Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Children ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X
I own nothing: You know this.
Professor Xavier looked up as he sensed someone approaching his office. Reaching out with is mind he sat straighter as he saw who it was. Logan entered the room after knocking on the door. “Come in.” He had called.
Logan started to speak about Hotaru's odd behavior. Xavier listened intrigued; Jean had told him about the Senshi seen recently before Hotaru's disappearance. She was a mystery, prodding into her mind for even the briefest of clues to her mind was difficult. When she had disappeared he had looked for her using Cerebro but he had not found a trace of her on Earth. Literally.
Hotaru had seemed happy to be back at school and with her father so he had not questioned her that day. He knew children her age needed space or they would feel crowded.
As he listened he frowned, he had suspicion that Hotaru might be more in aware as of her powers if she had any.
“So her guardians seem to have disappeared,” that caught his interest, “From what I heard her guardian Setsuna, I believe was the name is safe but location unknown.” He pondered; he would have to see if he could find trace of her guardians.
“I suggest we keep a closer eye on her. If her friends seem to have disappeared she may be involved in something that places the children in danger.” Charles said sternly. He would not endanger anymore students if he could.
“Got it. It was odd though she's innocent enough as any kid her age should be, not naïve like but normal, but when I first met her I got the sense of immense power. It was nearly fear.” Logan called out. Remembering the feeling, it was as though what she could do would make even pose a danger to him. “She mentioned some sort of power I think as she said: even if it means doing that.” Logan said.
“I assume that is the power you felt?” Xavier inquired trying to respect Logan's privacy and not read his mind. Logan nodded.
The time gate:
Pluto stared at area surrounding her, for several hours she had gotten the feeling as though a predator was stalking her. She could not leave her position though even if it meant being here for another millennium. Gripping her staff, she turned as she heard foot steps approaching her. “You are not allowed here.” She called sternly. “Leave or face the punishment.”
But the foot steps kept going closer to her until she managed to see a figure. She nearly dropped her staff but immediately fell to her knees after regaining her shock. “Father, I did not know it was you. Forgive me.”
The figure smiled as he crept closer. His voice seeming to exist yet not exist, soft and loud, as the god of time looked down at one of his children. “Rise, my daughter.” Pluto rose; her eyes never leaving the god's `face'.
“You have again answered to your duty defending the gates of time. But this is not your place.” He called. Pluto indeed felt confused. “Return to your plane, free the goddess of love from her prison.” Pluto felt her insides go cold, what had happened to Venus? But she would obey the god's command, as he was her patron deity. “Go and meet with the child who bears the burden of destruction and rebirth soon after.” With that Pluto saw she was not at her gate but at a place identified with freedom, the Statue of Liberty.
Pluto turned to see many tourists staring at her, she saw them turning their cameras at her she stared and wished she knew why she was here exactly. She heard the gasp of the crowd as wings spread out of her back feathers flying through the air, the wings lifting her up into the air. She soared through air leaving and with one thought currently: she had to find Venus for whatever reason.
Hotaru's shared room
Hotaru stared around here there was nothing, she could just see her own body yet there was no light. A violet light caught her attention as it suddenly appeared.
She was approaching it or it was coming closer, maybe both as the light appeared closer.
In front of her a silhouette formed, her senshi self appeared somber eyes gazing at her. “Do you believe silence can be deterred for ever?” the senshi asked her other persona.
Hotaru shook her head, silence came to everyone, but she knew that was not what the message meant. Her other self smiled, “Silence comes, and then does the renewal. Remember, we are the Senshi of Silence but with our power lies rebirth as well.” She stated.
Hotaru nodded her eyes wide. “In order to have renewal, something must cease.” She replied. Saturn looked at her. “I will not be responsible for deaths if they can be averted.”
“It can not be avoided all the time. Consequences vary if one life is spared who should be taken. You hold the power of death and life, we hold it.” She said emphasizing we. Hotaru knew she would always be one with Saturn as would any other senshi was with their counterpart.
“Yes but I also hold the power of healing.” She stated holding her hands. Saturn turned to her normal self, the self that changed slightly with each life, but Saturn would always be at the core of the person. The senshi was the reason the person existed again and again.
“Yes, life.” Saturn said before the silhouette solidified. Saturn took Hotaru's hands. “Never forget who your care for.” The senshi said before the tiara faded, the insignia glowed along with Hotaru's, as they were one. The violet glow engulfed their vision…
Hotaru woke up. Looking out the window she stared at the sky, a feeling of wholeness was stronger in her. She looked at the two other beds in the room, the girls were asleep. She noted that Rogue looked much peaceful than she portrayed herself in wakefulness.
Staring at the clock in the corner she made out the hour hand on the three, the minute hand eluding her sight. Sinking back into the bed she thought about the past day's events, she smiled slightly thinking about her father, he had met Erik.
Hotaru dragged her father to the park; she knew the man from last week might be there. She promised to meet him, she did not want to disappoint him and break a promise. The older man had seemed very sad.
She coaxed her father into leaving her for a while; her father nodded going to sit near a fountain, a book in his hands. People stared at him as he read `backwards' (A.N For those who don't know, the Japanese read their books the opposite we do, so `backwards'.)
Hotaru headed toward the area she had last seen the older gentleman. He was by no means in her eyes an old man in a disrespectful manner. She spotted him looking at the roses, he turned at the approaching foot steps. A smile appeared on his face, even though Hotaru did not see it, it was a smile for him, his features having adjusted to their own habits.
