Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Stars Sometimes Fall ❯ Constance ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

____________Chapter 2____________
“You're such a good friend, I won't let you down.”
“What do we do? I think Serina may be asleep too.” A soft voice whispered.
If that's really Serina. I don't think she'd ever voluntarily get that close to the spore.” The raven-haired shadow replied. Two other outlines kept pace with her as they exaggeratedly sneaked up on the two people dozing on a bench between the carnival entrance and the school's main building.
“That's it! It must be a trap!” The tallest shouted. Her three companions instantly clapped a hand over the brunette's big mouth.
“I've never seen them so close. When do ya think this happened? The way she's holding her you'd think she were her kid sister or something.”
“Well Serina has certainly always been the most defensive of the child. This would unquestionably be the next logical step from her secret alias, to continue the relationship in her normal, day to day life.” Everyone sighed and hung their heads. Hearing a soft chuckle and sensing someone behind them, the four spies whirled around on their unexpected eavesdropper.
“What on earth are you four girls up to? What's the big secret?” The masculine voice drifted from around a corner where a tall, handsome young man with midnight hair and night blue eyes, smiled curiously at them. He stopped short and they heard him suck in a surprised breath.
“Take a look yourself. You know anything about Rini and Serina suddenly becoming best buds?” Lita stepped aside for Darien Shields to peer at the intensely odd and extraordinary sight.
An angel with twin waterfalls of gold streaming down the sides of her head, her pale, porcelain face serene, and her eyes closed and dreaming, sat on a park bench. Resting her tiny face against her chest, a small cherub calmly slept in her lap. One arm wrapped protectively around the child, the other lovingly placed at the nape of her neck, Serina absently stroked the back of Rini's pink-haired head.
Darien choked. `This is unexpected. I've never seen Serina so- well, Rini's certainly never been so- I wonder if she's okay, she's never allowed Serina to touch her. They look perfect together, why does it feels so right, so natural to see them like this? They look so peaceful . . .' “Do we wake them or leave them?” He asked softly, as if afraid to disturb them even at this distance.
“This was Rini and Serina's party, we can't let them miss it.” Mina reminded them as she took a step away from the side of the gym building. The others silently followed. Darien hung back, still stunned by the heavenly picture before him.
`Serina, you're so beautiful, my love . . .' Darien let the thought slip as he followed the four Scouts. Barely a moment later, Serina's hand paused in mid-stroke, and her breath-taking blue eyes fluttered open, filled with fearful alarm and tranquil sadness. The four girls stumbled to a stop as she came awake, as much surprised she had detected them so quickly as by the heart-stopping well of vulnerable emotions in her summer sky eyes.
`Serina, no, please don't be frightened of me. Don't let it be me. I could never live with that; hate, despise, pity, I don't care, just, dear God, please don't be afraid of me!' Darien thought desperately. Anything would be better than knowing his only love was scared of him. His moon princess, his angel and one reason for living; she was never meant to fear let alone fear him. `I'm so sorry, Serina, you never should have reason to be afraid of me. It was never supposed to be that way, I shouldn't have hurt you that badly-'
A smile forced itself across Serina's pink lips, wide and bright to hide the trembling. She looked like she was about to call to them but then her face fell to Rini and she whispered something below their hearing as they came closer. “Rini, honey, they're here, wake up, little one.” The small girl's response was muffled as she buried her head deeper into Serina's chest. Serina rolled her eyes heavenward then with a mischievous grin she abruptly stood up, taking Rini with her. She freed one arm and waved enthusiastically for her friends `accidentally' jostling the kid. “Hi guys!” She shouted loudly. “Glad you could make it!” The blonde, brunette, and black-haired girls came running up to meet her while the shorter blue-haired girl and Darien remained at a dignified walk.
“Hey, Serina!” Lita called as she slid to halt beside her leader. “What's with Rini?” The tall girl gestured to the blinking kid, an annoyed frown evident on her face.
Serina suddenly blushed furiously, glancing down at Rini with an embarrassed smile as she hiked her up higher on her hip. “Oh, nothing. We just had a late night with that storm-” Rini weakly started wriggling free and with a fleeting feeling of regret, Serina set her down.
“Darien!” She squealed and took off, running full tilt into the young man's long legs. Darien grinned in appreciation as he knelt and swept the little flamingo up in one smooth motion. No one noticed the small, satisfied smile on Serina face to see them together. The delight in Rini's laugh and the love in Darien's easy grin sent a warmth all throughout Serina's soul. But seeing him smile made her heart freeze and her stomach wrench sickeningly with pain and loss as well.
