Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Fumbling Towards Esctasy ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy
By Devon Masterso
Chapter 12
AN: Need a beta for my fics, any takers?
“Welcome to Pleasures Day Spa,” a young woman greeted upon seeing customers entering the building. “Whatever your pleasure we can accommodate…. Mina-sama, welcome back. Your usual room?”
Mina smiled. “Where's Yoko?”
“Miss Yoko is seeing to another customer at the moment, but I can get her for you,” the woman offered signaling an attendant to come over to her.
“That isn't necessary. We are looking for some friends of ours. The tall girl that I have come with a few times, is she here with a petite blue haired girl?”
A curious expression crossed her features. “They are in the Green Tea Room with two Sapiens.”
“We will be joining them as well. Please send crimson in for all of us and tea for four. Two more Sapiens will enter behind us, please escort them to the Green Tea Room with no problems.”
“Yes, Mina-sama. Please enjoy your experience the both of you.” she nodded towards the attendant to take them to the spa room. “Mina-sama?”
Mina paused. “Yes?” The woman flushed and looked away trying to gather her thoughts. “There is nothing to worry about Ai; we all just need a nice place to relax.”
Ai nodded her head. “Your refreshments, will arrive shortly.”
“Thank you.” Mina and Rei continued to follow the escort. As they walked down the hall and through the spa, the two elders both retreated within their thoughts. Getting past through last centuries would not have been possible if not for the high council imprinting their minds into them when they were turned. They were able to sift through memories and experiences that allowed them to adjust quickly and deal with situations outside of their realm of expertise. Centuries of continuous knowledge had saved their lives on more than one occasion and gave them solace when dealing with each of their empires.
Rei's violet eyes widened as she heard the door chime after they turned the corner then misted. “Cassije, you know what I know and see what I see. Is there something I am overlooking here?”
“Rei, you and I both interpreted that fire reading. Serena has willed this into being by wanting you to have a mate. The resistance that the four of you have been putting up has escalated the matter.”
“I make my own choices.”
“Then let the Iotas disposeof them. It is theirterritoryand their prerogative in your absence. You need not do anything and those two will be killed or worse turned, then they will be your enemies. In another time you would found your way to him anyway.”
“You don't know that! This is because of Serena's matchmaking.”
“I have looked into your history. I know this is so and we both know Serena's power well. She is usually vague in what she willsso that there is always enough room to counter any negative drawbacks. It makes her appear wise when she is just protecting everyone.”
“I am notabout to just throwmyself at him.”
Cassije laughed. “Nor should do so, as a male I can safely say that giving a man everything easily is the worst thing that you could ever dofor him.”
“No wonder I am so jaded with comments like that. My motives are not a means of seduction.”
“Aren't they?”
“Don't be…”
“You're just in time,” Lita greeted as the door opened. She gestured towards the other three seated at the table. “We were just about to start.”
“You may want to wait for our other two guests trailing us,” Mina warned as she kneeled down at the table. She smiled towards the two men staring at her curiously. “I am sure they don't want to miss this.”
Zoicite slammed his hands on the table as he recognized the blonde smiling at him. “I saw you at the electronics show, Mina , that's what Ami called you.”
“You have a good memory, Zoi, you don't mind if I call you that do you?” She smiled.
Sapphire eyes narrowed, the blonde-haired woman's flirtatious ways were inappropriate. “Give it a rest, Mina,” Ami snapped. “It has been a long day and we have a lot to talk about.”
Mina raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to speak when Zoicite interrupted. “I saw you with Yelsha and Ami in the museum. You were….”
Mina gave Ami and Lita a sideways look, “You two don't do things in halves do you?” She looked back at Zoicite and studied his neck curiously. Along with punctures marks that had dried with blood tracks, the symbol of Mercury seared into his flesh like a brand. Blue met violet and they both noted that Nephrite also had a symbol, the symbol of Jupiter, on his flesh near Lita's marks. Normally their clan's marks would appear, the fact their astrological signs appeared suggested something more unsettling. It also put her and Rei in a more precarious predicament. “Did you notice…?”
“We will have to discuss that later,” Ami suggested as the door opened. A valet entered with refreshments and two more guests.
“There you are, Miss Cinnamon,” Jadeite greeted entering the room.
“Are the two you going to explain yourselves?” Malachite asked.
“Which two?” Mina smirked.
“Both,” Malachite answered. Something was stirring he could feel it and he was on the edge of figuring it out finally. Like Nephrite he had been feeling the stir of destiny, he just did not advertise it. Not only did Mina feel right but also this situation felt right and he was sure he had just walked into the lion's den by the looks of it. “I will not take no for an answer.”
Zoicite opened his mouth to answer then shut it. Having just lived through the situation himself, he had even more questions and knew that acceptance could not even begin until the initiation happened. “I have a whole slew of questions once they come back.”
Jadeite shook his head. “We are not going anywhere. We drove across town and I…”
“Oh shut up,” Rei growled as she pounced Jadeite and sunk her teeth in the side of his neck. He struggled against her then settled down as he slipped from consciousness. “Pain in the ass,” she whispered against his neck as she licked his wounds to clot them. She watched his neck while she listened to Malachite surrender to Mina. The symbol of Mars blazed across his skin a few breaths later. She sighed then returned to the table and downed her cup of crimson. “What I really need is something hard,” she muttered.
“I think we all could,” Mina agreed. She looked towards hers friends of a few millennia. “Just how long does the soul link last, Llyanos, has never performed it and we're curious.”
It varies, Quitachi did it when she initiated her human squires in the past. She found they were more loyal if they experienced her life.” Lita answered sipping her crimson.
