Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter 11 ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
By Devon Masterson-Bond
Chapter 11
AN: Hotel California is the inspiration. I wrote this chapter in an hour. Good stuff
Beryl stood looking out of the tinted windows of the Elysian Tower as she listened to the report her vassal was giving. To say that she was intrigued was an understatement, she very interested in whatever had the high and mighty council shaking in their second rate pumps over. These Hunters were something of a mystery for her. She remembered something about them that Darien told her once, but it was a far away memory. It was something that she had originally written off as one of his tales of life before he turned her.
Long red nails fingered a locket as her servant droned on about his observations. Her mind wandered to the past when she had his complete attention and his loyalty was to the clan. She had been clubbing with her friends when her eyes locked on cerulean orbs that astounded her. She had to meet their owner and with some elbowing, she managed to do so. The rest of that night was a haze to her memory but her current experience told her that he had fed from her that night and erased the experience. However, her mind could not let go of the intense blue stare and sexy smirk. She went looking for him again, but never saw him at the club. Six months went by this way before she was rewarded with catching his stare once again. Amber eyes drunk in his appearance, sexy just got out of bed hair, slim cut jeans that hugged all the right places, and a corded long sleeved shirt. He raised his drink to her in some sort of congratulatory toast, perhaps for finding him again, she never did ask. She made sure that she remembered the experience this time.
It was phenomenal. The man had a gifted mouth and hands. He lit her body on fire and made her feel things that she did not think were possible. Their affair went on blissfully for four months before she encountered a group of fanatics that had been watching him and her. They knew what he was, something that even she did not know then. All she was concerned with was how he made her feel and how best to stay by his side. His work was nothing of her concern; it was too early in their `relationship.'
The night her life changed, she had been waiting for him in his loft in nothing but his white satin sheet and a smile. He remarked that he loved seeing her crimson coloring against his white satin sheets. The irony of his taste was lost on her at the time. The door of his loft was kicked in and she caught off guard as five men rushed into the room with guns and wooden stakes. She tried hitting one of them and make a break for it, but they over powered her. The held her down while they searched the loft looking for Darien. The ripped through the furniture and through his drawers looking for anything that would be incriminating.
“Where is your master, whore?” one of them snarled in her face.
“I am not a whore, you asshole,” she bit out earning a backhand to the face. Tears sprung in her eyes as her nose broke. She wheezed and glared at the man in front of her in defiance.
“I will ask you again. Where is your master?”
“I don't have a master. I am a free person.”
The man slapped her again, causing her to bite her tongue. She could feel it swelling in her mouth in response to the inflammation. A trickle of blood formed in the corner of her mouth. “Go to hell,” she mumbled as best as she could.
“He isn't here, Eddie,” one of the others reported as they came back into the bedroom.
Eddie growled in rage and looked towards the woman. “Then we will leave a message to let him know we will come by again.” He pulled a stake out of his belt and stabbed Beryl in her chest.
She screamed out before crumpling to the floor. Her vision flooded with pain. She could feel herself slipping as she heard the scuffle of feet and the sound of conflict. Her breathing was growing more shallow and painful with each breath. At some point, she had begun to hallucinate that Darien was looking down at her in horror with blood splattered on his clothes. The look of desperation on his face lightened her heart; at least she knew he cared. She opened her mouth to speak and nothing came out. After that, she vaguely remembered the sound of Darien's howl of pain, a tearing near her shoulder, and darkness.
When she awoke days later, she was fine and confused. Darien had been there waiting for her to recover of course. She was glad that he was by her side. It was that day that he gave her the locket and explained to her that life, as she knew it was over. It was also the last time that he made love to her. Guilt seemed to be all that he saw when looked at her and they slowly drifted apart; they were companions. She did not love him any less and she hoped with patience he would come back to her, but then she noticed that look in his eyes. The look he had for her before he turned her, but it was for another. Try as she might, he slipped from her grasp and out of her life…
“Mistress?” Leucian called.
Beryl turned from the window. “I want these Hunters to be researched. I want to make sure they are not a threat to the Iotas. Everything from their biological stats to their ambitions, I want to know how they can be exploited for my benefit. Do this now.”
Leucian bowed his head and left the room. “Yes, Lady Iota.”
Beryl turned back to the window. “Perhaps it is time I met the bitch face to face.”
Serena sat at her desk working intently when Luna walked into the room. “My Serena, you are hard at work. I am quite proud of you.”
Blue eyes narrowed. “I'll have you know, Luna, that I work all the time. I have to keep an eye on my holdings you know.”
