Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 22 ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 22

Chapter 22

"Wait." Said Nayo, lifting his hand. "Come here." Piccolo headed back over to him. "If we fuse then you'll be more powerful." Nayo said.

"I don't think so." Piccolo said.

"We need all of the help we can get to defeat Freiza." Nayo said.

"Hmm.." Piccolo said. "Will I still be me?"

"Pretty much." Nayo said.

"Okay. But if I don't like it, you're gone." Piccolo said. "What do I do?"

"Once we've fused, you'll never want me to leave." Nayo said. " Just put your hand on my arm." Piccolo did as he was told and Nayo's body disappeared. He was now part of Piccolo.

"Wow I feel great!" Piccolo said as he felt his power go up. He took off and headed for Gohan again. Don't worry Gohan, I'm coming.

Back on the Battle Field…

They had started to fight and were off to a good start. That is, until Vegeta got Freiza to transform into a more powerful form of himself. After Freiza transformed, he became more powerful. He charged at Krillin, one of his horns went through Krillin and came out the other side. Dande cried out and flew into the water to get him. His head popped out of the water with Krillin in his arms.

"He's still breathing." He said. Gohan began to fight and was off to a really bad start. With one punch, he was on the ground in pain. Just then, Krillin came out from behind the rock Dande had taken him to. He used his distructo disk and cut off part of Freiza's tail. Freiza became enraged and took off after Krillin. Krillin flew as fast as he could, trying to distract Freiza for a few minutes.

Freiza was gaining on him, so he turned around and used a Solar Flare to slow him down. He found a small island with a lot a cracks. He flew in and tried to hide, but every curve he took, led him to Freiza.

Back where Gohan lay Weak and Beaten…

"I can heal you." Dande said placing his hands on Gohan. He closed his eyes and concentrated on healing Gohan. Vegeta's mouth fell open when he saw this. Gohan sat up, all of his wounds healed and looked around.

"I didn't know you could do that." He said.

Just then Krillin returned.

"All right!! We did it!!" He yelled seeing Gohan.

"When were you planning on telling me he could do that?!?!" Vegeta demanded.

"If we'd have known he could do that, we would have had him heal Goku!" Krillin barked back.

Freiza came up behind him. After seeing the kid up, he said. "Maybe they did wish for immortality."

He was about to attack them again, when a voice was heard behind him.

"You're Freiza right?" He said. Freiza turned around and saw another Namic standing behind him.

"That voice. It sounds familiar." Dande said, when he saw who it was.

"Better take cover Dande." Piccolo said.

Dande gasped. How did he know my name? He thought as he ran for cover.

"Not another Namic." He said. "I thought, I'd gotten rid of all the Namics." He was clearly not threatened one bit. They began to fight and Piccolo had the advantage over Freiza. He was faster and at this point, he was stronger.

After Freiza took quite a beating, he transformed again. Becoming more powerful, and faster. Piccolo was no match for Freiza.
