Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ La Morte ❯ La Morte: L'as D'epee ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kon'wa minna sama,
I've got a whole nother chapter for you! And it hasn't been
months and months like I feared it would be two days ago. ^^' Well,
whatever the method, my madness ensues. Enjoy! Oh, right ^^;; I'm
supposed to tell you that I don't own Sailor Moon and to thank
Hea-Chan for her help with naming the 'Harvest Moon'. That's it for

La Morte

I know you . . .
like I know the back of my hand.
In other words, not very well.
But I feel you . . .
like I feel the world on my shoulders.
In other words, not very much.
But I long for you . . .
like my lungs long for air!
In other words, not at all.
Funny how I spent my whole life searching
but I've forgotten what I was searching for.
I think in the perfect moment,
I knew that it was you,
but now, you are forgotten just like my soul.

Chapter 2: L'as d'epee

"Richard," Serena paused. He looked at her with such hope
in his eyes. It mirrored the love that shone in Lubina's and she
wanted to slap him. 'There is no such thing as love. Love is a
fairytale, a myth, the bedtime story mothers tell their children to
make sure that they'll cooperate . . .' She grasped her hands tight
around the pole of her horse. 'I will not slap Richard' she told
herself firmly as she turned away from his eyes.
"I'm sorry Richard," she tried again "I don't feel the same way."
she said in an almost monotone voice. The carousel was beginning to
give her an overwhelming feel of vertigo, or perhaps it was her
disgust of Richard. Rising from the moving horse she stood on the
platform of the carousel waiting for her turn on the dizzying
contraption to end.
As the now gaudy noisy hulk of metal and wood slowed to a stop
Serena searched the crowd for Lita and Alan. She wondered what would
become of them. Somehow she knew that Alan was going to become a
steady part of her group. Instead of finding Lita in the crowd
Serena's attention was caught by Alan's friend Darien. He was
staring at her with intensity. Sharp blue eyes cut through the air
like daggers and caused her to shudder as she was forced to look
Brushing off the weird feeling of being familiar with his intense
stare, Serena put on a false smile and walked toward Darien. From
her peripheral vision she watched Richard straggle toward Lubina.
"So what did you think of the carousel?" Darien asked as
Serena made her way towards him. She gave a small shrug and
proceeded to stare through him.
Darien felt disconcerted as Serena focused on a point on his
forehead. Her face was so guarded he couldn't even tell what she
felt. Was she upset, sad, furious? There was no way to tell.
Darien frowned briefly before deciding that she was uncomfortable and
he should try to distract her. Taking Serena's hand Darien gently
steered her to face the midway again.
Lita watched Serena with worry. "That jerk!" she hissed as she
watched Darien guiding Serena.
"Huh?" Alan asked with surprise. "What did Dare do?"
"Not Darien," Lita frowned "Richard!" Glaring daggers at
Richard who was talking with Lubina.
"Really?" Alan asked still confused.
"I'm just sure he said something to upset her." Lita said with
disdain. "Just look how she's acting!" Lita said gesturing to
Serena and Darien. "That's not the same girl who charms so many
people on WBSH!"
Alan nodded. "Is there something we could do for her?" he
paused eying Lubina.
Lita frowned in thought. "Come to think of it, a friend of mine
just opened a speakeasy last night and I promised Raye that I would
drop by to show her some tricks about mixing drinks." Lita smiled
with embarrassment. "Lets go now, and take Lubina AND Richard with
us?" Lita motioned Lubing and Richard toward her.
"That sounds like a good idea." Alan said as Lubina reached
"What's a good idea?" Lubina interrupted.
"I wanted the four of us to go visit Raye over at Harvest
Moon." Lita said with her eyes glued on Serena and Darien. She hoped
Lubina would get the message.
"Oh . . ." Lubina said as she noticed Lita's intense stare.
"Well, let's wish Sere a happy birthday and then we'll be off."
Lubina cheerfully suggested.
Lita nodded and began walking over to Serena and Darien.
A loud "Serena!" jolted her out of the awkward silence she
and Darien had lapsed into. Perhaps awkward wasn't the word for it
because to her the quiet seemed quite normal. Silence had been a
staple in her life for over a decade now and she sometimes wondered
how people like Lubina and Richard survived. . . always having to
find something dull to talk about.
"Serena?" Lita questioned as she watched her friends eyes go
a typical glassy blue.
