Shaman King Fan Fiction ❯ Let Me Know You ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shaman King belongs to Hiroyuki Takei, not me.
“I hate Anna.”
Keiko tugged her son into her arms, forgetting his thirteen years. “Why do you hate Anna, Yoh-chan?” she asked him.
Yoh pouted. “She's a demon in human form,” he said. “Are you sure I have to marry her, Kaa'san?”
“Yes,” Keiko said.
“I'd rather marry Amidamaru,” Yoh snorted. “Anna's mean and bossy and acts like she's queen of this world and the next. Can't you find a nice girl for me to marry?”
Keiko laughed and kissed Yoh's forehead. “Baby, you'll get over it,” she said. “Anna is a nice girl. You just have to learn to love her.”
“That's impossible. No one could love Anna,” Yoh said.
She slid her son off of her lap. “You can,” she told him. “It's nowhere near impossible. After all, your father learned to love me.” Keiko kissed the top of Yoh's head. “Good night, Yoh.”
“Good night, Kaa'san,” Yoh mumbled, sliding under the covers. Keiko turned out the lights.
In the room next to Yoh's, Anna buried her face in her hands. She hadn't intended to make Yoh hate her. She only wanted him to be safe, and to be safe he had to be stronger than his opponents. Anna bit her lip savagely until the blood ran over her chin. She didn't want to cry.
No one could love Anna.
For author's notes and commentary, please visit my homepage and go to the link marked “Fanfiction.”