Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Paternity of a Princess ❯ Nekoken is Cured ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Paternity of a Princess
A Ranma/Sailor Moon Crossover Fanfic
By Michael A. Ivins
I don't own the characters of Ranma One Half or Sailor Moon, I'm just borrowing them for my own amusement and hopefully that of my readers. I make no money from doing this.
There are some lime bits in this story, so be warned.
The only time that Ranma will be male in this story will be for a part of the first chapter. For all of the rest of it she will be female so there will be no usage of “Chan” or “Onna” to differentiate between male and female Ranma. This story takes place after the end of the manga (so after the failed wedding.)
Chapter 5
Nekoken is Cured
When the bell rang to signal the end of lunch period, Usagi practically leapt to her feet then promptly fell on her face as she tripped on one of the roots from the tree they had sat under. Ranma winced slightly at the sight.
One conclusion she came to at that moment was that this ditzy girl was a klutz who couldn't possibly be the great hero and leader of the Sailor Senshi. This had to be some fan girl who was wearing her hair in that ridiculous style as a tribute to a hero that she admired.
The rest of the day went well enough. Ranma had to hold back a lot in gym class. Even then she was at risk of hopelessly outclassing her classmates.
After school Ranma headed straight back home while the Senshi girls headed to Ami's house. Makoto demanded, “What was that act at lunch? You haven't acted that ditzy or clumsy in months.”
Usagi explained, “Did you see the way Ranma was looking at my hair. I'm sure she was making a connection between the style I'm wearing and what Sailor Moon wears.”
Minako offered, “You could change your style, you know.”
The Moon Princess shrugged. “I like this style, even if people do make fun of it.”
Ami broached another subject. “Is it really a good idea to be making friends with Ranma? This is the girl who has promised to kill herself in front of you. I don't want to take part in her death.”
Makoto voiced another fear. “What if she decides that killing herself isn't enough of a punishment for depriving her of her transformation to a guy? She could take it into her head that killing us was a better punishment.”
The blonde with Odango said, “Consider this, with no magic enhancement or Senshi powers Ranma can roof hop like we can. She can use her own life energy to throw energy blasts almost as strong as one of our own attacks. She can throw a hundred punches in something like a second and she can create tornadoes. Now tell me, would you rather have someone like that as a friend or an enemy?”
When she put it that way the advantages of having a friend like Ranma seemed to greatly outweigh any potential risks. A thought that occurred to all of them was that if Ranma was that strong without Senshi powers, what would she be like if she did have those powers?
When she got home Ranma changed into one of her boy outfits and went to the back yard. On the way home she had stopped at the library and borrowed a book. She had carried the book in a paper grocery bag and had refrained from looking at it any more than she had to. Now she sat cross legged on the grass and pulled the book from the bag. She had her eyes closed.
When she was comfortably settled with the book in her lap, Ranma opened her eyes and looked at the book. It was a large-format photo book filled with pictures of cats. She figured this was safer to start with pictures that with live animals. With a live cat you couldn't always predict what it would do.
She looked at the cover of the book. It had a picture of a black cat with white paws, white on its nose and throat and white on its belly. The cat was on its back, cutely waving its paw in the air. She felt a little nervous looking at the picture, but there was none of the paralyzing fear that this image would have created in the past.
Ok. So far so good. She opened the book and started turning pages and before long even the nervousness evaporated. When she got to the chapter on kittens she found herself captivated. There was one picture of a tabby kitten sitting in someone's shoe with an oddly confused expression on its face as if to say, “How did I get here.” When her gaze fell on that picture she couldn't help herself. She said, “Aww, that's so cute.”
When she realized what she said, she closed the book. She wasn't sure she could believe those words had come her mouth. It seemed fairly certain that the fear of cats was gone. Now that the barrier of fear was gone from her mind she could think back to a cat that her parents had when she was a small child. She fondly remembered the gray furred friend sitting on her lap and purring.
Did that mean that everything associated with the Neko-ken was gone? She clenched her right hand into a fist and concentrated. From the knuckles of that fist there extended softly glowing red claws. When the girl relaxed her concentration the claws disappeared. Ranma got a big grin on her face. Oh, this was going to be good.
Before doing anything else Ranma took the book back into the house and left it on her bed then went back out to the back yard. She began to experiment. She found that she could produce ki claws from both hands and feet, and she could summon some of the other characteristics. When she concentrated her vision became sharper and her already fast reflexes speeded up further. The major difference was that now she was fully in control. She wasn't sure how to test it but she thought her sense of smell was stronger now.
Ranma gradually became aware of something that she hadn't noticed before. Her ki reserves were a little greater than they had been but there seemed to be a new well of power within her separate from her ki reserves. She decided that it would be best to be careful with the new power because she didn't know what it could do.
