Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Xellos and Filia: A Twisted Fate ❯ And So It Begins! Battle of Wills! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Part IV: And So It Begins! A Battle of Wills!

Despite the fact that half the store was gone, Filia reopened and tried her best to continue life as normal. Like she had told Miss Lina and Mr. Gourry. She was going to make sure that Xellos didn't bother her anymore. She wasn't even going to think about it. During the last week, while Lina and Gourry had been there, Xellos hadn't appeared and Val had managed to cope. Probably because he had Lina or Gourry to play with.

Filia was dreading the moment of his playtime because now he had no Lina or Gourry. He'd probably want his Mazoku back.

Shouldn't have even bothered worrying about it. Like clockwork, at the moment Xellos (or the substitutes Lina or Gourry) should have been there, Val began to wail the loss of his pet plaything. Filia just sighed and accepted it, picking up the baby and rocking him in her arms. There was no way IN HELL that she was going to call that stupid Mazoku back. She meant what she said. Filia didn't care if the baby cried until the world fell down; she wasn't going to summon that blasted monster!


Filia blinked, her heart pounding. No, it couldn't be… The baby abruptly stopped crying and began to gurgle happily as Filia felt someone's shadow move over her. Her body tensed. Tingles when up her spine, her breathing went shallow and her fingers were digging into the cloth that bundled the baby. She felt the heat of someone's body at her back, all her senses alive with it. Dear gods! What the hell was wrong with her?!

"Well, it seems at least someone is happy to see me."

Filia whirled around in a fury. Why the audacity…!!! "I told you never to show your face here aga-"

Her words were cut off by Xellos' mouth. Filia's eyes were wide with shock and they locked with his violet ones, dark with intent. Xellos didn't release her gaze as he thrust his tongue into her startled mouth. Filia sagged against him, losing control over her body. She felt his arm wrap around her to hold her steady against him, and felt his hand cup her rear. And still all she could do was stare into his glittering demonic eyes as his mouth moved over hers, his tongue drawing whimpers from her throat.

When Xellos eventually pulled away, but he tugged on her lip with his teeth for good measure. Filia couldn't help but moan and let him finish, because she didn't have the strength to do it herself (not to mention the fact that she was still holding the baby who had been watching the entire spectacle [not like he understood…right…]). Xellos just smiled smugly down at her and continued caressing her rump. Filia only blinked up at him for a moment, her lips tingling, until at last her thoughts broke through the haze he had created in her mind. Her face flamed up rage and embarrassment.

"Damn you, Xellos… WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" she screamed at him, shoving him away from her.

Xellos took her bellow and shove in stride. He smiled and took the baby from her arms. "Isn't it obvious?" Val only babbled happily.

Filia's eyes narrowed. That was it. If this was the game he was going to play, so be it. I won't give him the pleasure of winning against me like that! From this moment on, Xellos, we are at war! Filia straightened and gave him her best contemptible smile. She took a step toward him. Xellos moved back a step.

"Then you came to play with Val, not with me. Keep you hands to yourself, Mazoku, if you don't want them for dinner," Filia said.

Xellos stood still for a moment and then he straightened and opened his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, but Filia, I'm a glutton."

Filia only lifted her eyebrows and then turned away. She hadn't even taken a step when she felt his hand on her rump. She didn't even blink. Filia whirled around, her mace in one hand and hit Xellos clear across the jaw with it. With her other hand she grabbed Val, making sure he didn't fly with the Mazoku. Xellos crashed straight through the wall Jillas and Garbos were fixing and onto the street.

Baby Val just clapped his hands and giggled.

Filia allowed herself a smile before whirling around with the baby and heading for the kitchen.

War had been declared.

* * *

Now, this, Xellos hadn't been expecting. When he had seen Lina and Gourry pop up after what he did to Filia, he'd thought they would cheer her up so he could be in the clear to come and torment her some more. Instead, they managed to have her fighting him at every turn. Then again, it could have been Filia's own decision and have nothing to do with what Lina and Gourry did.

Xellos shook his head as he sat on the couch and watched Filia, Garbos and Jillas run around. She was completely ignoring him. And whenever he tried something that mace of hers would fly. Whether she hit him or not, didn't matter. If she did, then she was smug about it. If she didn't then before he could taunt her she was gone.

