Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Moon Senshi ❯ A Close Call ( Chapter 2 )

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The Moon Senshi-Chapter 2

A split second before the lightning orb got to the Senshi, a yell was heard.

"Pandora Ring Deflect!"

The lightning orb had been deflected and the youma was hit. "AAAARGGH!!!" the youma had said as it got hit and was destroyed. Soon after, the Senshi had jumped from the temple roof and bowed to Usagi. "We are sorry that we had not introduced ourselves earlier, but we had no chance," Phobos said. They all transformed back to original clothes and settled down.
"So you are some of the scout's guardians?" Uranus questioned. Amber [Deimos] said, "Yes we are. Setsuna must have told you about us." Nida [Io] said, "We all are older than our planet senshi, at least 10 years older." Coral [Nereid] continued, "We had protected you and trained you in your younger years. by the time you were all 18, when Sailor Saturn was 11, you were all ready for battle. "As you might know, we were among the first to die while protecting our senshi; and we were partly brainwashed by the Negaverse," Diera [Janus] said. "So you tried to kill us when you were brainwashed?" Hotaru asked. "No, we were to kill Queen and Princess Serenity, but we were snapped out of it when we were attacked on accident by the Generals. They thought we were different Senshi," Mia [Cordelia] said. Setsuna said, "Why they know all this? They were reincarnated with all their memory from the Moon Kingdom, and were sent back to their planets to be reborn."

On a distant planet, a woman with a strong resemblance of Queen Beryl, but mixed with Esmeraude, Wicked Lady, and Sailor Tin Nyanko was in rage. "Why are we always defeated this way?!" she screeched. One of her many generals stepped out of the shadows and replied, "It's those wretched Planet and Moon Senshi, Queen Sniarre. They are more powerful than our youmas." Sniarre [pronounced Snare] said, "We will get more powerful youmas out in the field. They are sure to be demolished!"

I know it's a short chapter, but it WILL be longer!