"Sere." Lubina said while putting a cool gloved hand on her
bare shoulder. "Sere, darling, Lita promised that we would go help
Raye back at the club, but that's no reason for you not to enjoy the
rest of your day. So happy birthday my darling! I'll see you later
at the club?" Serena mindlessly nodded as she felt Lubina give her a
warm hug. She wondered if Lubina truly believed in love . . .
"Happy Birthday Serena." Lita said enthusiastically
grabbing Richard and Alan's arms before anything else could be said.
"Let's go guys! We're going to be so late!"
Serena's glassy expression remained as she watched her
friends and their escorts walk down the midway.
"Have you ever been in a house of mirrors?" Darien asked
politely as he tried to lead return Serena to reality. 'I wonder
where she goes when she gets that look.'
Serena shook her head. "No, I've never really been one for
carnivals." she smiled sadly. She had loved carnivals a long time
ago, but that seemed like another life time, a life she could never
return to . . .
Darien smiled at Serena. She was looking sad again and he
had hoped that getting away from Richard would cheer her up.
Something else was wrong now. Perhaps he should change the subject?
Maybe she wanted to leave Luna Park all together. There was a nice
art exhibit in the Metropolitan Art Museum this month. Perhaps they
should go there instead? 'Stop it Dare, you're thinking to much!' he
chided himself all the while holding a concerned gaze on Serena.
"Darien?" Serena asked uncertainly.
"Hmm?" he said thoughtfully.
"Nothing you just stopped walking so I was wondering if you
were all right." she said.
'Oh I'm quite all right, I'm just wracking my brain trying
to please you' he thought. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was trying to remember
where the house of mirrors is." he replied.
"You've been here before then?" she asked as they resumed
"Yes, I come here quite often, actually. I don't know what
it is, but something just draws me back to Luna." He glanced at the
spinning cups and shook his head. Smiling he said "Want to know my
deepest darkest secret?"
Serena nodded noting the spark of playfulness in his eyes.
"I'm deathly afraid of those spinning cups over there. Ever
since I was a child I've absolutely refused to ride them" he grinned.
"That's a secret?" she said amused. "Well, I'll happily add
that I loathe roller coasters AND carousels" she sighed. Perhaps she
hadn't hated carousels before, but now they seemed fanciful and
useless, not to mention her final carousel experience was yet another
antithesis of true love: one more fact she would forever remind
herself of if she ever considered falling in love.
"Hmm. Well now that we know each others deepest darkest
secrets, I think its safe for us to go into Luna's famous house of
mirrors." Darien gestured to a gigantic southern style mansion
complete with a large blue floored porch and large carved pillars.
Serena's mind drifted from the large columned building that
they were in front of to a marble balcony she knew much better. The
pillars were that same creamy white color with the convex paneling.
She could almost see his face again and she began to wonder, would he
ever come? Would she ever be saved from her nightly dream? A place
that was void of good and evil, yet somehow tormented her. She was
twenty-four now. A whole year older and she still hadn't found him.
She should have given up by now, anything past eighteen had been too

Too long and too painful. Those eyes in her dream grew more
distant every night and she wondered if soon she would be all alone
in her dreams again. Not that it would bother her. Those eyes held
love for her in them, something she could never return. Not now.
Not after the day her ideas of love had been crushed . . .
"I'm home!" Kenneth Livingston shouted as he walked
into the door of his large Tudor home. He waited for his wife and
daughter to come greet him. Instead he heard muffled sobs coming
from somewhere in the house.
"Ilene? Ilene! Where are you?" the somewhat anxious
man yelled as he bounded through the foyer and into the parlor.
Still hearing his wife's sobs, Kenneth continued his search.
Reaching the living room, he found his wife curled up in a ball on
the sofa. Her chiffon gown was wrinkling as she rocked herself back
and forth.
"Ilene?" he asked softly.
Instead of responding to her husband, Ilene's sobs grew
louder and her body shook with her sadness.
"What's wrong honey? I'm sorry I'm late, I had to work extra
again tonight. This commission should be done soon enough, and then
I promise I'll have more time for our family."
Ilene looked up, her soft brown eyes dulled by her hurt.
"Don't lie, Kenneth. I know." she said softly.
"Know what?" he asked with concern.
"About Linda. I know." she sobbed.
"No." he said, his voice thick with emotion and somewhat
over sensitive due to the alcohol.
"How long?" she asked, her voice still soft from the pain.
"Ilene, please, let me explain . . ." Kenneth said his eyes
begging for her understanding.
