Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Destiny ❯ Tall Tales ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Part 8-Tall Tales


Everyone settled down in a spot to hear the story of the Lunar Admirals and the Generals. Harmony had to admit that she was curious about the Second Lunar Admiral, Christopher, whom she had never even met. It was strange...

Cal started, "A few months ago, we were all living normal lives. Then, suddenly, we started having dreams. We dreamed of a beautiful kingdom, a strong but gentle Queen, her lovely daughter, and so many others. The thing is, we only dreamed about bits and pieces..."


Caladan marched through the battle field, his friends beside him, attacking anything that came close to them.

After one particularly taxing skirmish, Kennedy yelled over at him, "Cal, we can't keep this up forever! We've got to find a hole in their lines!"

"But it's like they're everywhere," commented a woman with short blond hair as she sent a blast of energy through a jeweled sword that she held.

Cal looked around, desperate for something that could give them an advantage. Suddenly a scream rang out from behind them. The entire group froze.

A small girl with raven hair whispered in anguish, "Princess!"

That was all they needed. The group of ten warriors retreated back into the palace, following their instincts.

They didn't stop until they reached what was once the gardens. A few yards away from where they stood were two figures floating in the air. One was a man with dark blue and black armor. The other was a young woman in a white dress. Both were covered in blood.

The five women went pale. Suddenly, five signs appeared on their foreheads and erupted with energy as they all screamed, "PRINCESS!" In their sorrow, they fell to their knees.

The five men stood there, silent tears running down their faces. As they mourned, they heard rapid footsteps coming from behind. They whirled around, but the women didn't even react in their grief.

They relaxed slightly at the sight of their Queen and her two cat advisors. But she didn't even seem to notice them. Her eyes were rivited on the two forms lying motionless in the air a few yards away.

"Serenity," the Queen screamed, "NO! She's taken them both!"

As the Queen wept, one of the cats whimpered, "Oh no! Not the Princess! No!"

Nearby, the Evil One cackled, "Hahaha! Perfect! The pretty twit and her Prince are gone! Hahaha! And the snake survives! They'll never mess with me again!"

The Queen fell to her knees, shrieking, "NO!! Ah! SERENITY! NO! It can't be!"

The women had by now noticed their Queen and they surrounded her, along with the men, trying in vain to give some comfort. But the Queen was inconsolable. She sat there, hunched over and crying silently. They ignored the Evil One.

Abruptly, she looked up, determination set in her silver-lavender eyes as she whispered, "Don't worry my darling. I won't let it end this way. Oh, I won't let them take away your future!"

As these words were said, something that was in the Queen's lap began to glow. None of them knew what it was, but obviously, the crying black did as she protested softly, "Queen Serenity, if you use the Silver Imperium Crystal now you won't have any strength left."

Now knowing what the Queen, Serenity, had in mind, everyone else began to protest as well.

Serenity looked up at them and silenced them tiredly, "It's the only way, my friends. I must sacrifice my Kingdom if we are to regain our peace."

Suddenly, a woman with aqua hair and carrying a sceptre, stepped forward and placed a hand on Serenity's shoulder and said firmly, "You won't have to do it alone, Aunt Serenity. I will help you."

Everyone else voiced their agreement and placed themselves in a circle around the Queen and the two cats. Everyone began to glow, all their emotions anger, hate, grief, sadness, and hope, all threw themselves into their powers and activated them and sent it all to the wand and crystal held by the Queen.

When it had gathered to its peak, she raised it and shouted, "Cosmic! Moon! POWER!!!"

Bright light began to shower down from the crystal and it spread as far as the eye could see. One by one, the group groaned and fell to the ground before the Queen.

The last thing they heard was the echoes of their beloved Princess's laughter...


"Cal! Cal! Wake up!"

Cal opened his eyes, to see the concerned concerned green eyes of Kennedy staring down at him. "Admiral Kennedy," Cal groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Admiral? Cal, did you just call me Admiral Kennedy," Ken demanded.

Cal glanced up at him and replied, "Uh sorry Ken. I had this really weird dream-"

"Admiral Caladan."

That immediately shut him up and he stared up at the other man.

A moment later, there was a knock at their dorm room door. Ken walked over and opened it. There stood Lucas and Anthony.

Raising an eyebrow, he said quietly, "Admirals Lucas and Anthony?"

They replied by saying, "Admiral Kennedy."

Entering the room, Cal said wryly, "I see we've got a long night ahead of us. I'd better put on the coffee."
Quietly, Cal looked up at them and said, "That night, we began to put everything together. We've determined who four of the five women are the Outers."A few weeks later, we met up with the Generals at a restaurant. They recognized us and we them. Things almost came to blows because we were so suspicious of them. We remembered the betrayal of the past."

Serena glanced at at the Outers and saw that their faces were slack from shock. They obviously didn't remember this. She turned back to the men and asked, "What of the other woman? The one that carried the sceptre."