He grinned. This was getting more fun by the minute. That weepy woman from a week ago was not the Filia he knew. This was more her style. But he sure didn't think an all out war would be declared.

Oh, well. He knew what he had to do in order to get a win. So far Filia had been winning all the battles today. He just had to bide his time. Tonight would be his win.

Xellos looked down at a sleeping Filia not being able to help the smile on his face. The Golden Dragon looked so innocent in sleep, not revealing the fiery wench that was underneath. Xellos lifted his staff and let the red jewel glow, his lips moving silently in a spell. When the glow faded, he smirked and placed his staff against the wall.

Now to have his way with his lovely dragon.

He removed the covers, making sure not to disturb her, and smiled. Perfect. She wasn't wearing much already. She had on a white negligee that left nothing to the imagination. And she didn't sleep with underwear on… Just perfect. Filia murmured in her sleep, but didn't wake. Xellos smiled at her and then removed his clothes, tossing them aside carelessly. He put his hand on her long, sleek golden leg and moved his hand up, moving beneath her negligee to her waist. He moved over her and lightly nibbled on her lips, bringing up a moan from her chest as she shifted positions. His other hand slid up her body to her waist as he brought his kisses down from her lips to her jaw, neck, and collarbone…

Xellos slid his hands between her thighs, making them open with little insistence. He settled himself between them as his mouth took one of her breasts through the silk nightie. Filia moaned and arched her back slightly, but didn't wake. Xellos smiled lightly as he bit on her upright nipple. Not yet, my lovely dragon. You'll wake soon enough.

He finally pulled away from that breast and dragged his tongue to the other. His hands, which had been caressing the inside of her warm thighs, now went higher. One hand thrust through the nest of blonde curls at the apex of her thighs, while the other sought the jewel that her soft folds protected. He felt her wet heat and groaned. Was it possible she could already be that ready for him? He smiled against her breast as he licked her nipple. Or maybe you were already dreaming of me, Filia?

He dragged his body down hers, his tongue making a pathway of heat down her body. Her breaths were coming in quickly, and she was growing wetter with each touch. Xellos' hands slipped to her rear and cupped her, holding her up for the conquest of his tongue. He rubbed his face against her curls, letting his nose inhale her sweet scent, and then licked the folds apart, revealing her jewel. He set his mouth on her and drank at her nectar. And at the first rough stroke of his tongue against her, he heard Filia come awake with a small shriek of pleasure.

"Ah…?" he heard her murmur, but Xellos didn't give her time to recoup or realize what was happening. She would be his tonight.

Xellos quickly moved over her, holding her legs up and apart. Filia let out a startled cry that was quickly silenced by his lips and tongue. And the moment his tongue thrust between her lips, his body thrust into hers. Xellos looked into Filia's startled glimmering blue eyes as he began to thrust into her. She moaned into his mouth and her body gave up to the pleasure he was forcing on her. He pulled his lips away and then dragged his tongue down her neck and bit at the cord there. Filia screamed and wrapped her legs around him, her hands thrusting into his hair. Her hips began to meet his thrusts and her entire body began to react wildly.

He felt her nails rake down his back and his own body shook. He pounded more heavily into her. Her legs squeezed as she met his hard thrusts with an arched back, her entire body opening to him as she gasped and moaned. One of Xellos' hands went into her hair and pulled on it, arching her neck so he could suck on the pulse in her throat. The other hand traveled to where the bodies were rocking against each other and after one more thrust, when Xellos knew he could take no more, he gave her a rough caress with his thumb. Her scream echoed in the room and her climax pushed him over the edge as he slammed himself into her once more and spilled into her. His entire body shook with the force of it and a pleasure that Xellos knew couldn't be real rocked him to his dark soul.

Xellos smiled smugly to himself as dawn approached. The dim sunlight was just starting to peek through the window and he couldn't imagine he felt so content…and at peace. He turned his head to look at the fierce dragon woman snuggled in his arms. Her hair covered them both, to a point, and her tail curled around her legs. Somehow during the night, the tail had appeared and had provided some very interesting entertainment. A grin twisted on his face.

How many positions had they covered the night before? Xellos shook his head. Didn't matter. It seemed that despite the adventure of the night before, Filia didn't realize what had really gone on. After the first round of intercourse, he had heard no complaints, no shouts of outrage, so he had proceeded to have sex with her again. He had wanted to feel that indescribable pleasure again. And he had felt it. About nine more times.