"HOW LONG?" she screamed as she beat her hands into the sofa.
"Please, Ilene, it was a mistake, and it's over now."
Kenneth said softly. "I wish I'd never done it, but I have now, and
it's over. It's my sin." He paused as tears began to build in his
eyes. "It was an awful mistake, and I'm truly sorry."
Ilene took in a deep breath and stood to stare her husband
in the face. "Just tell me this, Kenneth" she said with anger and
hurt apparent in her tone.
"Am I another one of your little mistakes, or did I ever mean
anything to you?" she asked angrily. "Did you ever plan to remain
faithful to this marriage, or have you been cheating the whole time?"
she asked as she ripped her wedding ring off her finger.
"Because if this has all been a lie, I WANT A DIVORCE!"
Ilene screamed at the shocked man before her.
"Please, Ilene. No, our marriage is very important to me!
I . . . I . . . I love"
A loud slap hit Kenneth on the jaw. "You divorced me the
moment you got into a bed with that . . . that . . . whore!" Ilene
shouted as she glared at her husband.
"Please, love. I'm so very sorry. You're the most important
thing in my life. Don't let this destroy our marriage." he said
softly as he clenched her wedding ring in his hand.
"You beast!" Ilene shouted as she began pummeling her fists
into his chest. "Don't let this destroy our marriage, you say?
Don't let this . . . but . . . you . . . already . . . KILLED IT!"
Ilene shouted as she burst out into tears again.
This was the sight that four year old Serena Livingston saw
as she found the source of all commotion in the house.
"No Mommy! Please, leave Daddy alone!" the little girl
cried, her long blond hair streaming behind her as she ran towards
her arguing parents.
"Go back to bed Sere" the girls mother said softly.
"No! Not until you promise not to hurt Daddy again!" the
girl stated with tears in her eyes.
"Mommy's not going to hurt me, darling. We're just talking."
the man said, nursing his bruised jaw.
Ilene nodded in agreement with her husband. "Please go to
sleep darling. Mommy and daddy will be up to tuck you in a little
while." she said with a soft smile and a peck on the forehead.
Serena gave a reluctant whimper and then turned back towards
the stairs.
Kenneth watched his daughter retreat up the stairs and
momentary pride wash over him before he was pummeled with dread. If he
couldn't soothe his wife's pain, he hated to think what would happen
to his daughter . . .
They needed to get out of the house. At least if they were
going to argue they could shield their daughter from it. "Ilene? I
know you're very upset, but please listen to me for a second. We
need to talk about this. Please give me a chance to talk with you.
Let's go for a drive." Kenneth pleaded.
Ilene stared at him for a moment before nodding, wiping the last of
her tears away from her eyes.
He sighed as he felt the cool night air. He looked over at Ilene
and watched her shiver, but they needed to talk, and they needed to
do it where it wouldn't hurt their daughter. Opening the trunk of
the car Kenneth cranked the engine and then went to start the car.
He listened to the loud rumble of the engine and the sniffles of his
wife as he pulled out of their long driveway.
"How long?" she finally asked breaking the relative silence.
"Once." Kenneth said with a sigh. "I only made that
mistake once."
"Why?" she continued.
"I . . . don't know."
"Why?" she asked again.
"She seduced me, and I was drunk." Kenneth admitted in defeat.
"Does our marriage mean so little to you?" she began.
"Please Ilene. I love you, I love our daughter. Think about
Serena. She won't understand any of this. I may be an idiot, and
you may be hurt, but we need to survive this for her!" he said
"As much as I loathe you right now, Kenneth Livingston,
Serena is not a very good reason. I love Serena, but I wouldn't
dream of forcing her to live in a home without love." Ilene replied
"But I do love you Ilene. With all of my heart. Please!"
he said as he began to pay more attention to her and less to the road.
"I want to believe you, but it's going to take some time.
You've broken my heart. It hurt even worse that I found out from
Linda and not from you." Ilene choked back her tears.
"Whatever it takes, please Ilene I love you." Kenneth said
with a sob.
Ilene's eyes met Kenneth's brown ones and she forced her
eyes away. "I . . . KENNETH WATCH OUT!" she screamed. She watched
in horror as the car sped toward solid rock.
Jumping with his wife's shout Kenneth jerked the wheel and
lost control of the car. He gasped as he saw what was going to
happen. They were going to slam into the wall. He should have been
paying more attention. Pressing the break pad as far as it would go
Kenneth prayed that they would be all right.
