Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

By Devon Masterson-Bond

Chapter 4

Deep blue eyes narrowed warily as they surveyed the old subway-system fondly called the Blood Line. It was the victim of high hopes and poor financial planning and was abandoned before it was finished. Now it was a place for hunters to see to their prey away from prying eyes, those that wished to remain secret that is. Of course it was also the quickest and safest way to the Elysian Tower without involving the 'Sapiens,' as regular humans were called.

It had been over two years since he was last there and he would not be too welcome. To the Iota Clan, he was traitor when he left Beryl and married Serena. After the 'incident,' he tried talking to the flamed haired woman, but she flatly refused. Hurting her was never his intention though he knew it as inevitable. Anyone would have taken rejection personally and marrying the enemy only added fuel to the fire.

"I'm home," he thought as he heard hisses of hatred from unseen shadows. It was always nice to feel loved. He walked onward. Though he was now deep in the territory, no one attacked him only hissed and snickered. A few them watched to see if anyone would be bold enough to attack him out right.

As if to answer the unspoken challenge a few of them dropped in front of him and leered.

"Where do you think you're going, traitor?" one of them asked. "Is the bourgeois life style you left us for still not up your standards?"

"Get out of my way," Darien replied brushing past him.

The bold one grabbed him by the arm. "You don't command us..."

"Zarius," one the group said anxiously. This was getting out of hand. Everyone knew that Beryl loved him as much as she hated him. There was no guarantee that she was would take kindly to her ex being hurt.

"Shut it, Jason," Zarius replied then turned back to Darien. His eyes suddenly widened as Darien's form changed. Instead of holding the arm of a traitor, he was holding the end of a large king cobra.

The entire crowd of spectators and taunters stepped back as the snake raised its regal head and spread its hood. Only an elder could shift into such a dangerous creature. Most of them could only become garden-variety snakes with a few turning into rattlers and moccasins.

Zarius looked the most fearful out of all of them. For all his talk he could only turn into a garden snake. He was not even a hundred years old, but he was a young and stupid. He dropped the end of the snake he was holding and stepped back like the others. Darien changed into back his human form. "I don't want to see you again," he said with threatening benevolence. Zarius nodded, but his eyes remained hard. There was more than one way to skin a snake.

Darien turned and the crowd immediately opened up for him. No doubt Beryl knew that he was coming and he wondered how she would respond to him. There was only one way he was going to find out and even if he had to fight his entire way there, she was going to hear him. He knew that he was only one who had a chance of passing on the Council's message.

"Elysian Tower," he sighed as he walked up the stairs of the BL station. He smirked at the large golden tower. It had been awhile since he had last seen his former base of operations, right in the heart of Shinjuku. Part one of mission, now on to part two.

From above amber eyes, widened. She heard that he was coming but she did not actually believe that he would come into the heart of Iota territory at night nonetheless. Her curiosity was piqued. It was clear that he wanted something, now how to work that to her advantage. "Leucian, please see to Darien. I will see him in my ready room."

"Yes, my lady," a tall blonde man said before turning to leave.

She turned back to the window once he was gone and smiled. "Just what are you up to?"


"Okay, I'm done," Rei replied. She pushed her way through the crowd dancers.

"Well at least you lasted a couple of hours," Mina shrugged. She waved at the raven-haired girl and picked up another dance partner.

Rei shook her head. She could see why Mina was leader of the Sigma Clan. Every Sigma she ever came across seemed obsessed with having a good time. That worked for Mina, but it was not her. "I guess Lita took Ami home," she thought as she looked around for the rest of her friends. All of them notice that Ami was drinking quite a bit, at least two glasses of water. Not that she was completely innocent; she had a few shots as well. Bloody Mary was her drink of choice, which she found quite humorous due to her nature. She had never been into the hard stuff; not that she (or any of the other girls) would dare drink water. Might as well take acid shots, both would burn the crap out of them. "Watch it," she said rudely as she shoved the person that bumped into her.

"Excuse me, Miss," he said politely.

Rei nearly melted as she stared into beautiful violet eyes then frowned. She could sense Serena's work in the air. She refused to be a pawn to this type of degradation. She would not have it. "Out of my way, pretty boy."

A blonde eyebrow raised in surprise. Her rudeness and obvious apathy towards his looks surprised Jadeite. He would just have to turn up the charm a bit. "My name's Jadeite," he said over the loud music. "And you are?"

"Leaving," Rei replied moving past him.

"Excuse me?" he asked blocking her way.