“Hey, munchkin! You ready to have some fun?” Rini nodded ecstatically and released her tight hug to search out Serina. This was nice but it'd perfect with Serina too. She caught sight of the meatball head just standing there staring, looking sad and happy at the same time- kinda like her mama looked sometimes. Just then, Serina was swept away by the four other girls as they all headed into the fair. Rini sighed.
“Darien? Can I ask you a favor?” Rini asked shyly. She didn't want to upset Darien when he was in such a good mood. Talking about Serina always made him cold and distant, as if he were hiding some terrible secret. But right now he just smiled.
“Anything, princess.” Rini giggled- did he know how right he was?
“Um, just for tonight, please- Serina's been really, really nice to me all day and I want you to promise you'll be nice to her too. Please, just for tonight?” She pleaded, turning the waterworks on at a trickle for extra cuteness effect. She noticed the expected outcome of her request instantly. Darien's arms locked up, his eyes darkened and his mouth tightened to a thin line. A moment after hearing the beginnings of a whimper from Rini, Darien shook off the darkness that enveloped him and he tried to loosen up.
“Sure, Rini. For tonight, for you.”
“Oh, thank you, Darien! I want tonight to be perfect, and you and Rena not getting along would ruin it! Thanks, Darien! Promise I'll make it up to you!” She squealed and squeezed her arms around his neck.
“Stomach ache from sugar? As if!”
Serina snapped out of her reverie, masking her solemnity with a cheerful smile. “All right! Let's hit the snacks!” She cried as she was dragged off by Mina.
“I'm with you, girlfriend!” The second blonde agreed and the two disappeared briefly, headed for the closest sugary treats.
“So, Rini, what happened last night that made you and Meatball head best friends?” Rei sidled up to Darien's side to ask; curiosity and mischief glinting in her roguish violet eyes. Lita moved closer and Darien raised an eyebrow in interest, even Ami looked up at attention.
“Don't call her that! She doesn't like it, and it's mean. My mommy wears her hair the same way so don't insult it, Rei.” The priestess blinked in surprise, gaping like a fish out of water. `She's sticking up for the ditz? Wait- what about her mother?' “Um, yeah, okay, Rini. Sorry.” Rini paused before nodding acceptance for the apology.
`My mother's the queen of the earth and moon, Rei can't insult her.' Rini thought. She kinda just noticed that Serina and her mother's hairstyles were identical. `Well, Mommy did come from this time, it was probably a trend. Even Sailor Moon wore it.' Her thoughts were interrupted by Darien repeating the priestess's original question- minus the Meatball head.
“Yeah, did something bad happen?” Lita inquired quickly. This was exciting. It was new dirt, potential blackmail and they all knew it. Rini shook her head.
“Nope. I just got scared because of all the loud thunder and Serina let me sleep in her bed. She protected me all night long. She was really nice to me and then took me out for ice cream this morning and we walked in the park and she made you guys come to the fair with me-” Rini babbled happily, grinning. Serina was so cool! It was like having a big sister or a favorite aunt.
“Wow. Just one little storm and all that changed-” Lita pondered, a little stupefied but happy the spore and meatball head were getting along.
“I wonder if she hit her head or got struck by lightning-” Rei thought aloud. She received a slap upside the head for the comment. “Hey!”
“You know Serina's the nicest person on earth- she can never stay mad at anyone forever. Although, Rini sure tested that-”
“Come now, Lita. Be nice, this is Rini's day after all.” Ami smiled softly and turned to Rini in Darien's grasp. “Now, Rini, what would you like to do first? There are games and rides-”
“And plenty of food!” Mina and Serina came bouncing back, arms laden with bags of popcorn, warm cinnamon almonds, cotton candy all ready stuck to their faces, and paper cups of soda and hot chocolate threatening to spill over. “Come on, everyone dig in and help us carry this stuff!” Mina begged and dropped a pile of goodies into Lita and Rei's arms. Serina parted with a couple sodas and a candy apple for Ami.
“Rini?” Serina looked up just in time to see the child struggling from Darien to run over to her. She was caught off-guard by the fact that she would actually leave Darien for her. But then again, she did have the food.
“Rena!” She cried happily, hugging her leg before receiving a bag of pink cotton candy from the older girl. “Thank you!” She opened the bag grabbed a handful of the pure sugar.