Ilene shut her eyes tightly and reached for Kenneth's hand.
They were going to die. "Kenneth, I love . . ." she whispered just
before the car collided into the rock of the mountainside.
The only answering sound was the loud explosion of the
engine as the car began to burn. Kenneth and Ilene died instantly.
Serena sighed. She was thinking about that again. She
turned to Darien who was looking at her expectantly. 'He must have
said something.' Smiling sweetly she said "I'm sorry, what did you
She wasn't listening again. She had been distant and
melancholy all day and it made him wonder why he was still here.
What was to keep him from just walking away? Sure, she was
captivating, but was it worth being ignored over? Sadly, yes, she
was worth that. Something about her just seemed too right and too
familiar for him to give up on. "It's not really important what I
asked. I think we can go in now." he gestured to the uniformed man
holding the mirror encrusted door open for them.
The sudden darkness brought her mind out of its contemplation
and alerted her senses. Her friends wondered why she seldom went out
any longer. Perhaps it was because her mind always drifted back to
her dream. It was even getting harder to work . . .
As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she glanced at the
intricate designs in the wooden flooring. All of the planks met to
form star bursts. The whole floor was starbursts of silver, gold,
and blue. Mirrors lined the hall and the edges of the mirrors were
etched with patterns of flowers and curly cues. Glancing up she saw
that the ceiling was navy with glittering stars and moons on it.
Darien smiled. "This is actually quite a nice house of
mirrors" he observed casually. They continued walking down the
mirrored corridor and towards the first room. "Actually I suppose
it's more like a mansion than a house . . ." he trailed off noting
that Serena wasn't listening to him anyway. He heard the door they
had entered through shut softly.
Serena was studying her reflection in the large room they had
entered. All four walls were made of mirror and the whole room was
filled with reflections of its self. Three Serena's echoed the true
Serena watching four of herself and him in the mirror an infinite
number of times. Darien smiled. "To know yourself is to glimpse
eternity." he said softly as his eyes searched the room for an exit.
His eyes finally landed on a handle in the floor and Darien went over
to it and pulled to reveal a trap door.

"How'd you know where to look?" she asked in amazement.
Darien pointed to some golden cursive on the ceiling. "This
whole place is like a giant riddle. Just look for the clues to help
Serena looked up to see what Darien had said earlier written
above her head.
"Well, shall we be going?" he asked as he gestured to the
stairway beneath them. He gave her a smile and taking her hand to
help her down the first step said "Ladies first."
Serena returned his smile and took her first step into
darkness, then freeing herself of Darien's hand which seemed to
comfortable, she searched for some sort of handrail. Finding a cool
metal rail she took slow steps into the darkness.
Darien took a few steps down remembering to shut the door
above him and was rewarded with light. He glanced at the plain white
walls trimmed with plaster decorations near the ceiling and hurried
down the blue-carpeted stairs.
Reaching an archway into the next room, Serena leaned
against it waiting for Darien. Rubbing her hand against the inside
of the arch she was surprised to feel something carved in the wood.
Ducking under the arch she read 'It's like finding a needle in a
Darien smiled as he walked past Serena. "It's like finding
a needle in a haystack, right?" he asked her with a confident grin.
"So just how many times have you been in here Mr. Reynaud?"
she teased.
Raising an eyebrow Darien smirked. "That's another one of
my deep dark secrets Miss Livingston. If I told you how long it took
me to solve this place OR how many times I revisited it afterwards
you'd think me a fool, and I've never met a lady who thought me a
fool." he gave her another charming grin and motioned for her to
follow him.
"So what does that riddle mean Darien?" Serena asked as she
looked around. The room was a maze of mirrors. Staring at her
reflection she noticed that the mirror was a trick mirror. "Well,
this is no good!" she said with disdain.
"Hmm?" Darien turned from the corridor of mirrors back to Serena.
"This mirror makes me shorter than I already am!" she said
unhappily. "Certainly I don't wear heels to be this short!"
Darien smiled as he walked toward her. Looking down to her
head he said "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you truly are
that short."
"Oh, you!" Serena exclaimed before stalking toward the next
mirror. "Really, I'm not that short, I'd imagine it's just that
you're too tall!" she exclaimed walking further into the maze.
"Especially in this mirror." she added leaning against a mirror that
reflected tall instead of short images. She let out a yelp as the
mirror slid backwards and she hit the floor. Staring back at a mirrored reflection
of herself on the ceiling she sighed.