"Move it or lose it," she said sternly. All she needed was the slightest excuse to turn him into a fried, crispy treat. But all he did was stare at her in what appeared to be amusement. He had beautiful eyes. They were the oddest shade of violet, an almost combination of blue and violet. She could stare into them forever. "What am I thinking!?" She stepped around him and quickly exited the club.

"Are you going to at least tell me your name?" Jadeite asked persistently. He was not about to give up. Beautiful women threw themselves at him regularly. What was wrong this one? He had been watching her the whole time, studying her graceful movements. She suited him with her flawless beauty and grace. Of course he never imagined a personality of fire. It was providing more of an attraction for him than a deterrent. He was starting to feel like the proverbial moth, except he did not think he minded being burned.

"Drop dead," she answered as she continued walking.

Jadeite snickered in surprise. This woman deserved a closer look. Her refusal of advances was quite refreshing in a provocative way. There had to be a reason. She either had to be a lesbian or she was very good at 'hard to get.' "Well she was dancing with that blonde Malachite wanted," he thought. "I guess I'll call you Miss Cinnamon, because of your perfume smells so sweet and spicy."

"Wha?" Rei asked pausing. She was caught off guard by his compliment. This guy never gave up!

Jadeite smiled. She was finally without a comeback. She was really quite beautiful. "You have beautiful eyes, Miss Cinnamon," he said tenderly. "Blushing…now that is endearing. I have to have her." He caressed her cheek.

"Stop," Rei said stepping back. She could feel herself falling into a trap, who's she was not sure. "I am not one of those bimbos who's panties drop when you smile." She pushed him away from her. "Leave me alone."

"Hmm," Jadeite said thoughtfully as he watched her go. He wanted to go after, but he had a feeling that he already pushed his luck and he was not in the habit of chasing. He walked back to the club. He was not in the habit of losing either.


"Mmm," Mina moaned into her partner's mouth as he pushed her down on the bed. She ran her hands through silky platinum hair then immediately started unbuttoning his shirt. She succeeded in sliding the shirt over well-defined shoulders and arms. "Nice," she complimented breaking the kiss to admire him.

"Thanks," he said simply as he quickly liberated her of the golden mini dress she had been wearing. Malachite smirked as he noted her assets. Just as he imagined, she looked wonderful naked and was not wearing any underwear. He crushed his lips against hers with more desire than he intended. There was something about this girl that made him want her more than any other woman. All night he spent studying her, while she was surrounded by two other women that he assumed to be her friends, and now she was his. Perhaps then he could get rid of this possessive feeling he was having. No one woman ever held his attention the entire night. Normally he was would notice several and then pick out one or two, but tonight this Venus held his attention all by herself. He only wanted her; no other woman would due tonight.

"You're welcome," she gasped in pleasure and surprise. Apparently he too was noticing the chemistry between them, though she knew his was 99% physical. "We'll have to do something about that." She rolled over on top of him and smiled as she looked down at him. The look of surprise in his cerulean eyes was priceless. She leaned down. "We're going to have some fun," she whispered lowly before biting his ear.


Malachite stretched as the sun shone brightly on his face. His eyes shot open as he realized the time. He had spent the entire night with Mina. That had not been his intent. Of course nothing about the night went exactly according to plan. He wanted to go to her apartment; it made it easy to depart before she woke up. The morning after never went well for him, everything was awkward and he often did not want to keep in contact. However, she insisted that they go to his apartment and he being caught up in his desire and her golden smiled, led her to his sanctuary.

It was too late now the damage was done and he was a little curious as to how it would be to wake up next to her. If every time was like last night, he could see them spending nights together regularly. "Get a grip, Malachite," he told himself as he got carried away with aspects of a possible do-over. "She's just like any other woman." He turned over and prepared to turn on the charm. His eyes narrowed as he looked down at a slim card lying in place of the golden goddess from the night before. "Hmm," he grunted tearing the card in two and getting out of bed. He paced the floor furiously. How dare she run out on him in the middle of night and leave a card like he was some whore? Women fought for the honor that he bestowed upon her last night.

He turned around quickly and stalked over to the card. With the thought of tossing it, he picked up. "This is not over."

That same morning…

Sunlight drifted in lazily through the curtains. Ami sighed as she turned over. She was started to feel uncomfortably warm. "Hm?" she yawned as she opened her eyes and blinked a few times. "Oh my god," she cried out as she jumped out of the bed and began to feverishly pat herself while backing away from the windows. She had to find a place of refuge and in a hurry. There was no telling where she was or what she did. "How many drinks did I have last night?" she wondered while scaling the wall of the bedroom. She was just out of the realm of the sunshine and that was how she liked it. Of course it would not be long before the cursed beams of light would move into her current safe place. "There!" She sprinted towards the partially open closet.

