Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Mercury Mask ❯ An Angel Without Wings ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

(A/N: Now where did I leave off…oh yes…Amanda was about to have a sword shoved through her head!!!! We'll see about that…)

Mercury Mask
Chapter 8
"An Angel Without Wings"

Scene I

JJ's sword hit the glass of the wall not more than what seemed like a millimeter to Amanda who was staring wide-eyed at JJ.
"Why kill you now, when I can torture you later? You live this time, but I know where you sleep. One day you might wake up to find yourself staring down at your own body." With a small popping noise both Olivius and JJ disapparated.
The CNA scouts detransformed on the spot and Piper cautiously walked toward Amanda. Amanda was still staring wide-eyed straight ahead of her. She had a look of terror on her face. Frankly, most of the scouts were bewildered at what had happened in the last ten minutes. Piper set her hand down on Amanda's shoulder. Venessa looked like she was going to cry, "Four, that's four of them…and after Wei…and one of our own..." Venessa had tears rolling down her cheeks. The Scouts noticed the rest of the little girl did too.
Serena wasn't the most clueless in the room for once. She was unconsciously pointing at Amanda and sort of absent-mindedly saying, "You're, you're…" she seemed to realize what she was doing pointed more towards Piper and said, "And I've seen you--at the Fruit Parlor, talking to--Trista!"
Piper took her hand off Amanda's shoulder and said, "Is it a crime to talk to my own mother now? And as for the rest of you, we didn't forget what you did two weeks ago. I'm surprised JJ even convinced you to come."
Amanda's head perked up at the sound of JJ's name. She started walking towards the elevator, and the power came back on.
Scene II

