Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Xellos and Filia: A Twisted Fate ❯ Trouble Brewing! Beastmaster's Plot! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Part II: Trouble Brewing! Beastmaster's Plot!

Beastmaster smiled slyly as the trickster appeared before her. He only gave a light cough and then a sheepish smile. She lifted an eyebrow.

"So, Xellos, finished with your paternal duties?"

Xellos gave a light laugh and shrugged his shoulders. "So you were watching."

"Of course." She gave a small wave of her hand and the recorded events of the day were suddenly playing. Especially the kisses he'd shared with Filia. The sound was muted. Beastmaster smiled at her servant. "You were unusually friendly with that Golden Dragon, Xellos. Are you playing some sort of twisted trick on her? After all, you are the one who killed hundreds of her kind during the War of the Monsters' Fall." Beastmaster stood, the wolves around her growling. "What game are you playing, Xellos?"

"No game, Lord Beastmaster."

She lifted an eyebrow. "Really?"

Beastmaster turned away and cocked a finger at Xellos. They both teleported into her chambers, the events of day were still playing silently. Her wolves walked with her as she approached the image of him and Filia. She turned to him with an evil smile. "She is quite lovely for a Golden Dragon, isn't she, Xellos?"

Xellos' eyes were open and he was watching Beastmaster warily. She saw his expression and laughed silently. Silly little wolf, she thought. Do you actually think you can hide your true feelings from me?

She froze the images. Xellos and Filia were locked in their second wild kiss. Beastmaster caressed the image of Xellos. "Despite what you say, Xellos, I believe you do desire her." Her hands moved over the image of his erection. She smiled. "You were …quite excited."

Xellos smirked. "Who wouldn't be? The dragon had surprising passion."

Beastmaster nodded. "Ah, I see. You weren't expecting a passionate response from someone who claims to despise you." She approached him. "But I believe there is more that you're hiding from me, my little wolf."

Xellos lifted an eyebrow. Beastmaster smiled. "Very well, Xellos. Prove to me that the desire you feel for this Filia is nothing more than spur of the moment passion. That it goes no deeper."

He blinked. "What?"

Beastmaster strode up to him and dropped her dress. She stood nude before him. She lifted her hand and caressed Xellos' face, despite the fact that his jaw had dropped. "Prove to me that there is nothing you desire in a Golden Dragon. Stay with me tonight."

Xellos eyes darted from Beastmaster to the bed to the image of he and Filia locked in a heated embrace. He swallowed.

Beastmaster sighed and then smiled evilly at him. "Perhaps then you would be more willing to sleep with me if I wore this guise?"

Suddenly, Filia was standing before him. In the nude. Her golden body glistening with perfection, her long blonde hair hanging over her, swishing against her soft skin. He could see the rise and fall of her breasts with each breath she took, her pink nipples poking out from beneath the hair. He saw every delicious curve, and the nest of honey curls at the apex of her thighs. He dragged his eyes up and stared at her full swollen lips. But when he looked into her eyes, to drown into the pure innocent ocean blue, he stared into a demon's eyes.

Xellos turned his face away. What game was Lord Beastmaster playing? He took a deep breath.

"What's wrong, Xellos?"

He turned sharply to the woman before him. He knew it was Lord Beastmaster in disguise. He knew it. But she had spoken with Filia's voice. It had unnerved him.

"It won't work, Lord Beastmaster. I feel lust because she is beautiful, but no more than that," Xellos insisted.

The fake Filia sneered before him and stepped closer. "No more than that, Xellos? Are you certain? Is that all you feel for that Golden Dragon, lust?"

Xellos stiffened as he felt her hand on his crotch. Seeing Filia naked…whatever! close enough…had had plenty of an affect of him. He was hard, ready and swollen. The fake Filia smiled and slid her hand into his pants.

"That was a very quick reaction, Xellos, for just seeing her body. Are you certain, it's only lust?" she asked huskily as she cupped him in her hands.