"Oh my!" Darien exclaimed as he found Serena rising from the
floor. "I should have explained that clue a little better. The
trick mirrors that shorten are the haystacks and the lengthening ones
are the needles. Sorry!" Darien said as he helped her up. "Actually
this should be more interesting from now on, because I've never been
this way before."
"Oh really?" Serena teased as she walked into the next
darkened room. "And here I thought Mr. Reynaud had mastered ALL of
this place."
"Apparently I was mistaken, dear lady. Now I suggest we
look for the clue." he teased with a smirk.
Serena smiled. "I believe your standing on it, my good
sir." She gestured to the floor that said in large gold block
letters 'Things are not always what they seem'.
Taking a step closer to Serena Darien smiled. Looking down
at her golden head and delicate features he murmured "But that is
where you are mistaken, my dearest lady. I am standing on a mirror.
The writing is on the ceiling." Darien gestured to the inverted
letters above their head.
Serena's light blue eyes shot up but instead of finding the
letters on the ceiling she was caught in Darien's intense gaze.
Taking a step back and shutting her eyes for a moment Serena sighed.
"That's all well and good, but what does it mean?" she asked finally.
Darien gestured to the three doors at the end of the hall.
"Expect the unexpected I suppose."
"Well the door on the left is too big, the one on the right
is too small, and the one in the center looks too normal."
"How much would you wager that something is wrong with the
middle door then?" Darien asked as he raised his eyebrow.
Serena shook her head. "You try the really large door and
I'll try the normal one."
"Sure leave the man to do a giant's job!" Darien shouted
playfully as Serena walked towards the center door. Crossing his
arms over his chest when Serena ignored him he sighed. "Yes Ma'am
I'll get right on that." "Good" he heard her reply. Reaching the
door he was surprised to see that it's size was an optical illusion.
The door was actually normal size, but it was locked. Darien jiggled
at the golden handle a few times before turning around in defeat.
"Well what do you know. Mine's locked." Serena reported
"Mine too. It must be that third door. I hope it's another
optical illusion like this one." Darien replied walking over to the
small door.
"Shall we find out then?" Serena asked walking up behind him.
"As the lady wishes." Darien agreed stepping beyond the
illusion. "Hmm there's no door, I suppose you're stuck in here with
me forever." he announced mischievously.
"Oh?" Serena asked as she also stepped beyond the illusion.
"Well, no, but don't I wish that were true?" Darien asked
softly catching her eyes.
They were the same blue eyes they had always been . . . and
her mind riveted with the knowledge refusing to let her pull away.
Finally forcing her eyes shut she let out the breath she had
forgotten she was holding. "Shall we continue?" Serena asked, acting
as if once again nothing had happened.
Darien cleared his throat. "Oh, of course." He opened the
door and peered through to the next room.
Serena gasped in amazement. The room was . . . splendid,
huge, magnificent and so many other words that her mind was swimming
with it. Light music floated through the air and she looked over to
a corner to see an orchestra of empty chairs. It was as if they had
their own private ball. She glanced down at the floor and stared at
the polished white marble, then looking up she saw a splendid crystal
chandelier and a ceiling of mirror. 'How lovely,' she thought
'mirrors so that you can see yourself dancing.'
Darien smiled as he watched the cool and bewitching siren's
face morph to that of an enchanted girl. Something or someone had
changed her for the worse and it would be his job to undo that if he
were truly to keep her. Beneath all of the sophistication and pain
that the world had laid upon her there was a girl and she was
innocent and beautiful. His own angel, if he could keep her this
way . . .
Tapping her on the shoulder Darien gave a deep bow from the
waist "May I have this dance, my lady?" he asked with a smile. He
was rewarded with a giggle and a smile that lit up her eyes. 'So
beautiful.' he noted absorbing everything about this suddenly changed
She curtsied and put her hand in his. Reaching up to put an
arm around his shoulder she sighed as his arm engulfed her waist.
She found herself doing a slow waltz to the music and giggling, her
head resting on his chest. 'Why is this so familiar?' she wondered
as she let her feet take control.
It was like something from a dream, their light steps around that
magical ballroom. One might suspect that this was Luna's intent,
making a room so perfect as to fulfill one's wildest dreams. Whatever
the case, watching herself and Darien spin on the ceiling was like
reliving her dreams.

