Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Guarded Twin ❯ Emotions Part II ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lady: I'm back and healthy!
Endy: Yes she is. The test scan shows all traces of the Blockitis bacteria has faded.
Trin: Oh yay! You're okay! *moves to hug Lady*
Lady: hey hey hey! Watch it before you pass it back to me!
Trin: why you little…
Lady: see ya! And please read and review before I die?
Chapter 7 - Emotions Pt II
~~~~Moon Forests~~~~
The sun cast an eerie glow over the canopies of the forests and sunlight filtered through as best as it could. After Entrinity's vanishing act yet again, Serenity fell deadly silent and she often spoke in broken sentences. The group travelled as fast and as far as they dared before Venus ordered some sort of camp to be set up and the Senshi looked for a suitable spot. Endymion stayed behind with Serenity in a clearing and watched as Mars made a fire. Serenity rocked from side to side where she was sat on the floor and her eyes weren't focused on anything at all. Mars looked up at Endymion and gave him a worried look.
“Serenity,” Endymion called softly. Her wide blue eyes looked at him but it was like they were seeing right through him. “Serenity. How about you try and eat something?” She either didn't hear or ignored him but suddenly her eyes looked directly into his own and he felt the helmet wasn't enough to protect him.
“Endymion.” She said the words slowly and softly and her eyes narrowed at him. “Endymion.”
“What is it Serenity?” he asked as he crouched down next to her.
“Crown Prince of Earth, Endymion.” Endymion literally felt his heart stop and then heard it racing at least a million miles per minute. Mars stopped creating the fire and watched the two intently. Grateful for the helmet and the slight darkness, Endymion shook his head, disgusted at himself.
“No Serenity. I'm not he. My prince is away on Earth with his family. I am simply named after him.” And Endymion felt his heart stop again and realised he was much like Serenity: he had no family at the moment either. He held Serenity's hands and she shook slightly.
“Crown Prince of Earth!” she said again, eyes screwing up in anger and tears. Endymion squeezed her hands tighter and looked at her directly. “My memory!”
“No Serenity. I'm not him.” A tear slipped down her cheek and she moved to open her arms and wrap them around his neck. She rested her head on his shoulder and his gloved hands rubbed her back in small circles.
“Then who are you?” she whispered for his ears only. Endymion frowned. Was he indeed the Crown Prince? Or was he the Commander? A bodyguard for Serenity's protection only or was he as close as he was going to get to being her lover? He shut his eyes tight and whispered back “I truly don't know Serenity.”
Serenity dozed straight away and Endymion rested the princess to lie down on the soft forest floor. He stroked her cheek softly, moving his fingers softly over her eyelids, small nose and then lips before remembering Mars' presence. She looked at him curiously and unable to take the accusations (which were true) and Mars' look he hurried off through the forests.
Mars sat back on her heels and she made a mental note of the Commander's direction. Mercury and Venus came from a small path and saw Mars staring into space and Serenity sleeping.
“Hey Mars. Snap out of it. It seems as if this clearing is the only suitable place at the moment,” Venus called and she moved to kneel next to Serenity. “Is she ok?”
Mars shook her head. “I honestly don't know. Entrinity's disappearance left a big impact on her.” Mercury looked down at Mars. They understood about Entrinity, how she never seemed to like them. In Mercury's case, the water Senshi simply suggested that the young Entrinity shouldn't throw stones into the Silver River, just outside the palace, or the swans would get angry. One swan did and sprayed the princess with the cold water. Entrinity blamed Mercury and never once did she realise it was her own fault.
“Where's the Commander?” Mercury asked. Mars looked in Endymion's direction again.
“He's gone for a walk.”
“Bring him back. If Serenity awakes and he's not here…” Venus' statement made sense. Mars rose and with a fireball in hand was able to have light on her way to finding Endymion.
Endymion stopped by a riverside and yanked his helmet off his head, running a hand hastily through his hair. How could he have forgotten about that one event in his life? Did he hate the Lunarians so much that he totally erased the memory of meeting the princesses from his mind? He remembered his fifteen year old nose turned up in disgust at the babyish twelve year olds but couldn't help and smile at least once to the Princess Serenity. Why did he block this memory from his mind? Why did they all block it from their minds? Senshi, Serenity and Entrinity included? Why was the memory only coming back now? Why wouldn't he want to remember the girl who had changed his life and his views?
Endymion threw his helmet far across the river and heard it bang into a tree. Unsheathing his sword he swung it around in furious slashes, breaking branches from their trees, stirring the leaves from the floor. With each stroke he cursed himself for lying to Serenity, for blocking Serenity and the other Senshi from his mind, for hating the Lunarians with a passion when he was younger and with every other stroke he imagined he was cutting Entrinity down for leaving her sister, and all her evil ways.
