Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Stars Sometimes Fall ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 7 )

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Serina sat curled up in the window seat, the wan light dousing her in gray as she numbly frowned at the rain. The cool air seemed to embrace her; the drizzling mist cut her off from the rest of the world, locking her in her mind even though it wandered anyway. Her thoughts meandered about like the tiny rivers of cold water running down the street somewhere beyond the fog.
The blonde dolefully watched nothing, her head leaning against the icy windowpane, her shoulder and leg asleep where they pressed against the glass. Her fingers lay limp in her lap, forgotten wheat-colored strands of hair fallen over them.
The silence was as heavy as the thick air. A clock ticked, Luna purred lightly, the softest thap of raindrops against the window and on the roof. Serina had forgotten how long she sat there but Luna had since come in, fallen asleep, the dreary world had gotten a few shades darker. Her body ached and tingled but it was nothing the compared to the quiet, dead emptiness inside her.
CRACK BOOM!! The house shook with the sudden explosion of electricity. The glass rattled against her skin but the girl barely noticed. Even Luna shook awake, lifting her head and gazing about before settling back to sleep.
Serina stared out at the gray mist. “I'm scared.” Her voice was emotionless, as flat and cold as the glass she leaned against. She held her stuffed bunny close to her side, remembering Rini's fear of storms, Irene's fear of letting her sister down, her own fears . . .
“Rini, Irene, may I stay with you . . ?” She whispered to no one. “I'm so lonely . . .”
The bedroom door slowly swung open but Serina ignored it and sighed. It was probably her mom again, wondering why she was so depressed.
“Serina- may we-“ BOOM!!! Two identical little girls shrieked and bolted to Serina's side.
“Rini! Irene?!” Serina bolted upright, gasping and praying to God she wasn't really having hallucinations- she wasn't that far gone! She couldn't have dreamt them into existence, even her Silver Crystal couldn't give life to a memory!
“We're scared, Rena! Can we stay with you?” Rini whimpered, frowning and gazing up at her imploringly. Irene's wide eyes didn't reveal as much fright as her sister's but only a mother could tell she wanted to stay just as much, for the same reason. Both had Serina's shirt clutched in their tiny fists, Irene hopped up in front of Serina on the window seat, taking her hand.
“Why were you crying, Rena-mama?” Irene asked, reaching for her mother's silver-lined cheek. Serina caught her hand.
“Was I crying?” She didn't remember when the tears had come-
“Are you scared too?” Rini asked, suddenly not so scared. She stood and tried to crawl up on the window seat too but there was hardly room for her. Serina snapped out of her surprise as Rini pulled on her arm and knee to lever herself up, maneuvering around her sister and Serina's limbs and snuggle into her arms.
“No, sweetheart. I was just thinking how much I missed you two!” Serina happily wrapped her arms around both girls and squeezed till all of them were laughing so hard they cried.
“We missed you too, Rena. Mommy let us come back as long as we're home in time for dinner tomorrow.” Serina smiled again and shook her head. `Thank you, Serenity. You know my heart too well. I need my girls.'
Serina held the two girls close once more, blushing and smiling hugely at Luna who shook her head at the trio. Then the cat hopped down off the bed and up into Irene's lap. The four sat watching the rain till each one fell asleep and leaving Serina to watch over them.