Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Daddy's Little Boy ❯ "A.... dream catcher?"; Trunks' gift ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

This chapter may seem a bit weird but I hope it isn't confusing!

I won't be needing a lot more dream ideas, but I will need a few, so if you know any, could you give me some?

That's about it for now! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or SM. I do own the idea for this story though.

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Everyone laughed. They were all happy.

'Everyone'' Goten thought as his eyes widened. 'Everyone...Papa, Trunks, Big Brother, Mom, even Bunny and Bunny Jr.'

They noticed Goten and Trunks raised his hand and waved him over.

"C'mon Goten!" He called to him.

Goten nodded and ran over to them.

Everyone was enjoying themselves.

'This...This is too good to be true...' Goten thought before continuing to talk with everyone else.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Goten took in a deep breath of fresh air as he closed his eyes and fell onto his back in the soft grass. Everyone else was still back at his house, but he and Trunks had decided to play a little game of tag. He had found a nice meadow and, just wanted to enjoy himself.

"This.... This is nice...." He whispered to himself. "It almost feels like a dream..."

His eyes opened. 'A...dream...?'

He held up his arm. All of his cuts and bruises were...gone.

His eyes widened slightly and began to shake.

"No cuts or bruises." He muttered as he dropped his hand and closed his eyes again. "This isn't real...It's only a dream...."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

Goten's eyes fluttered open.

"A nice dream...." He thought as he looked up at the ceiling. He smiled. "I finally had a nice one... I can't wait to tell Trunks."

He turned his head to look out the window. Though it hurt, he still looked. It was still dark out.

He looked back up at the ceiling.

"I guess...I should go back to sleep..." Goten whispered to himself. "If Death Phantom does appear in my dreams again, I'm going to ask him what he wants. And even if I can't see him, I know he will be there...." Goten whispered, closing his eyes.

'I asked for a good dream and got one. I can only imagine that this one won't be as happy...'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Goten's boots made a small squeaking noise as he walked slowly along the dark, stone path.

"A path made from stone.... That's strange...." Goten muttered.

He narrowed his eyebrows and looked up at the dark sky.

"Death Phantom??!!! I know you're here!! Come out and show your ugly face right...NOW!!" Goten screamed at the night sky.

A strong wind suddenly appeared and Goten covered his face.

When he uncovered it, there he stood. Death Phantom stood there, holding his crystal ball as usual.

Goten kept his eyes narrowed.

"What is it young Saiya-jin? I'm busy at the moment."

"Busy with what? Trying to find out how to make me see Bunny die again? And then blame it on me? I'd figured you'd already used every death in the book." Goten spat.

"I don't have time for this Saiya-jin!"

"Then you better make time!" Goten yelled taking a step closer to him. He was feeling a strange amount of confidence ever since Bunny had talked to him.

"Do not mess with me Monkey Boy! Remember that I am the one who gave you all those injuries and can easily give you more!" Death Phantom yelled, making Goten stop in his tracks.

"Then it was you. It was you! That Bunny was just you disguised as her, wasn't it?!" Goten yelled.

"Wrong! It was part of the one you call 'Bunny'! It was the hate in her heart and my magic that created her!"

"M-magic...?" Goten asked quietly. "That's how...!" Goten yelled, clenching his fists. "That's how you did it! You put a spell on me so that I would have dre-nightmares with you in them! I'm right on that part aren't I?!"

"For once!"

"What do you want with me?! Why can't you just leave me alone?! I never did anything to you!

"It's nothing that you did! It's something that your descendent did, Saiya-jin brat!"

"M-my descendent?"

"Your bloody descendent in the future! She tried to kill me, but failed! But, for what she did do to me, I must pay back and by what better way then to destroy her ancestor?" He asked laughing.

"Shut up! You won't be able to kill me! Papa and Gohan will protect me!"

"Oh don't worry.... I won't kill you until the end of my plan." He laughed.

"The end? What do you mean the end?!" Goten screamed.

"You think that I am naive enough to just kill you right off so that you could be wished back with the Dragonballs? No, no, Saiya-jin. I have much more in store for you." He laughed.

Goten's eyebrows narrowed more.

"What do you MEAN??!!!" He screamed again.

"You'll find out in due time. Believe me though," He started, "when my plan is fulfilled, your descendent won't be the only one to die, oh no. The whole universe will." He finished, laughing.

'The whole.... universe? It will all be destroyed because' Goten thought.

