Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ When Destiny Changed ❯ Discovering ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Sixteen

`Ten had the most peculiar look on his face as the three of them left the department store, between that of a cat who just got its shots and a nervous twitch.

"Do…" he started, "Do they… are they always like that? I mean, actually throwing clothes at you, even dress you?"

Yie chuckled, "Well they can be a little aggressive but I don't know that they've dressed anyone yet. I believe it's some sort of technique they use in selling their wares."

`Ten just looked at him, "I never thought a female would ever…" here he gave an involuntary shiver, causing both Yie and Ki to laugh.

"She wasn't really that attractive, was she?" Ki grinned.

Again `Ten looked funny at him, "Attractive? She had greens practically growing from her teeth! And what is with this odd thing they call `money'? The look she gave me when I began to leave!"

Yie chuckled, "It seems to keep this particular society organized somehow. And they appear to like it that way. She sure did smile at you, `Ten when you passed her the currency I gave you."

With another shiver `Ten brought the collar of his new blue pleather jacket up, dawning a pair of shades and glancing about at his surroundings. "So what do they call this place?"

"A mall," Yie answered, "Rather strange I know but quite a convenience grouping shops like this, even adding venues of food. I rather like it."

"Do the females of this planet ever stop gawking?" Ki commented looking a little perturbed over the rim of his shades at some girls giggling at a fountain.

Again Yie had to grin; "It seems to be a strange past time here. But I think it's something else as well. He motioned for them to take a seat at a near by table and left. After a while, he returned with a tray of food.

"I know the wrappings look strange but give it a try. And `Ten, don't eat the wrapper." This gained a glare from `Ten and chuckle from Ki.

"Think me a complete simpleton?" he said icily.

"Well," Ki started, "There was that one time…"

"Oh shut up!"

The others laughed as `Ten just crumpled the wrapper, tossed it at them and ate, muttering between bites.

After they'd ate, Ki turned to Yie, "So, what do you mean by `something else'? It sounds important."

Taking a swallow of his drink, Yie glanced around and leaned in a bit. "Well, when I first walked about here, I tended to get some rather unwanted attention. People, girls in particular, would come up to me, practically shrieking with joy, like they knew me. I've even had a few ask me something rather strange. "Ever heard of an `autograph'?"

`Ten shook his head as Ki was thoughtful, "I think it might have something to do with signing a paper or something. When we arrived, I went out into the city myself and was almost attacked. Not by the conventional weapons but paper and I believe writing utensils. It was rather odd. It was for that reason we stuck to the dark."

Yie nodded, "Quintessentially, it seemed as it might be that I looked like someone rather important here. Demo, my guess is that they've not been seen for quite some time for such an attack."

`Ten nodded, "Well, I do not like this. It grows irritating the longer we stay here." He glanced behind again as some girls waved his way, and he gritted his teeth, turning back to Yie, "Isn't there something we can do about it? What have you done?"

Carefully checking that no one was watching them, Yie pulled the sleeves of his jacket back a bit, revealing the silver wrist bands. Both faces grew serious, saying nothing as Yie covered them again and nodded silently.

"Hai. They have protected me, almost made me invisible to these people. I rarely get a second look. But takes a bit out of me from long use. Like you, I tend to stick with the dark." He glanced down at his wrists sadly for a moment; "Even now I can feel her warmth from them. It has helped me thus far."

Both laid a hand on his arms, a sympathetic smile on their faces, "We know."

Yie looked up again, "Do you still posses your gifts of the hime?"

Both nodded. `Ten presented his right hand where a silver band inscribed with strange writing and a deep blue jewel rested on a finger. The jewel seemed to swirl when one looked deep into it, looking to posses something very powerful.

Ki reached inside his tanned pleather jacket and pulled out a silver medallion the size of his palm on a strong silver chain about his neck. It too was inscribed with strange writing around an iridescent stone that seemed to vary between a pearly white to that of a clear stone. It two seemed to posses a power.

Yie nodded, as Ki looked quizzical. "The hime did present you with a gift as well, did she not?"

"Hai. Demo, I presented it to…" he spoke too quietly but they understood. He glanced up again, "It was such that it could take any form I chose and I it did suit my beloved. When she gave me these," he motioned with his wrists, "They took on their new task well, even as they bonded me with her everlastingly. But that is not why I asked you. I have found that may be shielded as well. Now here's what you must do…"

After a few complex instructions, the other two nodded and closed their eyes; their stones glowing briefly before it died. They opened their eyes; both looking a bit spent for a moment.

"You're right, it does take a bit out me," Ki remarked.

Yie nodded, "You'll get use to it soon. Now then, let's leave here. You'll see the results soon enough."

Just as he said, they left without a problem, people not even noticing that anyone even passed them as they continued on.

"We're not totally invisible, are we?" `Ten asked, surprised by the results.

