Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Slayers Christmas ❯ the start ( Chapter 1 )

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The Christmas Slayers

Disclaimer: All Standard Slayer disclaimers apply

It was Christmas Eve and Lina and Company were all sitting around the fire. Lina and Gourry fighting over food. Amelia and Zelgadis were sitting there watching them fight.

Amelia looked up at Zelgadis, wishing that they would find the cure so Zelgadis would love her.

Zelgadis could feel Amelia's gaze on him. `I know that she loves me, and I love her but I can't she is too good for me.'

"Gourry! That's mine."

"Sorry Lina, but I got it first."

"Fireball!" As we all know that when Lina fireballs something they are normally don't move for a while. Lina snatched the chicken leg out of Gourry's twitching hand.

"Miss Lina that's not right!" Amelia said, "And it's Christmas Eve."

"Every one make your Christmas wishes, it might come true." Lina said then she felt something cold hit her nose. When Lina looked up she saw snow swirling around in the sky. "It's snowing."

"Gourry and Zel set up the tents." Lina said pointing at the role that was the tent. "Amelia grab the stuff and toss it in, I'll douse the fire."

As they were setting up, little did they know that some one was watching them.

They just got into the tent as the snow started to come down harder. Lina stopped just out the door to look around, that was when the wind picked up. The wind pushed her in she fell in Gourry's lap.

"Sorry. That wind strong, I hope the tent holds." Lina says as she pulls her self out of Gourry's lap.

"Miss Lina, were would you want to be to night?"

"Amelia that's easy, I would want to be anywhere away from my sister and Nagha."

"I would want to be with friends or family." Gourry said. "But I'm with friends and I think of you all as family."
"I think if I was not here with you I would be alone, so there is no were that I would rather be."
"I think I would rather be here with everyone and home with daddy."

"Its Christmas time and when my sister and I were little she would be mean to me until a week before Christmas." Lina said looking in to the fire. "It was Christmas day and we were opening the presents, I got a book of beginner spells that Luna wanted. I was sitting under our tree, reading throught the book there was a lot of spells in there that I know now, she came up behind me and smacked me with a mallet upside the head."

"What happened next, Lina?"

"I really don't remember what happened for the next couple of days. But my mom wouldn't let me cast any spells for a while."

Amelia handed everyone a cup of cider.


The figure crept near the tent. "So they love being together." The figure whispered.

"With all the love that is in this tent,

Make there wishes come true

And the love will flourish"


Lina looked at Gourry, and Amelia looked a Zelgadis. Lina grabbed Gourry's arm and draged him to a corner and Amelia took Zelgadis to the other corner.

"Gourry I think I know how to turn Zell in to a human. But I need you to hit me upside my head."

"No! I will not."

"Mr. Zelgadis, I love you."

"I love you too but you can't love me for I'm nothing."

"Zell, Amelia, I need you to smack me against the head as hard as you can."


"I think that I might know it but… I need to be bashed really hard. Little that happens before Luna hit me. It was something about turning chimera back to human."


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Part one; the next part will be about soon.