Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Path of Discovery ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yaten looked outside. The girls were still asleep. Yaten was used to waking up early in the morning to practice and ever since his fever went down, he was able to go back to his normal schedule. His siblings scolded him about it, but Yaten felt fine. Anyway, he better not start to get used to sleeping late. It would be hell to start back on his routine afterwards.

If push comes to shove, he thought, I hope I can help Kurama and the others. They don't seem to think of Makoto as a threat since they didn't chain her to the wall like they did me. They don't consider me much of a threat either. Damn! If only I could transform, I know Makoto can... If we only knew of their plan... It could help us out.

As he pondered, from the corner of his eye he saw Makoto's eyes flutter open. She was waking up. When she opened her eyes she sat up straight, then relaxed.

"Gomen... I thought I was back at my place..." She told him, embarrassed.

He smirked, "You too, huh?" He sighed and looked back outside. "Mako-chan... I don't know what they really want of us, but if we ever need to..."

Makoto silenced him with a gesture. She didn't know if their jailers were keeping tabs on them. And frankly, if Yaten and she had something that could upset their plan, Makoto preferred to keep it a secret as long as possible. Yaten understood and nodded. He sat next to Makoto.

"Do you miss him?" she asked.

"Yes, I do miss Kurama... and I'm also afraid for him," admitted Yaten.

"I know how you feel..." replied Makoto. Yaten put his arms around her shoulder, comforting her.

"I'm sure Hiei will be all right. You'll see..." smiled Yaten.

"Is it normal that I miss him already?" she asked. Yaten nodded.

"You also fear for him and you wish he won't get hurt because of you..." Yaten said. Makoto turned to look at him surprised. "How do I know?... Because Mako-chan, I feel exactly the same, but for Ku-chan. I'm afraid that because of me, he'll get hurt... maybe even die." Yaten lifted his head toward the ceiling and bit his lip, trying to fight the tears that pooled in his eyes. "If that ever happened, I could never forgive myself..." His voice cracked at the end. His body was wracked with sobs that he fought not to let out.

Makoto was surprised to see Yaten shaken by such emotions. He always seemed so much in control. The only time she saw her crack like that was when Kakyuu died. She thought Yaten to be even more emotionless when he was a boy. Nothing seemed to fray him. And there he was next to her, trying not to come apart.

"You... You must love Kurama very much..." she said out loud and almost regretted it. It sounded so corny. It was obvious that Yaten loved Kurama.

"Mako-chan... If he were to die..." He whispered through his tears. "I don't think I could go on living..."

"DON'T SAY THAT!!!" said Makoto. "Because it won't happen, you'll see... You'll marry him and have children, or my name isn't Kino Makoto!"

Yaten chuckled, "I can't marry him... "

"Maybe not now... But later... I'm sure of it. And you'll be very happy and have lots of children..." said Makoto with a smile.

"Have you gotten a prophet license?" kidded Yaten. They both started to laugh. That woke up Keiko and Yukina.

As they stopped laughing, Yaten had a great sigh, as Yukina was rubbing her eyes. "I wonder if Kiku-chan is all right... Poor little kit..."

Keiko blinked. "I thought you would be happy not to have him around to bother you and Kurama..."

"He's not bothering us..." started Yaten. "I have to admit I miss the little kitsune..."

"Maybe you and Kurama could adopt him..." chimed Yukina. Yaten blushed. Kurama and he, adopt Kiku. Yaten felt a warm feeling inside his chest when he thought that he and Kurama could raise Kiku like their own.

"Yukina-chan!!! I can't believe you just said that!!!" said Keiko.

"Well, if Kurama loves Yaten-kun and he loves Kurama, I don't see where there is a problem..." blinked Yukina.

"They could never adopt!!! They are BOTH guys. No one will let them keep a child!" said Keiko. Yaten started to emit a low growl, glaring at her.

"Listen Keiko-san, you really think we want to see a social worker and try to explain Kiku-chan's appearance?" counter-attacked Makoto.

"Ara..." Keiko blushed. "You have a point..."

"I'm too young to adopt, but I love Kiku-chan almost as much as I love Kurama. If Kiku-chan needs someone, who are you to deny me to help him?" spat Yaten.

"You know." said coldly Keiko. "For a boy, you talk a lot like a girl! Boys don't talk like you do, you know..."

Yaten bit his lips. Was he blowing his cover with the way he talked? Was Keiko beginning to suspect that he was in reality a girl? He stayed silent.