"I-iie.... IIE!!!!!!! I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT!!!" Goten screamed as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists tighter. Suddenly, he was surrounded in white light. A faint image appeared above him. It was...Bunny.

"Neither will I!" She screamed at Death Phantom.

Goten blinked at looked up at her.

"B-Bunny...?" He whispered to her.

"I have no time for this! I will be back Saiya-jin! You can count on that! Farewell!" He told Goten as he laughed and disappeared.

Goten looked at the spot that Death Phantom one was and growled, before looking up at Bunny.

"You saved me, didn't you?" He asked.

It was her turn to blink. She smiled.

"Hai. Are you all right?"

Goten nodded.

"You're my descendant, ne?" Goten asked.

Bunny nodded.

"So, if Death Phantom succeeds, then, you'll die too, huh?"

Her smile vanished and she nodded again.

"So how can you be in my dream right now anyway?"

"Well, Pluto said that it's because of our genetic bond, but that I can only talk to you in your dreams, so I won't be able to talk to you while you're awake."


She sighed.

"Well since you are my ancestor, I suppose that it would be okay to tell you. I am a Sailor Senshi. I watched over Tokyo in the future." She started, before a voice interrupted her.

"Goten? Goten? C'mon Goten! Wake up! I brought you the present I promised!" A small boy's voice echoed.

"Trunks-kun?" Goten whispered.

"It'll have to wait 'til your next dream. Enjoy your time with your friends Goten-chan and remember how precious they are to you." She told him as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek. It felt like a feather touching his cheek.

"Ja ne, Son Goten."

"Y-yamete!" Goten called after her.


"O-namae wa nan desu ka?"

She smiled


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Trunks's purple hair and crystal blue eyes were the first thing Goten saw when he opened his eyes.

"Trunks-kun?" Goten asked.

Trunks smiled.

"See I told you I would visit you today!" Trunks laughed.

Goten laughed too as he sat up in his bed. He cringed but didn't lye back down.

"M-maybe you should stay lying down, Goten." Trunks pleaded, his smile gone.

"Ii desu. I'll be fine." Goten told as he held himself up with shaky arms.

"Are you sure?"

"Promise." Goten said, smiling.

"I'm glad. Oh yeah!" Trunks said suddenly, making Goten jump slightly.

Trunks ran over to the small backpack that he had brought with him and unzipped the pocket. He pulled out a box wrapped in blue (his favorite color) wrapping paper. Trunks ran back to the side of Goten's bed and held out the gift.

"Here! This is for you! It's the present I promised!" Trunks said smiling.

Goten took the present out of his friends hands slowly and sat it in his lap. He looked at him before looking back up at Trunks.

"What is it?"

"Open it and see!" Trunks told him as he got down on his knees and crossed his arms, laying his chin on them.

Goten looked back down at the present before slowly undoing the wrapping paper. After taking off all the wrapping paper, he opened up the box and took out what was in it. It was a little circle of wood with leather strings and beads hanging from it. Inside the circle, were strings going in different directions, making a design in it. Goten blinked at it.

"What is it?"

"It's a dream catcher." Trunks told him.

"A.... dream catcher?" Goten asked looking at Trunks.

Trunks nodded.

"It's something made by tribes. You hang it above your bed and, at night, it catches the bad dreams and only lets the good dreams through." Trunks said pointing to the holes in between the strings.

'A dream...catcher...?' Goten thought, looking at his gift. 'Wow....'

"Do you like it?" Trunks asked.

Goten looked at him, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I love it. You're the best Trunks-kun!" Goten told him smiling.

"I'm glad you like it!" Trunks said smiling back.

He held out his fist.

"Promise to get better?" He asked.

Goten nodded.

"Promise." He said as he, too, held out his fist. They put their fists together, sealing the promise.

They both smiled at each other and laughed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

"So. Another Saiya-jin brat?" Death Phantom asked himself, looking in his crystal ball at Goten and Trunks. "No need to get rid of him. He might come in handy in the future."

He looked closer at the Dream Catcher.

"That, I'm afraid, won't keep me out of your dreams for long, Saiya-jin. Maybe until the tournament." He said before he started laughing.

Behind him, his shadow monsters flew around, screaming screams that could kill.....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: So? How was it? The idea for the dream catcher was just something I wanted to add in.

And, for those who might think it (I doubt anyone is though), this is a none yaoi story. I have nothing against that, but I'm just saying that it isn't, so don't flame me for it, k?

Please Review!

Angel Abi