Lethal Dose Dragon from Umber Horror Masquerade’s attack and Sailor Moon says, “Since this card went to the grave after you used your monster’s effect, you can’t stop me using Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability, again, and gain another Venemy counter to lower your monster’s power even more!” Umber Horror Masquerade then goes down 3300/1500 to 3100/1500 and Fortune Lady Earth then goes from 2700/2400 to 2500/2400, due to Lethal Dose Dragon’s ability.


Mistress Nine says, putting two cards into the main slot of her disk, “I will end my turn with two cards face-down.”


Current Scores:

Sailor Moon: 950

Mistress Nine: 600


Sailor Uranus says, “We’re down to the wire. One mistake and it is over for one of them.” Plenty of the others can’t help to worry about those words, knowing that Sailor Uranus is most likely right.


Sailor Moon says, drawing a card, “It is my turn! I draw!” As the crystal pendulum appears on the field, again, Sailor Moon says, “With my set Pendulum Scale, I can summon monsters that are levels one through eight this turn! Swing, Pendulum! Draw the arc of light to victory! Pendulum Summon!” Sailor Moon puts three cards from her hand on her disk and she says, “It is time for another Odd-Eyes triple threat with Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon, Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon, and Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon!” A circle of light appears on the field, three ‘lights’ come from that circle, and those ‘lights’ are revealed to be Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon (2500/2000-2800/2000), Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon (2700/2000-3000/2000), and Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon (3000/2500-3300/2500) appears on the field in attack mode in which Sailor Moon says, “Since I Pendulum Summoned, again, Pendulum of Souls gains another Pendulum counter with all Pendulum monsters gaining three hundred additional attack points!” Starving Venemy Lethal Dose Dragon goes from 3100/2000 to 3400/2000, Dark Anthelion Dragon goes from 3300/2500 to 3600/2500, Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon goes from 2800/2000 to 3100/2000, Odd-Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon goes from 3000/2000 to 3300/2000, and Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon goes from 3300/2500 to 3600/2500 due to Pendulum of Soul’s effect.


Sailor Venus says, excitedly, “Awesome!”


Mistress Nine says, with a scoff, “A group of weaklings doesn’t stand a chance against me.”


Sailor Moon says, putting one card into the main slot of her disk, “You might be changing your tune with my Spiral Flame Strike spell! Since I have an Odd-Eyes on my field, one card on the field goes bust!” Mistress Nine’s eyes widen as Odd-Eyes Phantom, Arc Pendulum, and Phantasm Dragon unleashes spiraling flaming beams from their mouths that slam into Umber Horror Masquerade causing him to roar out as he is destroyed in a massive explosion. Sailor Moon says, “And now, since he is gone and another card has just gone to my grave, Lethal Dose Dragon gains, yet, another Venemy counter causing your remaining monster to get weaker!” Lady Earth howls in pain as she goes from 2500/2400 to 2300/2400 causing Mistress Nine to sneer at her. Sailor Moon says, “Time to finish this! Phantasm Dragon, attack Lady Earth and end this duel!”


As Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon prepares to attack Fortune Lady Earth, Mistress Nine says, pushing two buttons on her disk’s touch screen, “Wrong, Sailor Moon! I activate my face-down cards and I’m sure that you will recognize them! Two more Time Passage spell cards!” Both of Mistress Nine’s face-down cards are revealed to be the Time Passage Quick-Play spell cards and Mistress Nine says, with an evil smile, “And you know what this does, don’t you? It increases the level of my Lady Earth by three! And since I played two, her level is boosted by six and she gains massive power!” Fortune Lady Earth roars out as she goes from 2300/2400 to 4700/4800 and Mistress Nine says, with a wicked smile, “Since my Lady Earth gains levels, you also suffer four hundred points of damage, but since it was due to two spell cards, you get hit twice!” Fortune Lady Earth then slams her staff in the ground and Sailor Moon yells out as she gets struck by a lot of earthen spikes as she loses 800 life-points.


Tuxedo Mask shouts out, worriedly, “Serena!”


Kotone says, worriedly, “Oh no! She is almost out of life-points and she can’t stop her attack!”


As Fortune Lady Earth seemly prepares to counter Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon, Mistress Nine says, with a cruel and sadistic smile, “It’s over! I win!”


Sailor Moon says, seriously, “Wrong!” Mistress Nine looks at Sailor Moon in confused and Sailor Moon says, “Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon’s ability! During battle, your monster loses one thousand attack points for every face-up Pendulum monster in my Extra Deck!” Mistress Nine’s eyes widen in shock and Sailor Moon says, with a sly smirk, “Last time that I checked, there are three Pendulum monsters in my Extra Deck and that means your ‘lady’ loses three thousand attack points!” Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon’s wings shine and Fortune Lady Earth howls as her stats go down from 4700/4800 to 1700/4800, due to Phantasm Dragon’s ability!