"Yes," was his hoarse reply.

"Very well," Beastmaster transformed back and dragged Xellos into bed. Xellos couldn't resist. His staff hit the carpet floor with a silent thud. He was locked in her embrace, his clothes scattered across the room and he was trapped within her bed sheets.

* * *

During the night, Beastmaster decided to try an experiment. She took a long drawl from her cigarette. She didn't believe a word of Xellos' denial. Like she, he knew the truth of the gods and the monsters. He knew the reason why they fought now, and he knew the truth of their coexistence. If he desired the Golden Dragon, truly desired her, Beastmaster would let him have Filia. What perplexed her was his denial. Why did he deny his yearning?

The sex had been good, no doubt about it. Actually, it had been fantastic. Her little tricky wolf had some stamina. Her fingernail trailed down his chest. But she knew he was holding something back. Something that he probably didn't even realize he was holding back.

She grinned and exhaled the smoke onto him. The smoke had a yellow tint to it. Then she transformed. She moved over him, awakening him from his deep sleep with light kisses, arousing him until he was pulsing in her hands. She took him within her body and began to move over him.

Xellos awoke groggily. He'd been dreaming of…what…? His eyes were still foggy but he saw a woman over him, taking him into her. He groaned, still halfway in dreamland. Her saw her long blonde hair, her pointy ears, and her parted swollen lips. Filia…? Her sweet inner muscles pulled on his erection. He groaned again and reached for her hips. Oh, yes, he was still dreaming. There was no way his lovely Golden Dragon was with him now, moving over him with such enthusiasm. He thrust into her as she came down and he heard her cry out. Ah… did I find a small secret place within you, my lovely dragon?

He rolled her over, his body atop her. He thrust heavily into her, repeatedly, his mouth sucking on her large succulent breasts. He lifted her legs over his shoulders so he could thrust more deeply into her, into that spot that he knew gave her the utmost pleasure. He heard her gasps, her whimpers as he continued thrusting endlessly into her. He pulled at a nipple with his teeth, making her arch her back, and give a moan of ecstasy. He slid one of his hands down her body and spread his finger into her nest of curls, his fingers then wreaking havoc on her core.

When she exploded with her climax in his arms, he slammed into her once more and let his own climax rock him. He collapsed beside her and murmured her name.


Beastmaster was having a hard time breathing. All right, that experiment turned out much more promising than she had hoped for. Sex hadn't been that good for her since… She cast the thought aside. Oh well. She smiled lightly. It had been a long time since the male had taken control without her permission before. It felt good to be possessed. She grinned. Silly wolf. The truth is out. You do desire that Golden Dragon more than you let on.

Now let's see if the other half of the experiment worked out as well.

Beastmaster waved her hand and an image of Filia appeared. She was on her bed, sitting up. She was sweating. Her hair was rumpled, her white nightgown soaking and stuck against her damp skin. The covers were on the floor, her legs were spread, and the skirt of her nightgown was twisted against her waist. Her blue eyes were wide with shock, disbelief, desire and completion. Beastmaster could see the pulse racing in the dragon's throat, and the nipples erect and tight against the damp nightgown.

So it had worked. The yellow smoke she had spread on Xellos had transferred his carnal thoughts into the Golden Dragon's dreams. And she had awakened from a pleasure so violent she wasn't sure where it had come from. Beastmaster smiled. Pity the dragon didn't realize she had actually climaxed from the erotic dream she was having. The innocent thing had probably never even been kissed till Xellos.

Perhaps, Beastmaster thought as she gazed at Filia's expression, I should pay her a visit tomorrow.

* * *

Filia was already disturbed by the…strange…dream the night before. Her face flushed again for the millionth time that morning. Strange. Huh, 'strange' wasn't the word for it. It was downright insane! And the only person to blame was the stupid Mazoku. He had gone and confused the hell out of her yesterday and then she had had this insane dream with him doing…doing…doing…her face turned beat red again. Doing things to her. Things that she never thought she would ever do…even less with Xellos, of all things!