“Here, try these. My parents get them all the time. They're really good.” Serina plucked a handful of sugared almonds from the hot bag in the crook of her elbow and dropped them in Rini's little hand. She popped them in her mouth and grinned instantly.
“Mmm, these are just like the ones we have at home! Thank you, Rena.” Rini raced back to Darien's side and Serina hid a sigh of disappointment. She turned back to see her friends once more gawking at her like she'd just grown a pair of wings.
“Rena? That's cute.” Mina said, smiling as if she knew a secret. Her pale blue eyes twinkled with mischief and knowledge she wasn't too sure she understood.
“Better than Meatball head.” Rei conceded. Serina leapt to second that motion.
Anything's better than Meatball head! Now come on! We've got games and rides to try out!” Serina poured the rest of her almonds in her mouth and started crunching on her candy apple while sneaking sips of Ami's soda. She glanced around the park.
The carnival was bigger this year, rows and rows of dart games, basketball throws, snack shops, shooting galleries, and guessing booths lined the area. People hawked their contests, prizes, and gifts to passersby who either politely smiled or took up the challenge. Everywhere, kids screamed on the fast rides, small children with colorfully painted faces squealed on the carousels, and couples snuggled up to each other on the dancing stage. Serina's eyes stung as she watched guys take aim at various targets to win their loves teddy bears and stuffed bunnies. She faked a smile at one of the operators calling for volunteers for the baseball toss and she kept walking with her group.
“Rena! The swings! Can we go on the swings?” Serina looked down to find Rini holding her hand. Attached to Rini's other hand was another, a strong, warm hand she knew well. Her wide eyes followed the arm up to meet a midnight gaze, expressive eyes glittering like stars.
“Su- sure, Rini. I'll go with you.” Serina tore her eyes from Darien's surprised ones and the child led them both to the swing ride that was just slowing to a stop.
“Well, is anyone up to the pirate ship ride?” Mina asked as she chucked her popcorn bag and stood from the table the girls had snagged. Rei and Lita nodded but Ami looked a little dubious. Mina smiled encouragingly. “Oh come on, Ames, nothin' to be scared of. I swear in the name of Venus!” Mina raised her hand to the sky, embarrassing the shorter girl.
“And Jupiter!” Rei and Lita instantly followed Mina's example and raised their hands in the air dramatically and cracked up like it was the funniest thing in the world.
“That nothing will happen to you. `Kay?” Ami shook her head in surrender, her face burning with embarrassment, she looked up and smiled at her best friends.
“Only you guys could make me do this.” The girls took her by the arms and carried her off to the minimally scary boat ride. “And you shouldn't say things like that aloud-”
“Ah, come on, Ames, we're just playing. No one would ever believe a bunch of silly teenagers out for fun at the fair!” Lita glanced over at where their royal highnesses had disappeared in the crowd. She saw Serina lift Rini into a swing, sliding the bar down to her lap and then struggle to get in to her own chair. She tried hard not to giggle at Serina's predicament. The swing was too high for her and wouldn't stay still long enough for her to pull herself in. The brunette's expression echoed the surprise on Serina's face as Darien stepped up and held the seat in place so Serina could hop in. She gifted him with a shy, grateful smile and hid her face as he returned to his own swing behind Rini.
`I hope they'll be okay together. As long as they don't talk to each other, maybe Serina won't leave this carnival in tears.'
“Oh, guys, I'm not so sure about this- this bar doesn't seem to hold you in very well.”
“Don't worry, Ami, if you go flying, they'll stop the ride before it crushes you.” Ocean blue eyes widened, the pale face faded even more ashen. Her companions just laughed at her over-reaction.
“Why did you make me sit with Lita? She's the largest of us all, the bar fits for her- I'm so much smaller I'll slip out! This thing goes close to one hundred degrees vertical!”
“I thought vertical was ninety degrees?” Mina whispered to Rei beside her. The priestess shrugged and glanced up once more to the tallest and shortest Scouts sitting in the very top seat. Lita looked like she was on top of the world but poor little Ami was crossing herself as if she knew her life was going to end on this ride.
“Ami, you're as pathetic as Serina. Scaredy cat.” Rei muttered. The ride started to swing as Rei reached into her pocket and pulled out a charm from her temple. “Here, Ami! For protection!” She called and handed the good luck charm up to the trembling girl. Ami stared at her a moment before accepting the gift with a shaky, wry grin.
Then she screamed as the pirate ship quickly swung perpendicular.
