Shinzo Fan Fiction ❯ Anna ❯ The Story ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1:
Before the Beginning

Disclaimer: I don't own Shinzo kay? I wish I did, when Im rich (yeh right) I might (WILL!) buy it.
As if.
The chances off that happening are nill.
Please review I'm dying over here, so PLEASE R&R!

===- end/start fiction
+++- change scene in a story
___-change scene in fiction


Yakumo, Mushra, Saago, Kutal and of course the kittens we no further to reaching Shinzo. But the good thing was they hadn't run into a evil Enterran for days, the bad thing being Mushra was itching for a fight, any takers?

Yakumo sighed as she watched Mushra pin Saago for the 43 time in a row. She looked around for Kutal and the kittens when-

"Yakumo, Yakumo help me!" Estee ran into her lap, squeaking in her high pitched voice.
"Now whats the matter here Estee?" Yakumo picked the small cat up from her lap, realising the problem she turned to it, "Oh," there was a pause, "You know you really shouldn't let the others push you around like that," Smiling she put the kitten back on the ground.
"Bu- Yakumo can I stay with you?" she piped.
"Alright then but I'm not doing anything..."
"Will you tell me a story Yakumo?"
"Huh?!- Oh... I don't know Estee I-"
"Pwease?" The kitten grinned at the girl.
"Oh well I suppose-" she began.
"YAY!" Estee climbed onto Yakumo's lap. Yakumo paused for a second, thinking to herself in a silence.
"Well once a long long time ago there was a little girl, she lived in a village far to the East. It was a wonderful village, and she had many friends. The next day she was to be three...

The little girl sat restlessly next to her mother, her white hair flashing in the torch light.
"Calm down Yakumo sweet heart, every day must be treasured and not wished away, tomorrow will arrive as the guardian* wish it to. Come on now you'll wear yourself out!" The blue eyed lady ruffled the childs hair, picking her up and carrying her through a brown leather slit in the tent like room, this lead to another chamber.
The lady set the girl down in a rug wrapping it around her like a blanket.
"Mommy. Swong Swong Mommy Swong!" The child clutched close to the lady, burying her face into her coat.
"Alright then, one song then lights out."
The girls face lightened at this and she streached her arms out signaling a wanted hug.
"Hmm..." The lady smiled at this, all this light and hope, wishing things would stay the way it was, though the growing shadow of Hishiro** spread nearer towards the village:
"Angels, answer me,
are you near if rain should fall?
Am I to believe ,
you will rise to calm the storm?
For so great a treasure words will never do.
Surely, if this is,
promises are mine to give you.
Mine to give...

Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall and alter tomorrow.
I should know heaven has her way - each one given memories to own.

Angels, all could be ,
should you move both earth and sea.
Angels, I could feel,
all those dark clouds disappearing...
Even, as I breathe,
comes an angel to their keep.
Surely, if this is,
promises are mine to give you.
Mine to give...

Here, all too soon the day!
Wish the moon to fall and alter tomorrow.
I should know heaven has her way - each one given memories to own.

Surely, surely.
Promises are mine to give to you.
Mine to give..."

Smiling the lady placed a kiss on the sleeping childs forehead.

"Mine to give..
And mine to keep..."

"Yakumo, snap out of it." Estee broke the silence, "Continue with the story Yakumo."
"I'm sorry Estee, I was just..." Yakumo blinked a few times.
"Just what Yakumo?"
"Just thinking... anyway...

The next morning the girl awoke with a start, the room was chilled, and a frosty breeze was about her. She rose from the rug bed and jumped to the floor, though when she looked up gasped in horror.
The leather tent had been slashed and burned around her. Through the thin material she could make out large heaps.
"Mommy!" She cried throwing back the torn leather wall sheets and progressing into the open.


Blood everywhere.