Yie grinned, "No, not completely. We just aren't anything special for people to notice." She frowned a little uncomfortably as they passed some girls waving in the direction and winking. Anime sweatdrop "Okay, so the females still notice but it's just the appearances, not any preconceived ideas of who we are."

Ki grinned, nodding sarcastically, "Uh huh, and you really don't mind the attention anyway, do you?"

"Shimatta." He glowered as the passed the girls, causing `Ten to chortle at Yie.

"You're picking up some bad habits on this planet, Yie."

"Arigatou gozaimasu." He answered sarcastically. "Kakkoii! I want to get out here now."

"Hai!" the others laughed as they left the mall, bags in hand and a dark faced Yie leading the way.

* * *

Later that evening, while `Ten and Ki sat glued to the TV, having not seen such a `odd invention', Yie stood out on the balcony, watching the sunset. Though nothing eventful had happened, he felt weary and was glad to drop his guard when they reached the apartment. Now that the others were with him, he felt sure the search would go much improved.

As he glanced down to the street he suddenly blinked. There stood a figure not far below and they seemed to be looking up at him.

It was that girl! The dark hared child he'd once seen during his first visit to the mall and then after that attack in the park. But how? And what was she doing here?

Instead of returning her gaze, he pretended not to notice and turned to return inside. The others may want to hear about it.

* * *

"What's the point coming here, Haruka-chan?" Makoto spoke as they walked out of parking lot, "Motoki checks on it regularly. What are we planning to find?"

Haruka was quiet for a moment, her expression thoughtful, " I'm not entirely sure but Hotaru felt she had to come here. Rather then argue, I'll go with it. And perhaps we may find a clue about Mamoru's location."

"Well, Hotaru sure did take off soon as we stopped. I wonder why?"

"We'll soon find out. Look." Not far in front of them Hotaru stood staring up at Mamoru's old apartment building intently.

"Hotaru?" Haruka spoke as they approached her, "What are you looking at?"

"Him." She said simply. Quizzical, both glanced at the direction she stared at. A number of floors up someone had just turned away, a sweep of dark hair swishing as they disappeared. There was a gasp as Haruka's eyes widened.

"It can't be," she whispered.

"Nani?" Makoto said, trying to find what she saw.

"I… I saw… but it couldn't be. I would have felt it."

"Haruka-chan, you look like you've seen a ghost. Spit it out! What did you see?"

A bit paled, Haruka looked away. "Just that, a ghost. My mind is playing tricks. Anyone could look like that." She turned back to Makoto; "It's nothing. Come on." She began to walk towards the apartment doors with Hotaru, a very confused Makoto looking after her.

Having reached the apartment, Makoto unlocked the door with the key Motoki had given her. The place was very quiet and dim with the setting sun's light, coating it in an orange glow. Swallowing a bit hard, they entered, closing the door behind them.

"It's so… empty. Without him here, I mean." Makoto remarked, "Usagi always seemed to make it full of laughter when we hung out here."

"I know," Haruka muttered, walking through the living room. "I suppose we can separate and check the rooms. I'll start here."

"Hai," Makoto said quietly, "I'll check the kitchen."

Hotaru said nothing, just sat watching as the two others made a careful search of the place, being as silent as mice. After about 20 minutes, Haruka stood from searching under the couch, "Anything?"

"Lie," Makoto said as she returned to the living room. "I guess that just leaves his bedroom." She glanced rather quietly at the door where beyond it lay.

"I suppose we can both search it." Haruka said, answering Makoto unasked question.

"It just feels like we're invading something very sacred." She said uncomfortably.

"It'll be all right," Haruka said.

With a deep breath, Makoto opened the door.

It felt like they entered a small cave. The drapes were half drawn and the bed made up tight and quiet, the closet empty and floor clean but for a throw rug and small table.

Haruka flicked on the light, glancing around; "I'll start with the desk."


Makoto started with the dresser, stopping briefly at a silver framed photo of Mamoru and Usagi together, Chibiusa between them, all smiling happily. Makoto's eyes welled up and she looked away quickly, trying hard not to look back again.

"Here," Haruka said suddenly, holding up a note pad. It was blank but Haruka grinned anyhow.

"I believe we can something on this."

"You think Mamoru would write where he was going?"

Haruka shrugged, "Most organized people tend make notes, especially if they're traveling."

"Worth a shot, I suppose."

Haruka sat, grabbing a pencil and began to carefully shade the page. Almost like magic, letters began to appear and Haruka began to grin.

"You found something?" Hotaru said softly as she came into the room.

Makoto nodded as she whistled and Haruka read it.

"Hiedelburg, Germany."

Makoto grinned. "Bingo."

* * *

So, boring? Sorry, kinda tired but I wanted to update y'all. My sis is getting married soon so I'll be gone for a month. LOL oh and if anyone would like to help me fundraising money for her (An idea my mother had.), just a dollar or something, just let me know. It's to help her and her fiancé get started. Anywho, R&R if you please. Cha!