Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Confessions of a Goddess ❯ Love and Horror ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Darien... Darien... follow me..." I said.
I ran through the darkness. Darien chased after me.
"Mina! Wait! I'm coming!" He called.
I hid behind a cherry blossom tree. As he passed, I grabbed his arm.
"Here you are." He said as he smiled.
"I know. What took you so long to get me back?" I said as he hugged me tight.
"We came as fast as we could. I'm so happy to see you again!" Darien said as he kissed me gently. The ground began to shake.
"Where are the others?" I asked in a whisper.
"I thought they came with me."
"Darien, I love you. Stay here with me." I said.
"I'd love to but we have to bring you back." he replied as we kissed a bit more. We sat down under the tree. The only things that began to matter were us.
* * *
"Darien! Darien! Where are you?" Serena called.
They were looking all over for Darien for a couple of hours. It seemed they circled the graveyard at least four times.
"Serena, come on! He's gotta be here somewhere. We can't give up." Lita said trying to pull Serena up off the ground.
"Now our work has doubled! We'll never find them both!"
"We can't give up. Come on, we can find them." Rae said getting a little annoyed. She heard a rustle behind her.
"Come... come to us..." The creature said.
"We know where the two are..." Another said. They both turned around and then disappeared.
"Hey, where did they go?" Ami asked.
"Let's follow them!" Chibi-Usa said.
"C'mon."Ami said grabbing Chibi-Usa's hand and running towards teh trees.
Lita, Rae and Serena followed them. They all ran towards two voices.
"Darien?" They called out.
"Girls?" He called back. He carried the fainted Mina and ran to the girls. When the girls saw them, they screamed.
"What? He asked.
"You... You look like a ghost.... and so does Mina." Chibi-Usa said.
"I think I know why... we all look like ghosts... the longer we stay here... the sooner we come to our death. And if we stay here much longer, we will die! We must hurry in reviving Sailor Venus!" Ami explained.
"Why? Why do we have to save her?" Rae retorted.
"For our future." Serena cried. "C'mon. Let's get our goddess back."