Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Eternal City:Crystal Tokyo ❯ Chapter 49

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Eternal City Crystal Tokyo

Jun Fudoh's long black hair shimmered as she stood in the sunlight, looking through the police memorial park thoughtfully. There were many signs and statues scattered amid the trees and paths, each one representing a moment of heroism and sacrifice made by police officers. Jun knew there was also a statue there commemorating the events of the Beast ascension, but she avoided it, not wanting to be reminded of those times.

“Jun,” Minako Aino nodded respectfully as the blond walked through the trees into a small clearing, shadowed by a unfamiliar woman with long, purple hair.

“Who's your friend?” Jun asked her warily, feeling her muscles tense a bit for action. It wasn't that she seriously thought Minako would betray her, but she still felt a instinctive caution around her, a reflexive unease around all the Senshi.

“Cornelia, a agent of mine in Britain,” Minako introduced her. “She's filling in while Motoko deals with another matter for me,” she added, her simple sun dress swirling around her legs.

“Charmed,” Cornelia smiled warmly at Jun as she gave a small, courtly bow. “Your reputation preceeds you.” the woman dressed in military garb noted, a modern gun belted at her side along with a gleaming antique sword.

Jun made a face, “I'd rather not have the reputation, thanks.”

“I understand,” Cornelia agreed, “In truth I'd rather be at home with my beloved Euphy, but....”

“Ahem,” Minako cleared her throat, drawing both women's attention. “Jun,” she addressed the taller woman seriously, “have you made a decision?”

Jun nodded as she said quietly, “I don't trust you, Aino, nor do I trust the Queen you represent.” She took a breath, “But I do think you're intentions are good. Therefore, I'm willing to continue to work with you.”

“Fair enough,” Minako conceded. “Should I contact you through conventional channels, or would you prefer a implant?”

Jun visibly shuddered as she said, “No implants, please. I have had enough of medical experiments and doctors for a life time.”

“Understood,” Minako gave her a sympathetic smile. “Thank you for agreeing to help,” she said honestly, “I appreciate it.”

“I'm not doing it you you,” Jun said dryly, “but for people like my Katsumi.” Mentally she added, 'And for those like Nadesico, too....'

Cornelia's eyes narrowed, “Do not speak in such a way to....”

“It's fine,” Minako said, holding up a hand. She nodded to Jun, “I think we'd better go.”

“She's not quite what I expected,” Cornelia noted as she and Minako left the police memorial park, the taller woman keeping a wary eye out. She knew that Crystal Tokyo was a relatively safe city, but that didn't mean a assassin couldn't strike anyway.

“You're wondering why I let her be disrespectful?” Minako asked her as they walled by the Crystal Tokyo police station and over to the mag-lev train station.

“Yes,” Cornelia admitted as they boarded a train, the two being mostly unnoticed by the passengers except for the occasional glance at Cornelia's uniform. As it was most just assumed she was a tourist and ignored her, amusing Cornelia greatly.

“She has cause,” Minako admitted as they sat down. She dropped her voice, “Jun as the Devil Lady defended Tokyo in a time we were absent... and paid a terrible price.”

“The Beast Evolution,” Cornelia nodded. “I know most of the genetic changes bread out after a few generations....”

“Not exactly,” Minako shook her head, “according to Ami most humans in this era retain traces of the Beast DNA. It might even have helped humanity survive in several cataclysmic events.”

“That's... rather disturbing,” Cornelia admitted.

Minako nodded, “It's not something most people want to acknowledge.”

Cornelia crossed her long legs as she sat back, deciding it was time to change the subject. “So,” she asked mildly, “what else is on the schedule for today?”

“We're still working on the Raging Heart issue,” Minako frowned, “as well as dealing with Spider Jeruselem's latest expose.”

“What did he find this time?” Cornelia sounded amused.

Spider Jeruselem was a reporter for the Word and based in one of the American 'super-cities' that had evolved from one of it's major metropolitan regions. He was caustic, dangerous and willing to do anything in persuing a story. Minako sort of admired him, when he wasn't causing trouble.

“Deposed another president,” Minako grimaced. As part of the agreements that bound the various nations on Earth under Queen Serenity the former United States retained the ability to elect a President, even if the job lacked the power it once did. “Not that we got along well with the previous one, but...,” she shrugged.

“Breaking in a new president is hard,” Cornelia noted.

“Pretty much,” Minako agreed. She looked over at Cornelia, “How is Integra doing handling the British MI-5?”

“Quite well,” Cornelia said calmly, “she's folded in the surviving Hellsing organization, as well as the Weird Happenings Organization.”

“What?” Minako blinked.

“No, W.H.O.” Cornelia smirked.

Minako rolled her eyes. “No jokes, please,” she laughed.

“W.H.O. was our blanket organization for dealing with the paranormal that wasn't supernatural,” Cornelia explained, “while Hellsing dealt with supernatural threats. W.H.O. often encountered time travelers, dimensional rifts and the occasional alien invasion.”

“Didn't they meet that Time Lord who annoys Setsuna so much?” Minako asked, chuckling.

“The Doctor, yes,” Cornelia agreed. “Good man, if a little more willing to tamper with the timeline than Lady Pluto would prefer.”

“You've met?” Minako blinked. “I though he had disappeared!”

Cornelia looked a bit sheepish. “I think Integra just doesn't report his appearances, since he upsets Lady Pluto so much,” she explained.

Minako had to laugh, “Well, I suppose so.” She smiled wryly at Cornelia, “Ask Integra to pass those reports on to me, I won't tell Setsuna.”

“Yes ma'am,” Cornelia agreed meekly.

“Anything else I need to worry about?” Minako asked curiously.

“We've shut down another Mesa operation,” Cornelia sighed. “The bastards tried to buy a cabinet minister before we stopped them.”

“Who did they try buying?” Minako wondered.

“Colonel Dan Dare,” Cornelia smirked. “He notified Integra immediately and we set up a sting operation. Managed to scoop up the head of their European operations, too.”

“I've met Colonel Dare,” Minako laughed, “he was probably insulted to be approached by those scum.” She sat back with a satisfied smile, knowing the reports were true. England was clearly safe in Integra's hands.

To be continued....

Notes: This Cornelia and Euphy are not exactly as from Code Geass, tho they are similar. Spider Jeruselem is from Transmetropolitan, and I'm assuming that 'the City' from that series might co-exist with Crystal Tokyo era. Hellsing is a anime while W.H.O. was originally a Marvel Comics organization that I'm merging. If you don't know who the Doctor is, you're living in a cave. Dan Dare was a space adventure hero published in Britain who has also had American reprints.