Xellos chuckled. He didn't think that the Golden Dragon would have enough stamina to keep up with him. In fact, she had worn him out with her insatiable lust. He wasn't sure, but he could have sworn he heard her pout just before he fell asleep on top of her…and inside of her. He looked at her sleeping face, waiting for her wake up.

He had never had any inhibitions when it came to finding himself sexual pleasure. He could have anyone and anything he wanted. He was Mazoku. Zelgadis had been cute; Xellos was attracted to that demon part of him, but the golem side didn't appeal to him. Too hard for his tastes; especially since Xellos preferred being on top. Lina was adorable, but Xellos hadn't wanted to face the consequences of bedding her. Amelia would have been too masochistic on his part…and during the last six months had contemplated it occasionally. Gourry, only if he dressed like a girl again. He was amazingly sexy in a pink dress…and all that long blond hair. He smiled and looked a Filia. He did have a thing for blondes, didn't he?

He remembered when Valgaav had been fully-grown, he had contemplated giving him that proposal as well as the one to join the monster race, but had decided that it probably would have sounded more like an insult than a compliment at the time. And all the affairs Xellos had had with Phibrizzo and Beastmaster were what they were. Flings. [Sigh… what a whore…]

But this time… Xellos moved some of the wayward blonde hair out of Filia's face. What could be more sick and twisted than having wild sex with a member of the Ryuzoku? He couldn't wait till she woke up.

Xellos heard her murmur in her sleep and snuggle into him some more. He couldn't stop the smile from twisting on his face. Filia was still asleep? Maybe he had worn her out a bit more that he'd originally thought. But as he continued to watch her he realized that it wasn't just sleepy murmur. Filia stretched, arching her back as she did so. Xellos had a great view, watching her breasts trembled as she stretched and yawn, her body growing taunt and then relaxing. She murmured again then the turned, her back now facing him.

He pressed up against her back. Time to shock the poor dragon. Xellos placed his hand on her belly and caressed. And as he slid it down into the blonde curls just below he thrust his tongue into her ear.

Xellos felt Filia jerk awake.

"Hmm…?" Filia murmured still half asleep. He wasted no time. His fingers deftly parted the folds beneath the curls. But after a moment… "EEEEK!"

Xellos burst out laughing and thrust his finger into her. Her shriek turned into a quick moan as her body shook. He whispered into her ear, "Good morning, Filia," but he didn't stop caressing her to say it. He grabbed her breast with his other hand.

He heard her gasp and then let out another little moan. Xellos began to kiss her neck and her entire body trembled. He felt her melting into his arms…


Filia abruptly tore herself out of his arms and ended up landing on the floor beside the bed. Xellos looked down at her and raised his eyebrows at the nice view. Her long blonde hair was falling over her body, but her nipples were erect and peeking out through the hair. Her legs were sprawled, giving a nice glimpse of her most private area. Xellos felt his lips twitch.

Filia blinked for a moment and then reached for the covers under Xellos. She yanked them free quickly, but not before Xellos got to see her breasts jiggle with the effort. Ah…the small pleasures in life.

"Why bother, Filia? I've already seen all of you there is to see," Xellos said as she hid her lovely body from his view. He almost pouted. Instead he smirked.

Filia's face went up in flames. "H-how dare YOU, XELLOS?! I-I thought it was all a dream…" Filia shook her head. "Get the hell out before I scream the house down!"

Xellos shrugged. He was aware of his own nudity and the way her eyes trailed down his body. She was already arousing him beyond return. "You screamed all night, Filia, and no one came. I made sure that no matter how loud you got it wouldn't disturb anyone else. There's a sound proof barrier around this room. So you can scream forever and no one will hear you." His smirk turned into a sneer. "Besides, don't tell me you were dreaming, Filia. You may have been asleep at first, but everything afterwards was with your willing participation." Xellos leaned forward and grabbed her chin, making sure he looked into her flaming blue eyes. "You demand a lot from your lovers," Xellos licked her lips briefly, "I hope fulfilled all your desires."

A vein pulsed on Filia's head and fist. Xellos didn't see it coming. Her powerful fist connected with his jaw and sent him flying against the wall. All Xellos saw was a brief glimpse of pink nipple when she reared her hand back.


Xellos slid from the wall to the floor. He put a hand to his swollen jaw, but he still smiled. "Of course I did, Filia. I'm a monster."

