Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

By Devon Masterson-Bond

Chapter 3

Ami sighed as she walked into The Noise. It was the hottest club in town and just one of Mina's investments. The club was known to cater everyone's taste; every drink and any dance tune a person could want. Of course it was also the Council's informal meeting place to discuss less pertinent subjects. They were known to shake a groove thang in between world matters.

But tonight she was not in the mood. She was about to face her friends after avoiding them for past week. She knew they knew about what happened at the show. Ami also knew they wanted to help her, encourage her, teach her, pity her. She did not want them to. So what if she was shy in romantic situations! There were millions of other things that she had going for her. Perhaps it was time to stop the pity party and move on. It was not like anything would necessarily happen between them. So what if their destinies might intertwine? It didn't mean fiery passionate evenings like she read in books when she was supposed to reading about "Apoptotic Theory." Four hundred years of life showed her that situations like that did not happen in real least not to her.

"Lady Omega," Artemis greeted formally. "The council is waiting for you."

Ami nodded knowing that his formality was due to the fact they were out in the open. Even though they were in a mixed club, she could clearly see members of various clans intermixed with humans. "I guess I better get up there."

Artemis nodded. "You look lovely. He has made a good choice." He smiled knowingly.

Ami sighed. She had briefly forgotten that Artemis was Mina's right hand. He knew almost as much as she did. This was so embarrassing. "Thank you for compliment and no one has chosen anything," she replied frostily.

Artemis snickered before leading her to the VIP room. "Yes, my lady." Ami lifted her head proudly as she walked up the stairs to the second level. People moved past and often stared at her while on her way to the coveted room. She had to admit that the looks of approval that a few of the males gave her fed her bruised confidence. She did look good after all. She did some shopping while she was on hiatus. Normally she would hide in her apartment, but she knew the other would look for her there.

So she reserved a room at a nice hotel and treated herself to spas and shopping the whole week. It was so unlike her, but she had to admit she could see why Mina made a habit of it. The life style was addictive, but at least she achieved the solitude that she wished.

"Any last requests?" he quipped as he opened the door.

"I would like a gag for you," she replied simply walking through the threshold. The catty comment only brought about an even bigger grin from Artemis. He always did love teasing them.

"Luna and I will be downstairs," he said closing the door behind her.

"May I take your coat, My Lady?" her usual valet asked immediately.

Ami nodded and allowed him to remove it. She really did not want to, but she knew she was not going to get away with wearing her coat the entire night. "Thank you."

The valet bowed reverently. "I have your usual waiting for you, in your chair," he said. "Shall I seat you now?"

"I'm fine. That'll be all," she replied formally. The servant bowed his head and left the room.

"That's a hot outfit," Lita complimented once the last valet left. "It would be nicer in green though."
"I see you have been listening to my fashion lessons," Mina smiled as she stood and hugged Ami. "Skin is in."

"You don't think it's too much do you?" Ami asked suddenly self-conscious. She looked down herself. It was a bit risqué, but it covered more than most of the items that Mina picked up for her. She was wearing her clan's color, her favorite color, blue. Blue leather in fact. It was the color of midnight and fitted her form. It was a simple outfit actually, knee high boots, pants, and a halter-top. The leather made it provocative and Ami's casual coldness gave the outfit a fierce presence.

"I hope you didn't buy it to impress a man," Rei glaring at Ami. She was not about to lose her only advocate in this situation.

"Don't listen to her Ami," Serena smiled. "I think you look great."

"She does look great," Rei replied. "I just don't think she should change herself for a man."

"I did not change myself for anyone," Ami said sternly as she sat down. She picked up a small glass of water and downed it quickly.

"Hey go easy on that stuff," Mina suggested as she took a sip from her glass of Crimson.

"I'm okay," Ami sighed then changed the subject. "So what has been going on since I've been gone."

Everyone collectively rolled their eyes. "The Iotas," Serena answered. "Some of them have been getting out of control when they hunt."

"That doesn't surprise me," Ami commented.

"I've called them to council," Serena replied. She folded her hands nervously while the rest of her portrayed confidence.

"Of course we all know they'll never come," Mina sighed dramatically. "So what's your next plan?"

"I think they'll come." Serena smiled in spite of herself. "I've sent someone they can't help but listen to."

