Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Gift from Chaos ❯ Za Sutori no Corrupted Senshi ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

A Gift from Chaos
Anger. Hatred. Destruction. Death. This is what Chaos brings. This is what Chaos does. But what if, in all of that suffering, lies a gift. A gift born in Chaos. After all, love has more in common with Death than we realize…
Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Dragon Ball Z (because if I did, Mirai Trunks would be Chibi-Usa's dad and not Mamoru ^-^)
Chapter One: Za Sutori no Corrupted Senshi
The Story of the Corrupted Soldiers
“Are you sure about this, Seiya-kun?”
“Of course, Odango. We'll be fine, don't worry.”
Usagi turned away from the dark-haired boy, tears threatening to spill. “I just…don't want to lose any more people…”
Seiya clasped a hand on the petite blonde's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
“You won't lose us,” he declared. “Yaten, Taiki, and I will come back to you, I promise. We're Sailor Senshi after all.”
I will come back to you…come back to you…to only you…
“I'll come back for you…Usako…I'll come back…”
“Mamo-chan! Come back!” Usagi sat up, eyes widened. She glanced at her surroundings disbelievingly and sniffed when she did not find who she wanted. Her shoulders quivered and her breath hitched. Mamo-chan…
“Usagi-chan, are you alright?”
Usagi glanced up at the doorway, forcing her dream to the back of her mind. A tall, lean girl stood in the doorway, staring at her with concern. The girl's curly, chocolate brown her was pulled up in a hasty ponytail, tied with two green orbs. Her emerald eyes glinted in the sunlight that spilled from the window and made her pink rose earrings pop with color.
“H-hai, Mako-chan. J-just a dream, that's all,” the blonde replied nervously. She twisted a strand of golden hair around her finger, a tell-tale sign that she was agitated. Makoto raised an eyebrow.
“You don't sound fine,” the brunette said, ignoring Usagi's protests. “Don't try lying. You're terrible at it, and you know so.”
Usagi grimaced, her face contorting into an uncharacteristic frown. “I don't want to talk about it, `kay? I-i don't remember much anyway. So, why are you here?”
“Rei wants to tell us something. She told me which guest room you were staying in,” Makoto answered. She decided to avoid the topic, sensing that it had something to do with Mamoru. The tall Senshi glanced around the room casually, taking in the flower paintings and quotes. She still wasn't too keen on staying at the Hikawa Shrine, but she knew it was one of the few safe places left, unfortunately. I hate this, she thought bitterly. Makoto glanced at Usagi, who still sat silently on the bed. Her skin, which had always been bordering on pale peach, was almost white. Her sparkling blue eyes had dulled and widened with worry and stress. I really, really hate this.
“Alright,” Usagi finally said, getting off the bed. She spread the fraying red comforter over the mattress and brushed her hair quickly, which she had left in its twin buns the night before. “Let's go Mako-chan. Let's get this over with.”
Makoto couldn't agree more.
She paced back and forth on the worn bamboo rug. “Well, what do you think?”
“Risky? Unreliable?” a woman with cropped blonde hair offered. “Or how about stupid?” The last word was weighed down with obvious scorn.
“Not only stupid, suicidal,” Makoto agreed, her green eyes glinting with annoyance.
“This plan…would risk all of our lives,” a tall figure said, hidden in a shadowed corner. Her voice was young, but had the undertone of an elder, one who had seen many trials; many battles, many losses…and many deaths.
“Do we have choice?” the youngest of them asked. Her eyes were mature for her twelve years of age, and her voice was low and almost emotionless. “We've done almost everything that didn't risk anyone, demo we still lost several Senshi.”
The first figure barely restrained her growl. “That's my point, Hotaru. I've been working on this plan since…since we lost Neptune,” the raven-haired teenager cast a quick glance at the short-haired blonde and quickly turned away. “I knew that you wouldn't agree to it back then, so I've been thinking, planning, and…well…asking.”
Makoto pursed her lips. “Asking the Great Fire?”
“Hai. Right now, we have no other plan, strategy, nothing. Only this. So, I've been trying to work out most of the kinks to lower the risk.”
“That's not enough. We can't just run out there and randomly attack! Just think about it!” the blonde bit back. “There are only six of us left! The Starlights haven't been back for days! Face it, we'll be slaughtered,” her voice lowered and she spat out the next words viciously. “For all we know, they could've died or joined her.”