She cursed as she polished the vase with more fervor. Why couldn't she stop thinking about it? It was preoccupying her mind like it was the only important thing in her life! She has to many other things to worry about than a disturbing dream… She gulped. A disturbing dream that had practically rocked her with the pleasure. She shook her head fiercely. No! No, no, no, no, no! She was going to STOP thinking about it! She was going to put it out of her mind and just forget about the whole thing…

Filia's face turned red as she remembered the feel of Xellos as he moved over her… NO! It was just a dream!! Forget about it!!

"I never knew my little experiment would have such a profound effect."

Filia whirled around in surprise. The vase slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor shattering into pieces. Before her stood a beautiful woman, probably the most beautiful in existence, with long white hair, curled towards the ends. Her skin was a dark copper color, and her eyes were iridescent, flashing with a different color with her every movement. She wore a satin black kimono with plum blossoms decorating it and her long hair was picked up in a high ponytail by two glossy black hair sticks. Beside her were two enormous black wolves with evil intent in their golden eyes. Filia could only stare with her mouth open as those iridescent demonic eyes focused on her.


The woman's lips twisted into an amused smile. "Beastmaster."

Filia gulped. Yeah, she'd figured that much. "Wha-wha-wha…"

"What am I doing here?" Beastmaster finished for Filia. She smiled. "I came to pay you a visit. After all, you had the courage to send your little note to me in order to get Xellos here for his 'parental' duties, and my little trickster wolf had fun tormenting you yesterday. I came to see what makes a Golden Dragon so special."

Filia's mouth only hung open. Damn Xellos!! What the hell was he thinking?! It was bad enough to have one Mazoku always hounding her door, but now to have his boss coming for a visit too...?! Filia was sure as hell this wasn't a house call! Why is it that she had all the bad luck in dealing with Mazoku?!

"Miss? We heard a crash, you all right in there?"

Filia whirled around just in time to see Jillas and Garbos about to enter the room. She rushed to the door and slammed it on them. She locked it. "I'm all right! Don't worry about me! Watch the store! Don't come in here!!" She turned back to the Mazoku in her parlor, her back still leaning against the door.

Beastmaster had an amused look on her face. "I'm not going to eat them, you know. Fox and reptile people are not high on my list of gourmet cuisine." She gave Filia a light smile as she approached her. "And you can try to calm down. Neither is Golden Dragon hide. Too tough for my delicate system. I much prefer lake dragon."

"What do you want with me? Why are you here? Sorry about the note, but-"

"Yes, yes. It was the only way you could contact Xellos quickly. But that doesn't forgive the fact that you dared to treat a Lord of the Mazoku like an equal and for the petty reason of contacting another Mazoku. Now, you tell me, what Golden Dragon, a child of the gods, a Ryuzoku, would want to contact a Mazoku and actually dare to go through his lord to get to him? The only credit I'll give you is your foolhardy courage."

Filia gulped again. The conversation was not going well for her. "But you don't understand. I had to get Xellos here-"

Beastmaster lifted a hand for silence. "I know your reason perfectly well. A baby Ancient Dragon…" Beastmaster smiled and began to head for Val's room. Filia's eyes widened and hurried after her. She couldn't let this Mazoku lord do anything to Val!

"Fear not. Baby Ancient Dragons are infinitely more tastier than a Golden one," Filia gasped, "but I won't eat this one." Beastmaster bent down and waved gently at the baby. Little Val gurgled happily at her. Filia only groaned. What was with this child and Mazoku???