All of the Sailor Scouts were sitting around outside of Raye's bedroom, including the CNA girls. Amanda seemed to not be listening to the questions that were being asked of her. She still seemed as spacey as she had been earlier that day (it's only like 6:00). "Leave her alone you guys, it's hard enough losing your best friend, but even harder on your birthday." Darien seemed to be acting extra nice to her. He's already nice to her but this was like whipped cream and a cherry on top.
"It's okay, just ask one at a time…maybe I can answer all of them," Amanda said quietly.
Serena went first, "Okay, so if you're not some annoying little brat that shows up out of no where, sort of like Rini did then who are you?"
"Nice analogy, Serena, I bet Rini would like that if she was here but I think she went to visit home for today. Anyway, I'm Amanda, Amanda Urawa. If you'll recall, I believe Darien so kindly dropped a slight hint to you guys a few months ago. Before I told who I was, he thought I was a long lost sister of Greg's. But I am his daughter, his and Amy's to be exact. Surprisingly Amy is much more likeable than my own mother, I have often wondered what on Earth happened to her to make her so…I can't even think of a word to describe her! I believe you also already know that I am Sailor Mariner, I'm the leader of the CNA, ahem, not 'CIA', but you already knew that, or so I was told. And yes, today is my birthday; I was a birthday present to my mother. Alright next question."
Amara seemed to be having a staring contest with Ursula, either that or they were loathing each other. Michelle was amused by this but asked anyway, "Well, if you're Amy's daughter, then who are they?" She gestured towards the CNA girls who were sitting in the wet grass.
"They are my fellow scouts, the CNA, the Children of the New Age. The 'New Age' meaning Crystal Tokyo, our home, and also the Solar Imperial Millenium, what will hopefully be not a thousand years of peace but a thousand years a prosperous times in our world. Anyway, they are also your future children. I'm pretty sure they've been practicing all of this…"
All of the girls stood up, none of them smiling. They all sighed in unison, and then Marie stepped forward, "I am Marie Kumada, the Princess of Mars, and also Sailor Phobos."
She stepped back and Venessa stepped forward, "I am Venessa Giorgianno (this is Antonio's last name), the Princess of Venus, and also Sailor Hesperus."
Once again she stepped back and another stepped forward, "I am Julia Shinozaki, Princess of Jupiter, and Sailor Callisto."
"I am Ursula Tenou, the Princess of Uranus, and Sailor Titania."
"I am Nell Tenou, the Princess of Neptune, and Sailor Triton." This caused a few awkward glances at Amara and Michelle. Then stares towards the two, *ahem* absolutely identical twins. Both had shoulder-blade length, straight teal hair. Not to mention they were wearing basically the same thing, except for color. (FAAAREEEEEAAAKYYYYYY!!!!)
"I am Piper Meiou, the Princess of Pluto, and Sailor Charon."
"I'm Thabrina Yoru, the Princeth of Thaturn and Thailor Dione, but I'm not like them." She pointed her friends (keep in mind she's only three years old...she has the most adorable lisp!.) "I don't have magic powerth."
"They're not always a gift Sabrina, they can be a burden." Piper said encouragingly.
"Well then, next question please?"
This time it was Greg, "Who was JJ?"
Amanda winced at the question, "I was afraid you'd ask this question, but however hard it is for me it must be answered. 'JJ', Juzo Furuhata, is my best friend. We have been friends for a long, long time. Like myself, he is a knight in training, and very athletic at that. We could fight each other for hours in martial arts or a duel and there would never be a victor. And yes, to the expression on your faces, he is Andrew and Rita's son. Sorry to burst your bubble. And to the expression on Marie's face-wipe it off, before I put you under a Cruciatus curse."
Marie stopped smirking and shrugged, "You know exactly what I'm thinking and it's so true. When are you two gonna stop beating around the bush and get together?"
Amanda blushed and turned her nose up at her, "I have no love interest at all in him. Plus, I don't see why he'd even want to go out with me, I'm not very pretty, or talented at that. The only things I'm good at are things that young ladies shouldn't do."
Marie let out a snort of laughter and said sarcastically, "Yeah, sure."
"Any more questions?"
"Why didn't you tell us in the first place?" Amara asked, after getting over the shock of Nell and Ursula.
"Um, that is sort of hard to explain. I was supposed to test you, and gain your trust, without you knowing who I am. But it didn't really work, I guess because some of you found me as a threat, for whatever reason that may be." Amanda made a sorrowful glance to Serena, who immediately looked away. "And for reference to those who thought that, 'truthful apologies and meaningful forgiveness are the only real signs of bravery'. Of course they are also chivalrous, and maybe that's why I believe it, me and my stupid knight morals."
"So when you asked to train with us, you weren't kidding? It was because you're a real knight?" Chad asked curiously.
"I'm not a knight yet, I have two more exams, one on October the twenty-sixth and one on March the twenty-eighth I believe. That is if I'm there for either of them. But yes, I am a knight in training, and no, I wasn't kidding about training with you guys, I cannot be out of shape if I'm allowed to go home for the Olympics. The entire team would be so mad at me for being so irresponsible."
This conversation had seemed to drift from the subject of Olivius and Amanda was glad for it. "Who's your instructor? I remember ours in the Moon Kingdom, he was really hard on us, we never got to go home, and when we did it wasn't for very long." Ken remarked rather gravely.
"More or less? Darien. But you know his real name, at least as a prince, is Endymion. And we do what he says, but without some of the things he taught us I probably couldn't do this." Amanda stood up and raised her arms in the air. She jumped up, flipped over and vaulted off the ground with her hands did a mid-air somersault, and landed flat on her face.
Serena burst out laughing, everyone else tried to not laugh, out of respect of what she had been through that night. Amanda up-righted herself and stared at Serena. Her face was red with rage, and she had hot tears streaming down her face. She was breathing very hard and was advancing on Serena who presently stopped her laughter. Amanda held one of her hands like she was going to hit Serena, and then lightning sparks started jumping from one of her fingertips to the next.
"You couldn't do that right so what are you laughing at?! Look here Miss Princess of the Moon, there are a lot of things that life is gonna teach you in the next ten years. I know every single one of them. I know every embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you, like when you were giving birth to Rini you practically broke Endymion's hand; or the time when you worked at the grocery store and you let the guy go without paying and then you got fired! I could share every one of them and humiliate you in front of your friends. So don't you dare laugh at me when I make a foot fault and land wrong in a flip after I've been through seeing my best friend put under an Imperius Curse then taken away to God knows where!" Serena felt horrible, Amanda could have that affect on people when it was really needed. Serena was staring at the ground; she didn't need to look at Amanda's face to know she was crying. Amanda dropped to the ground in front of Serena. She put her arms around her knees and cried into her arms.
Greg heard Piper say something to Maige, "She must really being taking this hard if she's actually crying in front of other people. She didn't even do that when her canary died, she just baked, that's all she ever does when she's depressed."
"I told you she really cares about him," Marie said innocently. Maige just nodded and kept watching what was happening.
Serena had tears rolling down her cheeks, she wanted to say "I'm sorry," but couldn't find her voice. Darien started towards her to tell her to just say it but when Amanda heard footsteps her tear streaked face popped up from under her arms and she said, "Don't you even start in on this! This is between her and I! You have been nothing but nice to me since I got here, I'm grateful for it, but this we are going to settle on our own!"
Darien stepped back and shrugged his shoulders. Amanda stood up now even though she still had tears running down her face and she felt sick. She was breathing sort of funny, like when you cry for a real long time you feel sort of out of breath. She turned to everyone else and said like Luna would, "This meeting is adjourned." And she started to walk away, but Serena grabbed her shoulder. Amanda said jokingly, "What? You want to fight me now?"
Serena took in a deep breath and rolled her eyes to the side and asked quietly, "Do you want to spend the night at my house?" Amanda looked mortally shocked and even more tears started rolling down her face. Everyone else looked as shocked as Amanda and whispers flew to one person to another.
"Uh-um-I-I mean yes." Amanda stammered.
Scene III