Mistress Nine yells out, stunned, “No, it can’t be!”


Sailor Moon says, strongly, “Oh, but it can! Phantasm Dragon, end this with Fantastic Force!” Odd-Eyes Phantasm Dragon unleashes a powerful rainbow energy at Fortune Lady Earth and Lady Earth screams out as she is vaporized while Mistress Nine screams out as she is plastered by the attack as well, sending her flying into the ‘wall’ of the seal, causing her to gasp as she gets stunned, and Mistress Nine collapses to the ground as she loses 1900 life-points causing the end to this duel.


Final Scores:

Sailor Moon: 150

Mistress Nine: 0


With the end of the duel, the final Real Solid Vision ‘projections’ vanish with Sailor Moon collapsing to one knee as the seal shrinks to surround the unconscious Mistress Nine causing her form to ‘fade away’ into black ‘smoke’, leaving only her duel disk while the others run over to Sailor Moon.


Kazuto and Tuxedo Mask say in unison, worriedly, “Serena!” But then the ‘frozen’ form of Sailor Saturn appears in front of Sailor Moon and she is released from her ‘prison’ causing Sailor Saturn to collapse to the ground.


Sailor Neptune says, worriedly, “Firefly!” The Outer Sailor Scouts and Sailor Mercury immediately head over to Sailor Saturn, who seems to be shivering as if cold, and her skin starts to get paler.


Sailor Uranus says, worriedly, “What? Oh no! The mutagen!”


Sailor Mercury says, activating her visor, “I’ve got this!” Sailor Mercury takes out syringe containing a mysterious fluid and injects the fluid into Sailor Saturn’s arm in which nothing seems to be happening for several seconds, but then Sailor Saturn stops shivering and her skin starts to regain its color causing Sailor Mercury to say, with a smile, “It’s working. The anti-mutagen is being reversed and it is working even better since Sailor Saturn was put in stasis around the start of the ‘infection’.”


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “Thank, Kami.” Back with Sailor Moon, she is breathing heavily and she then looks at her left hand causing her to see Number 104: Masquerade (2700/1200) and Number C104: Umber Horror Masquerade (3000/1500) XYZ Monster cards in her hand in which they give off a dark violet and red glow with a hint of that ‘glow’ appearing in her hands.


Tuxedo Mask gets over to Sailor Moon and he asks, concerned, “Serena, are you okay?” Sailor Moon’s eyes widen as the ‘glow’ in her eyes fades away, she, unconsciously, hides the cards, and she gets back on her feet causing her to turn to look at Tuxedo Mask.


Sailor Moon says, with a sigh, “Yeah, I’ll be okay.”


Kotone asks Sailor Moon, “Are you sure, Serena?”


Sailor Moon says, with a nod, “Yeah, I’ll be fine, Kotone.” On the meanwhile, Sailor Saturn groans lightly as she slowly wakes up and slowly opens her eyes causing her to look at the Outer Sailor Scouts.


Sailor Neptune says, with a smile, “Hey there.”


Sailor Saturn asks, weakly, “Michelle-mama? Amara-papa?” Sailor Saturn groans as she slowly gets to a sitting position and Sailor Uranus gently stops her.


Sailor Uranus says, with a smile, “Easy there, kiddo. You’ve had a LONG day.”


Davis, Kazuto, and Sailor Mars then ‘sense’ something and Davis says, “Yeah, with this day getting even longer.” Davis, Kazuto, and Sailor Mars look in another direction and when everyone else looks in that direction, they see Yuuko standing some distance away from all of them.


Tai says, annoyed, “Oh, great! You, again!”


Gabumon asks, curiously, “What now?”


Yuuko says, “I must thank you.”


There are surprised looks from the others and Palmon asks, “Thank us?”


Yuuko says, “Thanks to this duel, I have all of the energy that I need.”


Yusei says, plainly, “Uh oh.”


Joey yells out, angrily, “I’ve had enough of your games! Where is my sister, Tea, and Tristan?”


Yuuko says, “As I said, Joey-dono, you will see her soon enough. Thanks to this last duel, I can summon the final battlefield.”


Yugi asks, “Final battlefield?”


Yuuko says, “Where all of this began…”


Duke asks, “What the heck are you talking about?”


Yuuko says, “The story went: In the distant past, there were two giant holy trees that loomed above all and there were two priestesses of the elven people that tended to them. The peace of the world was maintained by the holy trees until a war broke out between elf nations. The two priestesses sought to bring an end to this fighting by preying to the holy trees which cut the land free from the earth, not knowing that everything was manipulated by the person who would become the ’demon king’ of the realm that formed from freeing the land from the earth.’ That’s one of the stories of that world.”