She needed to think. Although she didn't really want to fight the Senshi there was the chance they might misunderstand her motives. Sailor Mars threw fire attacks, Mercury used water, fog and ice attacks. Venus had some kind of odd energy attacks where the energy was delivered in heart shaped bundles and she also had a chain of energy links. Moon also had some kind of energy attacks and Jupiter used lightning.
She wasn't sure about Saturn. She had that big polearm while Neptune also used water. She also wasn't so sure about Uranus or Pluto. Well, it would probably be a good idea to work on speed and agility. Even the strongest magical attack wouldn't hurt her if it didn't hit her. Still she couldn't depend on dodging alone.
There was an anime she had seen one time about a kid who had to master `bending' of different elements. Maybe she could try something like that.
In the meantime she tried her flying practice. As before, she found herself floating a few centimeters off the ground. Frowning, she tried to draw a little of the new power. When she did that she found herself suddenly moving straight up as if from a springboard. She had to cut down on the new power in an effort to maintain control. Doing that left her dropping toward the ground. After a bit more work she was able to actually fly. It was wobbly, but she was staying in the air and propelling herself forward.
After she landed she turned her thoughts to the Hiryu Shoten Ha. She called up the Soul of Ice. A moment later a frost formed on the grass in a circle as the air around Ranma chilled. This was an area effect and she wondered if there were some way to concentrate or project it.
It took some work, but Ranma was able to focus the cold effect down to one hand. Further concentrated effort and she was able to freeze a lawn ornament a short distance from her.
Any further work on fighting techniques was interrupted by her mother's call to dinner. She stopped and headed inside.
The Sunday after Ranma's move to her mother's house the redhead made the trip back to Nerima to meet up with Akane for lunch and talk. To avoid distractions they went to an Italian restaurant rather than okonomiyaki or Chinese.
Ranma sipped her tea after the waitress had cleared the rest of the dishes. She said, “That was nice. I enjoy having a meal in a restaurant without a waitress that tries to glomp me or pressuring me to date her.”
Akane asked, “I know you said you moved in with your mom so you could be closer to where the Senshi are, but I had the feeling there was another reason. What was that?”
“Before I go into that there is something else I have to say to you,” Ranma said.
The redhead looked down at the tabletop for a moment. “I want to apologize for the way I acted about your training. I know you thought I wasn't taking you seriously as a martial artist, but that wasn't it.”
The black haired girl frowned. “It was that whole `I don't hit girls' thing, right?”
Ranma winced at that. She said, “I want you to think back and think carefully. Do you ever remember me actually saying that I don't hit girls?”
Now confused, the youngest Tendo said, “I was sure you said that.”
“I realize the difference is subtle, but what I said was that I don't like hitting girls,” the redhead explained. “And that's true. What is also true is that I will hit girls if they are attacking me. I've hit Shampoo a few times.”
“Then why wouldn't you spar with me? Why was it that all you ever did was dodge?” Akane demanded.
Looking Akane in the eyes, Ranma said, “I don't like hitting girls and I like it even less when the girl is someone I care about. I didn't want to hurt you.”
In a tone of exasperation, Akane said, “I'm not some porcelain doll that's going to break with the slightest rough treatment. I'm a martial artist. I'm never going to advance in the Art if I don't take a few hits.”
“I know that.” The Saotome girl said, “Now that I'm a full-time girl, I guess I'll have to change that attitude. I guess it should be something like `I don't like hitting people outside of martial arts training and challenges.' Obviously I'll defend myself if attacked.”
Akane nodded. That sounded like a good philosophy. “I know you can't train me now that you've moved away. You still haven't answered the question about your other reasons for moving out.”
The redhead said, “I can't stand living with Pop anymore. It's not even that thing about sharing a room with him. Because of his attitude toward women the way he acts toward me is changing now that I'm a woman full-time. There is almost a look of pity in his eyes.”
Frowning, Ranma continued, “He hasn't said anything out loud but it's clear from his attitude. He's written me off as the heir to the school. When I was only a girl half the time he was still willing to consider me a serious martial artist. Now I don't think he'll ever take me seriously as a martial artist again. I'm a better martial artist than he is and can kick his butt any day, but that doesn't matter to him anymore. That's kind of why I felt I had to apologize to you. Now I know how you feel.”
She took a deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it out. “Akane when was the last time your father trained you?”
Confused by the seeming change of subject, Akane answered, “It's been years. I'm not sure I remember the last time.”
The red haired girl frowned and said, “Your father has the same problem I had when it came to training you. He just couldn't stand to hurt his `darling baby girl.'”
“You're exaggerating.” Akane protested.
“Am I?” Ranma suggested, “Let's try a little imagination. Picture this: I start to train you for real and manage to tag you good through a hole in your defense and give you a black eye. When we go back into the house your dad would go all demon head and start yelling `How dare you hurt my baby girl.' Does that sound like something that might happen?”