Filia grabbed her mace and threw it at him. Xellos managed to duck out of its way, but it fell on his head after bouncing off the wall. Xellos looked at it briefly while rubbing his head. Doesn't it usually go through the wall? He looked up and saw Filia's body sag and then collapse. The hand holding the sheet around her was white with pressure, the other hand was fisted at her side. Xellos suddenly had a strange foreboding.

"Just answer me one question, Xellos." Filia's voice was clipped, hollow. "Why did you do this to me?"

Xellos didn't think about the consequences. He said the first thing it his head. "Sore wa himitsu desu." [I know this is the only line I put in Japanese, but it's so cool in Japanese!]

Filia was silent for a beat. Too late Xellos realized…that maybe he shouldn't have said that after all. Her head snapped up, her blue eyes in a fury, tears spilling.


Filia opened her mouth and let out a raging laser breath.

* * *

1 month later…

Filia's life was a mess. She stared at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe she was looking at herself. There were bags under her eyes, she looked thinner than usual, her hair was limp, and her eyes dull. All of her clothes seemed to sag on her. Even her ears drooped a little. Was this the price of dealing with a Mazoku 24:7?

After the first night together a month ago, Xellos wouldn't leave her alone. He was there every day. Not to play with Val. To torment her. She looked at her haggard image. This was the price she was paying for fighting this losing battle with him. No matter how much she beat him or cut him down with her tongue, at night he would sneak into her room and have his way with her. In the beginning she had tried resisting him, but she could never do it for very long. One touch, one kiss and she would melt in his hands, letting him do as he will. She barely slept at night, and during the day she looked after Val, did the housework, fixed both the house and store from all the damage it took from them, ran the store, and dealt with an annoying Mazoku.

Didn't Xellos ever get tired?

Filia dropped her head onto the cool glass of mirror. What was she going to do? This couldn't keep up. She hadn't eaten a decent meal in an entire month! Garbos and Jillas were getting very worried about her, but there was nothing they could do to help. Xellos just wouldn't go away. Not even for a little while. Didn't he have jobs that Beastmaster wanted him to do? Or was his new assignment tormenting her to death? If that was the case, she was amazed she managed to escape now. Filia had left him with Val and though normally she would watch over them, and make sure he nothing to the baby, she had needed to get away for a while.

If what was making him stick around was the sex at night, then why hadn't she tried to drive him away that way? She could just lie limp and not participate, or fall asleep right away so he'd get annoyed and go away. Her heart twisted. Filia couldn't do it. Everything he did brought a reaction out of her, a reaction he enjoyed, and she could never fall asleep right away. After the first, she always wanted more… She didn't want it to end…

Her eyes widened. No. This couldn't be happening… She enjoyed this torment? Filia closed her eyes and remembered the night before. Her body trembled with anticipation and pleasure. Tears slid from her eyes. A Mazoku. A Mazoku was having sex with her, probably just one of the many that he enjoyed, and she took pleasure in everything thing he did to her. No matter how twisted… Her fists clenched on her skirt as tears dripped on them. And the thought of him doing this with anyone else tore at her, making her want to crawl into the deepest darkest hole and weep for eternity. What the HELL is wrong with me…?

Filia shook her head and wiped her tears with her sleeve. She had to get her mind off of this. She looked haggard, but what did she care? Who was she going to look good for? Maybe this was Xellos' plan after all. To slowly kill her this way. She shook her head again, composed herself, and walked out. Don't think of anything, she told herself. Bury yourself in work, taking care of Val, cooking, cleaning, fixing and running the store… Just don't think about anything.

Filia walked over to where Val was, half dreading it, and half eager. She wanted to hold the baby, to feel his comfort and his warmth, but she didn't want to confront Xellos… She didn't…

"Now how did that song go?" Filia heard Xellos whisper. Val only murmured sleepily. "I doubt it will be as effective as the way Filia sings it, but I can't even attempt it if I don't remember the words…" Filia arrived at the door and saw him sitting in her chair, holding the baby as he rocked back and forth. "Ah! I remember some of it… Ahem…

Somewhere in the world, somewhere in the dark,

I can hear the voice that calls my name.Might be a memory, might be my future…"

Xellos abruptly stopped. Filia could only stare at him in shock. That-that was the lullaby she sang to Val…

"Hmmm…don't remember next stuff, but at least I can hum the tune," Xellos whispered to the baby. He began to hum the rest of the song. Filia turned away from the door and leaned against the outer wall of the room. Xellos was occasionally off-key but he hummed the entire song…

Filia realized too late that tears were streaming down her cheeks. When she heard Xellos finish, she quickly ran off and headed to back to her bedroom. She closed the door quietly and then leaned against it. Her legs slowly gave out on her and she sank to the floor, defeated.