When some people told me they thought he was effeminate, said to herself Keiko, I didn't think it was that much. Sheesh, Kurama is starting to sound like Mr. Macho compared to him. What's the saying? Conceal your true nature and it will come back to haunt you? Compared to Kurama's old flame, all I can say is that Yaten and Hiei are from opposite sides of the swing.

Makoto was about to say something to try to veer the conversation away from where this was heading, when they heard a loud sound. Their jailers had just opened the heavy door that prevented their escape. The huge man tiger was at the door. He growled, making sure he had their attention.

"Come with me!" He growled as he gestured to them.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Makoto.

"You'll see soon enough..." He replied.

"What if we don't want to come?" asked defiantly Yaten.

The man tiger looked at him with a cocky smile on his face. "You talk tough, little boy. It's your choice, either you come with me willingly or else I go get you. I was ordered to bring you alive... If you get damaged along the way because you didn't listened to me... So are you coming? Or shall I come and pluck you?"

Makoto put a hand on his shoulder and with a head gesture she told him it wasn't worth it.

"Very well... I'm coming..." He replied. He would bide his time for now, knowing all too well that it wouldn't help them to get injured this soon. Maybe the Reikai Tantei would need his and Makoto's help. He just prayed he could do something. He walked and got out of the cell.

"I'm glad to see you have some sense, Boy!" sneered his jailer. Yaten let him sneer all he wanted. He would remember this Youkai.

Keiko walked after Yaten, glaring at him. What a wuss! she thought. Kurama left Hiei for that guy??? Something doesn't add up here. Hiei would have tried to get the jump on that Monster, Mr. Idol Singer just followed like a sheep going to the slaughterhouse. Kurama really wasn't thinking straight when he left Hiei for Yaten Kou. I mean, she reflected, what can he possibly see in him?

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In the early hours of the morning, the Senshi, Mamoru and his Generals, as well as the Reikai Tantei had arrived in a secluded park. Well hidden from prying eyes, they were preparing to open a portal to the Makai. Ever since they had arrived, Hiei, as always, had kept silent; and sensing his anger, even Kuwabara hadn't antagonized him. Yuusuke thought it was because his sister, Yukina, had been kidnapped, but Kurama knew better. Of course, he was mad they had taken away his twin sister, but Hiei was furious because they had taken Makoto, too.

Kurama looked in sadness at the koorime. He wondered if Hiei had told Makoto or not what he felt about her. Poor Hiei, he thought, things have not been easy for him. Their separation had been sudden. Then he started to get interested in Makoto and spent a lot of time with her. I bet, he said to himself, that Yuusuke and Kuwabara haven't even noticed.

"We're ready to go..." said Yuusuke gravely. Everyone present could tell he was furious and that he tried to contain it.

Kurama nodded. He moved to Seiya and Taiki and gave them Kiku who held on to Kurama.

"I wanna go, too!" cried Kiku.

"I can't take you with me... It's too dangerous..." said Kurama to the little kitsune. "I'm sorry..."

"But I want to help Ya-chan..." pouted the little one who, resigned, held on to Seiya.

"We have your word. You are not to follow us through this portal." warned Yuusuke.

"But..." say Rei. "There is one of our friends that is trapped over there..."

"We know..." answered Kuwabara. "And we'll bring her back, too. But we don't want any harm to come to them. And they did warn us. If we were to bring unexpected guests with us, they wouldn't hesitate to kill them all. I, for one, am not ready to put their lives on the line."

"How can you be so sure they will not kill them as soon as you get there?" asked Kunzite.

"We don't... But I will not add to the risk..." replied Yuusuke. Kunzite nodded.

The portal opened and the Reikai Tantei disappeared into it. The senshi stood there as the portal closed. Seiya, still bearing Kiku in his arms, went to Usagi and Mamoru. Seiya passed Redi who beamed at him but Seiya gave her a weak smile and continued straight for Usagi and Mamoru. Ara... thought Redi, what's wrong with Seiya? Next to her both Hotaru and Setsuna exchanged a a glance.

Setsuna whispered to Hotaru. "Did he have the dream?" Hotaru's only response was a nod.

Seiya walked up to Mamoru and Usagi. How am I going to tell them this? thought Seiya.