Four sets eyes stared into cobalt blue ones, each noting the hint of nervousness. "I see," Rei said calmly. This was not the time to criticize. It would only worry Serena even more.

"Well I don't see," Lita replied her eyes flashing. There was no way that Serena would send him…she couldn't.

"I sent Darien," Serena said quietly. She balled her fists tightly in duress. "He was the only that could deliver the message. Any one else would be torn apart."

"Serena," Ami began.

The blonde shook her head. "I'm fine and Darien will be fine. He is a member of the Iota Clan after all, their former prince."

"But," Lita interrupted.

"She won't allow him to be harmed," Serena replied quickly then smiled. "Everything will be fine. Now with that out of the way, everybody needs to have some fun." She yawned. "And I need some sleep. The baby is wearing me out today."

"We'll stay with you," the girls said unison causing Serena to giggle.

"I want you stay here and mingle. Luna is going to take me home," she said.

"Serena, we're not exactly in the party mood," Rei commented.

Serena looked around the room at the somber faces. She was determined that her friends were going to get out and have fun. It seemed like all their time was spent working or protecting her. It was time to have their own lives and start families of their own. The only one that seemed the closest to being normal was Mina and a different guy every week was not what most would think of balance. She sniffed. "Well then…" sniffle "if you guys don't want to take a chance at happiness then…" sniff "I won't…" sniff, sniff "stop you." Her eyes welled up with tears.

"Don't you dare," Rei said forcefully while glaring.

"I'm just worried about you," Serena wailed as she unleashed the water works. "Especially you Rei. You've never been in love and…"

"Come on Rei," Lita sighed. "It'll only be a just a little while."

Rei was about to put her foot down when Serena grabbed hold of her and started swaying back and forth dramatically. She had had enough. "Fine," she grumbled. How did this always happen to her?

"Thank you, Rei-chan," Serena smiled. She wiped away her tears.

"I hate you," Rei muttered.

"I know you don't mean it," Serena said wisely. "Have fun." She then floated out of the room as though she did not have a care in the world.

Ami shook her head. Serena was an enigma. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Oh no you don't," Rei said grabbing the dark haired girl. "If I have to go, you're going to be there too!"

"Guys, relax," Mina smiled. "Serena's just worried about us and we know Ami would never skip out on us, right?" Ami nodded reluctantly. They were all in this together. "So then let's make the most of it. I know Darien wouldn't want us moping around waiting for him to get back and we promised Serena." Mina grabbed both Lita and a protesting Rei. "We'll see you out on the floor."

Ami waved half-heartedly as she watched her three friends leave the room. This would be the perfect time to cut out and no one would know. "Except me," she sighed inwardly. The others wanted to mull everything over as well, but Serena insisted. That probably meant that something was going to happen.

Foresight, not the precognitive kind either, was Serena's gift. Everything she did and said always had great consequences. Everyone knew that it was a heavy burden being the coin of fate. They were constantly by her side, then once Darien came into to the picture she did not lean upon them so heavily. With the happy couple smiling and flowering everything, it was easy to see what was lacking. Of course none of them would have changed a thing. Long life made them understand that there are no regrets only poor choices. Life was meant to be lived no matter how it twisted and turned. "Use the time that you are given."

It was obvious why these events were turning the way they were, but it was unnecessary. All of the girls were just happy being in each other's lives. "Lady Omega?" a valet asked. "Will you be retiring or joining the other Ladies?"

Ami sighed at his formality, but knew he would never break from it. She was a clan leader, an elder; he would consider it blasphemy. "I will be going down stairs," she answered. "Please have a glass of water brought down to me." The valet nodded and motioned for to go before him. She brushed past him slightly annoyed. "Long as I stick with the others what could possibly happen?"


"Come on Rei," Mina suggested as she pulled the raven girl out onto the dance floor. The girl was becoming an obstacle in her plans. She absolutely refused to have fun or even pretend to do so. She would just have to take Rei's fun into her own hands. "Even Ami's getting her groove on." At the mention of their friend six pairs of eyes looked towards the dancing girl. She was good dancer actually but she usually did not make a habit of dancing against men. Right then, she was dancing with some strawberry blonde; they could not get a view with all the dancers constantly moving.