What…what was this feeling inside…? Her hands clenched at the cloth over her heart. When she had seen him with the baby so many emotions had churned through her. She had thought she'd never seen anything so beautiful as him holding the baby so gently, she had been filled with such warmth. Filia had wanted Xellos, without him having to do a thing to her! She had wanted to hold him, to kiss him, to lose herself in his warmth… Filia lifted a fist to her mouth to silence a sob. Her sight was blurry from the sting of the salty tears. He had seemed so unlike Xellos and yet…so like himself… She had even felt a brief pang of jealousy. And even though she'd like to say it was over Val, because Xellos had been holding him at the time when she wanted to, she knew it really was because Val had Xellos' attention and she didn't. She had never seen a soft side to Xellos before.

She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly. And she hadn't seen one now! It couldn't… Xellos just didn't have the capability to be gentle. He was rude, nasty, and annoyingly cheerful… Her eyes snapped open. But even though he was all those things… In bed not once-not once-had he ever hurt her. She wasn't a human; so she doesn't feel the pain that human girls feel at the very first entry… Xellos had never hurt her… Actually, whenever he touched her he was always so gentle… He was only rough when she wanted him to be rough… And now holding Val… Filia dropped her hands on the floor and wept.

He had actually almost looked like a father!

He even remembered the lullaby she sung to Val over a month ago… Filia fell to the floor and curled herself into a ball, her body quivering. What was this feeling…? This warmth and this pain… Her eyes opened slowly, and tears dripped onto the carpet. Was she actually…

In love with Xellos…?

She wrapped her arms more tightly around herself. How could this be? How could this have happened? She'd known him for a long time, but never thought… Wasn't what she had felt before revulsion…? When had it changed to something pleasurable? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!

Filia sobbed silently against the floor, knowing that somehow, in someway, Xellos had managed to do the impossible. He had eliminated her prejudice, her disgust, and her fear…and had turned it all into his favor. He had made her fall in love with him. Something more impossible than turning the moon into the sun.

But all of this…all of this realization could have been bearable. Could have been livable and she could have dealt with it, if it weren't for one fact.

Xellos definitely didn't feel the same way in return.

Filia dragged herself to the mirror, not being able to make the effort to get up. She stared at her appearance and the lifeless expression that stared back at her. Who knew love could be so painful? She shook her head. Well, when you're in love with a Mazoku that's probably the only kind you'll feel. She knew Xellos was only playing with her. When he tired of her, he would leave. If he ever came back it would only be out of curiosity or nostalgia for the small thing they had. She was no more than another conquest to him, another one of his many lovers over the last 1,000 or so years. She sighed and pulled herself up, using the mirror as leverage.

She gave herself a small smile. What was she going to do? Was there anything she could do? Nope. Just accept the inevitability of it and try to enjoy him as much as possible. Despite all the problems he caused, she knew she enjoyed her verbal battles with him and their fights. It made being with him exciting and fun. Before she would have said he was just annoying and irritating, but the fact that she didn't ignore him like she should and rose up to the bait, only proved to her what her heart had been trying to tell her since the moment she met him.

Xellos was more than just a monster. He was a lowdown, sneaky, rude, conceited, nasty, funny, gentle, cheerful, curious Mazoku that drove her beside herself…in more ways than one.

Filia sighed. She'd just have to enjoy him while he lasted, she guessed.

But she didn't want to think about what she would do when he finally decided he had had enough of her.

* * *

Xellos was headed to Beastmaster's throne room. Filia had been acting strangely today. Now that he thought about it, he'd been so busy tormenting her that he hadn't noticed that she'd been acting strangely for a while. She didn't eat as much, she wasted all her energy during the day and he didn't let her sleep much at night. He paused for a moment. She had looked so exhausted and thin. Her clothes had looked a bit big on her. Was she losing that much weight? And why hadn't he noticed…?

