SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Yakunan Rijun ❯ Only One Option Left ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Celestin dug his claws into the base, “No! It can't be! I failed! The one way to save everything and it slips away! Damnit!”
“Calm down Celestin,” Zero ordered.
“Calm down!?” The youth snapped, “The future! My home! It's done for! We lost our only chance to save her!”
Captain ordered, “Stop saying that!”
“Piss off!” With that, and in blind anger, Celestin fled the base.
Rubbish gave a heavy sigh, “Go get him Daichimaru. It is time we went home.”
“Right…,” Daichimaru saddled his bike, Reauma and jumped off the base after his distraught friend.
Celestin ran and ran, wings beating with all their might, flight boasters pushed beyond their limits. Crashing branches fell through the forest as the gundam smashed through. Wooden shrapnel battered his armor, occasionally hitting the Last Knight's eye screen.
He lost. He failed His chance to be a hero, gone. He was nothing, “I'm useless!” Celestin clenched shut his eyes and fist, “Mother. Father. I have failed. I'm sorry. I tried to be a hero but… I not. I'm…I'm not hero like…like you were.”
The enraged flight was suddenly halted by an unseen tree. Landing with a thud, Celestin held his head at the point of impact, various leaves and twigs protrude from his armor, “Who put that there!?” He yelled.
“Finally!” Engine growling soft and steady, Reauma appeared carrying Daichimaru.
“Go away!” Celestin snapped.
Daichi dismounted and slowly approached, “You need to cool off.”
“I let him escape! I doomed us!”
“Shut up you damn knight! The Celestin I know never was so pessimistic,” Daichi answered, “Even after all you have endured, after seeing things anyone shouldn't at a young age, you kept seeing the better side!”
Celestin breathed deeply and replied a little calmer, “I lost the chance to avenge my parents.” One grabbed the red bandana around his neck, gently thumbing the fabric and feather.
“Advantage?” the musha asked, “Dude! All we have to do is take out that weakling Demon General. And then you will never be an orphan.”
Celestin smirked and rose to his feet, “A task easier said then done my friend.” He turned and faced Daichimaru, “But we did infiltrate the Death Angel fortress once. We can do it again.”
“There's my best friend,” Daichi smiled, “Now come on. Time to go home.”
The winged gundam nods, “It will be nice to be back home. Back when we belong.”
The duo raced each other to Bell Wood's device, finding an unusual surprise upon arrival. The Gundamusai loomed over them, patiently awaiting travel. Chief Haro, Juli, and several GMs stood on one platform; Bakunetsumaru, Zero, and Fleur on another. Doctor Bell Wood was feverishly typing and muttering, running several checks. To top it off, Rubbish's lantern had been hooked up to the computer, Captain and Shute standing close by.
After absorbing the scene, Celestin asked, “Wh-what's going on here?”
Shute turned around and waved, “Hey Celestin! Hey Daichimaru! What kept you?”
Confused, they walked forward as the archer asked, “What are you guys doing?”
“Attempting to contact your leader,” Captain answered.
“Just so they won't attack us,” Fleur answered, “Besides, we can't leave without our guides.”
“It is quiet simple,” Captain answered, “Demon General escaped to the future. So we must go there and capture him.”
“Are you guys' crazy!” Celestin shouted.
Daichimaru pressed “You can't come to the future!”
In a flash, Zero and Bakunetsumaru where behind the youths and held them in submission, “We're going. End of discussion.”
“Okay! Okay!”
A frustrated groan came from the shadows, “And you need us why?” Cobramaru stepped into the sun, Genkimaru racing ahead.
“Ha! I knew it!” the kid musha shouted pointing at Celestin and Daichimaru, “I knew there was something weird about you….” Genkimaru suddenly fazed out, eyes blank. He turned towards the device and drew a small portal in the air.
Baku jumped, “What the hell?”
Cobra rolls his eyes, “Here we go again.”
“Of course,” Rubbish chirped, “The Time Stream runs close to the Minov Boundary Sea. Therefore, he feels the effects every time a time rip occurs close to this time since he can make portals.” His clock suddenly rang loudly, jarring the small sprite. Next, a screen popped up covered in static.
“What the heck?”
“Shut up! Hackers!”
Celestin and Daichi knew that voice, “Doc!? Doc is that you?”
“Gio! Ninko!” Doc spoke, “Are you two alright?”
“Yes,” they replied. Celestin then added, “But I failed my mission.”
Doc answered cheerfully, “You need not worry. It was a long shot.”
“But I found it and it got away!” Celestin protested.
“I said don't worry,” was Doc's reply. “We'll move onto the next plan.”
A female voice is heard, “Gio! On thank goodness you're alive.”
Celestin sweat-dropped, “I'm still alive Kraken.”
Doc growled, “I said keep quiet! Just make sure the lot of ya get back to HQ safely.”
Daichimaru spoke up, “But Doc…”
“No arguing Ninko! You, Gio and Reauma return immediately.” The screen flickered off garbling the last message.
Shute snickered, “He's in for a surprise.”
Rubbish sighed, “Let's get this over with.”
Genkimaru snapped out of his trance, “What the? Not again!”
Captain spoke, “Genkimaru, please make a portal into the Minov Sea.”
“Huh?” the kid asked, “You want to get stuck?”
“Yes,” Captain replied.
The kid cocked an eyebrow, shrugged, and drew a portal, “There.”
The grey time sprite made a clock appear inside it causing Genki to faze out again. The Gundam Force quickly boarded the Gundamusai as Chief Haro spoke, “Good luck men! And come back safe.”
