Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Muzumi in Japan's fedual era ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Hmmmm I must find the rest of these damn jewel shards." a woman in a cloak said.The woman stops and sits on the ground. "Now spirts of Earth,Wind,Water and fire guide me to a lage quanity of the shards." she said.
A circle formed on the ground.Symbols of Water,Wind,Earth and Fire formed at
the North,South,West and East corner of the circle.It made a holographic image
of where the shards are at and who has them."So they have they most jewel
shards."The woman said.I have to get there quick.

"Come Inuyasha take out the Tetsusaiga." Sesshoumaru insisted.
"Halt,I Muzumi came here to clam your jewel shards."The woman with a cloak said."Who the heck are you?" Inuyasha demeanded to know. "Flame Geyser!"
she shouted.Fire started to come out the ground slowly."Wind and Water sheild me from harm" Muzumi said.Flames bursted out of the ground."Kagome!" Inuyasha said. "Hmmm I can absorb all her magic energy like this.Shadows of the
dark swipe this girl of her powers and transfer it to me.!" Muzumi shouted.Dark figures jumped into the flames.They covered Kagome's Body and started to suck the life out of her."Yes I got her.This was to easy" Muzumi said.She started to chuckle."Don't celebrate yet."Mikrou said.He took out the bracelet off his right hand."What?I think you inhaled to many fumes from my fire geyser." Muzumi said."Wind tunnel!" Mirkoru shouted.The Black hole in his hand started to suck up all the flames and fumes."Ohhh, A wind tunnel.I have another spell except my geyser you know." Muzumi said. She stood up and started to levitate."I call upon the insects of hell and Hornets of Heaven." Muzumi shouted. Millons of
Hell insects and Heaven. came flying down Mirkou's wind tunnel."Spirt of thunder caputure him into a ball." Muzumi said.Mirkou fell down.He was poisoned badly.A electric ball came after Mikoru once it touch it he was trapped inside."Fox Fire!" Shippo shouted.Shippo's fox fire attack hit uzumi."Owww.......
What a pest.Well trasformation time.Shatter X Crystal recall power!" Muzumi said.She quckly transformed in the Senchi of the break of day and night,Sailor Shatter X."Ha with power of powerful pepole powers I am unbeatable."Muzumi said to her self.Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru started to get up."One" Muzumi shouted.Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were could'nt move."Two" Muzumi shouted.Inuyasha and Seeshomoru could not breath."Three!"Muzumi shouted.All the blood was vilonetly escaping out of there Skin."Now you Muzu get the jewel shards!"Muzumi shouted.A little white spirt in a bird like shape snach the jewel shard from Sesshoumaru's arm.Then it went straight for Kagome and stole her Jewel shards.Muzumi pointed her finger towards Inuyasha and shot a ball of Dark energy close Inuyasha's heart."Ha,this is so easy.Wind Spell!" Muzumi said. A strong gust of wind picked up Shippo and sealed him into a ball.The ball went far far away.Another one seal Miroku into a ball and shot him the oppisite way of Shippou.The last one zsealed him into a ball and then it was sucked into one of the shards."Well they are all taing care of so time for me to get outta here with the shards"Muzumi said to her self.Muzumi dissapered in a dark flash of light."Well I see its the famous Muzumi,I will have to send a much stronger monster." Naraku said.Muzumi appeared."I actually feel bad for them." Muzumi said.So she got them all and lay them down in a pile and she gave Kagome's power and life back."Just wait untill next time I will kill you with my own hands." Muzumi said.She disappeared again.Kagome got up and tried to wake everyone up.Inuyasha was starting lose cosiousness.

They go to a nearby village to rest.Miroku does his usal thing saying there are dark clouds hovering over the most exspensive and the most elegant Inn in the whole village."Here Miroku take this it should help get rid of that poisoin." Kagome said. Kagome looked through her bag and got some antidote.Miroku drunk it.Kagome started to pacth up Inuyasha's wounds.
After that they all decided to get some rest.Later that night......"In the name of Pluto and time I will punish you!" Sailor Pluto shouted." In the name of Neptune
I will punish you." Sailor Neptune said."In name of Uranus I will punish you."Sailor Uranus said.The other senchi jumped into a pose."In the name of the Moon we will punish you." all the other senchi said."Oh yeah well take this.Broken heart ache! Muzumi shouted.Sharp picees of Heart came raining down."Mercury Ice Bubble...." Mercruy said. She started to gain a ball of ice in her hands."Freeze!" Sailor Mecruey said.The ball of Ice shattered and froze each piece of the attack.All of it just fell to the ground."What the hell is going on out there?!" Inuyasha said.Muzumi used all her strenght and blew Sailor Mars,Mercrey and Venus."What's all the noise for?" Kagome said. Just as Kagome said that three girls broke through the Inn and landed on Miroku.
All three got right back up."I'm sorry for breaking in.Are you Ok?" Ami asked
Kagome and Inuyasha."Were fine and who the heck are you? Inuyasha said.
"Your so beuatiful." Miroku said.Sailo Venus started to blush."Can I ask you for a favor?" Miroku said. "Ok." Sailor Venus said. "Please bear my child." Miroku
said. "WHAT!" Sailor Venus screamed.She smacked and made another hole in the inn.