"Usagi-chan, Mamoru-san... I need to talk with both of you... alone" started Seiya. For a few instants, Mamoru glared at Seiya but his face softened when he met Seiya's gaze. Usagi and Mamoru nodded and went to a more remote part of the park.

Redi sighed, she had heard the alone part. What's going on? she thought. Suddenly Redi froze. In the park two women were coming towards them.

"That's it! We're lost!" said the first woman.

"No, we're not... Trust me. You know I have a knack at finding my way around..." said the second one.

"humpf... I can see the headlines here. Upcoming musical actress found dead along with her best friend... They had just come to Tokyo..." replied the first woman.

The other lifted an eyebrow. "Can't you be a little less melodramatic, Hikoku-chan?"

"I'm not as optimist as you, Yuka-chan... Ara!" She stopped when she saw Taiki. He himself blinked when he heard her name Hikoku... That name was familiar somehow. But of course! She must be... Taiki walked towards her as she advanced to him.

"Ara?... Excuse me, but aren't you Taiki Kou?" Hikoku said.

"Hai... You wouldn't be Heiwa Hikoku, by any chance?" ask Taiki.

"Hai. Hajimemashite Heiwa Hikoku desu..." she smiled. "Oh! And here is my childhood friend and roommate Murasaki Yuukana." Yuukana bowed to Taiki and smiled but she stayed silent. "Oh! I'm so happy to have run into you... I can't wait to be Sarah for the Labyrinth Musical..." She started to chatter away while her friend seemed to sweatdrop.

Minako fumed. She told Rei. "I don't believe it... She's the one they choose to do Sarah... What a bimbo! Look how she pesters Taiki!" Ami sweatdropped.

"Oh Yeah, like you NEVER did that right?" sneered Rei. Everyone that was next to them at the time decided to look elsewhere and gave them a wide berth. What happened next was a spectacular fight between Minako and Rei.

"Well, you see..." Sweatdropped Taiki as he heard the two girls fighting. "If you follow this road and continue on for three streets and take a right, you should find your apartment building..."

"Great! Arigato Gozaimasu Taiki-san... We will see you tomorrow, then" Hikoku said. The two girls went away and Yuukana asked her friend.

"We? What do you mean we? I'm not an actress!"

"No, but you are now my gopher..." her friend replied. Yuukana growled. "Anyway, didn't you want to meet the Three Lights? If you're my gopher... You can see them practice... Won't it be great???"

Yuukana merely sighed.

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Yaten, Keiko, Makoto and Yukina were brought to an arena like room in the top tower of the castle. They were shown to some seats and as soon as they sat down, straps came down on them and strapped them in. Yaten looked at Makoto. She gestured to him to stay calm. Makoto tested the straps that held her and she realized they couldn't hold her down if she really wanted to get free.

A small man with a birdlike creature on his shoulder approached them. "I hope you all are comfortable?" he asked sarcastically. "We want you to be comfortable if you are to witness the fall of the Reikai Tantei. Finally, we'll be rid of them and of those traitors, Hiei and Kurama. Oh yes, both will suffer greatly before dying..." The man started to laugh as Keiko and Yukina gulped. Yaten and Makoto looked worriedly at each other.

The woman that had captured Yaten and Makoto came forward.

"My Lord... The Reikai Tantei has teleported to the Makai..."

"Are you sure they are alone?" asked the man.

The woman nodded. "As you can see..." she waved her arm in the air and they could see the portal from the Ningenkai open, the Reikai Tantei coming out of it, and the portal closing back.

The man smiled. "Good, and none of the others can open a portal to the Makai. Once they are here, their fate is sealed."

"What will you do with them?" asked Keiko defiantly. The man flashed her a dangerous smile.

"Simple, they are too dangerous to defeat by normal means. So we have installed two ReiWyrms under the surface..."

Yukina gasped. "REIWYRMS!!!! NO YOU CAN'T!!!"

He laughed at her. "I see you know of the ReiWyrms, as you know your friends are doomed." He laughed leaving her to cry bitter tears which crystallized into gems. Keiko was trying to comfort her.

"Yukina-chan, please don't cry. It can't be that horrible... is it?"

"Oh... Keiko-chan..." she hiccupped between her tears, "it's horrible. The ReiWyrms will eat all of their spiritual energies... I don't know how they caught those... Because when it grabs a hold of a Youkai spiritual energy it will suck the Youkai in to its pocket dimension and eat him..." Yukina burst into tears again.