Makoto stood up, eyes burning into the blonde's. “They wouldn't have betrayed us like that! Not when…not when they've been working so hard to find their princess.”
The blonde stood up, towering over the tall brunette. “How do you know that she hadn't given them an offer they couldn't refuse? With their princess gone, they are desperate. You know that personally.”
“Haruka, the Starlights are more trust-worthy than you think,” the tall figure said sharply. “They are Senshi as well, and they keep their promises. They would not turn their back on us, especially Star Fighter.”
Haruka glared at her, lips pressed into a thin line. Rei could tell from the blonde's protective stance that she had picked up Setsuna's hinted message, and didn't like it one bit. Haruka stood up and glowered.
“Alright then, Setsuna,” she addressed the hidden woman. “If they're so loyal, if they're still on our side, where are they now?”
Setsuna closed her garnet eyes briefly, fatigue visible in her expression. “I…do not know. The Time Gates have sealed themselves in an effort to protect other dimen-,” she coughed, “other timelines from this threat. Even I have lost access to glimpses of the present and future.”
Haruka smirked slightly, not catching Setsuna's slip of tongue. She was about to throw back a sarcastic comment when a quiet voice croaked out, “Stop, Haruka. Onegai.”
All eyes landed on the figure resting by the window, the only one who hadn't spoken at all. Frowns and stares filled with hidden concern made their way onto their expressions, as the girl at the center of it all stared back with murky eyes, containing hidden emotions. Haruka's sky blue eyes softened and she immediately felt a small pang of guilt attack her insides. She called to her princess in a small, subdued voice, “Koneko?”
The petite blonde turned her gaze to Haruka, revealing a pale heart-shaped face and dulled eyes that shined like sapphires just weeks ago. “Hai?”
The youngest of them moved forward, as if approaching the princess's namesake. “Daijoubo ka, Usagi-hime?” she asked hesitantly. Usagi gave her a tight-lipped smile and nodded slightly.
“Why wouldn't I be?” Usagi asked back. It was meant to be a rhetorical question, but the answer plagued all of their minds, especially the one who had spoken it. Why wouldn't I be okay?, she thought. Well, three of my best friends are dead, another group of three friends are either dead, or have joined with…her, and my boyfriend is- She couldn't bring herself to finish that thought. The wound was too fresh, one that throbbed with the slightest probation. Usagi gladly leaned into the embrace that the fragile twelve-year old offered. Arigato, Hotaru-chan. The girl's small body was half the size of her own, but Usagi was grateful for the source of comfort and warmth anyway. The room descended into an automatic silence, each girl pondering the problem at hand.
Rei was thankful for the break in the conversation. She had known that when she first proposed the plan, it would be shot down. However, Rei hadn't thought that Haruka would go as far as imply that the Starlights were traitors. It might be possible, a little voice in her head nagged. They only joined with you because Usagi had begged them to help. In fact, they could've been passing information all this- She squashed the thought before it could finish. Stupid imagination. Rei pushed back her bangs and gently kneaded her forehead to ward off the coming headache. It seemed that whenever they argued-sorry, debated about their strategy, it turned into a full-scale yelling match, fueled by anger and frustration. Only Usagi; sad, subdued, silent Usagi; could stop them from going to war at each other. Only Odango can calm everyone down, she thought, a smile creeping onto her face. I suppose Queen Selenity knew what she was doing when naming Serenity. The smile vanished and Rei scolded herself inwardly. No daydreaming. The sooner we settle this, the sooner…We'll decide what we'll do after the battle later, she decided with a sweat-drop. Perhaps Usagi will agree to my plan.
“Hai, Rei-chan?” Usagi answered, braiding Hotaru's short, purple-streaked hair. The twelve-year old hummed contently, though the glint in her eyes told Rei that she was still mulling over the situation.
“What do you think of my plan?” Rei asked, pointedly ignoring Haruka's enraged glare. She suppressed a shiver. If looks could kill… Usagi's skillful hands stopped, still clutching strands of dark hair. Her fingers shook slightly as she contemplated her answer.
“It's-” Usagi's soft voice was interrupted by Haruka's angry, boyish voice.
“None of her concern, Rei.”
