Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor X ❯ Curative measure ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sailor X
Curative measures
Hotaru stared at the calendar, a month had gone by since the disappearance of the Senshi, and she could not get a hold of Ami and was now to preoccupied with school work to look very much. She did not understand anything anymore.
Her mind was filled with visions of mutants battling but she was unable to see their features just what they could do. She could not completely grasp the image even though she had seen it so many times.
One group of mutants approached the others their images intangible to her actual perception yet she could see them perfectly. The mutants in the center started to speak trying to avoid the confrontation as normal men ran from the area.
The mutant in front of the centered group spoke, his/her voice echoing in boredom before continuing he/she paused and spoke to a mutant annoyed. The other spoke pointing to someone and stating something. The leader brushed it off.
He/she continued shouting orders. A blur raced by and went into the center group before anyone could react. The group began to fight.
Scenes passed quickly, a fire user, a physic, lasers, someone fainting by touch, speed, and power. More mutants appeared manipulations of the forces of nature, claws of steel; a man and a woman.
The mutants hit two a power line a bright flash appeared in taking over the entire image.
She shook her head trying to clear it, the disappearances of Michiru and Haruka had been in the news back home, and the local site had provided details. She hoped they turned up soon. She felt a pang in her being when she thought of her friends and family.
She moved toward the door to the left entering the den, Kurt and Evan was watching a wrestling match she joined the sitting on the chair in the corner. She stared her mind thinking to all her problems. She became lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice time fly by.
“Hotaru?” She turned and saw Kurt; he was looking at her amused. “Lost in your mind?” She gave a small smile before turning to see no one else was in the room.
“I guess you could say so.” She said smiling. Kurt nodded knowing she was going through a ruff time. She got up and headed toward the door when Kurt asked her:
“We're going out, do you wanna go out?”
She stopped, she had been felling cooped up recently, she turned to him smiling. “Yeah, I'd like that. What time?”
“In twenty minutes.” That would be 6 o'clock she noted. Not recalling any homework she nodded. “Good I'll tell them you're coming with us.”
Rogue smirked as she saw the guys arguing who would drive. Waiting for it to settle she saw Hotaru looking at the scene quizzically.
Luckily the matter was settled quickly and they headed out toward the mall. When they entered more than one person looked at them impolitely. She glared at them deciding that ignoring them would have to do.
It was half way through their shopping in a music store they had nearly `caused trouble' which led to them making their purchases quickly and exiting the store before they all had gotten what they wanted. It was when Rogue said she wanted to look at her types of clothes is when she thought she would have to go alone but surprisingly Hotaru offered to go with her.
It was when they were leaving that they stopped short of the entrance, there waiting for them was two mutants. One was sticking out like a sore thumb, his skin a waxy yellow color and dark purple eyes and red hair though one wondered if that was his actual color as it contrasted horribly with his other features.
The other was a female, one they knew, Wanda, the Scarlet Witch. She stared at them a smile on her lips. Her eyes sharply turned to Hotaru curious before turning to turning to the others.
Smile group tensed and Hotaru stared around completely baffled. Was there history between them which was of the unpleasant nature? Shaking her head she turned around to see people shrieking as other figures came in from all sides. Her stomach twisted as the people started to come into view.
A realization hit her; the visions of the mutants became clearer before she could even try to see it she was pushed behind someone. She saw the others stand between her, surrounding her. Scott and Jean were arguing with the other girl.
“You all are mutants…” She stated in Japanese no one really paying attention to her. The others dropped their bags and had gotten into defensive poses. Kurt made his way toward her his eyes and ears perked up as if looking for something to occur. He made was in reaching distance of her now.
She turned her attentions when she heard Pietro's voice. “Wanda! Stop this, do this some other time.” He hissed. Wanda turned her eyes glaring at Pietro.
“Why? Turning over toward them?” She scoffed glaring at the group from the institute.
“No. I'm not turning toward anyone.” He spat.
The blur and spat between the `leader' and the other mutant was clear now. Pietro was the blur using his mutation; the others made her feel uneasy. What type of powers did these people have? She didn't know who was who. Bobby was glaring at one of them in particular while Kitty had her eyes at a boy.
Shaking her head she tried to yell out at them to stop, but that seemed to be a bad idea. Wanda turned to her. “Who are you?” She snapped.