He swung the sword faster, unable to trace its silver arc when he yelled out in pain. In his blind fury Endymion had swung the sword into his left side and with its speed had buried itself through the armour and partly into his flesh. Sinking to his knees and gritting his teeth, he pulled the sword out and hastily un-strapped his chest plate. He could see a dark stain gathering and the pain was searing.
He pressed one hand to his side firmly and staggered to his feet to lean against a tree. Trust his emotions to get out of control especially when they were centred around her…
He saw a faint light coming from the direction he'd come in and tried pressing himself into the tree but he knew it wouldn't work. Mars ducked under a branch and saw the Commander looking pale against a tree. She snuffed the flame and bowed to him.
“My Lord…Prince Endymion. Can I ask what is wrong?” she had a smug tone to her voice and Endymion snarled.
“How many times do I have to say I am not the prince?”
“Until you stop lying and admit it. Why are you hiding from us? From Serenity?” Endymion shook his head and willed the pain to go away, to will Mars away and leave him to think.
“I don't know…”
“Of course you do my Lord. Such a bare faced lie you're telling me!”
“I am not-“
“What is it that's stopping you? If you won't tell Serenity at least tell me.”
“Mars just leave me alone-“
“No! Serenity is back there sleeping but we both know if she wakes up and you're not there, we will have one insane princess to contend with! She's just lost her mother and her sister again. Why are you backing away from her now?”
“Because I'm confused!” a break of pain sounded from him and he sank to his knees again, squeezing his wound as hard as he could and biting at his lip to stop tears. “I think about why I'm here…how my whole existence here is a lie, how I'm only meant to protect Serenity - this supposed to be a strictly business relationship. But whenever I hear her scream, or see her cry or when she's separated from me I just can't help but-“ he suddenly let out a choked sob and Mars saw a tear slip down his cheek.
“Endymion! Are you sure you're ok?” she looked at his left hand pressed to his side and tried to get him to move it. It wouldn't budge and he chuckled softly.
“I love her Mars. I love Princess Serenity Aurora Celeste of the Moon and I can't tell her, I can't let her know who I am.” His quiet voice stilled everything for Mars and she stopped struggling with him to move his hand. The prince was in love? With her princess? It certainly explained why they were closer than just guard and charge.
“The Princess Entrinity plotted to kill her mother and hand over Serenity to the Narcius bastards…I'm burdened with that information and I'm also burdened with the knowledge that I'll have to tell Serenity. She'll never believe me and after I tell her, she'll never believe I love her. Never.” He lifted his head to look at her and Mars froze at the look that was in his eyes. Love was Venus' factor but she could definitely see that mingled with pain. Faint tear streaks were along his cheeks and she could see that he was injured.
“Endymion…let me help. Come back to the camp, please.” She sounded desperate and she was. If the prince died of love, despair and pain out in these very forests Serenity would never speak to her again. She knelt down and placed his free arm around her neck and helped lift him to his feet, hearing him moan in discomfort. She kicked his sword nearby upwards into her free hand and telepathically dragged his helmet towards them, latching itself around her free arm and silently he hobbled and she supported him all the way back to the clearing.
“What do you mean he's gone?” Serenity asked, her voice rising slightly. She struggled to get out of Uranus' grip holding her down and the Senshi looked around at each other nervously. Venus kneeled down and stroked Serenity's arm.
“We don't know princess. Mars said he went for a walk. We don't know how far but she's gone to look for him. Please don't worry Serenity.” Serenity's face showed worry despite Venus' efforts. She shot up from Uranus' grasp and looked at her Senshi furiously.
“Get up and help look!” she shouted. The Senshi were stunned and were slow to move. “First I lose Entrinity…I will not lose him no matter where he is! Hurry now! What if he's hurt? I'll never forgive any of you if you didn't help find him!” Tears fell from her eyes but they showed an angry streak. “I swear on the name of the moon…” The Senshi quickly spread out through the forests, Venus reluctant to leave Serenity alone before she disappeared as well.
Serenity paced back and forth in front of the fire and wrung her hands. She wanted Endymion there. She didn't care whether he was the crown prince or not, his presence was a comfort to her. Her mind wandered back to the memory of them when they were all younger at the party.
