Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ A Whole New Life: Do I Know You? ❯ Chapter 27 ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Vegeta's father called him over. "Here you are. You are the King now." He said placing the talisman that was given to him from his father. "It had been passed down for centuries. I don't know who the first person to have it was, but it has been passed down to the King, for centuries."

The King and everyone else knew that it was almost time for them to leave, but Vegeta and Usagi were clueless. They were so happy to be together that they forgot about the battle on the planet Namic.

Everyone was giving them gifts and coming to see them before they had to leave. Usagi heard a familiar voice above her.

"Princess Usagi." The voice said. Usagi looked up to see Queen Serenity floating above her.

"Queen Serenity." Usagi said seeing the Queen coming down towards her. "My child, you are not going to stay this way. You are the future Queen and will soon be going back. It was destined that you be with this young man. Though I did not see it before. You two are destined to be together. Never let go of your love for each other." The rest of the memories began to come back to Usagi and Vegeta. Queen Serenity continued. "One thousand years ago. Princess, you were supposed to marry Prince Endymion from the planet Earth, but you did not want it that way. You met him and the two of you fell in love. The Prince proved himself to me, by giving his life to save yours." She said holding up a small star locket. Vegeta looked at it and picked it up.

"I was going to give this to you." He said, opening it up. It played their song. It was the song they had heard when they first met. "It was a gift, because I was in love with you then as well as now." He unhooked the clasp and put it around Usagi's neck, fastening it on.

"It's beautiful." She said, hugging Vegeta.

They embraced and then everything turned white. When the light cleared, Usagi was laying on the ground. She was still in the white dress with the wings and the sword given to her from her Saiyan mother, lay on the ground next to her. They were right. She thought, clutching the sword still in the sheath. We weren't staying there, but I never saw my brother Raditz.

Vegeta's eyes opened and he sat up pushing the dirt off of himself. How did I get back here? He thought. He looked down and saw that he was wearing the cape, but his tail was gone. It wasn't a dream. He thought, standing up and walking not any particular place in mind. He was in a daze, he didn't know if he was dead or alive.

It was the same for Usagi. Wait a second! Where's Vegeta? She thought to herself. She started to look for Vegeta. She sensed his power and two huge ones. She headed towards the two huge power levels. She gasped when she saw who was fighting. It was Goku and Freiza and Goku was a Super Saiyan.

Goku and Freiza were headed away from her. It looked like Freiza was trying to get away. She looked in the direction he was flying and saw the Dragon. She flew after them and beat Freiza to the Dragon. She landed next to Dande, who had forgotten what he was supposed to wish for.

"Kakarrot, you dog." Usagi heard Vegeta's voice. "You're a Super Saiyan."

"You're dead! I killed you!" Freiza yelled seeing Vegeta and Usagi.

"If I was dead, could I do this?" Vegeta said, getting ready to use an attack on Freiza, but before he got a chance he and Usagi both disappeared.

Usagi blinked and looked around, she was in a beautiful meadow. There were birds chirping, and bees buzzing. The butterflies flew all around her, tickling her nose. The flowers perfume surrounded her, engulfing her in a peace. It was beautiful. Wait a second! She thought, remembering what had happened. Where am I?

Everyone else was the same way. They didn't know what had happened. The Namic's looked around and wondered where they were. Then everyone heard someone say that Guru was there. They headed towards him, seeing that he too, was all right.

"We are on a planet called Earth, my children." He said, telling them everything that had happened. "The planet Namic is about to explode any minute. Goku is up there fighting Freiza as we speak."

Usagi made it to back to where everyone stood. "Gohan!" She cried, seeing Gohan standing in front of her. She ran over and gave him a hug. Bulma was standing by them, she gave her a hug also. "You're all right." She said, seeing that they weren't hurt. "I was worried."