Dark, thick pooled around many bodies, those of her friends and-

"MOMMY!" The girl ran to the bloody body of her mother, "Oh mommy," She cried sweeping to touch her mothers pale face, "Mommy wake up, mommy...mommy?"
"Cheri-ished, bel-l-loved, is-s that you? T-they did-dn't get you? Tt-hank the gu-ardians." The ladies eyelids fluttered open, she clutched the child close to her.
"I love you mommy." the girl sobbed softly.
"I k-know sw-we-et heart, a-nd I wan't you-u to b-be ha-ppy forever-r. G-o to t-the g-uardians they w-ill ta-k-e care o-f you. T-o-o the f-ore-st*** go bef-ore t-they ret-urn. G-o now..."
"Go- n-now, m-y b-irt-thday g-i-rl..." She said closing her eyes.

"And the guardians took her in the end." Yakumo said suddenly.
"No, Yakumo tell me the STORY!" Estee frowned.
"Alright Estee...

So the girl obeying her mothers comand went to the guardian shrine:
She wandered for days in the smoldering heat of the forest, eating only the leaves and the berries that the chiko-birds**** told so.
It had been three days since a breeze in the West Valleys***** had found its way. And the immense heat was begining to take its toll on the child, her being only three. She had heatstroke over most of her body, arms, legs and face.
Panting heavily, she collapsed in the heat.


Red had been walking now for many an hour, hunting with her pack. They had so far had no luck, being wolves, they were easily seen, their silver coats giving them away.
Red hated her body, it bought hatred to her.
'Yes... Hatred' she thought closing her eyes remembering the day the guardians gave her that skin. For she had chosen to shed her human form and vowed to protect the sacred land, in exchange for the life of another.
They despised wolves, humans. They banished her from their tribe. Pushing her with torches of flame and steely blades.
"Huh?" She growled, a flicker, movement had caught her eye. She leaped through the undergrowth unto the movements source.
"What?" She bound back in suprise, it was a human child.
"What is it?" A young cub stared at the child.
"I think it's a human child Jiber." A older cub stepped infront.
Red nuzzled at the heap with her wet black nose.
"It is no danger to us, it is young, and ill from the heat. I will take it." Red flicked the child onto her back effortlessly. "Maroto, Hina, take the pack from here I'm going back to the den."
And with that Red jumped out of view into the Hushu****** Valley of the forest.

And so Red took the child in as one of her cubs. Raising her to hate the humans, and the guardians. She poured her life and soul into the girl, treating her like a wolf. And so the girl thought she was one. Speaking only the language of the animals. Never finding, nor remembering the shrine which she once set out for.
So over the years, Red raised the child to have knoledge of many things, and wisdom greater than her years, and to the child she also taught the four magic abilites:
Yin & Yang
Time & Space
Life & Death
And through the girl Red recreated the Five Warriors of Kutonomi*******.
But as time crept by the Shadow of Hishiro took over the forest, and so began the great war.
The Kutonomi were out numbered and the side of Hishiro was winning. Red afraid of losing the Five, transported them to the future, where she hoped they could live in peace.

Yakumo looked at the sleeping kitten on her lap and sighed.

"But then there were the Enterrans, and we all know what happened then."


To be continued, oh again please R&R!

* The Guardians were the most worshiped *gods* of that time, they supposedly could control Life and Death. People believed that if they prayed/sacrificed/worshiped the guardians, it would bring good luck.

** Hishiro means 'The Lord of Darkness' in Timuro the ancient toungue of the peoples of the West Valleys.

*** The Forest was a large area, sacred, owned by the guardians. Feared by all peoples of the Valleys.

**** Chiko-birds, an emerald coloured bird, commonly found in the West Valleys, quoted as 'the friend of travellers'.

***** Japan was split into many Valleys, these were effective as counties in a way, There were:
The Western Valleys
The Southern Valleys
The Northern Valleys
The Eastern Valleys
There were also the uninhabited Dead valleys:
The Grey Downs
The Black Downs
The Red Mountains

****** Hushu means Wolf in Timuro.

******* Kutonomi meaning Heavens in Timuro.


Angels was composed and sung by Enya. I do not own it.

Again I don't own Shinzo and *sniff* I REALLY WISH I DID! *sniff*