“Wow! That was great! I'm surprised you and Mina didn't come with us, Rei! That Evolution ride was the most stimulating, exhilarating ride so far!” Ami bubbled, her fear completely forgotten as she raced from one thrill ride to another to test herself, dragging the tiring Scouts along.
“Hey, when was the last time we saw Serina and those guys?”
“Not since we left them at the swings, Mina. Why?”
“Well, she did invite us and we left her alone with Darien and the fungus. By now she's probably at home in tears.”
“Speaking of, has anyone figured out Darien's problem yet? There's no excuse for the way he's been treating her-” Rei huffed, stomping her foot to make a point.
“Yeah, it's as if he wants her to hate him.”
“Well it's working, cause I can't stand him! How can he hurt Serina so much when it's so obvious that she thinks the universe revolves around him? After all she's done for him, and waited so long- What they had- have is true love and that just doesn't disappear over night!” Lita declared heatedly. She crossed her arms stubbornly, as if ready to leap into battle against anyone who would say otherwise. She didn't know why she hadn't decked the jerk yet for hurting her princess.
“All I've gotten from the Great Fire are some really weird and vague images. Strange stuff, like a wedding and a memory of Princess Serenity caught in an explosion. Mean anything to you guys?”
“Serina in an explosion? Doesn't that worry you?” Lita asked. Her two companions faced the raven-haired girl with serious concern evident on their faces.
“No, I said it was a memory. It's all ready happened, I remember it from the moon, in the finally battle against Metallia and Beryl- I think it's when the ballroom balcony crumbled- It's the wedding that interests me, I get the feeling that I- well, all of us are there but not really, not- yet. That's what's so weird though, why would the Great Fire show me the past and the `future' when I asked about Darien?”
The girls were silent for a moment. “Maybe he's one of those guys afraid of commitment?” Mina offered lightly.
Rei scoffed. “Right, he'd die for Serina but he wouldn't want to marry her- then again, who could stand that airhead for the rest of-”
“Rei . . .”
“I bet she trips on the way up to the altar-” Rei continued, giggling at the thought.
Rei . . .” The girls warned.
“She was probably late to begin with-”
Rei!!” Finally the loyal friends leapt to their leader's defense, lightly punching the hothead and slapping her upside the head for saying such horrible things. When the three Scouts had the fourth pinned to the ground, threatening her with an ice cubes and candy apple sticks, the Guardian of Fire gave up. All of them were laughing hysterically; Rei did have a point about Serina.
“Hey, it was Serina Darien was marrying, right?” Lita asked from her triumphant position.
“Yes, now get off me, Sparky!” Rei made a valiant, if vain, effort to push Lita off her chest.
“SPARKY?! Why I oughta-”
“This is a truly interesting and disturbing puzzle. We are all relatively sure that Darien still truly loves his princess, our Serina, although he is very forceful in denying it, correct?” Rei stood up with Mina's help, glaring at a smug Lita. They all nodded, the memory of the close call against Prisma and Avery's Hypnotica droid still fresh in their minds. “And the only explanation Rei's fire readings reveal is something about their future wedding followed by images of Serina in terrible trouble.” Again, hesitant, confused nods “Well, then it's obvious that Darien believes if they remain together, Serina will be in danger.”
And that's where she lost the girls. Mouths fell open before anyone had the presence of mind to grasp what she was saying.
“Wh- How- Why-” Rei began after a few false starts.
“Yes, exactly, how and why are my questions. How will Serina be hurt and why would Darien choose to believe it has something to do with him when she risks her life everyday anyway as Sailor Moon?”
“Okay- in some small, barely rational way, that almost, kinda, sorta made some sense. I say we ask him about it.” Mina suggested excitedly, volunteering Ami and Lita's hands for the mission. Finally, some answers! `Wait till Serina hears!'
“We'll be together again, I promise.”
Darien watched as Serina took care of Rini. It was like they were best friends, long lost sisters- it was obvious they cared for each other a great deal. `Why didn't I see it earlier- No, why didn't they show it earlier?' It was like Serina and Rini had suddenly discovered they had no reason to fight and were now inseparable companions.
Serina smiled down at the child and her hand gently pulled her closer to her side. Darien felt a contented smile tug at his lips. Someday, Serina would be a perfect, loving mother.