“Yes, it is. She's the leader of the Senshi-“
And the princess, whom we've sworn to protect with our lives. She doesn't need to get involved.”
“I know that, baka. I'm just saying, she should have a say-“
“She doesn't need to have a say if she's not a part of the plan.”
Rei glowered, and her patience snapped. “You don't trust her, that's why you won't let her be a part of this plan!”
Haruka growled. “Of course I trust Usagi! I would trust her with my life! I know that it would be in good hands. It's just that-“
“Just what?” It was Rei's turn to interrupt her mid-sentence. She taunted the wind Senshi ruthlessly, her emotions taking control. Makoto tried to pull her back, but was shrugged off. The others simply observed silently, but Usagi trembled with every shout.
“What? Just that she's helpless?”
“I never said she was! What I am saying is that Koneko doesn't deserve this! She doesn't need to dirty her hands with taking another's life! We need to keep her safe. She can protect herself, but I don't want it to come to that unless I'm dead. I'd rather die than see Koneko…to see her…” Haruka's impassioned rant died down, her frustration at their dilemma slowly seeping away. She collapsed into one of the shrine's bamboo chairs, trying to placate her simmering rage. She doesn't deserve this…None of us do. Damn her, damn Galaxia…
Rei stepped forward and lent Haruka a supporting hand. Guilt flashed through her as she realized that their argument had gone too far. We've even accused each other of thinking Usagi weak…This has to end…somehow.
“I know. I-i didn't mean it that way. We all know Odango-Atama is tough and can protect herself better than we can,” Rei paused when she glimpsed the topic of the conversation jerk in surprise, “Demo, you're right when you say that we promised to protect her-“
“And we will,” Makoto finished eagerly. She cracked her knuckles. “We'll defeat every youma that even looks at Usagi-chan the wrong way. Still, Usagi is also Sailor Moon, not just the Tsuki no Hime. She's our leader, so she gets the final say about the plan. Even if she doesn't have to fight.” Her green eyes sparkled with delight and determination as everyone's spirit rose with hope. Hotaru cracked a smile.
“No matter how `stupid and suicidal' it is?” she asked an air of fake innocence. Makoto scowled down from her heroic pose to Hotaru, who simply grinned in response. Usagi suppressed a laugh and finished the braid she was holding.
“Yeah, even if it's guaranteed to kill us, Usagi has to decide.”
“Fine,” Haruka grudgingly accepted. Even the stoic Setsuna had to grin at the disappointed look the tomboyish blonde had on her face. Rei laughed lightly and turned back to Usagi. “Well, what's your opinion Odango?”
Usagi scowled at Rei when she called her by her unofficial nickname-Oh, who am I kidding? I might as well be holding up a sign that says, `Look at my hair! Does it seem like dumplings to you? Just call me Odango-Atama! She insulted herself inwardly.
“I…guess that this is an okay plan, demo, I'm not really, um, comfortable with…you know…the part where I… and then Makoto…and, uh, yeah…” Usagi finally stuttered, her mind still not made up.
Haruka snorted. “Told you, baka.”
Rei rolled her eyes in response. “Since my idea is so bad, does anyone else have any other ideas?”
“We could always…keep hiding,” Hotaru hesitantly suggested. “Save our strength…and fight another day when we aren't so…” her voice trailed off, but she finished the sentence in her mind. When we aren't so emotionally scarred. Rei closed her eyes as if considering the idea, but Makoto and Haruka denied it while Usagi shook her head shyly.
“Call me proud, but I refuse to run and give them entertainment,” Makoto dead-panned, mouth scrunching into a displeased frown.
“No. we can't just leave Tokyo behind. Not after what all the others have given up. It would be for nothing,” Haruka said, eyes glazing over at the though of her departed lover. Setsuna ducked her head to veil her pained expression. It is not over yet, Senshi. There is still more to come. Sometimes she cursed herself and her position as the Guardian of Time: Always watching, never intervening. Always just…observing, keeping the timelines on the right path. Never let go, never freed from this curse, not even with death. Taboos are never meant to be broken, but perhaps I can get around them.
“They would know the moment we step foot outside of Tokyo.” Silence.
“N-nani?” Usagi's voice quivered and Setsuna barely hid her flinch. Perhaps I could warn them of the coming danger without revealing the future…maybe if I… She bowed her head.