Serena and Amanda walked silently down the streets of Minato-Ku. About a block from her house Serena stopped and said, "Wait."
Amanda stopped and turned around to face Serena. Serena looked a little nervous, which made Amanda feel insecure. "I just wanted to say this before we got to my house. So I'm sorry for doubting you, I go after every girl that even looks at Darien when I'm with him. But I'm also sorry that I laughed at you when you fell, I'm used to being able to do that with my friends, because, well, things like that happen and it was sort of funny."
"Had it been a different situation than the current one it probably would have been fine. I make mistakes like most people, I wasn't concentrating; I fell. It was funny; you laughed. I just have a lot of emotions flying through me right now. So I forgive you. And I'm sorry for threatening you."
"You're forgiven," Serena said with a smile. And they walked on to Serena's house.
Once inside the door, Serena yelled, "I'm home!" And Ikuko came out of the kitchen and she looked quite cross. "Where on Earth have you been Missy? It's nearly seven o'clock, and you didn't even call!"
"I-uh," Serena started. Amanda knew Serena couldn't lie very well and Amanda quickly said, "She was at the shrine with me, I was helping her with math homework. I'm sorry I should've thought to have her call you Mrs. Tsukino."
"Oh, alright then, but next time call. Your name is Amanda? You're one of Sammy's friends, right? Sammy! Amanda's here!" Amanda hit herself in the forehead and shook her head.
Serena sighed and said, "Actually she's with me Mom. Do you mind if she spends the night?"
"No, I don't but don't make a total mess in your room, you just cleaned it."
Ikuko went back to the kitchen and Sammy came downstairs, "Hi, Amanda, what are you doing here?"
Amanda bent down and slipped her shoes off, then she stood up and said, "Never mind, I'm spending the night with Serena."
Serena and she started for the stairs when Sammy said suspiciously, "I thought you two hated each other?"
"We did," Serena said.
Amanda went to the bottom of the stairs where he was standing and said quietly so Serena couldn't hear, "Stay out of this Sammy, for your own good. I don't want to lose another friend. I know, that you know, why I'm here. And this is between your sister and I."
"Oh, that, are you one of them?"
"In a strange and twisted way I am." Amanda turned and ran up the stairs to Serena's room.
"What was that all about?" She asked.
"Sammy's not as stupid as you play him to be." Amanda said quietly.
"What do you mean?"
"He knows you're Sailor Moon," Amanda said in a whisper.
"What!?!?" (¿OoO? )
"Uh huh. But you aren't getting anything else on the subject from me. You have to ask him."
"It can wait."
A little later the two girls were lying on the floor of Serena's room giggling. "Really? A robot maid?" Serena asked I astonishment while sitting up.
"Yup, and it talks really strangely. Sort of like, 'I-do not-imitate-you'. It's really funny because it seems like she tries to be human."
"That is so cool! I wish I had one to clean my room."
They both started laughing. "What do you want to do now, Amanda?"
"Well, let's see, it's Friday night, and Darien is all alone, so he is probably on the Internet doing homework. So..." Amanda went to her knapsack and pulled out her laptop, which Maige had so kindly apparated tot he shrine and given back to her. Amanda opened it up and the screen flicked on. She tapped a few keys and a window popped up.
"What're you doing?" Serena asked curiously.
"Scaring the daylights out of your boyfriend."
"How do you do that?"
"Just watch,"
"If you tell anybody my password I swear I'll kill you," Amanda said threateningly.
"Since I know you're perfectly capable, I'm sure I won't."
*On Darien's computer screen*
"What the?"
*Back at Serena's*
Another window popped up on the screen.
Chibad: Knock it off Amanda.
Urawaa: Why? We're just having fun...
Chibad: Someday you're going to screw up somebody's computer.
Urawaa: No I won't, but I can access all of your files. I should take that piccy you have of Serena on your desktop!
Urawaa: Serena wants to know "what picture?" and she also says "hi"
Chibad: I don't have a picture of Serena on my desktop!...Hi Serena
Urawaa: Yes you do.
*Back to other window*
Another window opens, this time displaying a cute picture of Serena transformed, in midair about to land on her butt. The look on her face is indescribable…
"Where the heck did he get that?" Serena squealed.
"I took it, during a recent battle, it's cute, but embarrassing…"
Chibad: Not funny
Urawaa: Serena loves it! *rotflmao*
Chibad: Yes, it's hysterical.
"Did you ever see the pictures from our trip to the beach?" Amanda asked, more or less innocently.
(A/N: Chapter 5 "Beach Ball Bonanza" hasn't been posted b/c the file was corrupt and had to be erased, that was before I had back up files. She says this innocently b/c she and Serena sort of had a total bitch fight in the car on the way there. And as a note: Amanda put hot peppers in Antonio, Greg, Ken, and Chad's sandwiches because they held her underwater. Then they chase her down the beach. This is the first chapter you read about the CNA girls.)
"No, I didn't, how could I have, you and I practically hate each other."
"Yeah of course you haven't,"
A picture appeared on screen of all of the Sailor Soldiers, and Amanda. All smiling, in their bathing suits.
Another picture appeared on screen, almost identical to the first beach picture. Except for the fact that Serena is yelling at Amanda, Amanda is staring at Serena and grinning, and everyone else is sweat dropping.
Serena burst out laughing, "That's hilarious! I mean it is now that that probably won't happen anymore. I don't even remember what you said that made me so mad!"
Amanda did, Serena had made a comment about her bikini making her look fat to Darien, and Amanda had said, "Suck it in, Serena, the camera adds ten pounds!"
Later that night, Serena was sitting on her bed, and Amanda on the bedroll on the floor, the laptop forgotten. Amanda had a glass bottle of swirly purple liquid in it. "Maige must be seriously worried I'm going to have some sort of nervous breakdown tomorrow if she's giving me dreamless sleep potion…"
"So you're really like, a witch?"
"I really don't like to think of myself as a 'witch', because it sounds so evil. 'Sorceress' seems like a better word. Olivius is a witch." Amanda felt a chill go up her spine, "Maybe Maige was right in giving me this." Serena turned off the light. "Well sweet dreams, Serena."
Amanda swallowed the whole bottle in two big gulps, and in seconds she was sound asleep.
Scene IV

