Samurai Deeper Kyo Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing ❯ Because I Know You ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Because I Know You

I glare at you because I know you will look at me. Bontenmaru didn't and doesn't deserve the way you treat him. Keep that weak, pathetic look off of your face: we have all been through trying times. Don't expect me to feel sorry for you.

I raise my sword because I know you will fight back. Come on, now. Prove to me that you are sincere in your regret for your actions. I find it hard to believe that you would come down from your high horse so quickly. Come now, fight, show me your worth.

I never listen to what you say because I know "yes" always has an addendum. Or four. Stop lying. One who was formerly of the Elders could not be so fickle. No one is impressed by your games and riddles. Are you my enemy or not?

I kiss you becuase I know you will kick me back. Your words and your actions don't agree. Small touches, wistful looks: I am not nearly so young that I don't see you. My eyes are blind, but that doesn't mean the rest of me is. Just open your eyes and see me.

And I'm leaving because I know that if I lie with you, one day you will be gone. Blood stains on your lips, I don't have to see them to know that they are there. You try so hard to hide from me, but, this close, it is unmistakable: your life draining slowly. I won't have something else torn from me.