Captain ordered, “Gundamusai! Move out!”
Thanks to Rubbish's powers, the gundamized ship sailed smoothly into the time stream and raced forward, carrying Captain, Shute, Zero, Bakunetsumaru, Fleur, Celestin, Daichimaru, Reauma, and Rubbish. “Hang on tight chaps!” Rubbish cautioned.
Shute asked, “How will we know when to get out?”
“Simple,” Celestin answered, “Keep an eye out for Genkimaru's portal.”
Daichimaru watched what was his past fly by, “This is weird. I feel high.”
Baku watched various moments in time fly by, “Does the entire time stream look like this?”
“More or less,” Rubbish answered.
“RAMI! Look out!” Captain shouted. RAMI swerved avoiding a jagged part of time.
Zero looked behind them, “What by Mana was that!”
“A time disruption,” Rubbish answered. “Something caused that certain moment in time to change. I feel sorry for the sprite that will have to fix that.”
“Up there! A portal,” Fleur pointed to their right.
“That's it!” the future gundams announced, “In there RAMI!”
“Roger!” RAMI veered the Gundamusai into the portal, into the future.
Demon General stood in awe, amazed at what the Angel of Death had accomplished, “How…how did…do I…how did you…?”
The Death Angel let out a hardy laugh, “It's quiet simple. The torai queen Acucallius helped me in annihilating all of Skylark and its surrounding kingdoms. The planet is now no more then a pile of space rocks.”
The General laughed, “Of course the gundam hater. What did you do after that?” The battered demonian gundam eagerly asked.
“Patience younger me,” Death Angel replied, “Acucallius was no longer of any use tome, I turned her into a chair.” He gestured to the lizard skinned piece. “After that. I found a deserted little planet and fashioned various weapons, armor, and tools using the hides and armor of those I fell. Years I spent on that desolate rock carefully plotting my revenge when an idea arrived. By pure luck, I found the planet of Caynin. Unfortunately, the Gundam Force was there as well. I stayed hidden while they were there, no point in attacking just to lose. The Cayninights turned on the GF, allowing me to bring those simple beasts to my side. And slowly my army was born. They loved war, and after showing them what I was capable of, they proclaimed me as their god, The Angel of Death.”
“Awesome!” Demon General shouted, “I never thought I would get my revenge.”
“Yes, our brethren can soon rest in peace,” Death Angel replied, “All that stands in my way is the Gundam Resistance led by the Ark Emperor Genkimaru and the Blazing Samurai Bakunetsumaru.”
D.G. then asked, “How far have you gotten?”
The Angel happily answered, “Neotopia and Lacroa have fallen. Soon Ark will as well. And then, the entire universe will kneel before the Angel of Death!” Manic laughter escaped his fanged mouth, Demon General soon accompanying him.
The joyous moment was short lived, Purity's clock clanged loudly, “Sir, problem.”
“What!?” Death Angel roared in anger.
“My lord!” An enormous black and white wolf with twin cannons strapped to his back raced forward and kneeled before him.
“Yes, High General Ace.”
The wolf spoke, “A ship has appeared from an unknown time portal.”
“What!” In hidden terror, the Angel of Death raced onto a balcony overlooking the war beaten land. High above the fortress, the Gundamusai rocketed forth, speeding into the east. “Bring that ship DOWN!!!”
Shute looked in horror at the battle weary land, “Where are we?”
“Behind enemy lines!” Before anyone could stop them, Celestin and Daichimaru were in the elevator and on top of the Gundamusai's head.
Celestin took his beam rifle in one hand, plasma cannon in the other and opened fire on the attacking Death Angel army as Daichimaru launched multiple bomb arrows at the opposing force.
Captain shouted, “What are they thinking!?”
“RAMI,” Rubbish spoke, “Fly east as fast as possible. We must get into friendly territory.”
“Die you sons of bitches!” Daichimaru launched multiple explosive arrows not seeing a missile approaching from the rear.
“Get down!” Bakunetsumaru yanked on the archer's collar, causing him to misfire and hit the missile. Smoke encompassed the Gundamusai's head momentarily hiding the gundams. Baku growled at Daichi, “Watch your back. We're fighting cowards.”
“Yes sir.”
Captain issued orders, “Zero! Celestin! We three will take the rear. Bakunetsumaru! Daichimaru. Fleur! Take the front and clear our path. Shute and RAMI, watch our backs!”
Missiles, petal lined tornadoes, plasma bolts, gunfire, arrows, all types of long range weaponry assaulted those in the rear and was just as quickly returned. Up front, cannons scarcely fired, hitting dense populations of opposition. Any Death Angel follower fool enough to board the Musai quickly met an end by arrow, claws, or steel. Shute and RAMI alerted them to any stealth squadrons that may be hiding.
These Cayninights are very persistent,” Captain stated.
“A pain is what they are,” Celestin replied.
Daichimaru sliced another unlucky foe and looked to the horizon, “There! Resistant turf!”
Bakunetsumaru looked up spying an Arkain flag, “Good. We can get reinforcements.”
Daichimaru let loose a shrill whistle, Celestin looked over his shoulder and gave a chirping whistle. The Gundamusai smoothly sailed pass the towers, any Death Angel army members following close slammed into an electric barrier and were instantly knocked back one hundred yards.
“Halt!” The Angel of Death shouted. His troops obeyed, watching the Gundamusai disappear. A deep chuckle escaped the Death Angel's throat, “They'll be back.”