"Safe," she said aloud once the door was shut. She would hold up there until she was sure that it was safe. Of course there was the matter of how she got there. Exhaling deeply she ran her hands through her hair, trying to figure out what to do. "This closet is huge," she thought suddenly as she looked around the deep closet. If she was going to spend sometime here, at least she was not going to squished up against clothes. Looking around she did not imagine she would be squished by anything. Everything was painfully organized into clothing situations, work, casual, evening, formal and everything was matched as a full ensemble from shirt to shoes. "And the girls thought I was strict with my things?"

She continued to look around then frowned as she saw a pair of women's boots next to the mirror. "These are mine," she laughed then coughed. This was serious not play time, her host was bound to come back and check on her. Judging from her reflection, she didn't do anything that she would regret later. She did not see and blotches or stains on clothes nor were they out of place. The only thing he removed was her boots. It was nice to know that there were still gentlemen out there, but did not change the fact that she was in a Sapien home. Her friends were probably worried and she was starting to get hungry. She had been too nervous last night to eat and drinking water to calm her nerves made things worse.

It was time to go. Ami grabbed a belt and immediately began to undress. As she began to bind her clothes into bundle with the belt she heard stirring and the smell of breakfast. Her mysterious host was apparently coming back to check up on her. There was no way that she could face him like this. She quickly finished binding her clothes and shoes with the belt then used two more belts to attach the bundle into an almost backpack. She admired her handiwork for a second when she heard someone enter the bedroom.

"Ami?" Zoicite called lowly as he entered the room. He didn't want to be so loud. Ami's condition would be less than tolerant to loud noises. She could hardly make her way home last night when she told him that she didn't feel well and ran out of the club. It had been the gentlemanly thing to do take her to his house when he could not find her friends, but now he had a lot of explaining to do. He doubted that she would remember anything about last night and he did not want her to get the wrong idea. His ego would not allow him to have a good time with someone who would not remember later. Where was the pleasure in that?

He walked over to the empty bed and frowned. She was gone. "Ami," he called louder this time. He started for the bathroom when he heard a scratching nose coming from the closet. His eyes widened. He hoped to high heaven that she did not confuse the closet with the bathroom. "Are you okay?" he asked as he rushed over to the closet and opened the door.

"Damn," he cried out a he was knocked over by a large mass. His eyes widened as he stared into eyes of a wolf. His mind raced as he tried to figure out how it could have gotten in his closet. Refusing to let his fear grip him any longer, he knocked the wolf off of him and ran out of the room. Not the smartest plan in the world, but it would have to do until he could reach something to fend it off with. He could hear growling behind him as he ran for chair in his living room. It was obvious that he was about to be pounced again, but to his surprise it did not happen. The wolf only stared at him from beside the patio door. It was now that he was armed and at safe distance that he noticed just how odd the wolf appeared. It was somewhat large in size with dark blue fur and eyes. It looked nothing like the timber wolves he had seen in zoological parks. Then of course the bundle strapped to its back...Ami's clothes. "What the hell is going on?" he asked. Nothing was adding up.

The wolf made a barking sound in response to him. "Ask a stupid question?" he muttered. The wolf lowered its head and put its paw over its face. It was almost an 'oh brother' expression. "Even the animal was starting to question mysanity," he thought as he stared the wolf down. How the creature got into his house was still eating away him along with the whereabouts of his obviously naked, infirmed guest.

A coppery eyebrow raised. The wolf was wearing the horseshoe charm necklace that Ami had been wearing. "This can not be right." He moved from behind his chair. There was only one possible theory. Here's hoping. "Ami?"

The wolf suddenly turned around and started pawing at the patio door. Zoicite advanced closer and the wolf growled at him viciously, but continued pawing at the door. Zoicite took a step back for a second then moved forward. As ridiculous as it sounded, he was sure that the wolf had been his dance partner from the last night. Its behavior was clearly not normal. But a woman becoming a timber wolf? He was going to have to get with Nephrite on this one.

The patio door slid open finally and the wolf slid through. Zoicite ran to the door and watched as she took down the street. He purposely kept his distance this time. It was obvious she wanted to be alone. Once she turned the corner, he moved from the window and picked up the phone thrown casually on the couch.

"Hello," someone answered on the line.

"Nephrite, I need your expertise."

© 2004 Devon Masterson-Bond

Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.