Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fate ❯ Coincidence? ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hey ppl, here's the next chapter, I know it's been a while, but i had writer's block! But I'm getting back into the habit now, so yea. Enjoy.....

Fate, Chp2

Hey ppl, here's the next chapter; I know it's been a while, but i had writer's block! But I'm getting back into the habit now, so yea. Enjoy...

Fate, Chp2

'Oh my gosh, this is not happening to me, I do not have a seat NEXT to my arch-enemy!!' Serena thought as she frantically looked from her ticket to the small number printed on the overhead compartment. '32A' Look up, '32A'. Serena groaned and put her duffel bag in the overhead compartment. She looked down at Darien, who still had a quirky grin on his face, rolled her eyes and plopped down on the seat. "You know," she said a moment later, "after all this time I'd think a smart guy like you would know my name!"
"I do know your name meatball head. I just don't use it."
She let him see her frown and said "Why do I even bother!"

Just then the captain came on the intercom and said that they would be taking off in a few minutes and asked everyone to fasten their seatbelts. Darien already had his on while Serena fumbled with hers. "How the hell do you work these things!" She said in agitation. Darien rolled his eyes.
"Having some trouble meatball head?"
He sighed reached over and started to do it for her. All the while saying, "See meatball head, you put the little end, into the big end, not so hard now is it?" Serena felt shivers go up her spine he was so close! 'Stop it!' She though, 'this is Darien! You know the conceited jerk that always made fun of you when you were younger and who obviously still does?? Who just happened look totally hot when you saw him? Whoa, where'd that come from?? Ok fine, he's hot, and cute and utterly handsome. That's as far as I'm going!'
"Jee thanks, even though I'm not some 4 year old!"
"Could've fooled me," Darien said as he resumed his prior position.
"OOF!" Serena turned her head away from him. 'I never did like airplanes...' The plane started moving, and when it was just taking off, Serena unknowingly scooted closer to Darien and had a death grip on Darien's arm.
"Scared meatball head?" He asked looking down at her and quirking and eyebrow.
"NO!" She almost screamed and pulled way from him immediately. Only to find herself into the same position about two seconds later. "Don't worry meatball head, it's just a hour and a half flight. Nothing's going to happen, I promise" Darien said to her comfortingly. He put an arm around her shoulders when he noticed she was shivering, concern was written over his features. In a few minutes she calmed down. Neither moved from their position. Darien continued to read his magazine, and Serena leaned in, interested, and started reading it too.

About fifteen minutes later...
"Attention Passengers," the voice spoke over the intercom, "We have encountered some weather problems. A hurricane is on it's way inland, and for your safety, it is necessary for us to land at a different airport; fortunately, Shizuoka National Airport is only a few minutes away, we will be arriving there in a few minutes later."

"Oh great!" Yelled Serena. "Don't worry Serena, everything will be ok," she said mimicking Darien's voice, or trying to at least. "Jee, great call there Dare!"
Chuckling, "Calm down meatball head, its not as bad as it sounds. I travel a lot, they'll probably give us a hotel room and some free food."
"Free food! Hmmm..... maybe this won't be so bad." Serena said. Darien started laughing, "You haven't changed, have you meatball head?"
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Serena yelled, turning at him.
"Hey, relax. I think its good that you're still the way I remember."
Their conversation was interrupted as the plane started to land, and Serena instinctively moved closer to Darien. They were told to wait at the gate, to receive further instructions on where they could stay.
A few minutes later at the waiting room(where the gate was)...
"May I have you attention everybody.." Somebody yelled from the front. "Please take a seat so I can explain what's going to be done."
It took a few minutes for everyone to get seated and comfortable. It was a large room, a few people were by the windows that scaled the walls, and others were seated either on the chairs or sofa's placed around the room. Serena and Darien ended up sitting next to each other, partially because they didn't know anybody else, and also because Serena still tagged along with Darien. A person was standing on the front desk. She was short with long black hair. "Hello my name is Laura. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but because of the weather, all of you must spend the night at a hotel here, and the flight will take off again tomorrow at 3:00 PM. Arrangements have been made, and we have hotel rooms ready for you. Some will be staying at the Hilton hotel, just down the street, while others will be taken to another Hilton hotel by bus. It is only a few minutes away, you may arrange for transportation yourself, or even walk there. Directions will be given out. We have your room numbers, some of you will be sharing room, but don't worry, we put you together with either your family members or friends. The Hilton hotels have graciously offered shelter and food for all of you for this one night, please give your thanks to their staff when you reach there. Now please form a line, and keep your ticket ready, we have an envelope for all of you with rooms, so for families, only one person needs to come up. Inside you will find your plane tickets for tomorrow."
Most of the people got up and formed a line from the front desk, Serena stood behind Darien, with her ticket in hand.
"See meatball head," Darien turned around and said, "told you, free food and a place to stay, its not so bad."
"Yea I suppose not, It'll get better once you stop calling me meatball head!" She replied; Darien just laughed and turned back around.
Soon it was Darien's turn, he handed his ticked to the stewardess standing there, whom then started to sort through a stash of envelopes. A minute later she found the envelope with the number of Darien's seat number, 32B written on top. "You'll be sharing a room with you friend who sat next to you, seat 32A." The stewardess said as she handed Darien the envelope. Serena was immediately next to him, leaning in and looking at the envelope. Sure enough, the numbers 32A and 32B were scribbled on top. Darien let out an audible sigh, while Serena just groaned.

The End!
For now...I know it's short, but I've kept ppl waiting long enough. Next chapter will be up soon. If you have any ideas for my story then please, email me( If I use your idea, i'll give you credit. Well i hope you liked it so far, remember, review. Till next time, Ja!