"Thats just it," Anthony answered, "She also wore a mask over her eyes. And she called the Queen 'Aunt. She must have been some relative or something. We don't know who she is, though she does seem familiar."

Serena nodded. Her eyes grew distant and everyone could see that she was trying to remember that time. Shaking her head, she told them, "I can't remember anything from then except for what the spirit of my Mother showed to me. Somethings, though, are coming back to me. What I was taught by my tutors, my diplomacy classes, what little self-defense I was trained in. But specific memories are still hidden. Like you, Anthony. I didn't even know I had a cousin in the Silver Millennium. Just how are you my cousin?"

"Your Mother, Queen Serenity, had a younger brother who married a Mercurian Duchess. They had me, and if my hazy memories are anything to go by, I believe I had a sister as well. I'm not entirely sure though."

Serena whispered to herself, lost within the confines of her own mind, "Mother had a brother. I had an uncle, an aunt, a cousin..."

Harmony asked impatiently, "But what about Christopher?"

Lucas sighed, "We don't know. He was most likely reincarnated along with the rest of us, but we haven't been able to find him anywhere."

Amara cleared her throat, giving her everyone's attention. Quietly, she said, "Princess, I feel I must ask this. How do we know that they aren't lying about all of this? This could be a hoax."

Much to everyone's surprise, the four Admiral's laughed slightly. Then Lucas spoke, "You haven't changed, Princess Uranus, not a bit. You're still suspicious of everyone and everything until its/he/she has gone through all the specific scans. And even then you don't let your guard down."

A smirk was still on Cal's face when he said, "We can share our memories with you, to show you that we've been telling the truth. If that is your wish."

Serena stared at them for a moment then shook her head, saying, "Something tells me that I can trust you. I'll go along with this, but one wrong move," she paused to smile mock-maliciously, "and I turn them on you."

The men gave little girly shrieks of horror, which promptly earned them glares from the Outers. The looks held for a moment, then everyone burst into laughter.

After everyone calmed down, Ken spoke, "Princess-"

Serena interrupted, "Call me Serena please!"

Nodding, he continued, "Serena, if I may inquire, why are you here? You are now Sailor Moon and everyone know's of the Sailor Scouts of Tokyo. The news that Sailor Moon has disappeared without a trace is all over the world."

At the change of subject, Serena's face grew pensive and the other five women's expressions grew dark with supressed fury.

Seeing their looks, Ken hurriedly added, "Or if you'd rather not-"

"It's alright Ken," Serena interrupted again, "I guess it doesn't matter if I tell you. You see, things were going great a few months after the final battle with Beryl. We all had our memories back, Darien and I were finally together, life was perfect. Then, one day, a little pink-haired version of me dropped in on me, literally as well as figuratively. Not long after she showed up, Darien abruptly dumped me. Then, when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, they did. Tokyo was repeatedly attacked by some new enemies that called themselves the Dark Moon, the little girl, Rini, had moved in and brainwashed my parents and brother and practically turned them on me, and my school life was beginning to suffer even more than normal."

Antony chose that moment to vent a little of his growing rage, "You mean to tell me that Darien --Prince Endymion, I presume-- broke up with you?!? The same Endymion that asked you to marry him in the Silver Millennium, the same Endymion that died for you! That Endymion?!?"

Vicki nodded, her violet eyes smoldering with anger, "Thats the guy. Hard to believe that Darien and Endymion are the same huh?"

Sighing, Serena continued, "Then, just a few months ago, everything hit the fan. It was late, I was at home actually doing my homework. Then I got a call saying that there was a youma. As I was running to the site, I was attacked. I barely managed to get out of there alive. I finally got to the site and defeated the youma, the Scouts, especially Mars, blew up at me, saying that I was slacking off and everything. I got sick of it, blew up at them, and resigned as leader. Then I walked home. Luna found me at home, staring at the moon. The next day I managed to talk my parents into letting me move here for about six months. I've been here for three months and my grades are up extremely high and they know I'm happy here. I doubt they'll make me come back. Anyway, I sent the Scouts, the Cats, and Darien a little message, along with my sceptre, the Luna Pen, and my tiara. My parents got a few calls from them, begging to know where I went, but I told my parents not to tell anyone."

The Generals, who'd been silent for some time now, shook their heads. Jeadite whispered, "How could they do such a thing? To drive you away like that. Has Mars actually changed so much that you two don't get along? You two were best friends, practically sisters, in the Silver Millennium."

"And Endymion," Nephlite added, "To think he'd do something like this. In the Silver Millennium, he'd of rather shot himself in the foot than see you unhappy. Man, he sure seems to of changed."

Everyone was silent, contemplating the stories that had been told. The sun was going down, and Serena knew she and Harmony had to get home or Aunt Melody and Uncle Byron would have their heads.

The entire group agreed to meet after school the next day.


End P8-Tall Tales