“From my limited knowledge gleaned from observing the time streams,” Setsuna emphasized before anyone could accuse her of withholding vital information, “The enemy has the ability to sense a type of…life energy or force, so to speak.” Ki energy. “If we leave, they will follow.” The room was suddenly bursting with tension, emotions ranging from rage to confusion, to hatred and self-chastisement. Usagi sat, seemingly emotionless, as inwardly she broke down.
Usagi was seated beside Hotaru and holding her face in her hands. This isn't fair. We don't even have the choice to leave this stupid war behind. Why is it always Earth? Why can't they leave us alone? The blonde absently swiped at her eyes, her mind barely registering that she was crying. It's not fair. It's not fair. The phrase swirled in her mind, repeating, mocking, ridiculing her until her sight blurred and her throat tightened. It's not fair. It's not fair. It's not-
“How are they able to do this?” Rei asked. Usagi lifted her head just in time to see Rei shoot a worried glance in her direction. She nodded back. I shouldn't give up yet…
“We know the Sailor Anima-mates work under Galaxia's rule, correct?” Setsuna began. The other Senshi nodded. “In order to defeat them, we must dive into their pasts, and exploit their weakness.”
Setsuna closed her eyes in concentration and called forth her power. Pluto, my guardian planet, lend me your strength and help me end the Sailor Wars once and for all
A long, sliver staff materialized in her hand. Its slender, key-shaped body fit perfectly into her grip as the top branched off into an ornate heart. In the center a shining red orb gleamed. The Garnet Rod glowed and Setsuna whispered hauntingly, “Show me…the rise of the Anima-mates.”
Wispy, gray fog emerged out of thin air, curling and clinging to the corners of the room. It surrounded and blanketed all that radiated warmth, leaving only the Garnet Rod as a source of light and heat.
“The Anima-mates were originally civilians. Normal people with no magical abilities at all.” As she spoke, images appeared in the fog. The others saw planets full of life and joy. A particular planet caught Usagi's eye and regret flashed in their depths. “Is that…Mau?”
“Hai, it is hime. Mau is the planet that Luna and Artemis are originally from. Its people joined the Silver Alliance and as a token of gratitude, offered them as royal advisors.”
Usagi nodded. I'm sure your people are proud, Luna…Artemis…
“Long before the grueling Sailor Wars began, all these planets lived in harmony,” Setsuna narrarated. “However, all souls have a potential darkness within them, one that could easily consume the weakest of hearts.” Except the Queen of the Stars…
“Thus, the Sailor Senshi were needed. The most significant Senshi were Sailor Coronis, Sailor Chu, Sailor Mermaid, Sailor Cocoon, and Sailor Mau. These Senshi guarded their home planets fiercely. Unfortunately, there were several beings that envied the Senshi and longed for greater power. That power was promised in the form of stolen Sailor Crystals. With this temptation, the Sailor Anima-mates came into being.”
Images of war and battle drifted in the fog, making Usagi cringe with every hit, every attack. Hotaru glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, her face pale in the rod's dim glow. The dark-haired child could feel Usagi's soul withering, her pacifist ways blocking her reason to battle. Hotaru said nothing, and looked away.
Usagi saw the face of Sailor Coronis; a sweet, dark-haired girl that cried for mercy, mercy for her planet, its people, and her killer. Demo, why? Unless she's talking to… Usagi, to her horror, was fascinated with this Senshi's death. Coronis' face was the only one she saw, the only one that didn't cry of betrayal. The only one that…was calm, as if she knew this would happen…
Coronis' body collapsed onto the dry, cracked ground, chest heaving. She fought for every breath as her skin turned transparent. Lead Crow stood above her, a glowing crystal clasped victoriously in her left hand. The fallen Senshi said nothing, only staring at the one she used to call her friend. Suddenly, her lips curved into a smile and the red-clad Senshi sneered, “What're you grinning about, idiot? You lost, ya know.”
Coronis' grin grew wider, and emotion filled her eyes. Hope. “No. I didn't lose. And neither did you.” Ignoring Lead Crow's confused frown she continued, voice filling with hope and love.
“I foretell peace, Lead Crow. Peace. A bright light shines in the galaxies, one that will overcome the Chaos.”