Akane considered that for a few moments. Yes, it did sound almost exactly like the way her father would act. Finally she admitted, “You're right.”
Ranma nodded. “I'm not going to be around to train you and I'm going to need to be doing some serious training of my own. You are a good martial artist with the potential to be a great one. You need training you won't get from my father or yours.”
“What are you suggesting?”
The redhead said, “Your dad might threaten to disown you for doing it, but I suggest you look around for a new dojo and a new sensei. Kempo is closest to Anything Goes style and would probably be best for you.”
“Go to another dojo? Daddy would have a fit.”
Ranma shrugged. “Maybe just the treat of going somewhere else will be enough for you dad to start training you again for real. I don't know. My suggestion is that you first look around and find a place where you would be willing to go. Then tell your dad about it and see how he acts. You should be ready to carry out the threat if he doesn't start to train you seriously.”
After some further time for contemplation, Akane said, “You may be right. I'll start looking around.”
Nodding, the redhead said, “That's another part of why I moved out. Your father is a nice man. I like him as an uncle or a friend. If I stayed at your house my Pop would keep pressuring me and your dad to `join the schools' by marrying each other.”
Frowning, Ranma said in a thoughtful tone, “Even you will have to admit your dad is not the most strong-willed person. Sometimes it's like he surrendered up his will when he became the old freak's student and never got it all back. I'm frankly surprised that he had enough nerve to say no to marrying me last week.”
Thinking about it a moment, Ranma then said, “If I stayed, Pop would keep working on your dad, wearing him down until he gave in.”
Akane didn't say anything but the expression on her face seemed to ask, “Would that be so terrible?”
“Do you really want me to be your step-mother?”
The girl with blue-black hair's eyes went wide as she considered that.
Ranma continued, “Could you imagine me doing all the stuff that Kasumi does now? I'd go crazy in a month. I don't know how she does all that stuff.”
Her expression turned apprehensive as she said, “Akane, I'm not saying this to be a pervert, but I would feel like one if I had to do it. Since I can't be the heir they'll expect me to be the mother to the next heir. You do know what women have to do to become mothers, don't you?”
For a moment Ranma thought she was going to have to duck, as anger showed on her friend's face. The expression turned to one of disgust as the dark haired girl, exclaimed, “You and my dad?”
The redhead nodded. “It's what would be expected of me as a good wife.”
Ranma nodded. “Yeah, that was my reaction when I first thought of it. I'm not even sure I even want to think about having sex with any man but it would feel like incest with your dad. I may just dodge that whole issue and become a lesbian.”
Akane directed a glare at her friend. Seeing it, Ranma said, “What? Even if I'm permanently a girl, I'm still a guy in my head. I've been trying to tell myself that it's Ok for me to like guys now, but I don't think it's fully sunk in.”
The redhead said, “On the training trip when I first started to notice girls Pop told me it was a waste of time to think about them and a distraction from the Art. Even if he never let me get close enough to a girl to do anything, I never stopped looking at pretty girls. Now I have to get used to the idea of looking at handsome guys.”
The youngest Tendo put a hand on Ranma's hand and said, “Your mom will help you learn to cope with being female.”
With a snort, Ranma said, “With Mom's exaggerated ideas of manliness, I worry that she may have equally weird ideas on femininity. I'm hoping to learn more about being a `real' girl from the other girls at school.”
Considering how “over the top” the older Saotome woman was, that might be a good idea.
Shortly after this conversation they parted ways. Akane went back home and Ranma headed over to the Ucchan.
There were a few customers there but the dinner rush hadn't started yet. Ukyo waved at Ranma as she sat down at the counter. When the chef offered to prepare some okonomiyaki for Ranma the redhead decided on just one. After all she had just come from lunch with Akane.
When sliding the plate in front of Ranma the brunette said, “Ok, you win Ranchan. I guess I don't swing that way. It's just friends and not fiancés for us.”
Looking around, Ranma noticed there was no waitress present. She asked, “Where's Konatsu?”
“He said he needed to do some ninja training stuff and would be back in time for the dinner rush,” Ukyo informed.
Nodding the Saotome girl said, “Just because you and I are not going to get married that doesn't mean you have to give up on love.”
“Huh?” The chef looked confused.
Ranma explained, “I was just thinking that the girl who cross dresses as a boy and the boy who cross dresses as a girl might make a cute couple.”
Frowning, the brunette admonished, “Quit kidding around. Me and Konatsu? He's a friend and employee, nothing more.”
With a pitying expression, Ranma told her friend, “I'm not famous for my sensitivity and even I can see it. Konatsu is deeply and desperately in love with you. He worships the ground you walk on. I know you were sad over the whole `loving someone who doesn't love you back.' Well, Konatsu is the same way about you, but more intense than you ever were over me. He certainly doesn't stay because of the high pay and great benefits.”