He'd been watching the girls all night. Rini wanted to try everything, when Serina was too afraid to go with her, Darien would go or she would stay to make Serina feel better. Both girls had rabbits painted on their cheeks, Serina's had butterfly wings and Rini's a small crown with a pink ear flopping over it. They shared treats, Serina even giving up the last bites to the little `spore'. Darien had never seen her so selfless as when it came to Rini; she gave up everything for her, did nearly anything she requested- within reason.
But she did set limits; after sunset she had to hold Darien's or her own hand, after nine, no more sweets, by ten they would go home and Rini would go to bed immediately. Rini had pouted at each limitation and Darien had to chuckle. He actually laughed when Serina enforced her decrees.
“Rini, I told you no more sugar after nine o'clock. You'll never get to sleep tonight, little one, and after all that you've eaten all ready you'll have a terrible stomach ache- trust me!”
`Bu- b-but, Rena!” Rini whined.
“I said no, Small Lady.” `Small Lady? Cute, and accurate.' Darien thought when he heard her. He saw Rini give the older blonde a startled look then bow her head in submission. He heard her mumble something that sounded like `Yes, mother.' He was quite surprised to see Rini actually heed the girl she previously hated and considered beneath her. It was amazing to see them trust each other enough to act their own age, Rini like the carefree little girl she was, and Serina like a mature, responsible teenager.
`Mature? Responsible? Serina? Curve ball, didn't see that coming for another ten years. I think I like her being serious sometimes, Luna would be proud, so would Queen Serenity. Her daughter's coming back. But at least she's still my sweet Serina.' Darien thought joyously as he watched Serina drag Rini off to the carousel, praising the huge pink bunnies and white horses. He started to follow, smiling unconsciously, when a familiar sense ripped through him, causing him to the stumble and suck in a breath.
“You must stay away from Princess Serenity!” Darien shook his head, wasting a moment to argue with the voice. It wouldn't work, it never did. `It's just one night!' Images of his recurring nightmare raced through his mind but the voice fell silent. Only his bride, beautiful Serina, screamed as she was torn away from him.
“Darien! Darien-” A hand grabbed his and Darien was abruptly shaken back to reality. Rini was pulling his jacket sleeve. “Come on, you have to come too!” Darien forced a weak smile and followed Rini back to where Serina was calmly waiting for them in line, calmly- and little sad. He caught her emotions like the scent of roses on the wind. She was forcing all this cheerfulness for Rini, but a knife of pain stabbed through her heart every time she looked at him. She was confused and hurt and reaching out for love that only Rini was able to return.
“What was wrong, Darien? You just kinda spaced out.” Serina asked quietly.
“Um, nothing, just thinking of something.” He crossed his arms nonchalantly and tried to slip past her without looking into her captivating blue eyes. She caught hold of his arm.
Suddenly she was too close, too painfully tempting; he just wanted give up his fight with the stupid premonition right then and there and hold her in his arms forever. He fell headlong into her hurt eyes, tears stinging his own at the anguish he saw in their sapphire depths before she closed her eyes. Her pale skin was translucent and soft, aching to be caressed, darkness pooled lightly beneath her fallen lashes making him worry and hate himself for causing her even more distress. This was so wrong, she should never have to feel this pain! He would die this moment for the chance to reassure her, ease her fear and pain. And kiss her . . .
Serina's eyes snapped open again and confronted him with a thin veil of emotionless ice. “Darien, please don't ruin this night for Rini. She loves you a great deal and I don't want you to hurt her.” Her hard azure eyes had him snared, piercing with their heartfelt sincerity for Rini, her words punching his heart like a betrayal. “This is one night where she can forget about the future and be a kid. We're probably the closest thing she has to her own parents right now, and she's looking up to you. We're- I am depending on you. Just this one last favor, please?” Darien shifted his gaze away, instantly feeling the loss of warmth from her eyes. `I love that little girl too, how could she think-' He caught himself in a grimace. `Because you did it to her.'
“Don't worry, Serina. Tonight is special.” He assured. He had made a promise to Rini and a promise to himself for just tonight. `It's just one night. Nothing can happen. I can't stop loving her- Just one night . . .' Darien gently pulled his arm free of Serina's tight grasp and met her beseeching eyes with a casual grin. He lightly pushed her forward into the line ahead of him, his fingers brushing the small of her back. `I love you now and forever, nothing can stop that, but I must always protect you- But for now, just for tonight . . .'
“I'll find a way back to you.”