Joey asks, annoyed, “What is this? Story hour?” However, Kazuto, Sailor Star, and Sailor Moon gasp and everyone looks to see them having looks of shock on their faces.


Kazuto says, stunned, “No…”


Sailor Star yells out, in disbelief, “You can’t…!!”

Rika asks, confused, “Asuna?”


Yuuko says, as her form is surrounded by a dark aura, “I can, and I will. I have also found the source of ‘that world’, the original one from the Silver Millennium, and combined it with the modern one to create the final battlefield. This will end where it all began!” Just then whole area starts to shake, very violently, as the Atlantean ruins rip out of the ground and fly into the air along with circular sections of the ground that are craved from the earth itself as a familiar ‘object’ appears in the sky where the ruins and the circular sections of earth fly to that ‘object’.


Everyone sees this object and the SAO survivors of the group gasp in shock as they recognize the ‘object’ causing Hiyori says, in disbelief, “No, it can’t be…”


Yuuko says, with a plain tone, “Yes, it is. The one from the Silver Millennium combined with the castle world that you escaped from, its data extracted from the servers where the remains of that ‘death castle’ settled, and, thanks to the great powers that I have acquired, I have materialized with pieces of this area, filled with immense spiritual power, to complete it by fixing the ‘holes’ in the both of them. I told you that this will end where it began. It will end in the ‘castle of death’ where my family was destroyed by Sailor Moon’s family.”


Sailor Moon yells out, pleadingly, “Stop it!”


Yuuko says, with a dark plain tone, “There is no stopping it. Aincrad is reborn.” When the violent shaking of area stops, the floating castle of Aincrad, the ‘setting’ of the death game of Sword Art Online, is floating above Kyoto City and this area of the Kyoto area.


May 26, 2026, Neo Paradius headquarters


Within Neo Paradius headquarters, we find Kana looking at a holographic screen showing Aincrad’s ‘rebirth’ over Kyoto and her eyes narrow with her right hand turning into a fist.


Just then a female voice calls out, “So much for ‘justice’, huh?” Kana then looks to the source to find two female shinobi, Miyabi and Imu, appear in front of her.


Kana asks, plainly, “Is the payment acceptable?”


Miyabi says, with a nod, “Yes, it is.” Miyabi says, with a smirk, “And just to let you know, we have done the mission that we have assigned.”


Kana responds, “It isn’t usually your kind of mission.”


Miyabi says, “Yeah, it isn’t. But Hebijo accepted the mission and we have our pride as the elites of Hebijo.”


Imu says, with a smile, “That’s Miyabi-sama! It is the reason that she is the best of the best.”


Miyabi asks Kana, “Anyway, girl, why didn’t you go to the Crimson Squad?”


Imu yells out, shocked, “Miyabi-sama?”


Miyabi says, with a sigh, “Listen, Imu, like it or not, our former classmates have gained significant power of their own. With the real-life Naruto-dono and two shinobi of his world, here, they have improved and gained significant power and influence now. To ignore that is stupidity. Information is important to a shinobi. Knowledge is power to us.”


Imu says, with a sigh, “Yes, you are right, Miyabi-sama.”


Miyabi says, “However, right now, our main focus is the mission.”

Imu says, with a nod, “Yes, of course, Miyabi-sama! You are always right!”


Miyabi gives a sigh and Miyabi says, “While we have gotten one target, the other two aren’t to be found.”


Kana asks, plainly, “Really?”


Miyabi says, with a nod, “Indeed.”


Kana tells Miyabi, “Are you ready with the next task?”


Imu says, with a smirk, “The bitch won’t know what hit her.”


Kana says, with a nod, “Good. Thank you for your assistance.”


Imu tells Kana, with a mischievous grin, “It isn’t out of the ‘goodness of our hearts’. You paid us and then some and we get the job done. That’s it.”


Kana says, with a nod of her head, “Understandable.”


Miyabi says, “The rest is up to you.” Kana nods her head as she looks towards the holographic screen showing the reconstructed Aincrad and her eyes narrow at the sight itself as the ‘scene’ for what Yuuko calls the ‘final battle’ is being finalized.


End of Chapter 18


And that’s that. Now, you must be wondering if conflict is going to erupt between a certain someone and the Sailor Scouts over what happened at the end of Sailor Moon’s duel with Mistress Nine? Sorry, folks, I’m not telling. Now, I know that a lot of you expected what I did at the end of this chapter, didn’t you? You KNEW that this was going to happen, right? Well, it shouldn’t be too surprising since THAT start what has been happening mainly in this arc, everyone. However, I hope that it adds to the dramatic and excitement of this arc. Now, please read and review and no flames, okay? Later and best wishes, Crossover Fans!