He cursed and continued on his way. Why was he worried about this at all? What did he care? Because if she's exhausted and doesn't have enough meat on her bones you won't enjoy her as much, stupid. Xellos smiled. Of course. It wasn't that he cared about her; it was just that he would lose enjoyment if she wasn't up to snuff. Maybe he should have taunted her less and let her eat more. And instead of causing so much trouble, let her sleep during the day and maybe helped with the cooking a bit…

Xellos smiled crookedly. If he cooked he'd probably kill her.


He stiffened and brought his thoughts back to the present. He was already inside Beastmaster's chambers. Her cigarette was practically all cinders. He bowed deeply, but he could feel her iridescent eyes and her smirk.

"It seems as if your mind was still on your current lover, Xellos."

He smiled up a Beastmaster. "Indeed it was, Lord Beastmaster."

She smirked and stood. She slowly approached him. "I only have one question for you, Xellos. What are you trying to accomplish by doing this?" She waved a hand in the air and showed a picture of Filia. Her face thin, her eyes dull, her ears droopy and her hair limp. Beastmaster lifted her eyebrows. "Kill her?"

Xellos felt his heart constrict. He ignored it. He smiled. "Sore wa himitsu desu."

Beastmaster smiled. "I thought that would be your answer. Oh, well." She shrugged and the image vanished. She placed her hand on his cheek. "There's something I want you to do, Xellos. You have a new assignment. Depending on how well and quickly you complete it, I will let you continue your little charade with the Golden Dragon…" A white eyebrow arched. "Unless of course it isn't a charade? A vacation perhaps?" She waved the words away. "Either way, this mission must be accomplished quickly and without any screw ups. If not…" An image of Filia appeared in the palm of her hand. Beastmaster blew it and it turned to dust.

Panic began to edge into Xellos' mind. What the-? Why was he starting to panic?

Beastmaster patted his cheek. "I do hope you do a good job, my little trickster."

"Of course, Lord Beastmaster."

* * *

Filia stared out into the night shaking her head. This was the third night in a row. Xellos hadn't appeared. Baby Val had cried himself to sleep yesterday after disturbing the entire town. Filia had finally had the chance to eat…but she didn't have any appetite.

Was this it? Since realizing that she loved him, she had actually spent two blissful days with him. She didn't let him think or know that she was looking at him in a different light, she reacted the same way as always… But three days ago he didn't come. She hadn't thought anything of it at first, though she was beginning to get scared, but the day had progressed uneventful. She had actually managed to eat a decent meal that day.

But that night he hadn't appeared. Nor the day after. Val had cried and screamed until he was hoarse. But Xellos hadn't come. That night he didn't come to her either. Yesterday she really had been expecting him…but he never showed. And now tonight. Still no sign…

Filia shook her head. Well, she knew it was bound to happen… She just hadn't thought it would happen so soon…

She had to do something. She wasn't going to lie awake all night, waiting for a Mazoku who had probably found another plaything to enjoy. Or maybe he was sleeping with Beastmaster. Filia walked to her closet, wiping away the tears she hadn't noticed were streaming down her cheeks. She pulled on her clothes with determination.

It was time…to start over.

* * *

A week later Xellos teleported into the already fixed house. Amazing what they had managed to accomplish in almost two weeks without him there. He smirked. He really was problem in their lives, wasn't he?


Xellos started at the scream and turned around. He saw a woman… Baby blue hair, blue eyes. Human. A man rushed up behind her, holding up a sword.

"I…I don't know what you want, sorcerer, but we don't have anything of value!" He pushed the whimpering woman behind him. "So…please leave our house without any trouble!"

Xellos' eyebrows lifted. What? "Heh, heh. So sorry. I must have gotten lost. You see this used to be the Weapon and Antique store run by a blonde ex-priestess. She used to live here with her employees and child." He looked around. Nothing anywhere belonged to Filia. "If she moved, could you tell me where she went? She must have moved within the last week."

The man shook his head. "I don't know what you're talking about! We've been here a month already. I'm sorry, but I don't know where this ex-priestess is."

Xellos' eyes opened and he teleported out of the room. He reappeared floating about the house, his eyes narrowed as he scouted the city.

His eyes suddenly went wide.

Gone. They were gone. Jillas, Garbos, Val, and… Filia… Gone. There was no trace of them anywhere…and he couldn't locate them.

They were just…gone…