Filia watched as Beastmaster caressed Val's hair, her fingers running gently through the soft curls. What…what was really going on here? Why was Lord Beastmaster here? What business did she have with her? Realization suddenly hit Filia. She knew about Val… She probably saw what had gone on yesterday and that meant…

"To think," Beastmaster murmured as she straightened, smiling tenderly down at the baby. "This child could have been one of us." Filia stiffened. Beastmaster turned to her, her arms crossed over her chest. "He was one of Gaav's last followers." She smiled slightly, sadly. "Gaav, you damn fool…" She shook her head and walked toward Filia. "Well, enough with the pleasantries. Time for business. You already look like you're ready to jump out of your skin and I haven't yet begun."

"You know about why Xellos comes here. You saw what happened yesterday?" Filia whispered.

Beastmaster smirked. "Of course, dear girl. And that's what I can't seem to figure out. Xellos spent yesterday tormenting you with his stolen kisses." Filia's face flamed up. "But when I asked him how deep his desire went, he blatantly lied to me. He said, for you, he only felt lust. And all because you are incredibly lovely and had a surprisingly passionate side to you. But when I appeared before him, in the nude, his reaction wasn't nearly as…shall we say, energetic? And I am infinitely more lovely than you."

Filia's face was burning as she stared at the floor. Xellos… Xellos… XELLOS! XELLOS AND BEASTMASTER?!?! But…but…but…

Beastmaster suddenly appeared in Filia's line of sight. "Yes. Xellos and I. In my chambers. All night. You know, he has surprising stamina. What's wrong? Jealous?"

Filia was still beat red. "N-N-NO! Why, in hell, would I be jealous o-of you?! You can keep the stupid Mazoku! Do what you like!! I don't care! He's your underling. He'll do anything you tell him to."

"He should."

Filia blinked. "What?"

Beastmaster shrugged her shoulders delicately. "It took me quite some time in order to convince him to come to bed with me. He was still daydreaming about the heated kisses you both had shared earlier, I believe. In order for me to get the most out of him, I had to transform into you." Beastmaster snapped her fingers and became a mirror image of Filia, except for the demonic eyes. Filia felt her jaw drop. Wh-what?

"The sex was much more enjoyable when I became you. Why is that, I wonder?"

Filia felt her face flame up again. "I…I have no…no idea! You're asking me…as if I knew what goes on in-in his mind!"

"But you do."


Beastmaster reverted back to herself and she smirked. "Your dream last night was no coincidence. Everything he was doing to me that he thought he was doing to you… I transferred it into your dreams. And you seemed just as affected as he was."


Beastmaster placed a hand on Filia's flaming face. "Fret not, my dear. It was only a little experiment to see how far a Mazoku and a Golden Dragon's feelings went for each other. Both of you have denied it, expertly." She traced a fingernail across Filia's jaw. "But, although you may have convinced yourselves, you have not convinced me."

Beastmaster chuckled and took a step away from Filia. "I wonder how far this game will go? Are there truly deeper emotions between you two, or are you both just lusty for each other? A Mazoku and a Golden Dragon. This just may be the cataclysm that ends the war between our races." She turned around and began to vanish. "Just don't forget one thing, dear. I know the truth about the gods and monsters that Valgaav and Dark Star spoke of. And Mazoku, despite their efforts otherwise, do feel love."

And with that, she vanished completely, leaving a stunned Filia gawking at the place Beastmaster just stood. "The truth about the gods and monsters? What did that have to do with Mazoku's feeling love…?"

There is no truly evil or truly good. You know this from your own race, which annihilated the Ancient Dragons. If the children of the gods can be evil and cruel, then why can't the children of the demons feel love?

* * *


A blast detonated in the streets, creating a cloud of smoke and fire that illuminated the man floating above it. Xellos sighed as he drifted in the winds of the blast above of Saillune. Why had Lord Beastmaster sent him on this little excursion? Another explosion resounded beneath him.

"Go wreak some havoc on the streets of Saillune. That should keep you occupied for a while, my little wolf. I have business to attend to."

"But, Lord Beastmaster…"


"Yes, yes."