The next morning at the breakfast table Amanda and Serena were sitting next to each other eating their breakfast.
"You're an excellent cook, Mrs. Tsukino. It's a great skill to have, my mom doesn't cook that often, except for maybe cookies once in a while."
"That's too bad. If your mother doesn't cook then who does?" Ikuko asked sitting down at the table herself.
"Well, you see, I live in a very big house, with a few other families, my parents and they have been good friends since they were teenagers. And all them are very important people in the town I live in. And I definitely miss them a lot; it's like having one giant family. It's definitely different living at the shrine with Raye, Chad, and Mr. Hino."
"Well, we have an extra room here if you'd like to stay here until you transferred back home."
"Oh, no, Mrs. Tsukino. I couldn't, I'd feel like such an imposition. I already feel like one living at the shrine, and here, you're a family, I couldn't." Amanda replied modestly.
Sammy walked in at this very moment and asked, "What's going on?"
"Amanda's gonna live here until she goes back home!" Serena said cheerfully.
"What?" the clueless Sammy said.
"Oh, fine, but you to at least let me repay you somehow," Amanda said with finality.
"Does that mean I get help with my math homework for class?" Sammy asked sitting down.
"If you mean answers, no. I don't see why you need help anyway, you do fine on your own. But in Serena's case…"
"Hey! I do very well in school compared to when I was in Junior High!" Serena yelled and everyone laughed.