`He touched me! He touched me! Oh, Darien, maybe- do you finally see we're meant to be together? Have you stopped fighting it?' His hand on the small of her back was warm, gentle, and tingling with electricity. How long had it been since she'd felt those butterflies and that weakness wash over her? She could melt from a touch like that. Her wide eyes stared at him a moment before noticing the small, unconscious smile on his lips.
Rini was completely forgotten for a moment as she lost herself in his sea blue eyes. She could read those eyes like a book, look into his soul and see what he truly felt and . . . he loved her. It was still there, that never-ending devotion, possessiveness, and passion. He did still love her so why did he deny it?
`Gods, Darien, I would give anything for you to be mine again. I know you still love me and I love you more than anything so why do you insist on keeping us apart? Maybe just for tonight you can forget whatever it is and love me like you used to . . .'
The trio boarded the merry-go-round, Serina and Rini packed into a two person pink rabbit, Darien shaking his head and leaning against the black stallion across from them. The two girls shared giggles and badgered him good-naturedly. Needless to say, the young prince pretended to get fed up with it and pointedly ignored them for the rest of the ride. Afterwards, Rini conned Darien into the Tunnel of Love ride with her, but of course, she couldn't leave Serina alone outside, especially with the scary haunted house right next door- and of course Serina didn't put her up to it!
So one young, dark-haired man and a lovely, teenaged blonde, nervously led a small pink-haired child into the dim heart-filled cave.
Serina slid into the little car first, Darien lifting Rini in beside her before settling himself in. Serina fidgeted with her fingers, her hands in her lap and twisting thick rogue strands of gold hair. Darien coolly draped his arm outside the car, letting the other drift over Rini's tiny shoulders as she snuggled up to her favorite guy. Darien caught the satisfied, mischievous smile that crept across Serina's face as she watched them from the corner of her eye. He was keeping his promise to be nice to Rini. He nervously ran a hand through his hair, and tousled Rini's pigtails.
`Now you've really done it, Shields! Caught in the most romantic ride in the fair with two girls you're crazy about and one of them you can't be near or she'll die! Good job, Tux, real smooth. Now, what do you do?!' Darien's fingers brushed through his hair again as he kept his gaze strictly ahead and away from Serina's angelically tilted face; her pale, silky skin illuminated by the rose lights. Golden hair glowing russet and brushing her delicately blushing cheek, her soft sapphire eyes absent-mindedly staring at an imagined point within the darkness. `You're so beautiful, my princess.'
Serina glanced up, as if she'd heard something whispered in the wind. Her little nose scrunched in vague confusion as she slowly studied the dark cavern of roses and hearts. Darien blinked as he realized he was staring.
“You're the princess, we've got to protect you!”
Then her glittering blue eyes pierced his with a worry that made his heart jump. Even Rini seemed to sense the sudden alarm that radiated from the girl beside her. The child peered up at Darien to find his gaze searching Serina's, waiting for a signal.
“What is it, Serina?” He whispered. He felt Rini pull closer to him, and watched her tug Serina's hand back to reality.
“Serina?” Rini hissed, suddenly scared. Why was Serina so afraid? What was wrong? She could feel something evil in the air and Serina did too, only a lot more.
“Something's up . . . Bad vibes, out there-” Serina mumbled as she flipped her communicator on and hit the `All Call.' A few moments later she had Lita and Mina on. “Girls, something's not right, do you see anything around? Where's Rei? Does she sense anything-” Serina's request was suddenly cut off by her own scream as the wall next to her exploded inward and the little car crashed to a stop.
Serin­a! Where-” Serina flung herself over Rini, and into Darien's arms. She punched the `Panic' button even as the communicator was painfully ripped off her wrist by the flying debris. She felt Darien's arms close around her as she whimpered. Slats of broken wood slammed into her back, fake roses and paper hearts rained on the trapped three.
“Serina-” Darien began trying to free himself and protect the two girls.
“Darien, get Rini out of here, we've got to protect her! I'll take care of this!” Serina ripped herself free of Darien's arms and kissed Rini briefly on the forehead. “I won't let them get you, princess.” She promised softly. She whirled and leapt from the car, Darien reaching up to stop her but she was gone and transforming before he could stand up.
He snatched up the little girl beside him and deftly jumped away from the wreckage. He turned to hear Sailor Moon's introductory speech, torn between transforming to help her and getting Rini to safety. He had no idea what had possessed Serina to suddenly take command now when at any other time she had always run away or waited for someone else to give the orders. `You're scaring me, Serina. I will never forgive you if you get yourself hurt!'