Perhaps dreams are like memories that are yet to occur. As
time rushes on and on we make up for our losses through our dreams.
Something of a subconscious cry for things to go just as we plan them.
Or maybe a soul so disillusioned with love was finally breaking free.
So in love with the mere idea of being in love that it broke free
from it's prison. Whatever the case, that one perfect moment in time
surpassed every dream that either Serena or Darien had ever had.
That one fleeting moment was to become an eternity that they would
call on over and over again, perfection. But perfection is another
impossible dream, designed to be crushed with all the other
frivolities like dreams and love . . .

Serena watched the couple on the ceiling content to be in the
moment. As she watched them, they began to change. No longer was
she watching herself in her blue gown spinning around the floor with
Darien in his deep blue suit. Above them an elegant couple dance to
outshine them. The girl danced in a white frilly gown her two
streamers of hair twirling about as she and the tuxedo clad man spun
with an unearthly grace. Serena watched as the couple turned and she
longed for it. That was the man from her dreams . . .
Pulling away from Darien Serena let out a sigh. She had
almost made a mistake. There was no point in ever getting that close
to him. Even if they were friends she did not want to become
anything more.
Darien stared at Serena as she transformed again. Once again
the siren had become cool and aloof. His innocent girl had fled the
ballroom in fear. He stared down at the ballroom floor in
disappointment to see the next clue beneath his feet. "Every cloud
has a silver lining." he read almost bitterly. How perceptive that
was. Serena had a silver lining, but it was so elusive that it would
take a miracle to find it again. He shook his head, 'If it takes an
eternity, I will win back that beautiful girl I was dancing with
moments before.'
"What?" Serena asked nervously. Then glancing down at
Darien's feet she saw the clue. "Oh." She looked around the room.
There were a series of archways on the far wall. "I guess one of
those arches is the exit, hmm?"
Darien nodded. Who really cared anyway?
Serena hurried off towards one of the arches. "Hmm this one
Seems to be lined with silver pain, but there's nothing behind it."
she announced.
Darien walked to the arch next to hers and looked under it.
It also had a silver underside. "I think we're looking for the arch
without a silver lining . . . just a hunch."
Serena nodded. "That sounds reasonable."
Sighing, Darien walked down to the furthest arch. 'Just
keep on telling yourself you're not frustrate by how she is. Maybe
you can pretend that you don't miss the girl who was here instead of
this sophisticated lie, but . . .'
'Just be quiet. It's not like arguing with yourself will get
you anywhere, Dare. You're gonna have to wear her down. Sooner or
later, that girl is bound to slip out again, and when she does . . .
never let her go.' He stared blankly above his head to see a blue
"Found it." he shouted. He looked closer at the archway.
Tiny gold writing at the top of the arch said 'It's always darkest
just before the sun comes out.' He shuddered. 'Nice advice.' he
thought bitterly.
"This arch is just as dark as all of the others. You don't
really think it leads anywhere?" she asked skeptically staring into
the murky darkness.
"Only one way to find out" he said taking her hand.
Serena frowned as he held her hand in his. His grip was
tight like vice and she could not get her hand away from his.
She finally gave up trying and tried to see where they were going.
As she felt along the cool wall next to her she tried to sense if
they were coming up on a wall. She heard a clicking noise and the
world was a bright white with children laughing and calliopes playing
gay music once more . . .
"Let's go Darien. I think I'm tired out for the day."
Serena said with an apologetic smile.
"Oh" Darien tried to mask his disappointment. "Sure." he
steered her back towards the ferry.
Silvery wisps blew swiftly backwards as they reformed into
white fluffy clouds. The setting sun edged back up towards the
middle of the sky and the waters of time churned with confusion once
more. As walking backward was suddenly natural, she found herself
seated at the gypsy's table once more . . .
Setsuna's hand came to rest on the second card. It wasn't
too late. She could stop the event before it was flung into motion.
She knew that she could save this blond haired child. She wanted to
do it anyway. Single-handedly she could take the wheel of destiny
and throw it off of a cliff, but, was that really such a good idea?
Could she really change destiny for the sake of one woman, an
insignificant child? Would that be fair to all of the others? No.
It would not be fair. No. She would not refuse fate's will. She
had to continue telling this fortune.
She stared calmly at the remaining eight cards. Perhaps the
first card was the only bad one. She truly wouldn't know until the
fortune was told and if the girl was cautious it could still be all
right. Catching the blond haired woman's eyes she flipped over the
second card.
