Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whats a Girl to do when she is Betrayed? ❯ Chapter 00 the Betrayal and the Wish ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What's a girl to do when she is betrayed?

A SailorMoon Crossover by Sheya

Disclaimer::: I don't own SailorMoon.

I don't own the series that I have crossed SailorMoon with either.

Challenge::: If you care to take me up on it.

1. Start with this Prologue.

2. Take it and write something with it as a starting point.

3. Tell me about it, I will direct link it in the summary.

Caution::: This Prologue may change from the original as I tweak it to make it better. ^ . ^

What's a girl to do when she is betrayed?

Usagi had just gotten out of detention; for once her teacher took pity on her and let her out early. She ran off to the senshi meeting at the shrine, as she entered the grounds she heard arguing. Now, the fact that she heard arguing is not something new, but since it was Ami yelling it got her attention. She snuck up to the door and hid in the shadows. Just after she got herself hidden all her senshi came running out of the shrine after Ami.

The blue haired girl turned around when she got to the courtyard, "I can't believe you're doing this!" she exclaimed. "Just because she doesn't fit your view of what a princess and queen are- She has to be herself and follow her own path."

"But, she also has to be the Princess and should act it. She will be my wife and also should act it!" Mamaru's voice was convincing, but there was just something underneath that wasn't right.

"What are you saying... exactly? And why are you all nodding."

"Usagi needs to learn her place... she will be the pretty and controlled Queen, she will be Mamaru's woman. That is all she is needed for and all she is worth. You of all people should agree with me... she is stupid and clumsy. She is only good enough to be a pretty woman on the kings arm... if even that. She will bear the kings heir while a real woman shares his bed." The dark haired fire senshi crossed her arms and glared at the blue haired ice senshi.

"And all of you truly believe that?" She sadly noted, the nods from the other inner senshi and Mamaru making her sadder. "And the last four years of fighting with her all the times she saved us mean nothing? Of course not.... I cannot fight you all but I will not stay around and watch you do this, And I hope Usagi stops you herself." Ami turned around and ran off the shrine grounds.

"Humph... Now all we have to do is convince Usagi that Ami betrayed her and get a new Mercury Senshi. Ami certainty betrayed us." Makoto turned and walked back inside, the others trailing her.

Usagi sat in shock. 'They think that of me? Even after all we've been through. My friends.... No they are NOT my friends. Ami is the only one, but can we stand up to them? I don't think so.... Now what about the cats....' She stood up and quietly crept off the shrine grounds then ran back up the stairs so she was breathing hard almost like she ran all the way from school.

When she got back to the shrine, she banged into the room, blond tails flying, yelling... "Sorry I'm late... I had detention." She ran in to the room and looked at the faces around her. "What's wrong? Did somebody die?"

"No, but Ami no longer wants to be part of the team." Rei said standing up.

Usagi had taken a look around, she did not see the cats or Ami, but she already knew Ami would not be there.

"What?!?! Why not? I have to talk to her!!!" The young princess ran out of the shrine before anyone could stop her. When she reached the corner she stopped.

"I think Rei was gonna grab me." She panted looking around. "I wish I could re-live the last four years with new friends.... Real friends and not worry about betrayal."

As she spoke her jewel's power flared out and in the next instant she was gone.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~

When the rest of the senshi reached the spot where the silver crystal flared there was nothing there.

"We have to find her... drat we need the Mercury computer!" Makoto kicked a pole.

"Wait... Makoto I can use my powers."

They all trooped back to the shrine but Rei could not find Usagi and Mamaru could not even get a direction.

"Now what?" the blond senshi of love asked.

"Now we search the city for her...." Mamaru stood up and left the shrine.