Lita painted a smile on her face as she watched her two friends leave for the floor. She was worried about Ami. The dark haired girl was behaving oddly…well oddly for her. To those who did not know her, she was having a good time on the dance floor, to everyone else; she had been drinking too much. She would have to keep a close eye on her friend. "At least she stopped drinking. The water will work its way out of her system in a couple of hours. But I better get a little closer just in case."

Dancing her way through the crowd, she was nearly within arm's reach when she felt someone bump into her. "Watch it, jerk," she yelled as she tried to get her balance. The hard bump had knocked her backward into someone's arms. They were probably wondering about her sobriety and/or attainability with the way she was draped over them. "I'm sorry," she apologize bowing her head and running off without looking. "Damn, I lost her," she thought looking around worriedly. "I have to find her." She darted in and out of the dancing crowd while heading outside.

Emerald eyes narrowed in the moonlight trying to find any distinguishing features. She had to find Ami quickly, in her condition she could do many things most of which she would regret in the morning. "There," she said aloud as she saw a few dark tresses going into the alley. Fearing the worse, she streaked toward the alley. "Ami!" Her eyes widened as several guys stood over one girl preparing to do something tasteless. All eyes were on her upon her now.

"I see," one of the guys commented staring at her intently. His lust filled appraisal of her caused the other to move in closer including two that jumped behind her from out of now here. Apparently they were going to make their train a two-car function. "Very nice."

Lita narrowed her eyes. Now that she was closer she could see that girl was not Ami, this eased her mind despite the situation. "Thanks," she said sarcastically.

"I think I want to make you mine personally." The leader smiled appreciatively. He liked fire and this one seemed like a fighter. Then there was her incredible body. She had jade green eyes every bit as brilliant as the Mandarin style dress she was wearing.

"You don't know who you're dealing with," she said calmly. "Leave us."

The leader smiled at her ignorance. "Are you going to fight me?" he asked incredulously as he began to laugh. "You're the one who doesn't know what getting into." He hissed, as his canines became elongated and sharp. "Do you still want to play, little girl?" He asked brandishing claws.

"I believe the Lady said to leave," a voice called. A circle of flames surrounded Lita, burning her attackers. She flinched from its heat as they screamed in terror. They were just a little too close for her comfort. "This is more Rei's scene," she thought as flew to the safety of the rooftop. From above she could see the girl was safely cringing in the corner of the alley out of harms way. "I could have been barbecued," she muttered balling her fist. She could have handled the situation. Who ever interfered did not need to. "Where are you?" she yelled.

"What are you?" a voice asked from the edge of the building.

Lita turned to see a masculine figure standing on the railing with impudence. "None..." before she could finish he sprinted towards her leaving only a few inches of personal space. Her cheeks warmed as she saw how gorgeous he was close up. They grew even warmer when she realized that it was Nephrite standing before her. "What are you?" she asked taking a step back.

"You're dodging my question," he replied. This was the woman from his visions. She had been occupying them quite often and now a reason was going to come to fruition.

"I don't have to answer your questions," she answered. She jumped up onto the railing.

"I saved your life. You owe me an explanation."

"You did not save my life. I was not in danger," Lita argued.

Nephrite laughed. "And I suppose you were going to take on four vampires in that get-up," he gestured towards her dress. She was dressed to kill in a long, jade Mandarin style dress with curious splits up the side and green pumps. About the only thing that could have been a weapon would have been the hairpins holding her hair in its ponytail.

"Go away," she suggested. Nephrite turned around and took a step then paused. Lita frowned, this was not supposed to happen. "Leave," she said forcefully, putting more of her will behind it.

"Your voice won't work on me," he said confidently as he turned around. It was taking all of his efforts to resist.

"Go!" she commanded. She glared at him intently as though trying to stare him into oblivion. Crackles of static electricity made popping noises as she tried to maintain control. Amazingly enough she was not looking for a fight tonight.

"Who are you to command me?" he asked struggling to step forward.

Lita gasped. She didn't have time for this. Ami could be in trouble. "We'll finish this later." A large bolt of lightening struck where she was standing.

"Shit," Nephrite cried in surprise as he jumped back to a safe distance. He did not escape totally unscathed, he could feel the heat from the energy on his skin. His powers may have protected him, but he still going to have quite a tan once the redness went away. "This is far from over," he said looking back to where his beautiful nemesis stood. "I feel even more drawn to her than before. I will get to the bottom of this."

To be continued…

© 2004 Devon Masterson-Bond

Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.