“Don't try and convince me to let you live,” Lead Crow said. “You don't deserve to be a Senshi.”
Coronis closed her eyes as her body faded rapidly. “Everyone deserves a chance to be a hero. And you'll get yours soon. Remember Phobos and Deimos? Say `hi' to them for me, please. The Messiah will grant you that much…”
“As if.”
Despite her words, Lead Crow held her hand as her body burst in a flurry of sparkles, flying off into oblivion.
“With a Senshi's Sailor Crystal in their possession, the Anima-mates were able to take the guise of Sailor Senshi. However, they can only retain this form by wearing golden bracelets, which is a sign of allegiance under Galaxia.”
"What happens if they don't wear them?" Makoto asked. The fog then formed another image, one with the death of Sailor Iron Mouse.
"Galaxia-sama, please, forgive me!" Iron Mouse cried in terror as flames surrounded the small telephone booth. A dark figure slowly faded into view as Eternal Sailor Moon and the Star Lights watched on in confusion.
"Please! Don't take my bracelets!" she pleaded desperately. The bracelets automatically bound Iron Mouse's hands together as tears streamed freely. The obscuring fog parted to reveal Galaxia's smirking countenance. She said nothing as Iron Mouse, in a last attempt, begged for her life if Galaxia could not solver her riddle.
"I have an idea! What if you forgive me if you can't answer this riddle?" Galaxia simply held up her bracelet and extended her hand. She beckoned towards Iron Mouse, and the bracelets vanished, reappearing in Galaxia's hand. Iron Mouse screamed as her body faded into oblivion.
“They wear them so that Galaxia has influence over them and their actions. The gems you see on their bracelets are fused with dark energy, fueling their power. For them to accept the dark energy, however, they must give up their star seeds and take on the ones they pillaged from the original Senshi. The dark energy also serves as a conductor for the technique that removes star seeds.”
"So, without the dark energy from the bracelets feeding their life force, the Anima-mates die?"
"Exactly, Haruka. The Anima-mates are determined and powerful. However, their one weakness is exposed often by, ironically, the one who gave it to them," Setsuna agreed. "This dark energy, as of a few weeks ago, is able to track life energy as well as the magic trails of true star seeds, or Sailor Crystals.”
“What about Galaxia?” Hotaru asked. Rei raised an eyebrow. “Do we need to know about her too?”
Setsuna leaned slightly on her staff. "Of course."
Haruka frowned. "We already know what a tyrant she is. I can't wait to pummel her with a World Shaking or two."
Setsuna concentrated again, focusing her power through the Garnet Rod. Her Pluto insignia blazed on her forehead as the fog swirled again; this time tinted an eerie crimson."
Galaxia was a kind, brave Senshi," she gestured to the mist, which held an image of the supposed "tyrant". Galaxia wore the same sailor fuku as she wore in the present time, but she seemed younger, softer, and her face held no foreboding feature. Haruka snorted as she critically studied the Galaxia of the past. "As if I would believe that. Even compared to you, Setsuna, I wasn't born yesterday."
Usagi frowned. “Demo, I think it's possible.”
Rei stared at the odango-haired girl incredulously. "Nani?" How could you? I mean, Setsuna has never lied before, demo, demo this is impossible."
“Usagi-hime might be right,” Hotaru said. “We know for sure Galaxia was definitely a real Senshi. Her level of power and experience says so.”
“Before, Galaxia battled against evil, just as we do,” Setsuna continued. She frowned, the only indication that she was anxious. You must take out the problem at its source. In this case, the past. Setsuna prayed to Selene that it would end differently this time. It's Usagi's choice that makes the difference, she thought resolutely. Let's hope that Fate has chosen for the better.
“One day, Chaos came. This was the beginning of the Sailor Wars.” They glimpsed another distant galaxy not unlike the Milky Way, but a dark cloud drifted ominously along the outer fringe.
“Chaos was determined. He consumed planets one by one, as if they were simply appetizers to a main course. Demo, Chaos did not expect anyone to challenge him. When he arrived at Galaxia's planet, she stood up against him.
“They fought each other day and night; their battles ending equally. As Galaxia tired however, Chaos grew stronger. The breaking point came when Chaos murdered Galaxia's only friend, Cari*. She called upon all her power as the Golden Senshi and-“
“Slapped him on the arm saying, `Bad, Chaos, baaad. Bring Cari back, pleaaase?'” Haruka joked, almost resembling the devil. Rei sweat-dropped. “You don't actually think that happened, do you?”