“Hotaru.” She said strongly her voice soft but clear as the others tensed waiting for some movement as though no one knew who was going to start. “You are going to fight and it won't end up anywhere.”
“What would you know about it? I haven't seen you before either. Stay out of this if you know what's good for you.” Wanda stated standing straighter.
“I know all of you are mutants now. I know this won't lead anywhere good.” Her eyes did not leaving the other girl's eyes as she spoke.
Scott turned to Kurt. “Take her out of here.” He turned to the others glaring. “She isn't involved in this. She's just an exchange student.”
Hotaru gasped as Kurt took her arm in his hands and she suddenly found herself on the second floor over viewing the entrance, the others were farther away, now just miniature humans. She turned to Kurt. “You can teleport?” She asked in awe and in panic. This had not occurred in the vision. Had it changed due to her interfering?
Kurt nodded turning to her quickly. “Get out of here as soon as you can. There is an exit over there.” He pointed behind them toward a retailer, she knew inside were at least three exits.
Before she could protest Kurt vanished with a Bam! She turned and closed her eyes. She guessed now that the teachers at the school were most likely mutants or knew about mutants with the others being mutants. She turned and saw that the fight had started. She felt her stomach twist again.
She pulled out her cellular phone. She entered the number in pausing before she sent it. “Hello? Yes, Ms. Monroe it's Hotaru…”
Ororo rushed toward Xavier's office. She knocked before entering trying to send her thoughts to him to pick up. Xavier told her to enter inside luckily was Logan.
“We have trouble.”
“What is it?” he Logan asked. Xavier had a solemn look on his face.
“The kids appear to be fighting with others. In the mall.” She said worry lacing her tone. The community would not like this at all, what if they got kicked out of school?
“How did you know?”
“Hotaru called, she figured out they were mutants, she's overlooking the fight, Kurt teleported her over there
“I see.” Xavier said. “You two go and help try to stop the fight before there is too much damage. We'll deal with Hotaru when she returns to the Institute though I don't think she will have a problem accepting us as mutant but seeing as she is friends with Pietro it may be difficult for her to understand what had happened to us in the last few months.”
The two nodded and headed off. Logan hoping that if Hotaru was a mutant that she would not join into the fight; it wasn't her fight.
Hotaru stared at the fight below her, she couldn't help, she couldn't do anything but heal and they were fighting. She yelled horrified as she saw Kitty walk out from a pile of rubble. That was something she usually saw from enemies. Gulping she watched the fight progress. She clutched her phone hoping someone would call her and tell her it was going to end soon.
She saw Logan and Ms. Monroe enter the building; they had on more maneuverable clothes then when she had seen them in the institute. She knew what their powers were but she didn't know who had which, though she had her suspicions.
The fight entered resumed with them entering. She shook her head; she tried to look for the spot she knew they white light came from. But she didn't recognize anything from her current angle.
Her answer though was soon answered she saw exactly what was going to be hit as she started looking around. On the ceiling was a wire which no doubt contained a lot of electricity. She saw movement she recognized and knew it would happen soon.
She looked for shelter knowing now that the light was not doubt an explosion or some sort. She ran into an empty store, one that had been left open in the panic. She closed her eyes trying to sort out her mind.
Tears of frustration came to her eyes. Everyone was missing, and she had been plagued by visions from an unknown source. Now the vision was coming true and she could not due anything about it. Even Ami had gone missing, her communication link failing to connect.
Hotaru sighed, she was trapped both in the mess around her. She knew that whatever enemy had entered the solar system could not leave but she also knew that luckily nothing else could enter. Though her local predicament was just as bad, her friends were all mutants, and fought on opposing sides.
Shaking her head she wished she had not gotten accepted in the program. Her body shook with the building as she knew the time she had waited for came. She peered out and saw the damage.
Everyone law blown away, the area was a mess, concrete and debris littering the place which had been orderly less than an hour ago. The bodies of the people lay strewn around most of them getting up but she gasped as she saw most of them were too injured to.
She left all thought to it and ran down to them hoping to find some stairs or an escalator she saw one, it had stopped but still stood. She ran down it. The first person she encountered was Jean; her eyes were blurred over with pain as she tried to get up. Jean had small cuts but she saw debris had pierced the physic's arm.
“What are you still doing here?” Jean said she saw her arm. She pulled the piece of plastic out of her arm. Eyes going wide as she saw a flow of blood immediately come out. Hotaru looked all around her, eyes determined.
