Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Cosmic Destiny ❯ last night's dream ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cosmic Destiny - Ch. 7 - last night's dream
After Setsuna moment on the balcony with Kunzite he left with Artemis to support their king. The Time senshi felt dizzy and light, embarrassingly so, after their exchange and wandered back to her bedchamber. Leaning against her door a deep blush spread across her face and she brought her hands up to conceal it from no one. “I am an eternal being and I'm blushing like a teenager!” Setsuna chided to herself. “We're on the brink of war I can't have myself distracted by such matters.” Her face fell as she realized that while that is true it was possible the next time she met the man she just confessed her love to they would most likely be enemies.
The queen as well as her fellow outers and the King had no idea when Selene would be accepted as the Cosmo's Senshi, but she did. She knew when Selene would come of age. The coming of age usually happened to a potential senshi near their 16th year. Although it could occur much sooner, as evident from Hotaru. The Time senshi knew all that would be. A very heavy burden even for one so ancient for she could not communicate their fate to her friends. Wearily she fell into bed for the last good night of sleep she would get.
The rest of the evening passed quietly for the remaining generals and outers. An air of sadness and foreboding blanketed them. Michiru and Nephrite excused themselves from their companions and sat together in one of Setsuna's gardens, quietly and politely reminisced, trying not to focus on the future. Restless from the stifling atmosphere, Haruka and Hotaru took a few hours before sleep to train. Hotaru felt the need to test her skills while Haruka simply needed to blow off steam. Unable to stay still Zoesite slipped away to wander in silent thought while Jadeite stowed away in a corner to get a last glimpse of Haruka in fight before he would have to face her for real. Eventually, all found their ways to a bed and entered into restless sleep.
Sweat dotted Selene's forehead like morning dew. After her crying episode she had exhausted herself into sleep. Having access to Cosmos gave the princess's dream world broken glimpses into the future. Often she wondered if she too would know all like Setsuna did. Selene had no control over these dreams, having not become of age to accept Cosmo's power. When she asked Setsuna when she would acquire Cosmo's power her guardian clever danced around her knowledge. “When it calls to you, you will feel it. Like all senshi do.”
Selene opened her eyes to darkness. “A dream or a vision?” She wondered as she walked forward. She was dressed in her long white royal gown. Her platinum blond locks were piled upon her head and fastened with golden pins. Images began to form before her eyes and sounds began to come to her ears. Images of destruction came to focus. She saw Setsuna's castle spires crack and shatter, the whole structure seeming to fold in on it's self. Scenes of ruin passed before her eyes; Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn coming to chaos. It's people screamed and wept as their planets fell to pieces around them. Fires ravaged cities as large towers toppled over crushing fleeing citizens. The scent of burnt flesh and dust flooded her nose. Cosmos assaulted her psyche with feelings. Sadness, anger, and pain racked her body as tears welled up and ran down her cheeks. Selene shut her eyes against the visions and covered her ears against the screams as she fell to her knees. “Are you going to show me the death of my friends as well? Are these things to come or things that may come!” Selene demanded of Cosmos.
~Be calm Princess of the Moon, Daughter of the Prince of Earth.~
Selene opened her eyes. Her royal gown was melding away into mist beginning at it's hem. Slowly she rose. The scenes, sounds, and feelings had all stopped. “Cosmos, is this the becoming?” A deep indescribable feeling began to grow in her stomach.
~Soon, we will be one. Have patience~
“No...” She whispered. Tears continued to flow and she screamed to the sky, “If this is the fate that awaits everyone from our joining I don't want it!” She looked down at her feet and whispered now, “Please... Our coming together will cause my mother to declare war.”
~Little one, even if we do not become one this will not stop this fate~
Selene wiped her tears away. “Are you saying this war is inevitable? That... What you've shown me is the fate of all of us?”
~I have not the powers of time. What I have shown you is but one thread of fate that may come to pass. Many threads come together to weave our destiny. Only the senshi of Time knows for certain.~
Slowly a light began to shine at Selene's feet and grow. She watched as it spread to cover the darkness. A warmth wrapped around Selene easing her horror and anger at what had been shown to her.
~Your light, is the light of life. The warmth of life surrounds you. You and I are to play a large role in this universe, this I am certain. We must strive to balance our light of life with the shadow of death. All things in harmony~
Selene felt as if her body began to fade into mist as well, she felt her dream world breaking. As she began to wake the voice of Cosmos faintly reached her.
~Be Strong little one. You're strength is the strength for your friends~
Selene opened her eyes and found herself back into her bed. She sat up on the edge of her bed and pondered her dream. She was bursting with the need to tell Setsuna and the others what she had seen but knew she needed to kept to her self. To share with them the destruction that could befall their people was not something she wanted to burden them with. The most curious vision was the collapsing of Charon Castle. Did that mean the death of Setsuna? She tossed aside her blankets and rose to her feet.
Good morning Selene. The generals have left, I'm sorry I didn't wake you for their departure,” Said Setsuna within her mind. It would seem she had been waiting for her to wake.
You knew didn't you?” Selene responded. “you knew I was in Cosmo's dream.”
Selene got the impress that Setsuna smiled. “I know all princess. When you're awake and dressed come to the front garden.”
Selene ran her brush through her hair, an anxious feeling taking hold for the future that may yet be.
AN- I realized I haven't really explained what this coming of age is, or when it'll take place so I did that. Please read and review! Let me know what you think. People occasionally favoriteing and reviewing my stories is what keeps them from being forgotten. I'm always open for suggestions, so feel free to PM or email me.