“You're serious?”
Nodding gravely, Ranma said, “Completely serious. You should check out the way he looks at you. Better yet, you should ask him how he feels about you.”
After Ranma left Ukyo thought about what she had said. Konatsu as a boyfriend? When he went all out, he made a prettier looking girl than Ukyo did. At least she could admit the idea didn't disgust her.
After getting over being angry over the things Ranma had said about her training and her father, Akane had to admit her friend had pretty accurately assessed things. Her father hadn't seriously trained her in years. While breaking bricks and concrete blocks might be emotionally satisfying, it was not advancing her in the Art.
She began by going to Nabiki. She related her conversation to her older sister. The middle Tendo digested all that Akane said and said, “Well, Ranma does have a point. Daddy hasn't trained you at all in a long time. I think that whole thing about not hurting his baby girl has gotten almost the point of a phobia with him.”
Frowning, Akane nodded. “Yeah, I kind of got that impression. Ranma's going to be in Juuban so she can't train me. Could you do a search on the internet for a dojo that teaches Kempo that isn't too far away?”
Nabiki nodded. “I'll give you the family discount.”
The black haired girl scowled but just said, “Put it on my bill.” In a sarcastic tone she added, “How much do you charge Kasumi?”
The mercenary girl sat up from the computer and looked at her sister with an, “Are you for real?” expression. She said, “Akane don't be stupid. First, Kasumi almost never asks me for anything. Second, Kasumi controls the food. I would not want to piss off the person who controls the food. Third, she's Kasumi.”
The youngest Tendo should have expected some answer like that. She just said, “Right.”
Turning back to the computer, the mercenary girl smirked and said, “Don't worry. This won't take long so it won't cost much.”
Annoyed with her sister, Akane ordered, “Just get on with it.”
Nabiki rolled her eyes and grabbed her mouse, muttering, “Grumpy.”
The Ice Queen was, at least in her own opinion, a virtuoso with a computer. She made a few deft movements with the mouse and clicked to bring up a search engine and shortly had a list of dojos in Nerima that taught kempo. Another few clicks and she presented a printed list to her sister.
While Akane looked over the list Nabiki asked, “How do you plan to break it to daddy that you want to study a different school?”
Akane explained, “Ranma's suggestion was to find another dojo, see if they have an opening, then tell dad. I'm hoping that I can guilt him into starting up my training again. If he won't do it or won't do it seriously, then I go sign up for classes at the other dojo.”
Nabiki frowned and considered that for a time. “Well, at least if you do it that way he can't disown for abandoning the school. It's worth a try. I'll be interested in seeing how this turns out.”
Thinking back to a previous conversation with Ranma, Nabiki asked, “Does it seem to you that Ranma has gotten smarter since she became a girl permanently?”
Oddly enough, Akane's expression was pitying. She said, “You form an impression of someone and don't let go of it do you. Nabiki, I already told you, Ranma has always been smarter than you give her credit for.”
“Huh? What are you talking about? Ranma's was a dumb jock, good in martial arts, but not much else.” Nabiki declared.
With an amused snort, Akane countered, “So she fooled you too.”
“Fooled me? What are you talking about.” Nabiki was confused and she didn't like the feeling.
Akane shook her head. “I didn't really figure it out myself until after she got stuck. The dumb jock you think Ranma was never existed outside of your imagination. It was an act.”
Frowning, Nabiki asked, “Was he pretending to sleep in class?”
Akane shook her head. “No, she really did sleep in class, but not because she was bored. Since she doesn't fall asleep in class now she thinks it must have been some injury from the training her father did to her. In addition to making her permanently female, the healing fixed other problems she had. She's not afraid of cats anymore.”
“No more neko-ken?” Nabiki sounded skeptical.
Nodding, Akane said, “She can still access the claws, faster reflexes and stuff, but doesn't have to be insane to do it. Over at Juuban High School she stays awake in class now and says she doesn't need to be thrown out a window to wake up in the morning.”
The youngest Tendo asked her sister, “Think about this. She was sleeping in class, not paying attention when she was awake and barely did any homework. A real dumb jock would have flunked out. Ranma got C's. Besides that she could learn complex martial arts moves from just seeing them. In fact she didn't just learn them but improves on them. Could a dumb jock do that?”
Nabiki considered that. After a moment she asked, “If Ranma's so smart why did she enroll in Juuban one grade back from where she was?
“Because that's the grade she thinks the Senshi are in, based on her estimate of their ages when she met them,” Akane explained. “The side benefit is that she's breezing through classes with no effort at all. She'll probably get all A's for this term.”
Author's note: Ok, this chapter is something of a filler. I've got some things to work out in the next couple of chapters so the next update on this story could take longer.