“Of course,” Haruka replied as Rei barely managed to stop herself from face-faulting. “Not.”
Makoto coughed to smother her laughter while Hotaru giggled behind her hand. Usagi, on the other hand, was clearly failing at her attempt to hide her amusement.
"Baka," Rei muttered. Haruka merely grinned in return. Setsuna cleared her throat loudly, though inside she was glad. As long as they still can enjoy life, they can still fight, Setsuna thought almost wistfully. Too bad…too bad it has to be this way.
"With all her strength, Galaxia summoned her sword and absorbed Chaos within it. Knowing it was not enough, Galaxia instead imprisoned Chaos within her own body."
Usagi's face became serious, her eyes no longer laughing. Her friend's death drove her to sacrifice herself…because she knew that there would be no one left for her…
“Galaxia was not stupid; no matter how much you wish I would admit it Haruka," Setsuna continued as the mentioned blonde opened her mouth to speak, "For this reason, she gave up her star seed."
Silence. And then Makoto spoke up. "S-she gave it up?"
Doushite, Setsuna-san?" Usagi asked. Setsuna gazed at the blonde, absently noting the air of formality around her. Usagi-hime…Please do not let something as trivial as death dampen the light around you.
"Galaxia did not wish for her star seed to become corrupted, so she released it into the ever-lasting universe, where it would remain pure. Unfortunately, without her star seed, her Sailor crystal and source of power, Chaos easily won and crushed her will with his. And this is why she is what she is now."
Setsuna recalled the swirling mists of the past and forced them to return to the Garnet Rod. The shadows receded and only a slight breeze from an open window disturbed the girls who were deep in thought.
"So, she isn't…what we thought she was?" Haruka ventured, running a hand through her cropped sandy hair.
"Hai," Setsuna replied. She knew that the story she had unravelled was plenty to take in, but it was one they had to know. Especially Usagi.
“How? How is Galaxia this…lonely Senshi? She has tons of youma at her disposal! Isn't…isn't she the same person who killed…”
Her voice dropped off near the end, but each girl finished the sentence.
Mamo-chan…” Usagi croaked out. Rei turned toward the blonde just in time to see her flee the room in a bout of emotion. She made a motion to follow her, but was stopped by Makoto.
"She needs time to sort through her thoughts. I, personally, know what it's like to lose someone…you love," Makoto murmured wistfully, her thoughts drifting to her parents. This was a forbidden topic, one that she had locked in a box in the back of her mind and thrown away the key. Now, to have her closest friends die… the memories were resurfacing to fast. Maybe I should join the sob-fest too… I have more tears than I know what to deal with.
"I just hope that, she can get over Mamoru-san if we, if we can't…" Rei didn't bother continuing that thought. I won't think like this…we will bring them back.
Usagi sat passively by the edge of the fire, its glow bathing her with its soft red hue. She toyed with the pink heart-shaped ring on her finger nervously as she contemplated the remaining Senshi's next action.
"Galaxia must still have some good in her," she murmured to the placid flames. "Maybe we can convince her-"
"Galaxia is beyond words, Usagi-hime."
Usagi twisted in her seat to catch a glimpse of the tall guardian. "Setsuna-san."
"Galaxia is not one for words, hime. You have already tried that route before and unfortunately, failed."
"Demo," Usagi protested, "You said that she had a star seed! She must have some good within her-"
"The key word within your explanation is had, Usagi," Setsuna gently reminded. "Galaxia released her star seed into the galaxies, and lost her will to fight against darkness. Chaos corrupted her."
"No," Usagi choked out. She stood up in a hurry. "Everyone has a chance to change their lives, fix their mistakes. We can't she? Huh? Tell me Setsuna! Tell me-"
“Why not. People can be good if they tried. There has to be another way," she whispered. Setsuna wrapped the sobbing princess in her arms. This is too much for her. Hime has too much grief for someone who can be the Sun personified.
"What if, Usagi-san," Setsuna murmured, her voice too soft to penetrate the girl's desolation, "What if, a person does not want that chance to resolve their mistakes?"
"What then?"