She bent down next to Jean placing her hands on her arm. Jean's eyes went wide as she saw a small glow appear out of her hands. Her arms stopped bleeding and the wound was partly healed. “You'll be fine now.” Hotaru said quickly moving to the next person she saw needing help.
Logan groaned as he got up, the power line had been hit by too much power and he looked around, the kids were injured. He turned when he heard running approaching, knowing he would be one of the first to recover and still fighting he waited to see who it was.
Hotaru ran down the stairs and headed toward Jean as she saw her. He looked on surprised as Hotaru placed her hands on Jean's arm which was now bleeding at a fast rate, if it continued it would do so profusely. The arm now looked like it was several weeks into healing when she pulled back and headed toward the next person evaluating who need what type of healing before she placed her hands on them.
He looked around quickly to see if anyone had been seriously injured and spotted Storm. She laid her hands clutching her abdomen. Blood slipping threw her fingers. “No.” He growled out.
He looked around for Hotaru, most of the injured would be fine with time, and she was healing the wounds that were serious or more serious than others. “HOTARU!” He called she looked up from where she was working on Pietro, he had what appeared to be a broken arm, now healing but she stopped when she saw Storm. She said something he didn't bother to hear and saw Pietro nod. She smiled at him quickly before running off toward them.
“Kami-sama…” Logan heard her whisper before placing her hands over the Storms and moving them. She winced as she saw the wound. She wouldn't be able to heal it all he noticed, there was debris in the wound and if healed improperly would still kill Storm from infection. She could stop the bleeding though, he knew. She placed her hands on the wound her eyes growing wide.
Hotaru felt herself being drained she had never healed this much. She didn't know Ms. Monroe had so much damage to her system and now repaired what she could with out endangering her. The body would heal itself but she helped it accelerate. The bleeding stopped looking at the paler face of the older woman she smiled and fainted.
Hotaru groaned as she found herself in a medical facility. She knew this was not the hospital as she had been there before and gasped as she saw a furry blue mutant come in. He was very muscular and wore glasses on his face. “Ah, I see you're awake.” He called to her in a friendly tone.
“Yes.” She stated dumbly staring at him gaping. She knew it was rude but she had never seen anyone like him who was fully human.
He smiled, white fangs and teeth appearing in the artificial lighting. “Well, lets say you gave us all a surprise. What were the chances that our exchange student would be a fellow mutant?” He asked her not expecting an answer.
Hotaru stared dumbly at him. “Mutant? Me?” He looked surprised by her reaction.
“Hotaru everyone who was conscious noticed you healing the others. I must say though I have never met a mutant with the ability to heal. When did you discover your power?” He asked curious before smiling again. “Ah but why don't we let you rest first. I'll be back.” He said.
Hotaru saw the door open as he left but no close and saw why, Xavier came in. He smiled at her. “Hello, again, Hotaru. I am quite pleased that you are alright. You had us worried for a minute thinking you had overused your powers.”
Hotaru stared at him. “You all are mutants?” She asked knowing the answer. He nodded staring in her eyes.
“Yes, we are the school for the gifted, those just happen to be mutants. I must ask you though Hotaru, would you like to stay at our school for the summer and not just the semester? We can help you expand your powers. That is what we do here, help young mutants so they can live in the society in peace.”
Hotaru stared trying to make sense of the situation; they thought she was a mutant? She knew why but in honesty she was not a mutant or was she? Doubt started to creep into her mind and she took a breath trying to sort out all her problems and answer his question.
Sestuna stared at the picture Venus would be out soon enough. She turned and gasped as she saw who was standing behind her. Michiru and Haruka smiled at her a glint in their eyes, the gallery was empty it being near closing time, before pulling out their henshin pens. She knew what would occur now. “PLUTO CRYSTAL POWER MAKE-UP!” She yelled as the others called theirs.
Pluto stared at her enemies eyes narrowed she could not allow them to destroy the painting. How long could she fend them off? She wondered, Venus would die if the painting was destroyed she knew that much.
She prepared for the attack willing to take the blow. “SHABON SPRAY!” She heard being yelled. She gasped when she saw Mercury next to her. “We don't have much time.” Mercury grabbed one corner of the painting, Pluto quickly following suit. “My castle.” Mercury ordered quietly. The grabbed the painting and left.