Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ How About A Cup Of Coffee? ❯ Chapter 3- Signing her soul to the Devil... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Serenity Sea

How About a Cup of Coffee?

PG-13Chapter 3

I was sick when I typed this up. You had better review.

DISCLAIMER: I own only the characters that you've never heard of. Danyelle and Alison belong to me. The obvious people do not. I don't own Starbucks or any of the drinks, but if anyone wants to give me a lifetime supply of Frap's, I'd be more than willing to accept.

DISTRIBUTION: I would be more than happy (and willing) to let anyone who wants to put this on their site. Just send me a quick email to let me know where it's going, and then post away. Because of the interesting situation I'm in at home, I cannot send you the chapters. Just do a cut and paste thing-hopefully everything that's formatted the way it is will stay that way.

I can't tell you how excited I was to see 30 reviews on this story before I went to bed last night. I was so happy, I couldn't fall asleep. And today, which was a Monday (and who doesn't hate Mondays??) was so much better because of all the reviews.

This is such a one-time deal right here. I NEVER put out chapters right after another-usually because I have no time. But I was so pleased with the results that I raced to get this one. (And I had my caramel macchito this morning… yummy!) I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes.

(You're all going to kill me when you get to the end of this one.)

So keep up the reviews and hang in there!



Setting her alarm clock for 5 AM had proved to be a wise decision. After showering and dressing in the powder blue suit Mina had selected, she had just enough time to grab a caramel Frappachino at Starbucks.

Last night, before going to bed, she had called her old boss, Alison McReigh, and told her the situation. Alison, Danyelle's older cousin, had been very understanding-and although sad to see her best employee go-told her good luck and that her morning Frappachino was on the house.

Sipping the icy drink, she expertly maneuvered her little Honda Civic into a parking spot in the visitor's lot. While she preferred flats, she could walk rather well in platforms and high heels-something she realized would probably come in handy if she accepted the job.

What do you mean, accepted? If course you're accepting the job!!


Darien had foregone his ritual at Starbucks that morning and had had his assistant, Rei, pick it up instead. Now, as he sipped the expertly ordered caffeine-for Rei was one for details-he smiled.

Revenge would be sweet.


Rei Kensington didn't take any crap from her boss. And since she let him know that, Darien had been pretty amiable.

But when he ordered her to get his coffee, she was surprised. He never let anyone else get his coffee but himself; for fear that someone would "screw it up." (He had been late on several occasions for that very reason.)

And since he practically lived on the stuff, that was something everyone wanted to avoid.

She did what he asked and got the coffee, not quite smiling when she gave it to him.

But he had a distracted smile on his face and she doubted he even noticed, anyway.

She continued typing in the chosen models' itineraries to Milan, confused when she came across a particular one. Dismissing it immediately after reading Mr. Tel's attached note, she worked on silently until someone knocked on the glass doors in front of her.

That must be the new model.


When Serena walked into the modeling building, she was buzzed straight up to the 51st floor. There, she knocked on 2 huge frosted glass doors and smiled when they opened.

Sitting at a desk was a pretty woman with very long black hair and violet eyes, typing furiously. She looked up at Serena and smiled warmly.

Serena immediately felt at ease. "Are you the boss?"

The woman laughed and stuck her hand out. "No-Rei Kensington's the name. The boss, " she paused, looking at the ominous set of black doors behind her. "The boss is another thing entirely. As you soon shall learn."

She flicked a button effortlessly and the doors opened slightly while she motioned Serena in.

"Oh, Serena?" Rei called from the desk. She found a form and a pen. "You need to sign this form. It's a 6-month contract. (AN: Anyone getting chills here??) After that time, you can re-sign on or leave. You're just obligated to do this before you see the boss-it makes it permanent."

The blonde looked confused, but crossed over to the desk and quickly filled out the form in its entirety. She hesitated slightly while er hand hovered over the signature line. Rei flashed her an encouraging smile and she signed quickly.

Why do I feel like I just made a pact with the Devil, she wondered quietly.

"The boss will see you now…"


Serena was annoyed. He could sense it, sure as the sky was blue and the grass-in most places-was green. When she walked in, he wanted his back to her, so he faced his large revolving chair towards the incredible view outside.

She obviously didn't see him in the leather-backed chair, for she started muttering.

"Some 'boss' he is. Can't even show up on time. First time in my entire life that I'm early and he-"

"-Wanted to be there to see it." Darien cut her off, slowly turning around in his chair. "Hello, Meatball Head."


I KNOW!! I KNOW! You all hate me. I'm soooooo sorry. Really I am.

(It was short, too, wasn't it? Easier on my fingers.)

Just to take your minds off the wait that will most likely ensue: What would you think of me adding some lyrics from a song into one of the later chapters. It's just that the song fits so well and… well here's the thing. I read this really great story, but the author WRECKED IT by putting in a song where there was no need for one. It was just such an eloquent piece of writing… ANYWAYZ… so if you think it would be really bad or really great just put it in your reviews. I really want to add it in.

Are you all better now? Did that take your minds off of the horrible cliffhanger? I HAD TO DO IT!!