Serenity and Entrinity were on either side of their mother and one by one the future Senshi stepped forward bowing and introducing themselves. The young prince did the same and even offered a small smile to Serenity. She blushed and smiled back…
If they had kept this memory would things have fallen out differently between her and the crown prince of Earth? Would she be betrothed to him? She was sure the attacks would have still gone ahead but would that mean she would be under the protection of the Prince Endymion and not the Lord Commander Endymion? And why did it only occur to her now that Endymion was the name of the prince of Earth? She was attentive in her studies but for some reason she never retained his name, as if she totally forgot there was a prince of earth…
She shook her head in frustration. She was so sure Endymion was the prince, so sure…and then she asked herself did she love him? If he died, moon forbid, would she feel anything?
“Yes…” she whispered unconsciously answering herself. Why else would she send all the Senshi out for him?
She turned her head around and was grateful for the light of the fire as there was a rustling from behind her. She called upon her mother's power, something she hadn't yet done and knew that the Silver Crystal was already in her possession and waited for the rustling to stop.
Mars staggered through with Endymion standing weakly beside her. His head was bowed and she heard heavy breathing from them both.
“Endymion,” Serenity whispered before rushing to the two.
“Careful Serenity,” Mars warned, lowering Endymion to his knees. “He's injured.”
“What?” her voice was stricken and she immediately started to initiate the healing process the Silver Crystal could provide.
“No Serenity.” He held out a hand to her, his head still bowed and Serenity took it. Endymion pulled her towards him and rested his dark head on her stomach resting his bloodless hand on her thigh. “I'm so sorry,” he whispered, tears starting up again. “I'm so sorry.”
“Oh Endymion, what for?” Serenity placed her hands on his head, stroking his hair gently. She looked at Mars for answers but she bowed and backed away to the fire. It confused her more than before because Mars never bowed to her unless other important people were around…
“For everything Serenity. I don't think I'll be able to say sorry enough.” Endymion's choked cry gave way to silent tears and he was crying for when Serenity rejected his love when he told her Entrinity was really an evil bitch from another planet turned saviour. He pressed his head to her stomach and his hand squeezed on her thigh and she simply stroked his head, soothing him and calming him down.
He soon fell asleep, exhausted from the trek, pain and emotions. Serenity healed his wound with Mars help and by then the other Senshi had returned. Serenity's last conscious thought was she should have seen his face before she fell asleep straight away, the Silver Crystal taking its toll. Mars quickly replaced Endymion's helmet and with Jupiter helped carry Endymion to the fire. They placed Serenity next to him and as the Outers went scouting, the Inners watched as Endymion's arm came up around Serenity who snuggled into his side.
The Moon was in total ruins. The many temples on its dusty surface were now part of it and people lay slain everywhere, bright red staining the white ground. The Generals surveyed the area trying to lock onto Endymion's aura.
As the moon was under attack, they thought to come just in case Endymion was in danger. They couldn't come any earlier because they could have arrived and blown Endymion's cover which could have led to serious explanations. Today seemed the perfect time to arrive. Of course he was no where to be seen and they had come just as the attack finished. They were now in a place totally foreign to them with not s single living soul to direct them.
Zoicite picked up ragged doll left in the road and shook his head, feeling the dark taint of evil on it. All around him the others were checking to see if people were still alive, hoping they could help in some way.
Malachite joined him and shook his head. “There are no survivors. These forces have totally destroyed everything.” Zoicite nodded and dropped the doll. The Moon was dead, literally and physically and Zoicite couldn't help but shiver. They all did. They could feel the drifting souls of those who had been killed mercilessly.
Suddenly their heads all snapped to the west, away from the palace and towards a large open expanse of Moon and faintly towards some trees.
“Endymion,” Malachite whispered and the other generals made to look for a means of transport and supplies. “Do you think he's upset?”
“No, just extremely vexed. I wonder what he's been doing up here all this time,” Jadeite called as he rummaged through a box for food.
“I don't know but I'll bet you he'll be glad to come home,” Nephrite called finding a box with fresh apples. Malachite turned away from them, mentally disagreeing. He was the closest to Endymion and knew his prince was angry but soon turned upset. Just as quickly as they felt his emotions they disappeared and Malachite urged the Generals to hurry. They didn't want to lose him again. He also knew that when they found Endymion…he wouldn't be the same, daring old prince…
Lady: Well I'm still healthy, I think I'm immune from Writer's Blockitis…quite proud of myself :P
Endy: can I ask why I'm so emotional in this chapter?
Trin: can I ask why you keeping asking about yourself at the end of almost every chapter?
Endy: can I ask who asked you to interfere?
Lady: can I ask that both of you make peace and let Trin carry on with her chapter?
Trin: *sticks out tongue*
Blair: why did everyone forget that memory? Was it an accident or pre-planned? Stay tuned folks!
Lady and Trin: who said you can say that?!?!?
Blair: *turns to run*