Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Enigma to Paramour ❯ Day Two, Part One ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Day Two, Part One

Disclaimer: None of the Slayers characters belong to me. However, the plot I put them in along with the kingdoms and Lina and Darren do belong to me.

AN: Sorry it took so long, I had a bit of trouble deciding what I wanted to happen to them and then I just got back from Memphis yesterday. We were out of town for four days and I couldn't get onto my computer to write. Well, thanks again to all of those who reviewed, you have no idea what that means to me. It lets me know that someone is actually reading the crap I write. Well, here's the next chapter.

Lina slowly and silently walked out of the castle gates, hoping not to be spotted. After yesterday's chase she didn't think it was a good idea to try and fly herself over the walls, she really didn't want to have another "catch me if you can" game with the guards. They had almost caught her yesterday. And today she had a time to meet Katia and the grinning nut, also known as Xellos. She had never met anyone who smiled so much. And he got onto her nerves like no one else could. She could also tell that enjoyed doing so.

Lina managed to get through the guards without trouble, thankfully, and into the city quickly. She arrived at the "Sorcerer's Supplies" just as the city clock struck the hour. She wasn't surprised to see Katia with her soon-to-be husband waiting in the store. Then she saw Xellos. He had, apparently, entered the store just before she had gotten there as he was just now heading over to the couple.

Xellos had managed to get out the inn quickly as his mother had expected him to be exploring the city anyway. He wore the same style clothes he had yesterday and was, yet again, carrying his staff, his smile fixed on his face as though it were chiseled into a stone slab.

He quickly made his way over to the sorcerer's shop he had seen yesterday and, for the first time, really noticed the name, "Sorcerer's Supplies". Very discreet. He had just entered the shop when the city clock struck the hour. He quickly spotted Katia talking to a guy who seemed about her age and an inch taller, Lina wasn't there yet. `Too bad. It would've been fun to try and startle her.'

Xellos walked over to the couple and, just as he was about to say hi, the bell on the entrance door chimed. Indicating that another person had entered. It was Lina, and she too was wearing an outfit that was the same style as the one she had worn the day before.

"Hello Lina, Xellos." Katia said. Her sapphire blue eyes were smiling at the both of them.

"Hi." They both replied. Lina walked over to the three of them and smiled.

"Hello to you too, Xellos, Darren." Lina said, nodding first to Xellos, then to the man standing beside Katia. Xellos saw that he had short, light brown hair that framed a face that contained a pair of blue-grey eyes. He was wearing a dark green shirt and black pants. Katia, who stood next to him, was wearing a pair of deep blue pants and a silver-gray blouse.

"Hello to you too, Lina-chan." Xellos said. He loved the way she turned a light pink, out of anger, when he said that. He decided to keep the nickname for her. After all, it did infuriate her so.

"Hello Lina." The man, Darren, said. Then he turned to Xellos, "Hello, my name is Daren Fushichou. You are?"

Xellos replied, "My name is Xellos." Darren nodded. Xellos guessed that he and Katia knew each other and that she had told him about what had happened yesterday.

"What are we doing today?" Lina asked, turning to Darren and Katia.

"I thought you two would like to practice your magic. I know of a field just outside of town where we could practice and not be disturbed." Katia said.

"Why do I get the feeling that that isn't the only reason that all of us are going to practice out there?" Darren asked. Katia just grinned in response.

"Okay, and then we can come back to the town for supper around five or six." Lina said, her mind, as always, on food.

"You always think of food, don't you Lina-chan." Xellos said. He hoped for, and did receive, the light flush on Lina's cheeks in response.

"Will you stop calling me Lina-chan?!?!" Lina almost screamed. The nickname was really trying her nerves. She could actually feel the heat rise to her face out of anger.

"But why Lina-chan? I though that you liked it." Xellos said. It was so fun to try and rile up this young lady. She had such violent reactions, and those reactions always came when he wanted them too. His smile broadened imperceptibly as Lina's face turned a bright red.

"Um, guys? Let's just go." Darren said, hoping to avoid Lina's Dragon Slave. He really didn't want to pay for the damages. Nor did he want Lina to be found. She was, after all, the only one in the kingdom that could do the dragon slave other that Katia, at least as far as he knew. And he couldn't defend himself from it. He could do simple magic, but he was much more skilled with a sword.

"Fine." Lina snapped and then stomped out of the store. Xellos just grinned his maniac's grin and followed her.

Katia shook her head and turned to Darren. "Shall we go. We'll need to be there to stop Lina from killing him."

"You're playing match-maker again, aren't you?" Darren asked her. He knew that grin when he saw it. And it had gotten many of her friends husbands or wives.

"Of course, what else would I be doing?" Katia asked. She just smiled at him.

"I just pray for your sake that Lina doesn't find out. I doubt that she'll be very appreciative of your efforts." Darren warned. "And who knows how that grinning maniac will react. After all, only a maniac would purposefully try and rile up Lina. Especially if what you told me about yesterday is correct. After all, he did see her dragon Slave."

"That's why I think they would make a good couple. He's not at all afraid of her temper, even after he saw what she could do. Now come on, we better hurry and catch up before Lina kills him." And with that Katia dragged Darren out of the store and to the field where they were to practice.