“Literally walking a mile in someone's shoes,” Nephrite commented. “That is wise.”
“Thank you.”
“So then the imprinting process was more then just turning you and giving you their powers,” Zoicite observed. “They imprinted their memories.”
“More like they imprinted themselves,” Ami corrected. “They intertwined their souls with ours, a shadow of them lives in the recesses of our minds. We can seek their council on matters and use their memories just as we use our own knowledge.”
“A symbiosis,” Zoicite nodded in understanding.
“Then who is control?” Nephrite asked.
“Last time I checked, it was still my body,” Lita narrowed her eyes. “We are very much ourselves, we just have two streams of memory.
“What about the possibility of controlling your actions in unconsciousness?” Zoicite asked.
“They live in the recesses of our minds, but not in the portions that control body movement or decisions. At most they would be able to confuse us or make us see what is not there, but then they would suffer as well,” Mina ran her finger around the rim of her class thoughtfully.
“What happened to a slew of questions when they came back?” Rei asked.
“That didn't change, but I am not going to sit here looking around for hours either,” Zoicite replied. “Just what are going to do when this place closes?”
“This spa never closes,” Mina smiled. “Most of us only get out at night in order to dodge the sun, however Sigmas do not have an aversion to the sun. We have to have something to do during the day and some Sapiens frequent here.”
“Why is it that Sigmas can stand the Sun while other clans can not?” Nephrite asked. “I thought all vampires disintegrated in the sunlight.”
“You watch too much TV,” Lita smirked. “It doesn't work like Buffy. I love that show it's hilarious. I was glued to it every week.”
You would be,” Rei murmured.
What's that supposed to mean, Rei?”
Ami ignored the two bickering friends and turned to Zoicite. “The sun burns our skin slowly until we eventually catch fire. Sigmas have the blessing of Venus through Mina and with it the ability to withstand the sun's radiation.”
`Then are different abilities associated with each clan? Ami nodded. Nephrite crossed his arms and sat for a moment as he soaked in all the information. “And you're telling us all of this without any type of stipulation?”
“We wouldn't say that,” Mina answered.
“So then you are going to kills us?” Zoicite concluded.
“Oh please, you are just as dense as pretty boy over there,” Rei snapped. “You followed Ami and Lita to this spa in the heart of Iota territory, just like those nimrods followed us. You exposed yourself as unclaimed mortals questioning about immortals in an immortal establishment. You would have been executed the moment you left our sight. We did it to save your lives.”
“Bring it down a notch, Rei,” Lita scolded. “They didn't know.”
“Well what's done is done,” Mina sighed. “There is no use is crying over spilt crimson.”
Zoicite and Nephrite raised eyebrows in confusion as the other girls shook their heads. “Go with it,” Ami suggested. Her lips quirked slightly in a smile as she observed Zoicitie's caught of guard look. Mina was still Mina, wacky colloquiums and all.
Malachite sat up in a chamber and groaned. “That bitch bit me,” he exclaimed in annoyance as he grabbed the side of his neck. A quick examination showed that there was no damage.
“I thought it was kind of erotic actually,” Jadeite replied.
“Spare me the drabbling of your freaky sexual fantasies, Jadeite.”
“Well, Mr. Sunshine, while you were laid out on the floor sleeping. I have been hanging around here trying to find a way out of here and thinking.” Jadeite leaned against the wall. “Your elusive prey and my Miss Cinnamon are vampires.”
“I figured that out when Mina bit the shit out of me,” Malachite spat as he stood to his feet. “Where are we?”
“Some kind of dungeon. I think they killed us. I was here by myself a few days and then you appeared on the floor. You've been unconscious for about a week.”
Malachite's brow furrowed. He refused to accept that he was dead. It just did not seem right. “What makes you think we're dead?”
“I have seen several people come and go. None of them noticed you or me nor could I touch them. Plus I haven't slept or eaten once.”
“So what are we haunting a place we've never seen before?” Malachite asked. “That can't be right. This place is too boring to be hell.”
“Then I am out of theories,” Jadeite shrugged.
“The architecture of this dungeon is almost a thousand years old and still looks new.” Malachite walked around observing the stone walls and moulding.
“Yeah you're right. Maybe we….” Jadeite vanished.
“Jadeite!” Malachite screamed out as he rushed over to where his friend had been. Jadeite had been his only link to sanity and the real world as was gone. Maybe he would return in a few days just as Jadeite had said he did earlier. Perhaps they could only occupy this space at certain times. “What the hell is going on?” he wondered as two forms appeared in the room with him.
“Lord Llyanos, it as you feared a number of our brethren have been killed by the Hunters,” dark haired vassal informed as tall blonde man stood looking out of the window. “Was the solution that the council came up with what you hoped?”
Llyanos looked away from the window smiling though it did not reach his eyes. In fact, they reflected everything but amusement. “It was one of Eliash's better plans, provided everyone survives to carry it out.”
“I am here for you Lord Llyanos, what do you want me to do?”
“This I have to do myself, old friend,” he answered. “I do need you to continue to hold the hunters at bay while I set things right.”
“Yes, Lord Llyanos,” the vassal bowed his head. “May you return to us victorious.”
Llyanos nodded. “Victory,” he said confidently then left the room before his trusted man could read him and know he would not come back from this. The urgency of this mission did not lessen just because it meant his death. His clan needed him and he do all he could to ensure their ultimate survival.
Malachite felt himself pull in the direction that Llyanos left. He had a feeling that this was going to be a long journey.
To be continued…
© 2008 Devon Masterson-Bond 2/7/08
Sailor Moon and all affiliated characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and a whole bunch people who bought the licensure and what not. I only own the concept and characters that do not appear in the manga and/or series.