"Oh my god..." said Keiko horrified.

"No... no... Ku-Kurama..." choked out Yaten.

"Hiei..." breathed out Makoto.

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"That's why I wanted to know if you knew anything about Redi- chan and a Pegasus." concluded Seiya. He had just told Usagi and Mamoru about the dream he had the night before.

"That's a very vivid dream, Seiya... Do you have any idea what it means?" asked Mamoru. He had a small idea but he wanted Seiya to think for himself to see if he could come to the same conclusion he did.

"I..." Seiya hesitated. It hurt him but that dream told him something. "All those I saw dancing... they were dancing with the one they loved. I tried to go dancing but I couldn't and Redi took me away. Then she went back to the future with a Pegasus." He paused. Usagi bit her lips. She felt bad for poor Seiya. She felt like she could have been a little less harsh with him when he was with Redi. But now she understood why she had acted the way she did...

"Redi-chan... doesn't belong with me..." Finally said Seiya, echoing Usagi's thoughts. "I should have never kissed her... I don't want to break her heart..." He let Kiku sit by himself and rose. "I just wanted to be happy with somebody..." He looked to his feet. "I knew that maybe it wouldn't last..." He admitted. "But even in my dreams... I'm destined to be alone!"

Seiya turned his back to them. He hugged his arms. Damn, it hurts, he thought, it hurts so much. I don't ever want to fall in love again. I mean what's the point of falling in love if I only get hurt because the persons I fall in love with were not meant for me. Tears started to flow from his eyes. No, no damn it, I am not going to cry, he scolded himself. Better get used to loneliness Seiya, he told himself bitterly. It seems you are destined for it.

Mamoru and Usagi looked on to Seiya. They didn't know how to react. Poor Seiya, thought Usagi, it isn't fair for him. He must feel so lonely sometimes. She felt a little guilty for being so hard on him. Usagi looked up and saw Mamoru in the same dilemma. He was rising when he saw Kiku ran up to Seiya. The little kitsune grabbed his leg and hugged him.

"Don't cry, Uncle Seiya... When I feel like crying, Kaasan always hugged me, Tousan too. Don't cry... "

Seiya looked down to the little kitsune. Kiku had looked up to him and had started to cry, too. Seiya got on his knees and hugged him back. Doing so, he saw Mamoru and Usagi come to him.

"Seiya... We never wanted you to get hurt like this..." started Mamoru. "I guessed we must have felt it, that's why we were so harsh. I'm sorry Seiya..."

Seiya looked at them trying to blink his tears away. They all closed in for a group hug. Mamoru hugged him as one might hug a brother, so did Usagi, while still being careful not to crush the little one.

Seiya sniffed. "We... We better get back with the others or else they'll start to talk..." Mamoru and Usagi nodded. Mamoru took Kiku and placed him on his shoulders to the great joy of the kit.

They rejoined the others. Taiki was about to tell them that they had seen Heiwa Hikoku, the Sarah of their play when they saw her, a girl with blue hair, dressed in traditional kimono and floating sitting on a oar.

"Ano..." started Taiki. "Botan?"

"Hai, Taiki-san, it's me. I bring a message from the court of Koenma-sama. We wish to employ Eternal Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailors Mercury, Mars, Venus, Star Fighter and Star Maker, for a rescue mission," she said while concentrating, a portal opening in front of them.

"Ano... Botan..." said Mamoru. "Did you find out where this little kitsune is from?"

"Hai... I do, don't worry. Someone will bring Kiku-chan where he belongs, soon... Now please you must hurry!"

"Hey, wait a minute!" said Haruka. "Why aren't we invited?"

"Because, in case something goes wrong, you'll be able to come rescue them... If they fail... they will need your strength to come back..."

"I guess, you better transform, girls..." started Luna.

"NO!!" yelled Botan. "You mustn't or else they will see you coming and our attempt will have failed. You can transform just before the battle..." Mamoru gave Kiku to Redi and went to stand in front of the portal like the others.

"Why can't I come with you?" asked Redi while Kiku pouted, that's twice he was left behind.

"Because Small Lady, you know there cannot be two Eternal Sailor Moons at the same time. There would be irreparable damage in the Time Stream if you were Eternal Sailor Moon at the same time as Usagi-chan." said Setsuna calmly.

"Just who are we rescuing?" asked Seiya as he prepared to enter the portal with the others.

"The Reikai Tantei!" replied Botan.