Luna walked over to Serena's chair to place a cup of crimson next to her. “That's true. But you have been known…what is this?” she pointed to the task bar on the computer. Serena had multiple windows open on the desktop.
“Is that free cell?”
“I am reading my e-mails.”
“It is free cell. Serena…” Luna started to scold. She placed her hands on her hips.
“It's so addicting. I can't help it, but I did some work, I swear.” Serena held her hands in a placating manner as Luna looked at her as though she did not believer her. “You try it and tell me that still get your work done.”
“No.” Luna leaned over and closed the window.
“You ruined my winning streak,” she grumbled.
Artemis knocked on the door to the office. “Serena, have you seen…”
“Pregnant Kitty Alert,” Serena called out pushing her chair out. “Artemis, take your wife home for a rest. She ruined my winning streak. I would think that as Sigmas you two would understand my need to unwind sometimes. This is horrible.”
Artemis chuckled as Luna narrowed her eyes and shook her head. “I am your assistant and it's my job to make sure that you get your work done and your rest at the appropriate time.”
Serena sat back down in her chair and looked thoughtfully. “And I am your boss and it's my job to know when my assistant who is pregnant needs a break for the day.”
“I am just fine and don't give me that, you are pregnant too,” Luna scoffed as Artemis moved to her side.
“How about the both of you take a break,” he suggested.
“Great idea, Artemis. Luna we can have a free cell battle.” Serena smiled and started clicking away with the mouse. Luna sighed and pulled up a chair to the desk as she interfaced with Serena's computer from her companion terminal. “Artemis, did you have any other reason to see besides looking Luna?”
Artemis coughed. “Oh, right. I received word from one Psi watchers, there has been a strange man hanging around the building. He was last seen tailing Rei and Mina and then going to the Elysian Tower.”
“An Iota spy,” Serena commented clicking away. She was beating Luna in their battle.
“They moved just as you thought they would,” Artemis agreed.
“Well it's good to know that I haven't lost my touch,” she smiled at the screen. “I should be receiving a personal visit from her by tomorrow. She will try to intimidate me of course and I will get on her nerves with my usual ways. Thoughts of murder will cross her mind, but she won't act on it since she has some darker purpose in mind and she will leave my office thinking she has the upper hand.”
Artemis nodded and looked at her curiously. Never once did she look up from the screen as she played his mate on the computer. One would not think that she was advising him on strategy but merely brushing him off. “You seem very confident.”
“Everything will work out, but not without some kinks,” she answered then threw her hands up in victory. “I beat Pregnant Kitty.”
Luna hissed. “Rematch, Pregnant Bunny.”
Serena beamed delightfully. “Later, Luna, I have a feeling that I need to be in Shinjuku.” She stood to her feet and walked past the crestfallen woman sitting at the desk. “I didn't know you were such a game addict.”
“It's your entire fault, you know.”
“True, but people expect that from me, not from you,” she laughed then left the room.
Artemis shook his head. “She's got you there?”
“Whose side are you on, Artemis?” Luna asked getting to her feet. Artemis smiled and pulled her to him. “Yours.” He kissed her lightly just before touching the small swell of her abdomen.
Luna leaned into her mate and sighed. “Do you think everything will really be okay? Even Serena can not see the future.”
“True, she makes the future and she's been doing it for centuries. I believe her when she says it will be okay.” Luna said nothing just let him hold her. As much as she adored Serena, she would not want her power for anything. Serena had to remain guarded in her anger and in her joy for it affected everyone. Nothing she decreed could be taken back only softened. It was a terrible burden and she hoped that the blonde-haired woman would be able to weather through the upcoming storm of her design.
Rei and Mina pulled up in front of Pleasures Spa. “We're here.”
“And not alone.” Rei commented as they got out of the car. She turned towards the car that pulled up a little ways behind them. It was just like in her vision in the fire. She had hoped Mina's crazy Dukes of Hazard antics would lose them, but apparently, there was no fighting destiny. “Especially when destiny is a short blonde matchmaker who thinks this is all so funny.”
“I guess I need to spend more time playing that similar game one of my labs came up with for racecar drivers.” Mina sighed. “C'est la vie. I will get rid of them…”
“No, we'll deal with it inside like Ami and Lita.” Mina's eyes widened. “This is must have been how it happened to them. We are in the heart of Iota territory and we know these two are anything but tactful.”
“There will be no turning back,” she warned.
“The other two are already marked. It was a matter of time, they do talk you know.” Rei folded her arms and started for the door. “Let's go, Mina. They will follow.”
Mina smirked as she walked after her friend. “This will be fun.”
To be continued…
© 2008 Devon Masterson-Bond 1/11/08
Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.