One lone sword glittered in the moonlight. The Ace of Swords.
She let out a relieved sigh. Thank the maker it was in her past.
So she had met adversity face to face and surmounted it. Obviously
so, she was still here.
"This card is the Ace of Sword." Setsuna said as she caught
the blonde's pale blue eyes once again. "You are to be commended.
Your fortitude paid off and here you are. Just remember child, don't
let mountains that you have already climbed get in your way. The
past is the past, but it is not the present, nor is it your future.
Leave the past where it belongs."
Setsuna watched her eyes carefully. Would she hear the true
message the cards wanted her to hear? No, probably not. She was a
skeptic. A wounded child turned icy block of disbelief. What sick
pleasure did the fates get from this death warrant?
"So, could I give you a ride home?" Darien asked gently as
they walked off of the ferry.
Serena paused smoothing the imaginary dust off of her dress.
"Actually, I'd prefer to walk." she said softly. Noticing that
Darien was about to protest she decided to clarify further. "I'm
rather not fond of automobiles. They still seem a bit frightening to
me." she explained as she studied the cracks in the bricks of the
"Oh" Darien replied with obvious relief. She wasn't just
trying to avoid him. He still had a chance with her. "Well then,
could I walk you home?" he asked hopefully.
Serena smiled. He was persistent, but . . . "It's rather
far, but if you enjoy walking, then I'd be glad for your company."
she smiled.
Darien smiled again. There was hope for him after all.
Things were always darkest before the sun came out. "So, when can I
see you again?" he asked hopefully.
The silence that answered him was astounding. The entire
city awaited her answer. The entire city was disappointed. Darien
sighed. He would keep on working for this. It was worth it.
A ceaseless voyager, the sun continued its inevitable path
towards death. Fading from vibrant reds and oranges to telltale
purples and blues, the sun fell off the edge of the earth. Wisps of
silver scattered above as deep blue skies cradled the twinkling stars
and the luminous moon.
The walk hadn't been entirely disappointing. After all he
knew her address now. He could send her roses, watch her window,
become her stalker. Darien sighed. He would not become her stalker.
Just because he loved her at first sight and still had to free the
girl that could love from her didn't mean he would become her stalker.
He's have to be a little less obvious.
"Thank you for walking me home." Serena said softly as she
backed away from him.
"I don't even get to kiss you goodbye?" he said with false
disappointment. He knew she wouldn't allow that.
Serena stared at him like a deer in the headlights of a
train. Taking her hand with a smile he gave her a small dry peck.
"That wasn't so bad, now was it?" he asked with a grin.
"Well, I'm sure I'll see you again Miss Livingston." Darien gave a
smile, a bow, and then he turned walking back the way he had come.
Serena sighed. He was . . . but she . . . Shaking her head
she opened the main door to her apartments and walked past the
security guard.
"Good evening Miss Livingston and congratulations!" the
security guard smiled at her.
Serena smiled and walked towards the lift. She'd probably
find out what he was congratulating her for tomorrow. Now she was
tired. Too much exposure to the emotions she had been trying so hard
to avoid had exhausted her.
Yawning Serena stepped out of the lift and walked to her
apartment. Unlocking her white wooden door, Serena let out a scream
of shock.


Sooo, what do you think? ^_~ Yes I know I asked this last time too.
I've been kinda uncertain lately. As of two days ago I was ready to
throw La Morte under an oncoming Marta train and scream with joy as
Atlanta's public transit system destroyed it. Then I got over my
writers block only to have my feelings hurt by someone on SMRFF. We
won't go into that, but here's the deal. I appreciate all of the
feedback I've been receiving for this story. It makes me happy to
know that you guys like it, but I've had my blinders removed and
realized that maybe some of you are 'just being nice'. If minna likes
this fic, I will continue writing it. If minna is 'just being nice',
I may stop sharing it, though I'm not going to stop writing it. So
here's how this is going to work. If you want to continue seeing La
Morte just let me know you like it. On FFN that's pretty easy, just
leave a review or IM me. If I get good response from FFN I'll keep
posting it there and at Lady Spring's site. As for other groups I'm
in (namely SMRFF) I don't want to clutter your boxes with something
you have no interest in so please tell me if you want this story or
if I should stop sending it. Regardless of all of this I will
continue posting this at my site. All right that's my little rant
and I'm sticking to it.
Ja Ne,
Bejiin Ripley
A IM: Bejiin