She bowed as she came a few feet next to him. “Hello, Erik-san.” She greeted. He smiled and replied in a normal: “Hello, Hotaru.” He stated her name slowly but with some ease.
She grinned, “How was your week, Erik-san? Did you find something to smile for?” She asked.
Erik merely chuckled, this puzzled Hotaru. “Yes, I did. And I'll just say it's for the better of …mankind. My week was normal. Business and visiting my children.” He said in a normal tone.
“That's good! Family is important whether blood or not. My father is visiting for a few days.” She said keeping details sparse too, they barely knew each other, you didn't go blabbing your life to strangers.
“That's very good. I take you don't live in the US? You seem a bit young to be here by yourself.”
She smiled “Yes, I don't live here, only the school year Erik-san. I live in Japan normally though I do travel with my `mamas' a bit when they are on business.” She said, hoping he didn't think anything about her using the plural form of mama, though in her last conversation she had stated her actual mother was dead.
“Ah, so you're an exchange student?” She nodded. “Broadening your horizons never hurts. I'm from Europe originally now as you can see I currently am in America.” He said.
“Really? I like Europe in some places their nice.” She said thinking about one of the few times she had been outside of Japan and actually in Europe. “Though it could be because I was younger but I remember it, I liked it.” He nodded.
She looked at the watch on her left wrist, it had been around twenty minutes. “I have to go Erik-san my father is waiting.” He nodded and offered his hand. She shook it still unaccustomed to it but held her grip firmly.
“Goodbye Hotaru, have a good day.” She nodded and said her goodbye, she went to where her father said he would be passing a woman in a red suit who glared at her and went to the area she previously was.
She found her father dozing near a fountain his glasses slipping off his nose. Smiling she decided to wake him up gently. He smiled at her when he awoke kissing her on the forehead before they went off about their day.
End of Flashback
Yawning she got up and headed toward the bathroom careful not to wake the other two girls. She winced at the temperature change as her feet hit the floor, why was it so cold? It wasn't days before, did someone turn on air-conditioning and forget to turn it off?
Glancing down she saw the normal floor, how could it be so cold? Getting up she headed toward the bathroom. Entering the hallway she carefully closed the door behind her she headed down the hall, it was still very early and Hotaru felt wonderful even though she knew it was around 4:30 a.m.
Knocking on the bathroom door, she received no answer so she opened it, no one was inside. Turning on the light she set her stuff down on the counters where the sink was, pulling out her tooth brush she started brushing her teeth.
A few minutes later Hotaru started to undress slipping into the shower where the water was starting to warm up. The steam quickly filled the small room and Hotaru came out of the water after around ten minutes. She wished she could have taken a bath but a shower would have to do. Drying off she changed into her undergarments, she had a very uncomfortable feeling, and she was felt as though another was in the room.
Placing on her clothing as fast as she could she wiped the fog from the mirror over the sink and prepared to diary her hair. She was startled to see not her reflection but an expanse of blue haze reflection back at her turning she saw nothing she returned her gaze to the mirror. The blue haze still staring back at her she curiously reached her hand toward it her hand met glass and her hand appeared faintly in the mirror.
“What is this?” She whispered the haze swirled she pulled back putting distance between it and herself. The faint image of a man or was that a beast? It was a mutant she realized the fog swirled showing a faint image before dispersing.
The haze had shown her a image that confused her, a group of people in outfits and powers fighting another, they were mutants but she could not make out who they were. Question was: why had she seen it?
Pluto stood at the top of the building looking down, she had not idea where to even start looking for Venus. She had untransformed and was playing tourist with in a crowd of people. She felt the wind whip her face, a few teenagers behind her were whispering to each other and glancing in her general direction every once in a while.
“Excuse me,” she turned surprised to being talked to, she stared a young blond haired girl who looked around 17. “I don't mean to be rude or anything but can I ask what you use on your hair?”
“My hair?” She replied in accented English. She blinked and pulled a few strands into her vision, dark green like always. “What of it?”
“Um what do you use to make it that color?” She asked fidgeting noticing the garnet eyes for the first time.
“Nothing, it's natural.” She said, staring at the girls shinny blond hair, her eye brows matched and she could tell by her complexion it was the normal color. “Though, I don't know why anyone would want to change hair like yours. It suits you.” She said. The girl offered her a smile before apologizing and leaving.
It was outside that she felt a pull of familiarity, Venus maybe? Following it she stopped in front a museum. Walking in she started looking around found a painting that was calling out to her.
It was a modern art by a artist called Diandray, the painting was of love called The Observer. Many couples stood there happily while Venus herself stood far back eyeing the couples a sad smile in her eyes. Was Venus stuck in this?
A group of people were staring at the new image, it had been donated recently. Pluto felt the Senshi's power from it. How was she to get Venus out?
Ami stared at the screen in her mini computer tiredly. She had been confined to her castle and knew she was being watched. Whatever had managed to come in would regret it. She found it amusing that her planet was closest to the sun yet her powers dwelt more with ice and cold.
She typed in the command, no doubt the world would notice but it was necessary, there it was done. In her chambers Ami Mizuno stared at her planet from the window, the planet's surface started to grow an icy covering in the matter of seconds, smiling Ami turned around and gasped.