BOOM! Xellos sighed. All right. So, he caused a ruckus on the streets of Saillune. The fight down there was starting to sound nasty. But what else what he was supposed to do? This was a waste of talent if he'd ever endured it. Besides… Saillune wasn't exactly the most intelligent place for a Mazoku to start wreaking havoc. Because of all the white magic circles everywhere, if you should make a wrong move, your powers would be weakened by half… That excuse alone would have made any monster avoid the city.

But there was another reason why Xellos did not particularly want to be in Saillune. And he knew she was bound to show up.

Till she did, because that was when things would actually get a bit threatening, there was nothing much to do but float and ponder the night's events. Something that was disturbing Xellos more so than any Saillune princess could ever do.

He knew he'd spent the night with Beastmaster. He was acutely aware of that. But was bothering him most was why it was bothering him at all. He shouldn't care. He could sleep with anyone and anything he liked. That was one of the privileges of being a Mazoku. No inhibitions. But something about the night he spent with her kept making him uncomfortable. There was something just not right about it…


Xellos was abruptly pulled from his thoughts when a large breasted princess came down atop him, her heels digging into his stomach as they both crashed to the floor. His eyes were now swirling, and his head was pounding as if a sledgehammer were beating on it; he really didn't know what hit him…until he heard the tirade…

"Mr. Xellos! Now I know who is behind this ruckus in the Market Place! I come, rushing out here to do justice against evil doers and the only one I find, floating above the entire mess, is the one of the most evil of the evil doers. And I know him for the love of heaven! Mr. Xellos! What on earth are you doing in Saillune, and why are you causing such a mess?!"

Xellos gave Amelia a crooked smile. "Sore wa himitsu-"


A vein pulsed in the fist Amelia just punched Xellos with. "Don't give me that crap, Mr. Xellos! Just tell me why you're floating around Saillune, tormenting everyone and playing tricks, when you KNOW I'm here?"

Xellos rubbed his jaw. "Truthfully, Amelia? I'm not sure. Lord Beastmaster gave me the order to wreak some havoc in Saillune, and she didn't specify why. I was pondering that very thing before you knocked me out of the air."

Amelia blinked down at him. "Really?"

Xellos nodded. Amelia sighed and rolled off of him. "Well, if YOU don't even know why you're here, there isn't much I can lecture about, huh? Except maybe your rights as a union laborer…"

"I'm not a union laborer, Amelia."

She sighed. "How about your rights as an employee? The right to know the reason you're going to do the things you do."

Xellos only shook his head as he looked at her. It had been six months since he'd last seen anyone except Filia. Amelia had gotten taller. He'd also clearly caught her in the middle of something, because she was still in princess garb. Xellos rubbed his abs. She'd dug her high heels into him, but good.

"You know, Mr. Xellos, catching you off guard there was a bit too easy. Are you all right? Even Mazoku should look after themselves, you know. Are you sick?"

Xellos shook his head. "Not that I know of. I was only lost in thought. Thinking about something that happened last night."

Amelia shrugged. "Well, I know not to bother and ask. But I will ask this much. Was it a disturbing dream, because there are actual remedies to stop nightmares, you know. But then again, Mazoku probably like nightmares, huh?"

"A dream…?" It was then that it hit Xellos. He'd completely forgotten about the dream he'd had the night before…about…Filia. Oh, shit. He probably could guess where Beastmaster was now!

"Uh…Amelia? I have to go now. It was unpleasant seeing you again."

Amelia blinked up at him and gave him an evil smile. "But it was WONDERFUL to see you again, Mr. Xellos!"

Xellos coughed and keeled over a bit, turning pale. Amelia stood up. "Next time you plan to drop in for a visit make sure to let me know ahead of time, so I can prepare a GREAT feast and I'll serve you the BEST foods and you'll be just so HAPPY!"

Xellos heaved. "Bye…Amelia…" And he teleported quickly away.